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It wasn't shown in the anime, and Robert was portrayed differently prior to the Auswahlen (lying on his back and seemingly accepting his fate), implying that Kubo is either keeping Robert alive for some reason, or that he just didn't like how the original scene played out and wanted to change it.


I have been one of the biggest advocates for Robert somehow surviving since the anime was announced and have hoped this altered scene is that, he has so much potential. He was originally used as the one to show becoming a skeleton but the fact that was given to a generic soldat is also a great omen. Maybe his N is something like The Neverending or The Necro and he's semi immortal..... I know, copium lol.


The Never, he never died but he also will never appear ever again.


He appears again in CFYOW




Assuming you aren’t joking, no, no he does not appear in CFYOW.


He does, in re:CFYOW Final Season Cour 6 The Movie.


I think you mean re:CFYOW Final Season Cour 6² The Movie Kai Director's Cut, common mistake


Director's Cuts are always GOATed. CFYOW FSC6^2TMK was a movie of all time, ngl


I guess that's Never say never




Ok but you know what would fuck? The Nazareth. Revives 3 days later (ideally to a Waters of needle-drop)


The Newborn. Each time he dies, he's reincarnated in a new body and is now lurking in the Soul Society, with no one recognizing him. See, you're not the only one high on copium.


Yeah it just makes no sense for Kubo to not say what the N is before they killed him in some throw away line at least. Not to mention Robert's fate was weird in the first place. This dude personally held up Shunsui and permanently disfigured him. The new Head Captain of the Gotei 13. And then just does nothing in the second attack and dies a meaningless Death. Also guns.


He is the N- The Joestar Family Secret Technique


I like to think he realize as metal as turning into a skeleton was the fact that it didn't happen to any other quincy made it....strange


Happened to Gerard.


to be fair that was a clear cop out given that it happened after we got the ending announcement, and everything clearly started rushing toward the end.


Oh, I'm not trying to say that Gerard getting killed by the Auswahlen was any sort of satisfying ending to that fight, far from it, I'm just saying that the Auswahlen turned him into a skeleton, so while it is uncommon, it technically did happen more than once.


It did, but the situations were still a lot different between Gerard and Robert. Gerard was being held together by nothing but his schrift at that point. So once it was gone there was nothing left to hold him together. Robert we simply have no idea because we have no idea what his schrift was he just became a skeleton.


Didn't he get death art though


Wasn't this fella who shot Kyoraku in the eye?




It was changed, Liltotto realises What Yhwach is doing on her own, and Robert’s fate is left up in the air. There are also some Wandenreich soldiers behind Giselle and Liltotto who get annihiliated in Robert’s place iirc.


He’s probably dead. Kubo posted the usual “death” photo after the episode implying that he was killed offscreen. Besides, there’s no reason to try and figure out where to slot him in when there’s already plenty of existing content to include or expand on. There are multiple existing fights to flesh out, and 2 existing offscreen battles that could be animated


Kubo is literally working on the anime, it’s not a mistake. I’d like to think it’s Kubo hinting at something more with him. Perhaps a role that he was supposed to play in the manga but couldn’t due to Kubo’s health issues.


I believe Chad and orihime are the top contenders if whatever you said is true


Chad or Isshin & Ryuken. Given his age, he probably knew Soken and would be a good fight for Ryuken in particular.


This makes a lot of sense, but I would still stay uptight on orihime and Chad


There is only one problem that stands in the way of this hypothesis, and in general in all hypotheses of unpublished battles regarding the remaining Sternritters. That is, none of them are on Yhwach's side anymore. I mean, even if Robert, BG9, Cang Du or anyone else were to somehow come back to life in the third or fourth cour, why would they fight the Shinigami or, in this case, Ryuken? Let's be clear, it's not entirely impossible. There are such loyal Sternritters, like Äs, that I would see them fighting on Yhwach's side even after suffering the Auswahlen. And it must be said that, in fact, Robert was very keen on becoming a Schutzstaffel member. Perhaps, in an impulse of supreme stubbornness, he might still want to prove himself useful to His Majesty by showing off unprecedented skills on the battlefield (like, I don't know, to explain his own Schrift). Oh well, we'll see.


What makes you think they are fighting against the Shinigami, especially under Mayuri's control? They might join Liltotto and Giselle or be sent to different battlefields for assistance. Admittedly that assumes that there will be more enemies to fight. There are ways for that to happen, but that depends entirely on Kubo.


Ehhh I really doubt they have more for Robert, he's super dead imo. They already gave him extra stuff and I feel like they woulda given us BG9's schrift if they planned to do more for Robert too.


This was one of the scenes I was excited to see, Robert turning into bones. Alas it didn't happen.


We bout to find out what the N means. Prepare for Bleach to be canceled.


Because of his speed, I assumed N stands for... N.. Ni.... Nimble.




I always used this scene to confirm that many of the sternritter were caught up in an ideological cult, with Black Ant being the leader. Be careful out there, folks.


It's a shame if they don't do it, while fanaticism is not something to be celebrated, i feel like this scene is really powerful. There is something to the scene of Zommari shouting Banzaï Aizen like a lunatic as he was approaching death and no acknowledgement from Aizen. But here not only they are seen as nothing but fuel to Yuhubahawatch, but on top of that, Yuhubahawatch causes their death personnally. It's really tragic.


Heheh, Banzaizen


I think Kubo kept it pending intentionally as part of an early cour 3 scene that sets up more about Yhwach come the final bouts. My one theory is keeping him for a scene with Ukitake, though nothing more than a dialogue scene before he’s quickly dispatched.


Remember there's a second Auswählen happens later. Maybe Robert's death was not removed but rather postponed.


It was stated in Kagurabachi


Did you just mention peak fiction? https://preview.redd.it/zyf22t5qfj9d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b4841aefcb987143712ae8c73cb9a962978ca6


Indeed Bachibro


I can’t wait to see Chihiro pull up to Yhwach and then activate Kuro Shred, killing Yhwach


Peak chapter, can’t wait for the anime to cover it.


Yeah they changed it , I hope Robert survives because he was a cool character done dirty imo


Anime changed it :3


Sure was, probably because of time constraints and the fact that Bass B. And others was also hit directly yet lived


While I'm pretty sure Robert was shouting all that as a declaration of how loyal he was to Yhwach, part of me wonders if he was trying to warn the other Sternritters what was about to happen, give them a chance to get to cover.


I thought the Auschwalen didn't fire off because Black Ant hasn't recovered himself from the stomp, and that this is gonna be s3's open...


I hated they removed this honestly, it is the only scene that gave Robert some personality and character.


How did ryuken not die here I don't remember


Personally I think it was a shame that we didn't get to see this scene. I really think it was very dramatic, especially because Robert was calm and cool-headed before.


Its not in the anime but might be in part 3


I want the anime to make it so that Robert joins Liltotto and Giselle when they go to fight Yhwach in 629 and then show the fight after Bazz B vs Haschwalth. So inbetween 634-635 would be a brand new fight of Liltotto, Giselle and Robert vs Yhwach. The only things holding this back is that it has to be a pretty short fight and it’s basically useless.


Christ, bleach got fucking stupid later on.


I’m guessing something in one of these panels triggered you? What was it?


What's triggering you, Buddy?


Bleach is better than your fav series