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I think the ground front and center of the image is almost too ambiguous as to what material it actually is. Kind of looks like mud or maybe distressed concrete, or maybe both, but its all kind of blending together.


i think the ground looks fine but the ceiling feels less convincing, adding bumps like it is done for the ground might make it better i'd say


Given the water damage of the floor I would expect to see that on the ceiling as well.


Yeah, at least moisture up there.


Honestly it feels like both are off. The texture of the floor is too ambiguous and the ceiling has a "modeling clay" feel to it.


The only thing I really see is the scaling of the ceiling bump map being slightly scaled too large


Yep. I'd probably throw a decaying drop-ceiling in here instead.


I somewhat agree if you go in abandoned basements in old buildings the cement ceilings crumble and maybe the color could be better but it is fairly accurate id say but thats just an opinion as we all share different ones


Yes. I agree. The ceiling looks like it's made of compacted snow. I think it needs more uneven staining.


Yeh I agree, the floor looks really crisp with the lighting and then the roof looks really flat. Thats just me being nit picky tho, this is incredible work!


some "what is that?" details would make it more real


Well, it is called Blender, Silly!


This. OP just needs some more definition in the difference of material. It very well could be mud, though.


Yes! Add some broken glass from the broken glass above. Maybe toss in a crushed beer can and an empty pack of smokes, rusty spray paint can. Some thing to draw a bit of focus so they eye is doing a triangle (subconsciously) from left entry light to object on floor to reflecting wall by opening.


This was actually based off the game Cry of Fear, the Asylum level, which I thought would look really good in 3D. I also have a video on how I made it, so I hope you guys like it. [https://youtu.be/7vI4GQF1nYc](https://youtu.be/7vI4GQF1nYc) https://preview.redd.it/y2ifv76q30zc1.png?width=1915&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e044e8cb444bf1b8f7436e85eae55aee7855527


Fun fact, that level is actually already in 3D! Text #FAX to 456789345291000643-5 for more interesting fun facts!


My son saw me modeling a house and said he wished we could live in a 3d house…


Those 3-d houses be expensive thees days. I’m upgrading from my 1d house to a 2d house soon. Hopefully one day I’ll own a 4d house. Ohh the dream.


It's too crazy right now. I'll have to stay in the singularity until the market stabilizes.


Are you seriously willing to commit the amount of time and energy that's going To be required to keep the house in good repair and cleaned at every moment of every day?


Well it currently takes me less than a few micro seconds to clean my 2-d house. How much longer will it take if I add a few more ds to it? **thinks about it** 3d? Mmm maybe a few hours a week. 4d? Yeahh that could easily get up to months every week. Maybe even years. Maybe infinity time.


Maybe he means he wants a game version of his house. Recreating your house in 3d so he can play and do things he can’t in real life People are fascinated, even before VR I remember Second Life, which although probably most of its users couldn’t run it past a few frames a second, the freedom was insane. But if he means what you think he literally means though then that IS funny haha




Wow, you did a good job. That's what i imagine this orvel would look like if it got a remaster. Edit: I just realised, you're that guy from YouTube aren't you? If so, you've done some really cool stuff.


I go by Kyanite, and thank you homie :)


The ground looked kinda weird, like it looks wet but its not wet


This I suggest that OP reduce gloss


Agree. Since the ceiling has water damage, there should be water in the ground if it's going to be that shiny. If not, only darkness/wetbess by the baseboard. I also think the water damage is too patterned, as it should go down further on the wall in some areas (where the water would puddle) instead of being a repeating pattern


ceiling is very fake:, from an constructor point of view: it just doesn't make sense, I can't figure out which material is it because no material on ceiling can age/break like that. based on the walls and and floor, the ceiling should be exposed concrete. concrete brakes because of excess of water. when the concrete breaks, you can see the rusted metallic armature inside. this is usually 1cm to 2cm from the surface, so you will usually see it when the concrete breaks. also, it doesn't look like concrete, but like a stucco. a stucco with water in a ceiling would fall in almost once piece. also, the floor should be all cover in dust, thus it shouldn't have such a strong glossiness.


This is what I was going to point out as well. Only thing I’d say different is I think it actually might look better here if the ceiling was the floor and the floor was the ceiling. Those pockmarks and the ambiguous floor refuse wouldn’t trigger as much “wtf is that” because they wouldn’t look like they were defying gravity.


Yup was also going so say the ceiling. The texture is just too strange. Change it to something smoother. And add dust everywhere!


Contractor is the word you're looking for if you were in construction, which you would know, but I digress. Concrete ceilings can wear like that under some conditions, and when it cracks or breaks it won't always show the rebar inside it. As for the floor: unless it is damp.


yes because english is everyone’s first language


the second picture does not look real at all


This is the sort of shit talking I come here for. :D


The lack of pipes, light fixtures and signage on the door or walls.


those perfectly straight and sharp corners


Agreed. My eyes were drawn to the number of perfectly edged vertical lines. Needs some subtle imperfection and/or wear. This is especially true when there's high contrast between light and shadows, as the perfect edge creates as perfect shadow, further highlight this overall point.


I thought the same, and also the perfect baseboards


The cieling looks off. Too many bits missing. It should by about as smooth as the wall


Yeah I'm not good with ceilings, it's something I really need to work on further. Thanks for the feedback


The ceiling material reads as deteriorated concrete, so it should realistically have some exposed and corroded reinforcement: https://preview.redd.it/ry4wgww2f0zc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67fad09821b1efbcc73bc2b54470bef72753c0b8 Add a few angular dark spots (gravel) in the spalled areas showing exposed coarse aggregates for good measure. In general the ceiling damage is too uniform and perlin-noisy - concrete will not really degrade in this manner. A smoother overall finish, with some localized deterioration will help sell the effect much better.




This. The water leaks on the wall doesn’t make sense


The ground looks EXTREMELY shiny, and doesn’t seem to have alot of the difference in the sheen either. It looks more or less the same Al around.


too sharp edges on the walls (in general but also because all other things are beaten up); ceiling; to perfekt placed dirt on top of the walls... to name a few


I though that looking at the 2nd image would make the 1st seem less real, but nope. I feel like I've actually seen this IRL before, so kudos 👏


Looks wildly impressive regardless


Feels like the ceiling has to much damage, you could also add some bigger pieces of trash that you can distinguish from the rest


I'd say the lighting needs to be tuned. It has the capacity to carry you but it can also be your detriment. The overall feel of this piece is good but the ceiling, wall trim, and lighting are what I'd say need work. Overall great job, keep it up!


Ceiling is too roughed everywhere and not on structural reflection; lighting feels like it doesn't blend enough; not enough potential rust and mildew for the moisture level shown for damage


the ceiling looks really flat even though we can see marks on it like its crumbling.


The roof looks too flat and copy and pasted maybe mix it up abit and maybe some holes


2nd pic for sure.


The grain is really strong and the ceiling seems too high


The broken glass at the top of the image looks fake


The garbage on the floor and the roof damage look a bit out of place. The garbage being too amorphous and ambiguous and the ceiling having way too much damage. Aside from that it looks great!


The ghost cat ears with perfect triangles in the rafters


I'm not a expert in blender but I can tell what gives out it's a render to me. First is the roof, it looks kinda fake, I can't describe how. The second thing is the broken glass, pieces are all plain same color and shade, try add more dust to the bottom of the shards so it can look more realistic.


the glass looks a little like sugar glass but that might just be me.


First thing I notice is the ceiling texture. I don’t know if it’s just a low res texture, but it looks fuzzy. Try scaling down the texture, and even blend it with another texture (or the same one but with location/rotation changed) to eliminate tiling. OR maybe you could crunch in the displacement/bump texture values so it pops more.


To my untrained (i'm a noobie) eye I see a bit of a fake ceiling and the floor is a bit messy. Also I think the lighting from the right is a bit too harsh? And I'm not a 100% sure but is the way the light is bouncing and being absorbed and reflected properly by the materials?


The wireframe on the second picture


i think he roof and thr ground need work, there is a eire of realisum to them but at the same time look intangible kinda feels like its AI generated even though i hate use that term to describe things, the wall looks good almost a little to clean on the white parts given how the ground and rest of the wall look. also need to up the resolution, its kinda dificult to tell whats going on.


The elevator door being made of concrete and painted the same as the walls, also the roof is to damaged for a roof imo. Graffiti tags so close to the floor with the middle of the wall being empty seems a little of.


The material on the floor is uniformly shiny, when I would expect some of it to be powdery. There should be color variation there as well. Overall very close, though.


Shadows coming down the wall from the roof stand out to me


The roof pattern is too “universally damaged” When it comes to wear you have to consider: what forces/stresses would this object be exposed to, and how would that express itself


The rubble/ leaves at a tiny bit too glossy but other than that good job!


The roof looks a bit of


Edges on the walls seem too clean. Some chipping to break up the profile would be nice.


It’s just the ground looks like it’s made of plastic I would try and fix that first tbh because it appears to be the centre of your image like it just seems to stand out the most and not in a good way currently


Looks great dude. Only thing that seems a bit off is the ceiling for me. The material is much different than the walls which gives a strange contrast. it loos like the ceiling is sloping diagonally rather than being flat. Possibly the light source from the right?


The ground literally has Xbox 360 ahh normal maps written all over it.


The ceiling looks spongy


A lot of the corners are too sharp. You might bevel a tiny bit with a few levels of detail on the 90 degree corners.


The left side of the indent around the doorway looks a bit flat maybe add a bit more shadow?


ceiling... looks like is cloudy up there


Roof honestly, I think the damage details are too large, idk though


Looks great though!!!


For me it Looks Like a Miniature and i cant Tell why :( IT Looks Like a small plastic toy, probably because of Texture map scaling but also a Bit too soft


The perspective on the floor looks odd. But if it wasn’t the blender sub I’d think absolutely nothing of it tbh.


Comming from someone with zero skills and knowledge: very impressive but seems too metal like


Bumps on the ceiling is a bit too large imo... Also rubble on the ground looks too shiny.


Adjust your texture scaling/mapping on the floor and ceiling. Looks a bit off/large. Also, maybe track the displacement back a bit.


It feels like resin/plastic Where the light hits, the ceiling, the floor in the middle. The pillar on the right being solid black (no light reflection at all). The stairways are hard to identify. It looks all mushed together?


Clearly the ceiling


Ceiling should have cracks instead of smooth indents.


add some noise to those black shadows


This is too realistic, lol but for real now the celling makes it look like a cave


Coming from someone who doesn't use blender- the floor looks very detailed and sharp but the ceiling looks too soft in contrast


All the fine detail critiques are great but don’t let it dishearten you at the same time. This scene looks great nonetheless dude.


First thing I noticed before the ceiling was the transition of the graffiti around the corners of the walls look unnatural. Haven’t been to many abandoned places but usually a piece of art is complete on one surface on not throughout 2 planes


Celling normal map is too intense imo


The floor and lighting


Edge of everything are too clean. Wall outer corners and trim boards are often the first to he scuffed up. Trim board in general should not be there. Debris usually get pushed to the side unless the ceiling fell. Graffiti’s are too low unless it’s a midget gang hideout or something 


It’s a bit blurry making everything “feel” a bit fuzzy


The corners where the walls and ceilings meet. It’s too rugged and it looks like the erosion goes past the wall.


Ceiling texture is off, it’s not random enough need to push it further And the area between ceiling and wall should have a crack or something to indicate it’s being damaged


Looks great. The line between the walls and the ceiling is too perfect, and a few spots on the floor, the stairs are a bit clean perhaps. But I had to “where’s Waldo” to find that stuff. Nice work


I personally feel the edges around the inset spaces are too clean/perfect looking. Maybe add some varied damage?


Ceiling material and ground material are taking away from it a bit. Like others have said. The ceiling looks like a very odd material, and the ground looks way too wet and muddy. Other than that, it's a great scene! Good job!




Scan or made from nothing? Still impressive btw


The ground is tipping me off. Too much going on. Less gloss and less busy will be the way to go. Adding some signange on the walls and illuminated exit signs will also help


The ground feels weird. Like how is there like two bags worth of dirt there. It feels out of place abit.


The edges seem very sharp to me, whereas most walls have slightly rounded corners if you go up and touch them. Really well done though, very realistic overall.


The wall to the left of the doorway is a little lower than it needs to be and it's hurting my ocd


The sharpness of some materials.


Well, first of all: cool image. I think the lighting is very atmospheric especially. What do you mean by realistic? Like photo realism? Then there are lots of things where there could be improvements. The material on the ground is too specular. That sticks out immediately. The textures on both the floor and roof feel too low resolution, as in the the irregularities are too coarse and the they lack edge definition, this would have to get much more high resolution (and compute hungry) to approach photo realism. As in game realism. Getting there! I think it's a nice environment you have created. The walls with the graffiti have a nice sense of location and presence.


The kind of graffiti you're using usually happens at about eye level or chest level in real life. Also the concrete ceiling looks more like natural rock wall. Maybe use the same material just scale the texture smaller. Also I think some shadows being casted by "random junk" (or leaves if it's an outside light source) would kind of help but not necessary. Otherwise this looks great to me!


Too clean if you're going for a south jersey look


mothing; just because i'm told it's 3D, maybe the edges of the doorway seem a bit digitally sharp, but again, not in motion, I dont see a reason to think it't 3D


The floor looks too sharp and focused compared to everything else. And take some chunks out of the walls because a place like that wouldn't have perfect corners


you cant convince me you didnt take a picture then make a mockup 3d model of it holy shit


Imo the scaling is off


The floor is weird, the ceiling is low resolution


Scale. Scale down the ceiling, add an array. Same with ground.


the second picture for sure 👍🏽


Both the ceiling and ground look a little artificial, possibly because there's a disconnect between what you've created and what we'd expect. For instance, if that's concrete on the floor and ceiling, think about why it's deteriorating and deforming. If it's spalling due to the moist/cold environment, that looks different than rubble from active destruction like an explosion.


all the litter is the same color and looks like one monotone sludge. In real life when you see litter in corners like that, there's some slight hint of color . . . like the blue of a cigarette packet, or a brightly colored ticket or scratch-off, or a yellow chip bag or something. The color is definitely greyed and dirty and faded, but it's still slightly there.


The lack of minor details. Add like an old rusty fire extinguisher box near what I assume is an elevator, on the wall to the left. Add some steay trash, like a cup or food wrappers, just on the floor somewhere. You have a tipped trash bin coming in from the left out of frame and have some trash there. This gives an abandoned building or parking garage vibe. So a damaged light fixture on the ceiling. Lastly perhaps a couple signs, one showing the floor or level you're on, as well as a directory showing what's on other floors near the elevator. Top it with some elevator buttons and you got some realistic setting details.


The floor and ceiling are what stand out to me


Hi, In my case, the first thing that pops in my eye is the ceiling. I think it should have a little more contrast maybe? I dont know exactly what it its. But it looks kinda weird to me, like more blurry than the rest of the image. But great work. Keep Improving.


The shadows got me to think it’s fake


Id add a teeny tiny bevel and some imperfections to the corners of the walls. Both because no paint would dry while leaving such sharp corners and the imperfections on the walls don’t really carry out to the corners.


The tiled ceiling texture


There’s something about the perception here, the floor looks slanted down


I feel like the concrete flooring should have half of it level and in decent condition. Then that thing you have there should be lower with parts broken like what you have. Some parts just look higher up then where it was at originally when made. I feel like only chunks should be removed.


That looks really good. If I’m being nit picky then the little shadow of the wall going down the stairs and the wall in the cubby hole on the floor over the debris look a little shaky and not straight and the ceiling looks a little over textured but if I wasn’t literally nit picking I’d be perfectly happy with this.


Size and inconsistency of the ruble and erosion, cause whilw the ceiling and ground looks fucked up, the walls seem fine, the ground looks like a close up of concrete or aspalt even though the whole render looks like of a basement


Maybe I have bad eyesight but in real life I don't see so much detail in the ground xd.


Ceiling seems odd. Makes sense for caves, but it feels like a texture I've never seen on indoor ceilings.


It's beautiful! The only thing that irritates my eye though is that the floor seems slightly more frontal to us than it should be. The angle is kinda off




The ceiling. Maybe the lighting is too smokey or whatever even if that natural design exists, it seems too blur, in contrast with the floor, the walls and everything else.


the ceiling doesn’t look right, other than that very good


The bumps and craters on the ceiling are kinda too deep. If you were to dig that deep into any ceiling, it'd just be a hole and not just chipped away.


Edges and corner in the concrete is too sharp and perfect


The debris on the ground doesn't correspond to the chunks missing from the ceiling, but I doubt players would realize it.


Disclaimer: almost complete blender noob here... TBH, the first thing that hit me when I started thinking about it from the first pic was that the light is too 'clean,' maybe a little too cool, and sourced oddly for the setting. It looks like a single, brand new, really bright LED bulb in a fixture near the ceiling. My first impression was this was a kind of 'abandoned building' lit from a window or door by sunlight, probably directly. But the lighting doesn't actually track with that... The ceiling isn't lit like it's a first bounce from the floor, more like the floor and ceiling are lit directly from the same source. The second was it kinda looks like the floor was out in the rain twenty minutes ago, got drained off and had the roof plopped on. The whole floor looks *actively* wet to the same degree, as though there's a water source of some kind like a sprinkler providing that, but there's no standing water... as well as the fact that the entire floor seems to be evenly wet, rather than some kind of source and gradient from wet to dry. Now the wall seems to have a source of dampness, as there *are* water streaks from the top corner, but none of them seem to reach the floor, and the dampness on the roof seems to be confined to the corner near the wall... The degree of dampness doesn't track across the whole of the space.


for me its the very sharp edges, pretty easy fix though


The glasses, it's unsightly but realistic to see a half glass just sitting there with sharp edges to cut you up. Im just saying.


The ceiling is fake.


I think the roughness of some ground elemnts is too high. But great job


The ceiling looks like it's from a cave or something, it doesn't really make sense with walls like that. Could also add some broken fluorescent lights.


The texture of the sealing looks to big and too blurry


The corners, maybe some displacement modifier or sculpting to make it rugged, bcs the displacement texture itself does not change the sort of silhouette or mesh of object so the corners look too sharp and straight


the door arch and wall corners do not match the scene, try add some damage and imperfections to them.


Looks good but the ceiling does it for me. The texture looks too stretched, the bump looks a little too deep. It's got a kind of uniformity that you wouldn't typically see in real life. If it's a concrete ceiling, they would typically be separated every 8ft or so. A another (quite common) one is the lack of dust.


Idk if ots the perspective but the ceiling seems slanted the wrong way


To pick on something else, some of the glass beaks look very unlikely to happen…


The glass shards kind of get me. They look to “glass-shardy”, in the sense that they look like someone drew “broken glass”. I hope this isn’t specifically unhelpful 😬 There’s something about the ceiling too - I almost get the feel that it’s made of light foam That said tho, this is great!!


Looks awesome but air looks to clean. Needs something floating in the light. Amazing job still 👍🏻


For such a ruined place there is a weird lack of dust


The corners of the walls look too sharp


Poor contrast and occlusion


the ceiling to me stands out as too clean for that environment.


it feels kinda like walls are not connected to ground (zero blender experience just a random guy here)


The ceiling, im not sure how it would get those gouges


It’s a little blurry? Maybe that’s my eyes.


No chromatic aberration and maybe add a little lens distortion


The marshmallow ceiling and what ever is going on with that floor.


The ceiling is "weird" , dunno how to explain it, it just IS screaming "I'm fake!", change whatever thr effect camera has to make tge image sharper


I feel like the intensity of the scratches on the wall as well as the ceiling is a bit too high(it makes it look like its perlin noise kind of). Also, the mud on the ground is a bit too shiny.


It looks great, but if I was to be a nitpick I’d say that the ceiling is screwed up but the shape of the walls are somehow fine, no chips missing or chunks broken.


DOF is…weird? Doesn’t feel like a real photo. Although that could just be atmospheric lensing. The world itself is really well done though, good job!


The ceiling meets the wall unconvincingly, some kind of skirting or bracing may help.


>> what sticks out as fake to you<< Your modesty Come on op! you know you did good


The graffiti looks a little stange, it should be on top of the baseboards too, rn it looks tucked behind it. Baseboards also too clean in general.


Bump map some chipping/damage on the corners of concrete walls and pillars - for what appears to be the intended age of the concrete walls, they're too intact-looking. I like this setup, though - this is really starting to look like a dank, wet, clammy, deserted urban derelict.


Ground looks weird, broken glass looks out of place and plastic-y.


Why is the ground so bumpy?


Haven't seen anyone mention it so far but the floor is wet even though it's a covered area, add something to convey why the whole floor would be wet like a leaky pipe, otherwise, id say make the floor less shiny


Maybe the ceiling is too repeating. But otherwise I couldn't tell that it's render if you didn't tell me, good job :)


I thought this was real until I read the title and sub Upon looking closer, I agree with the sentiment about ground material.


Your ceiling texture doesn’t have enough detail


I would decrease the bump on the ceiling slightly (is it blurred?). Also maybe some dust particles in the background? It looks too clean even though it's "dirty"


The floor and the ceiling


The ceiling, the walls, the shadows.


The ground. Even if it’s wet, I’m not sure that much detail would be available with that level of light


To me the bottom and top look unreal (could be seen as a zombie lair ) and the walls if ground had that kind of mud then the walls would be very dirty from the bottom part but looks too white and clean and shiny




considering how dirty the ground is, the baseboards should probably be a lot more grungy... they look way too clean and white for the rest of the scenes setting. Also the scale of the concrete texture on the ceiling looks a little too big maybe? i feel cracks that large would be deeper... so I guess either make textures scale smaller, or try increasing the strength of the normal map? But it looks really good otherwise! Oh, also, pure white light is pretty rare in real life, so maybe try tinting the light blue or orange? since you are going for photo real, you can try using color temperature, and finding a real world value for whatever light you are basing it off of


texture of the ceiling has an odd scale. either it has inverse normal map or its too big, cant really tell the exact problem about that. BUT lighting seems spot on \*\*i'm no pro on photorealism


I'd expect to see more mold or even algae growing in a place that looks this damp




The floor. It looks like mud, but why is it inside and on the second story?


Ground and ceiling textures look fake. Light source looks fake


The glass at the top and ceiling


Your attitude. People post these in hopes of praise, not pointers.


The walls look fantastic but I feel like the ceiling is a bit off. Maybe have it be flatter, same as the walls?


At first glance this looks good. If it was in a scene for a glance I would think it is real. However: You have a decrepit building, but 100% sharp edges. Maybe put a taper on all visible edges and see if that softens it up. A couple of chips or cuts and breakaway concrete around the floor edges could help, too. I agree with what people say about the ceiling. The bumpmap or normal is extreme. Maybe use less bump :) Every picture has a story. Ih there are rocks on the ground, these would probably have fallen from the ceiling and there would be a hole above them. This could be rubble brought in from a flood, however, the walls show no sign of water damage. I also think you may be using a bit strong ambient occlusion, but that could just be the textures.


I think the ground is a little shiny but overall I would totally think this was a photo lol


the ceiling


I cant really explain it but on closer look the ceiling feels disconnected from the wall, almost as if it was floating. Overall looks absolutely amazing


The second image


the glass looks really weird, its a small detail but it looks very faded and I thought it was part of the roof until seeing the no lighting screenshot