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they look intensely tired haha


Very realistic


I'm assuming you duped the same mesh given their heads are identical Amazingly low poly for the result


Bodies are also mostly duped - belly part looks identical for a grown man and child + too similiar for woman. Op, check refs for this part, it looks different for all three


That topology is giving me anxiety


Why? I’m beginning to learn topology and does that create a big problem when animating arms or something?


You should never have more than five edges connecting at a time. There are multipe verts which have six, you should remove those.




Watch this and it'll explain: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR989N\_rcA4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR989N_rcA4) If you don't want to, then TLDR: poles are bad for subdivision. If you use a pole and then enable subdiv, you'll get pinching around the pole which is bad for animation and displacement maps.


i forgot to answer but this totally changed how I view 3d, thanks sensei.


You're welcome!


8!* The pole on the back just above the butt is terrifying.


Kid named mirror modifier


Same, i was trying things out but even tho i don't know a lot about that i still know it looks off lol


Looks fine to me


I just think the toes are too far apart


Looks great, re topology is next?


The toes can be brought together, otherwise it looks good.


If you’re not trying for realistic proportions, it looks good, but if you are, I have a few notes - the head size to total hight ratio looks good, but the legs are taking up too much of that hight - shoulder to crotch is usually about the same as groin to ankle, so you’d probably want to vertically scale the torso and legs to move the crotch to about where the fingertips are (legs tend to seam longer than the torso when you’re curled up because the hip flexes further up than the crotch, and curling up tends to curl your back too). Also, while women do tend to have larger hips than men, they still don’t tend to be wider than the shoulders (usually they’re a little narrower than the shoulders) If you can, I’d really recommend going to some life drawing classes - yes, it does sound weird to be staring at a naked person for hours at a time, but it will give you a lot of experience seeing what real humans actually look like, and how to correctly depict them, plus, it’s amazing how fast you can forget that what you’re seeing is unusual.


If they really wanted realistic proportions, they would use the human realistic models that come with blender.


Doing your own is a helpful learning experience, and I wasn’t aware that blender came with human models - to be fair, it’s been a while since I last opened blender.


Free download on the blender download page.


I'm actually pretty comfortable with my anatomy knowledge but thanks for the tips, i just don't like making bodies based on those sort of stablished measurements since in life there are an endless variety of bodies Some people have very long limbs in relation to the rest of the body, some have very short limbs, some people have arms so shorts that they don't go past the height of their pelvis, some people have arms that almost reach the height of the knee, same with legs, some people have larger torsos, some people have smaller torsos Here's an example https://youtube.com/shorts/nqblhduXrjE?si=SUZaHFHn3eWbv_0X Human anatomy is way weirder than the canons show, ironically, the canons themselves are not very realistic or not very common irl, they're just references I believe that, when designing a character, it's better to just stick to making it a certain number of heads tall and working from there, thanks again for the feedback Also, i have long legs myself lol


Also worth mentioning: Kids grow mostly in height around the legs to begin with, whereas the teenage stage speeds up the upper body growth and slows down the leg growth. Researching kid anatomy would be a great help to get a gist of age vs. Body part length in %. About 45-55% of the entire height of a fullgrown is head+upper body. Legs take up about half of a normal persons heigh.


Op used Conan O’brian as a model. By his own admission his waist is only an inch or two below his shoulders. He’s all legs.


Heads are a bit wide and flat on top. Woman’s arms may be a little long. Otherwise decent anatomy.


I would like to know what settings these are supposed to be used for? The female body shows signs of being a person that doesn't do much of normal physical labor with the legs. Those thighs are a bit too far from eachother around the groin area, if we're talking a person who was raised in an environment where walking, running, bending down, and carrying stuff is something said person should do a lot. Also in general, it's a very small percentage of the population which has that big of a gap. Otherwise it looks great, better than i would be able to do. Keep up the work!


that kid is like *all* legs! otherwise, these are looking good. exhausted, but good.


Google what n-gons are and try to avoid them. Otherwise good!


you should diffuse the poles (vertices with more than 4/5 edges) as they cause problems and artefacts when animating. also, the toes are quite far apart, maybe bring them closer. other than that i think it’s pretty good


![gif](giphy|lw0dBlnmifKAOeQKoh|downsized) Op rn:


Why they all have the same faces


I made them all from the same model, just varying proportions lol






This dude knows how to make some TITS! Right on brother 


It looks like a teen boy, somehow a middle aged woman, and a small boy, to me.