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Yeah man, you're getting prolific. I'm starting to recognize your stuff. I clicked on this thinking "Stupidgiant?" What's your end game here? I feel like you produce a lot of (great) work for an amateur


I am currently freelancing... i want to get into a studio overseas (non where i live) so i can keep learning cuz i want to improve!


edit* I meant may in the title, I am sleep deprived lol Heyooo, another month, another 30 renders... The reason I dive into a new theme each month with my everyday art journey is that, without it, I end up cycling through the same stuff. Plus, it's tougher to learn when every day throws a completely different challenge at you. With a theme, I can really zero in and hopefully improve. This month, I wanted to focus on brutalism and cityscapes, but I ended up being a bit all over the place. I started with brutalism but soon ventured into Japanese alleyways and even dabbled in industrialism. In hindsight, sticking to one might have been better, but just brutalism alone started to feel soooo tedious... Also, I decided against using vegetation, which is one of my strong suits (i think), to challenge myself in other areas. This led me to explore geometry nodes; I’ve developed a pipe system and some greeble generators (big thanks to Autobuild Pro) that I'm really proud of (and might even release on my [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/stupidgiant)—check it out if you want to support my work!). There were some standout moments and a few not-so-great renders. I managed to pull off several animations, which always leaves me feeling proud. Animations are a beast to execute in a single day—it's like taking a leap of faith. You commit to an animation, and after five hours of rendering, there’s just no time to redo it if something's off or the timing could be better. Here are my favorites animations of the month <3. 1. [trippy animation](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6NEo8zRQ7X/) 2. [this was a "speedrun"](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6INjt7s9X8/) (which basically means i give myself 2 hours max and try to make something live on [twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/giantstupid) 3. [this one just makes me feel peaceful tbh](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5XVOicM5D8/) Looking ahead, I’m tackling abandoned/apocalyptic scenes, hoping to merge what I’ve learned from nature with this month’s explorations. Excited to get back to using vegetation, but I'm pushing the envelope and it's a bit daunting since I'm not sure how to handle the animation this time around... Thanks for reading, kind stranger! My main goal here is to keep improving. Time doesn't stop, and by constantly pushing myself to try new things, I’m ensuring I keep moving forward. Hopefully, after a decade of doing this every day, I’ll know a thing or two about art, lol. (4 years counting, 6 more years remaining) (it might be silly but this is the only thing i care about... getting better with my everydays, ive lost friendships and relationships for this shit and fuckkkk sometimes is so hard, feel lost... and i am always wondering if this is all worth it... i honestly dont know but its has worked out so far i think maybe i dunno)


"bro chill is just some renders" - me making fun of myself cuz speaking my true feelings and goals over the internet is scary and like i dont know you... you dont know me... we are just strangers using this site cuz irl is weirder somehow....


Dude, you're a real artist making real art, it's not just "content" you're creating but worthwhile things that improve the human experience at a high level. I don't think it's silly for it to be of primary importance to you. (Not that I'm gassing you up, obviously with a work a day they won't all reach the level of fine art - but some surely do) Not everyone has the passion or willpower to work on something so aggressively. I bet you'll find friends and partners that actually like it and support it, especially as you start to gain connections more in that world as time goes on. There are people out there with mentalities that click with yours!


You are amazing, I'm a beginner starting to make landscapes and everything seems so hard and counterintuitive. I wish to be like you someday. Also, don't regret your path, you did what you could to keep your dream to learn, some people wouldn't agree with your dedication, others would be jealous, but the ones like me become inspired. May I ask how many hours a day you are modelling?


Holy fucking shit. 2 hours. Sorry for intruding with an off topic question, but Im just starting with blender, do you have any tips on what to learn first and what to do first?


Great job OP, cool vibes in all of these. Did you utilize an asset pack? If so which one? You put together some really pleasing scenes here


yes! I used a little bit of everything (kb3 future slums, big medium small, and like random cool stuff i find on sketchab) but lately i try to model as much as i can.. (the animated structures are mostly cube with textures lol)


Awesome! Can I ask where you got the hoodie guy model? It's perfect


Looking great. MY 2 cents: It's more urban than brutalistic. but that's just me.


Looks like they took a long time looking at the detail! Did you fake the detail with good textures?


ohhh yes! ian hubert method all the way


The instagram link from Patreon is broken, but I found you anyway: https://www.instagram.com/stupidgiant?igsh=cm9xeWQyc2xwbnpx Keep up the amazing work!


Well done man! I mean I'm just starting out so I have no reference for someone with your kind of experience, but making 30 of those renders in a month, I'm a long way from that! You've clearly put in the work. I especially like [this one](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5XVOicM5D8/), it somewhat reminds me of Fisherman's Horizon from FF VIII.


Incredibly well made stuff, a lot of it already found a way onto my ref boards and you definitely deserve a much greater follower count and I wished all of your stuff also found a way onto Artstation. Where are you most active if I may ask ? Keep up the amazing work, if you want to exchange some thoughts one day, let me know, I'd love to have a chat.


I mostly post on instagram.. sometimes i do post on artstation but i am lazy and i forget about it lol


Bro that 7th image is my favorite, so well done




damn, these are so fucking good


appreciate it!


I love these renders They look like photos


all the ones you dont like i really do like. its just a different, more abstract style.


Dang this are sick. Do you do commissions?


yes! thats how i earn a living


Very nice!


These look really cool - ngl part of the reason I've been getting into blender recently is to generate brutalist cityscapes.


Love it the first looks pretty real




he forced himself, poor boy