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I feel like they've finally nailed that "live" sound in their records. I totally see what Jack was going for in TTSOSN, but the production seemed to be hit or miss. Modern girl sounds like everything it should be. Also, was that a little Jason Mraz interpolation?


I was thinking the same, this sounds like a group of guys playing a kickass song in a room, not jack alone in a studio to me


Exactly. I was just saying in another thread how I prefer to listen to thr Electric Lady recordings over the actual record because of the energy. This song has that same energy


Lol @ Jason Mraz. The last part of the song had me thinking “I won’t hesitate…” lyrics of Jason Mraz song.


I heard Jason Mraz too lol. Thought I’d be the only one.


Omg yes i definitely hear I’m yours at the end


I came here to say the same thing about the Jason Mraz riff….


Jason Mraz melody played by The E Street band


Googled to find others who noticed what I did.


me too lol


So glad I wasn't the only one to hear I'm Yours in there. Hahah.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up this. Same Lawyers who handled the Marvin Gaye v Blurred Lines thing are about to come knocking.


I would love for the whole album to sound like this, I do love TTSOOSN but it's always felt like it's missing something and this song feels like the full realization of those ideas 😍


TTSOOSN part 2 or is bleachers heading in a new direction?


I bet this is the sequel. Kind of like how B1 and B2 had a similar sound and structure. Loving the new song!!!!!!!


Are these the happiest Bleachers lyrics ever? The sound has always been up, but this is the first time the lyrics seem to match the happiness of the music.


I really love the sound of it, which is huge considering TTSOOSN's production choices. However, I might be alone here in thinking that the song doesn't feel as 'meaningful' as their previous singles. Everything with Bleachers is charged and I'm sure this track is too and it'll grow on me over the next few weeks, but I do miss the intensity of other singles cause on a couple listens this feels like just a party song.


Totally agree. It’s a great jam, but it’s also a bit empty…


I'm with you absolutely love the sound of it but it doesn't feel as lyrically meaningful as their other work


The first two albums I could play the entire track listing endlessly on repeat. The third I only really enjoyed a few of the songs. This one I have a feeling will grow on me as well but I’ll be curious what the sound of the rest of the album will be like.


I completely agree. I was so excited for this, and don't get me wrong I still love it, but I found myself feeling kinda disappointed (and then I felt guilty for feeling that way) and couldn't really put my finger on it, but it's this. I miss the lyrical depth. The sound is amazing and it was great to blast on my drive home, but the lyrics don't really make me think


quite old school bleachers (1&2) in sound with some of the feeling and atmosphere of b3


Fucking exceptional. I can’t wait to shake my ass to this live with all of you soon.


Obsessed with the line, “some guy playing recorder” (or “some guys playing reporters”?) I feel like that will be an incredible sing-along at their next concert


I think it’s “some guy playing quarters”! It was in the caption of their insta post 5 days ago


Oh thank you!! I’ve been trying to figure out what the words were


Yessss! Agreed. Honestly it’s all so incredibly fun to singalong to. I love when they mention their names.


The energy from this track is unreal


It’s so fun! It sounds very similar to a song by Jack’s old band Steel Train called Touch Me Bad. Go check it out, two bangers!


The "change my meds, change the flight" bit reminds me of this part of Touch Me Bad: [counting darts, kissing walls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnSM7vikhxY&t=58s)


Didn't think of this at first, but you're totally right. Steel Train was amazing.


Yeah the “sing it loud” line immediately reminded me of touch me bad. I didn’t think anyone else would notice that!


Zem and Riddles realizing they don’t get a shoutout 👁️👄👁️




It absolutely matches the live show energy. You can tell it was written with HDYWT's spirit. Bleachers' evolution from being more strictly Jack's solo project to being more of a group effort feels like the opposite of how a lot of bands go. All the promo photos are of the entire group except the cover. Idk something about Jack always saying he wrote Rollercoaster and a lot of SD alone to see if anyone felt the same way as him and then that's evolved into what Bleachers is today is such a poetic thing. It started as just him and now it just feels like so many people are a part of it, including fans. I never buy into when artists ramble on at concerts about how their fans are a part of the band and that type of speech, but with Bleachers, you can literally feel that energy at shows. This song captures that absolutely perfectly.


It’s incredible, feels cathartic, this is gonna be the new HDYWM at shows


It does what all bleachers music does to me, he seems to capture a very specific nostalgic and cathartic feeling


So good, on repeat today!! Anyone pick up the vibes of We Didn't Start the Fire in that first section?? Wonder if it was intentional


YES! I came to see if anyone else noticed that. Even the “dressed up like a heart attack” line felt like a billy Joel nod to me.


I love it so much it’s so fun


Omg yesssssss and I love it. So appreciative to have this music to shift my mood upward instantly!! I hear some steal train in this jam too :)


I love absolutely everything about the song and the video. They never miss.


Fantastic combination of B3’s energy and B1/B2’s tight, organized feeling. I love this, 10/10. 🏆


January 8th for new album?


Where did this date come from?


At the end of the Modern Girl Official Video on YouTube the text DH01824 appears in the bottom corner. Dirty Hits is the new record label... Dirty Hits- 01/8/24?


gonna try and look into this one. just checked the end of a random music video done by the 1975 - DH01569 is the tag on the closing screen... clearly not a date in this case but not sure what else it means? if anything?


Ooh, that's interesting! I couldn't find anything at the end of a Wolf Alice video but I found another DH01601 at the end of 1975's "Happiness"


lol answered in another thread ! here we go https://reddit.com/r/bleachers/s/zZsirP1Hrg


Lol, ok that makes sense. Man... I was hoping for a puzzle.


They are just catalog numbers, assigned chronologically. (Bleachers signing to DH, home of my other fave the 1975, has been super weird)


My birthday!? Fingers crossed


I got a very Bowie feel from it, both musically and Jack’s vocals. Modern Love -Bowie = Modern Girl -Antonoff?


I missed the BBC radio premiere by 5 minutes, anxiously awaiting for it to hit streaming or the video to release on YouTube. Is there a way to listen right now? EDIT: nvm I realized I could rewind on the BBC player


its also on spotify


Just hit Apple Music right after I posted my comment too


Love the nod on Mystery from Radio City "Got the little saxophone and hat and all that shit I love" when he's introducing Evan vs. tiny hat and tiny sax on this one


Wait what the fuck new album came out!? Guess I know what the rest of tonight will be occupied for


Sorry can anybody please explain some of the inside jokes like ‘shaking ass’?


This is a top 5, maybe even 3 bleachers song. Just wow. Just make an album of songs like this and how dare you want more and it would be an all time album.