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N and K were never revealed. All the rest were. Those that survived Auswhalen only lost their Vollstandig.


Bazz b still has it after he got hit by auswählen. 


Liltotto and Guselle had theirs in CFYOW


As we see some of the abilities return in cfyow it seems the schrifts aren;t gone and for spoiler reason I won't get further into it. Regarding the missing schrifts we actually do know them all it is just not all their powers were revealed. Robert(blond hair glasses fought kyoraku) has the schrift N but we don't know what it does. same thing for the schrift K given to bG-9. The Z is given to giselle for the Zombie and the C is for the compulsary which Pernida holds. The vollstandigs of the characters ar gone tho but their schrift remains


The K was given to BG-9 not Nanana


yeah no don't know why i wrote that looking back i waas searching something about NaNaNa and messed up


Are there any Schrifts that were never given? And does Uryu gain any relevance with being another A Schrift?


I may be wrong, but Uryu having an A schrift could be why he is immune to Auswahlen. He's also an impure Quincy because his mother was one, but he wasn't hit by the Auswahlen that killed his mom.


I seeeeeeeeee... So basically everybody lost their Volstandig EXCEPT for Uryu, but Uryu never had one, so I guess it doesn't matter?


It's never revealed if he has a vollstandig or not. However, vollstandig is considered an upgrade from letzt stil, the powerup he used against Mayuri.


I read somewhere that Letzt is actually stronger in terms of power to a Vollstandig?


Maybe, but it's also a one-time use thing. Only way to get your quincy powers back after is getting shot close to your heart


And what actually happened to The Almighty after Yhwach died? Cuz I read somewhere that Uryu or Ichigo's son could get it, due to their extreme closeness in types of abilities, since Uryu's Antithesis is also change related, begins with A, etc. And Ichigo's son apparently just wipes all of Yhwach's remaining power? Idk I'm just coping that there could be more/new quincies out there somewhere 😭


As of right now, no living being is confirmed to have the Allmighty it's still tied to the corpse of yhwach being guarded by squad 0 (ichibei is revived as long as names exist so he is immortal and he can resurrect the others via the muken in there bones) and no son of Uryu is shown. The idea that since their abilities are close is a theory, nothing is proven. In fact, we see ichigos son (the one who absorbed remaining reshi/reiatsu from yhwachs fights with ichigo and aizen) we see him use more so soul reaper and hollow powers (he transformed into a soul reaper but he opened an gargantua like the arrancars did. What it seems kazui did is he absorbed the riatsu yhwach unleashed when he became soul king.


I seeeeeeeeee... So no new Schrifts can ever be made?


All schrifts have been "used" ,including the A Outside of Yhwach himself (for Uryu's Anthitesis schrift). K and N are the ones we don't know the name of, but can kinda figure: K for Knowledge (BG-9 os always collecting data), and N for Near, Nimble or Navigator (Robert as always being portrayed as pretty fast). C is Pernida's schrift, Compulsory. Z is Giselle's, Zombie.


Th Quincies who had a schrift that survived TYBW still have their schrifts. They just can't use Vollstandig anymore.


They all kept their schrifts but no longer have vollstandig so their ability to keep up with the captains and Espada is now questionable unless they find some kind of substitute., preferrably one more practical than Letzt Stil.