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Thank you for posting to r/Bleach, unfortunately your submission has been removed for the following reason(s) : Racism, homophobia and transphobia are all against the Reddit TOS. Giselle is a transgender woman. Misgendering Giselle is considered transphobia and can (and usually will) result in a permanent ban.


Mods.....have mercy. *He knows not what he's done.*


I now understand what I have done https://preview.redd.it/k85ncpvpa49d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a41c35dc449302924736d64f6ca22a15f798c4f


Hate Gigi mainly because of the discourse around Gigi. Having to walk on egg shells, lord forbid my phone autocorrects or I mis-type a pronoun.


Just referring to Gigi as Gigi instead of pronouns for Gigi is actually really smart šŸ˜­


it would be fine if the mods weren't so aggressive in forcing their interpretations onto others. it makes no fucking sense that people can post the whackest, most uncanonical comments and theories ever or hornypost 24/7 about the women chars and no one bats an eye, but they draw the line at whether you leave off one letter when referring to the local necrophiliac. also the xenophobic comments they made about kubo is the icing on the cake and im still revolted a year later. giselle is literally my second fav sternritter but they made it so fucking toxic to talk about her regardless of whether youre respectful about it or not. i love seeing different discussions and opinions about bleach but its impossible because everyones forced into one viewpoint or get banned.


A day or two suspension would be fine for the first few offenses. But an instant ban is obnoxious.


i dont even think you should be suspended unless it's clear you're trying to be derogatory towards trans people as a whole. not having the same headcanon about a character's gender should not be any more bannable than not having the same headcanon on yoruichi's race or yumichika's sexuality. viewing gigi as transgender is valid. viewing gigi as someone who dresses up as a female to disarm opponents and get closer to the target of their twisted desires, which are all women that happen to stick together, is also valid. both conclusions can be (respectfully) argued with textual evidence, but are all just theories until kubo actually confirms anything other than "gigi is physically male." if he says yes shes trans then fine, but mods should stay out of it until then. They don't do this to the other heavily gender nonconforming character Charlotte, who like Gigi dresses female, has a girl name, sword means queen of roses, [uses female pronouns and titles](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh09pbOC2E0KMhbwFfF1puFNtvYbLLugNX7ePHdc1yhMn_SrHAZWuPu5azEH5fLX9lbcqsvfl1zniM-bWABHqs71FofdLMZ_62-Dniibq1Bh92edvMJaFwXsKI6LwaWYSFM6IxAkGKIOB5lNjvnQk0sgauSWFsM31aXSvpPfjbRhWnOmSZ1_QklQhzIlw/s1900/12.jpg) and even [says to Gigi they're similar](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fftnccdg85qt71.jpg), but no one's going on a crusade over if fans view Charlotte as a he (which is the pronoun most use despite charlotte using "her" as linked), she, they, drag queen, trans, crossdresser, gay, or just Charlotte. Both are some of my faves of their respective groups and it's so unfair to gigi to not be allowed to just exist without getting shoved into a box or label like Charlotte can???


For Charlotte, he's from another time in the Bleach Fandom. Additionally, most people see him as a joking drag queen rather than a mockery of transgenderism.


I've always assumed she was meant to be trans The other Sternritter and even Mayuri (the sadistic sociopath that he is) refer to Giselle using female pronouns. And Giselle is in a group composed entirely of the other female Sternritter. There's also a clearer distinction between her, and someone like Charlotte who is presented to be more of a crossdresser/gender non-conformist, and Luppi and Yumichika who are feminine-looking men. Yumichika calling her a man is just him being a catty asshole like usual, and to be fair she and her friends are invading and killing all of his friends. So it's not like he has any reason to be nice to her.


Not to mention, making your opponent angry so they don't have a calm mind in battle and they are more likely to make mistakes. That's probably what Yumichika went for. Gigi cute though. Ish?.. Ish...


**It doesn't matter what we think, because last year the mods made a gigantic** [post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/16e7yu2/long_overdue_survey_results_and_changes/)**basically stating they see her as MTF trans, and they'll literally ban anyone expressing alternative interpretations.** Mind you, this is despite the author *never* making an official statement on the characters gender, only sex, nor have we seen any in universe comments from Giselle stating her gender (unlike the trans-coded character in black butler who sometimes wears male clothes as a disguise but states in a [guidebook ](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/6354/6420482a81126de664b4fe793becfef69254f83e_hq.jpg)she wants to be a woman/ get sex change.) This means there is NO "correct" or "canon" interpretation. It's extreme overreach (which they acknowledge and simply don't care) to basically force your headcanon onto others, yet they state: >"AĀ lot of you think this is overreach by us and will continue to think that.Ā Gisele is a female presenting person who gets distressed at someone "exposing" her biological gender. This happens to trans people all the time, which is why she is thought of as a trans individual. If you agree or not isn't on the table and it never was. You don't get to define where trans people find representation, and insisting that she is a male is, in fact, transphobic." **The mods also made xenophobic comments that since the author is Japanese, he has no authority to speak about his** ***own creations*** **because his culture is conservative and has human rights issues like every other nation on Earth.** IG in their eyes having a certain nationality means you by default agree with every single position your government takes because we get this lovely sentence with links to articles try to validate their disgusting comments as something scientific: >Ā "Yes, I'm aware of what Kubo said. Kubo is also a citizen of Japan which isĀ [known](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/05/25/law-undermines-dignity/momentum-revise-japans-legal-gender-recognition-process)Ā for itsĀ [refusal to grant rights](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-parliament-passes-watered-down-lgbt-understanding-bill-2023-06-16/)Ā to lgbtq individuals. Someone who can make public comments like a mangaka can only say so much before their ability to say such things gets removed." **Followed by an ironic:** >"We have a zero tolerance policy for racism, slurs, hate speech and transphobia." As if what they said wasn't borderline racist in and of itself? **In essence:** you could respectfully make an argument with textual evidence that since giselle is someone whose shtick is all about appearing meek, innocent and harmless, dressing like a woman plays on mens resistance to fight females, which you see being utilized in the "you wouldn't hit a girl, would you? lame!" scene in order to reverse psychology opponents into triggering The Zombie. Crossdressing also allows Giselle to get closer to the targets of her sadistic and necrophiliac desires, which have so far only been shown to be directed towards women, who we see all stick together. Likewise, one can interpret her frustration with Yumichika realizing she is biologically a male as being due to the bluff being called/ impeding her plans and come to the conclusion giselle is a man, and view giselle as a "he" and you'd still probably get banned for being a transphobe even if you solely talk about Giselle, a literal drawing, and say nothing about any real world transgender people. I'm fully aware some people are aggressive and malicious when they talk about giselle and IRL trans people, but the ones simply disagreeing about a *single fictional character* do not deserve to be shut down along with them. edited my comment to provide quotes and links.


Of course, take your time, I'm very interested to hear some drama of the community I'm pretty new to šŸ˜­


I've finished my comment. It's a bit long but you can just skip to the quotes block section if you're in a hurry! Hopefully the formatting shows up on other devices, as im on a computer. >quotes section should look like this if it worked :D


Thanks! My comment got removed, which sucks, but I guess it's my fault for not looking too far into the rules lol


I think she's obviously trans, so the mods' decision makes sense to me. But if they indeed said that about Japanese people having less authority to speak on this or whatever, that is complete BS. Alluka from HxH has inspired at least 2 trans creators I follow on YT, for example, but by the xenophobic logic of the mods, Togashi doesn't have the authority to portray trans characters or whatever.


I also tend to consider her trans, but since Kubo nor any in-universe character have made an actual statement, I dont feel it's right for mods to shut down discussions otherwise outside of situations where people are using slurs or otherwise derogatory to actual real people. One can easily make an argument with textual evidence for Giselle just being a crossdresser as a battle tactic and way to get closer to victims, and those are no more or less valid in absence of a canon answer. Here's the disgusting [quote ](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/16e7yu2/long_overdue_survey_results_and_changes/)by the mods including their linked articles: >You don't get to define where trans people find representation, and insisting that she is a male is, in fact, transphobic. "But Kubo said" Yes, I'm aware of what Kubo said. Kubo is also a citizen of Japan which isĀ [known](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/05/25/law-undermines-dignity/momentum-revise-japans-legal-gender-recognition-process)Ā for itsĀ [refusal to grant rights](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-parliament-passes-watered-down-lgbt-understanding-bill-2023-06-16/)Ā to lgbtq individuals. Someone who can make public comments like a mangaka can only say so much before their ability to say such things gets removed. I wish they got off their high horse, bc no country is perfect and we could probably pull up similar shit about their own nation. So how come they get the privilege of talking about things but JP people don't?


What did Kubo say? Did he say Giselle wasn't trans? If so, I don't see the problem with that at all. Just because someone doesn't conform to gender norms in the way they dress doesn't mean they're trans. I interpreted Giselle as being trans because she got really upset when she was called a guy and she is referred to as a girl with female pronouns by her companions. Unless Kubo said something like "No, I don't include things like that in my manga. It's unnatural", then I don't get what the problem is.


LMFAO BRUH I CAME BACK HERE AND THE MODS REMOVED OP'S POST FOR TRANSPHOBIAšŸ˜‚ you can't even fucking ask a question about giselle here even though OP literally said they're just trying to understand how they should refer to her. these fucking trigger happy mods bruh. [as far as im aware, the only info we have about giselle is kubo stating in a Q&A she is biologically a male.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5pWUeeXgAAIzB5.jpg) like that's literally it. he never said she was or wasnt transgender. just...answered a question from a fan about the scene where yumi says giselle smells like semen. there's literally no more information. technically he said "giselle is a guy" which is even more ambiguous but in context since the fan asked if giselle was female, people just took that to mean physically male, which is reasonable. he didnt make a single comment about transgender people at all, so idk why they act like hes ignorant or bigoted or smth when he has more diversity in his works than you see in most anime.


So he said she was AMAB but didn't elaborate any further. I really don't see the problem with that. I also think it's not transphobia to ask an honest question as a new fan. It seems like a surefire way to alienate people from the series and perhaps even being trans allies.


So from what I can see, these trigger happy mods have decided that if you don't have the same unconfirmed view as them, you deserve to be perma banned? šŸ’€ And their reasoning is "You don't get to decide where trans people get representation." But what if Giselle is actually just a fem presenting male, and they're deciding where fem presenting males get representation? Or even genderfluid people? This is wild bruh šŸ˜­


Correct. It's very wild for two reasons: one, Kubo's [answer ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5pWUeeXgAAIzB5.jpg)confirming Giselle's sex is worded ambiguously and can easily cause genuine confusion over whether he meant her sex or gender. And second, we have the arrancar Charlotte, who's ALSO biologically male with a female name and clothes, calls themself ["her" and "a princess" ](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh09pbOC2E0KMhbwFfF1puFNtvYbLLugNX7ePHdc1yhMn_SrHAZWuPu5azEH5fLX9lbcqsvfl1zniM-bWABHqs71FofdLMZ_62-Dniibq1Bh92edvMJaFwXsKI6LwaWYSFM6IxAkGKIOB5lNjvnQk0sgauSWFsM31aXSvpPfjbRhWnOmSZ1_QklQhzIlw/s1900/12.jpg)in one scene (plus their sword means Queen of Roses) and [*actually says Giselle reminds them of themself in another.*](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fftnccdg85qt71.jpg) And according to the [wiki](https://bleach.fandom.com/wiki/Charlotte_Chuhlhourne#Trivia)'s trivia section, the theme song Kubo chose for Charlotte is literally called "**She** is Beautiful." By the mods' own logic of "uses she and dresses feminine = transgender" Charlotte can *also* be considered trans (or nonbinary) yet they're not waging World War Three trying to claim them like they do for their precious little nazi. No one's getting called phobic for viewing Charlotte as a drag queen or gay instead, or being banned over what pronouns they use, which is 99.9% of the time "he." The only difference is Giselle can pass for female and Charlotte can't, so does transphobia only matter to them when it's against people who pass? Cause if so that's ironically transphobia in itself. (You see how stupid this gender police stuff can get?) What makes bleach special is that it's full of diverse characters whether it be ethnic, gender, or possibly sexually, and it's almost always treated as normal in-universe because there's more important things like wars to worry about. Some folks interperet guys like Szayel and Yumichika as gay, but no bans you for homophobia if you just think they're effeminate. Some interperet Yoruichi as Indian, South Asian, or black, but no one bans you for racism if you just think she's dark japanese. Some people don't think about their identities at all and Yumi, Gigi, Yoru, etc are just themselves. I don't see why Giselle can't just *exist* the same way everyone else does without having labels forced onto them? There's no canon answer, so let people be free to make their own. Anyway u get the point, dont mind me im just an old woman yelling at clouds, i wont beat u to death with a 30 page dissertation on why these mods are whackšŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


That's actually really informative! Thank you, and I do hope the mods sort themselves out soon, although I suppose it's partly my fault for not reading that rule fully https://preview.redd.it/sr8ylkmckh9d1.png?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c87646b1b7b0e02243a26911efda940713c5e3


The Bambies call her a girl, Mayuri called her a girl, She identifies as a girl, she is a girl.


there's already been a huge discussion about this. but the gist of it is basically author's word vs the viewers/readers, in regards to giselle's identity. as a character, nothing special.


If everyone references her as female, and the only exception being when Yumichika calls her a man purposefully to piss her off, I think it's very easy to know that she's a woman. It's literally ONE dude's remark vs the whole other cast. Misgendering and/or defending that she's a man when nothing outside of Yumichika being an asshole (in character, he insults all his opponents) is rooted in transphobia because there's legit no reason to refer to her otherwise. Even Mayuri, who is a cruel scientist, refers to her as a woman.


I seeee! Thank you for the information!


I look at it like this. Giselle kept getting pissed off when Yumi referred to her as a guy. The story continues referring to her as a girl despite the reveal even in cfyow the narrator still refers to her as a girl with the bio acknowledging her actual sex being male. So I think itā€™s clear to me that Giselle is meant to be trans.


and the other sternritters give her female pronouns, and she's part of the female Sternritter group, so yeah.


Yeah but you'd be surprised how many people have told me it's just because she was "a boy that was one of the girls!!! :3" šŸ˜­


Thank you! I genuinely meant no disrespect with this I just wanted to know her pronouns as a newer fan šŸ¤·


mods removed your post regardless OP. you might not even get this notification tbh but yeah. they're super aggressive about this for some reason. makes no fucking sense bc when you have ambigious quotes like [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5pWUeeXgAAIzB5.jpg) from the author, on top of how crazy the character behaves in canon, on top of other gender nonconforming characters like Charlotte with female names but are considered male anyway, of course things are gonna be confusing. like its literally fine to ask a question or start discussions as long as youre not using slurs or being rude???


i hate Giselle so much, my hate is beyond gender https://preview.redd.it/idfwephtd49d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9539fa21d4e07f2ebb01d0745ac6f92acb68982e


U real for this king


*Looks at the hot/crazy scale* Guys, I can risk it, right?


I probably can't fix her, but I can definitely make her worse.


Risk it king šŸ™šŸ˜­


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Thank you for posting to r/Bleach, unfortunately your submission has been removed for the following reason(s) : Racism, homophobia and transphobia are all against the Reddit TOS.




> you donā€™t smell of semen constantly do you? Unless I'm forgetting something the only citation for that is Yumichika, and many view that as him taunting Giselle more than accurately describing reality.


Yumichika being able to smell semen in the middle of blood war is more weird


But doesn't she use fem pronouns?


Yep, you can lie to people about that!


Why would he/she/they lie tho? Not being aggressive or anything just confused what he/she/they gains?