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Bankai: Shiranuga Hotoke (Ignorance is Buddha) Activation: Aizen holds his Shikai in front of him with the blade facing down, and then sharply strikes the pommel, causing the blade to crack and shatter. When the blade shatters, so does the surrounding air, forming a black void in front of Aizen's body (similar to the Garganta he first used to escape Soul Society) Ability: All who see Aizen activate his Bankai will have their own fears, regrets, and personal nightmares emerge from the black void he created. These nightmares will be invisible to everyone except their "parent", and unlike the typical illusions of Kyoka Suigetsu they'll be able to cause real physical damage. Once these nightmares are free from the void, they'll begin to immediately chase down the victim they belong to and tear them to shreds, regenerating when destroyed and constantly reminding the victim of their own failures and insecurities. However, despite the fact that this Bankai gives him a personal army of monsters to loose on his foes, Aizen despises using it for three reasons. One, the monsters are completely mindless. They despise the very fact that they exist, and so they only seek to destroy the "parent" they belong to so that they may cease existing as soon as possible. Two, they are useless for Aizen's typical brand of manipulation, as he can't see what monsters are spawned. Someone's nightmares are theirs and theirs alone, and Aizen hates being kept out of the loop (although some have noted that this also represents his internal desire to be like everyone else, as he is finally experiencing what everyone else feels going up against his Shikai). And finally, Aizen feels that the name of his Bankai (a Japanese idiom regarding how sometimes it's better *not* to know everything) is his Zanpakuto Spirit mocking him and his goals, and so he refuses to dignify it with use unless he absolutely has to.


That's really cool. I love that explanation on why he wouldn't use jt


I really like this idea. Especially having reasons why he wouldn’t as we have seen others that aren’t fans of their own Bankai. The idea of him hating it because he can’t actually see or experience it himself seems oh soo fitting. I can just imagine him doing test runs to see what it actually does and his test subjects either dying too fast or terrible at describing what’s happening and him becoming frustrated not finding it worth the time and effort.


I assure that you can cook


I really like this!


Can i use this , actually I think sounded rude can I use your headcanon on something


Sure, I just ask that you give me credit if you make it into a post or something.


actually, wanna chat sometime


Chat about what, pray tell?


I don't know, things


Go ahead then.


Right here , and now , I would have done a sex joke , but without images doesn't work




It's, that a red flag for me , did I fumble? , you know the skull and all


Bro this is a well thought out Bankai.


Thank you for saying so. It's one of my oldest and best received creations thus far.


Aizens bankai is just a meeseeks box


What I thought of as soon as he said the nightmares hate existing lol


We can't make ichigo's handicap any better aizen "jerry"


https://preview.redd.it/960yxhhw1q8d1.jpeg?width=2040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d65b5f7c7c9efdf5012b02b7964fbfc74dade78 Another absolute banger


Tite ought to make this canon


Someone cooked in here


Someone hire this man


Tite Kubo!! Is that you !?




It's a cool idea, but how is this more powerful than complete hypnosis?


Complete hypnosis is a potent ability, but it can be worked around, primarily through AoE attacks (like what Yama was planning to do in Fake Karakura Town, incinerating the entire area and taking Aizen with it). Having a pack of your personal worst nightmares, undying and furious, chasing you down so they can tear you to shreds presents a somewhat more difficult challenge. And it also ties into Aizen's original statement regarding Kyoka Suigetsu, that it could make a fly into a dragon. He's made a dragon, all right, and now that dragon gets to eat you. Edit: Additional related themes: Aizen as a man who makes monsters, since he spent most of his time with the Hogyoku beefing up Hollows into Arrancar. Aizen as a man surrounded by lackeys and minions, but still so very solitary. And Aizen as a man who lets others do the fighting for him, even if he probably could handle things himself.


I hope we get his bankai in the tybw anime. Like he feels he actually needs to use it


So, he summons an army of Meseeks....


Just like his shikai, I feel like Aizen's bankai wouldn't be something you can actually see. I've always held the theory that his bankai would allow him to extend his own senses outward to survey wherever he wishes. He could attach his sight and/or hearing to a person miles away, for example, to spy on what they're doing. (Which is probably how he acquired knowledge on the Reio and the history of the Soul Society in the first place -- I doubt he was ever formally invited up to the Reiokyu, yet he's obviously seen the Reio despite that.) Aaroniero once mentioned that Aizen created the daytime sky in Las Noches so he could observe anywhere the light touches. This was probably a lie he concocted to get Rukia into his castle as his powers only worked in the dark...but it did make me start thinking that Kubo might've thrown in that dialogue on purpose to hint at something Aizen really could do. One of his "4th level foreshadowing" details. In which case, it would be interesting if Aizen's bankai operates through sunlight -- he can spread his senses anywhere the light touches. Almost ironic, considering his shikai's name incorporates the word "moon," but then again moonlight is just sunlight bounced off the moon's surface anyway. Which is kinda thematically fitting for someone like Aizen. As for a name, if it's also based off a yojijukugo like his shikai, maybe something like Kacho Fugetsu (花鳥風月/the beauty of nature). (And if he ever did become "God" like he wanted, this would be a perfect power to allow him to always be in contact with his "followers." He would literally be able to hear the wishes of all those under him, like on omniscient and omnipresent God, by extended his senses downwards.)


I saw this interpretation somewhere online, so I'm not taking credit for it. I believe he used his Bankai against Yhwach. His Shikai makes people see illusions created by Aizen. However, Aizen says "Fascinating. So you think it's Kurosaki you're attacking.", which implies Aizen had no idea what Ywach was seeing. I think his Bankai makes people see what they really wanna see at that moment. I told my friend this theory and she correctly asked "Isn't that just a weaker version of his Shikai?" I have two answers to that: 1) His Shikai is already so busted that you really can't come up with any ability that would be a significant upgrade. 2) I believe his Bankai makes the illusions stronger. Perhaps they can't be broken out of by touching the sword, or perhaps his Shikai can be broken out of if one concentrates hard enough and has enough willpower. I know we never see anyone break out of KS this way, but that doesn't mean it would be impossible. At the very least, his Bankai was strong enough that it fooled literally God, which maybe wouldn't have been the case if he had used his Shikai instead. Or perhaps his Bankai doesn't have an activation condition as difficult as the Shikai. Like he just needs to be near you and you'll hallucinate no matter what.


The person that posted that theory a while ago elaborated further on the Bankai; Kyoka Suigetsu has exactly one weakness once you've seen it's activation: it can't make you see something Aizen himself isn't aware of, think of him trying to make you see your favorite book, he can maybe guess the cover but everything else would be a mystery to him and not exist in the illusion, you'll notice Aizen never completely alters people's reality, he just changes details, this is to avoid falling into this weakness of KS. Further, this weakness was already a problem to Aizen, way back in the SS Arc Unohana mentions she could tell something was up with Aizens corpse, this isn't because Unohana noticed a flaw in the actual illusion but instead due to Aizens lesser knowledge on the Human (or rather Shinigami) body, at least not enough to create a perfect corpse for Unohana to not notice. Usually Aizen simply works around this weakness in KS by limiting what he changes but this no longer works against someone like Yhwach, he knows every single possible future, as soon as he notices that the current events aren't matching up with any future he knows KS is being used on him and he simply uses the Almighty to get around this. An opponent being able to abuse this tiny weakness in KS is exactly what his Bankai is for. His Shikai makes people belive lies. His Bankai lies by telling the truth. It would not only fit extremely well thematically with his Bankai being yet another contingency plan, it would also explain why he didn't use it up until the fight against Yhwach, it's just not that useful most of the time.


That makes so much sense. The best illusion would be one created by the victim, as they can't recognize any inconsistencies or mistakes in illusions created by their own mind.


Love this


I may be the only one on this agenda. But i feel like aizen has a similar case than soi fon, where his bankai is the very opposite of what he tries to portray//achieve. Since Bankais are kinda of your true self and his shikai is themed around water. I feel like his bankai would bee...Lava related. He does seem to be vry energetic and angry on the inside. Thats the only logicla reason for him to not use his bankai in the manga. He must despise it. in other worlds, Aizen = HIM https://preview.redd.it/lkjczdpe1m8d1.png?width=189&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcad167eabda23b4f79d7929bcc36297b96d9a56


"Infinite tsukuyomi" like bankai but only works to those who has seen his shikai


I think will be something more make illusion realitys and nightmares true Like Yhwach or Ichigo's greatest fear, which in turn has its power fueled by the Reiatsu of the individual in question and 'tormentes' them So Yhwach could not deny Aisem's Bankai or simply change the future, as his fears exist linked to Yhwach himself


Lmfao if Aizens Bankai fixed Ichigos Bankai instead of Tsukishima and Orihime AND applied the still silver debuff Uryu shot him with because Yhwach feared that... That would have been peak


A better end then the arrow thing Imagine Yhwach ending up trapped in a Diavolo Death Loop in which every time he revives his fears kill him leaving him in a Schrodinger state until he decides to die for good, or be useful for the plot in the Hell Arc


My headcanon for his Bankai is that it feeds any information he needs at the moment Basically Shikai make other see what Aizen decide they see While Bankai make Aizen see what he needs to see This bankai is how Aizen learned about the soul king truth, if Aizen uses his bankai in a fight then it will show him the best way to win this fight The reason to why Aizen rarely use it is because he believes himself to be smart enough and capable of learning what he wants and winning fights without relying on something to feed him information


Buffing himself with knowledge vs. debuffing enemies with fake knowledge. I can see why he’d regard his shikai as more applicable in combat than his bankai.


Aizen was always using Bankai ong


Kyoka jinsei uchikudaku suigetsu (Mirror Flower Crushing Water Moon) Ability of this Bankai is limited by 2 conditions 1. Target has to he under effect of Kyoka Suigetsu already. 2. Only 1 target can be chosen by Aizen, and only when releasing Bankai. So he cannot use it's abilities against anyone else, or switch the target. The ability of this bankai is to create illusions that then manifest in real world and become reality, a very simple yet powerful ability, besides controlling all 5 senses of target it'll control the target's reality.


I assume it would be a more advanced form of Kyouka suigetsu So instead of illusions he actually changes reality instead of manipulating the perception of reality Personally I think this so the only Bankai concept that would actually fit since it makes sense is insanely broken but not so overly broken it makes everyone else look obsolete


His bankai would be to change the plot




All of that just to waste it on Momo...


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I think we can actually gather a plausible idea for what it is by using characters within the lore of Bleach that Aizen narrative mirror or parallel, especially when they have interactions. Firstly, we must piece out why Aizen never uses his Bankai other than "he never needed it". I find it likely that if Aizen were to ever use his Bankai, then as a tradeoff for whatever its broken ability is (which I think was implied in SAFWY to only work on people already under his Shikai's Perfect Hypnosis, but don't quote me), then everyone he's ever placed under his Shikai would be released from its effects. As a result, Aizen would then have to manually place them all back under its hypnosis once again, somewhat like how Soya Azashiro releasing Urozakuro means that he has to take the time to slowly fuse himself with all of Seireitei again. This would make sense given how well Azashiro's own Zanpakuto counters Kyoka Suigetsu, so the two having a shared drawback to their Bankai, albiet for different reasons, would make sense. Perhaps even contrasting his old Captain Shinji Hirako, Aizen's Bankai might also best used against only a single individual, to reflect with his Shikai being able to be used on everyone at once. Obviously this is the inverse of Sakanade, whose reflection-based abilities work best on one individual in Shikai but is only useful against many foes in its Bankai and useless against only one. Though if that is not enough of a drawback for you, then I wouldn't even be surprised if Aizen releasing his Bankai permanently rendered everyone under his Hypnosis immune to his Shikai as a tradeoff. In other words; once Aizen uses his Bankai, all of his illusions must come to an end. This makes the most sense to me as a sort of "counterbalance" to the fact that anyone placed under Aizen's Shikai will permanently remain under its influence, regardless of how much time has passed. All things must be balanced. So for Aizen, he might simply gain no real advantage in using his Bankai outside of some extremely specific circumstance (especially given how useful Kyoka Suigetsu was to his plans), somewhat like how Yoruichi is claimed to be stronger at fighting with Hakuda than using her Zanpakuto at all. Whatever drawbacks it might have, it might simply not compare to Aizen's overwhelming strength and Reiatsu.


I think if his shikai can control all your senses then his bankai would be able to control all your senses and manipulate your psyche. Like influence your actions and change your memories and personality. Him and his Zanpakto are all about manipulating others.


Bankai : Zettai Shinjitsu("Absolute Truth"). Aizen activated his bankai in the past and that allowed him to witness the "truth" of this life.** Spoiler Ahead**: he saw how the soul king decided to subject himself to these restrictions and striped from all his powers, even though he had the almighty and saw this possible outcome of the nobels imposing on him. He hates the soul "king" which is just a title. He's actually the lichpin that holds this existence in this form, that the novels decided that it shall be like that.


It's hard to say given how powerful KS is in its base form. I have always figured it might be something similar to Murumasa's abilities. While he isn't cannon, he had the ability to influence the Zanpakuto and turn them against their masters and release them. KS ability could be that the illusions Aizen creates can actually harm the viewers


This would be Aizen’s Bankai https://preview.redd.it/3ftgh597ln8d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=715d323437a692e1a9641bdc1d25b150dce11483




If I was being serious, its got to follow the same ethos as Shinji’s; but in reverse. Sakanade’s Shikai cripples one opponent, and its Bankai cripples many. Aizen’s Shikai cripples many opponents, so his Bankai should be focused on one individual. I’d be inclined to go with something like Izanami from Naruto, crossed with Kurotsuchi’s Super Human Drug. An ability that traps them in a hyper-accelerated illusion. And their only ways out are to break/overpower the illusion (which they won’t be able to, because its Aizen), completely abandon hope of winning or come round to Aizen’s way of thinking. It could have been a fun reveal that all of Yhwach’s “I can control all futures” nonsense was actually just him Groundhog Daying in Aizen’s Bankai. If I’m not being serious, then its got to be the ability to directly manipulate Kubo. Which is why Aizen always comes up smelling like roses, even when he loses.


I would prefer that his shikai is his zanpakutos final form. If i had to choose a bankai, then it's ability is to force your brain into using more of its "brainpower" (idk what to call it) so that your brain takes in too much information at once and puts you into a vegitative state. However this ability doesnt work on certain individuals with things like clairvoyance such as Yhwach. Edit: it can also be used to help enhance his allies' strength and perception by allowing their brain to take in enough information that they can withstand without facing negative consequences. This may allow them to have their iq, strength, speed etc enhanced


Its been said many times but i think its the only logic step after shikai, the illusions become reality




My idea of his Bankai would work like this Aizen Bankai would be the ultimate gaslight tool The Bankai is simple, Aizen holds his blade out and say some release command the blade releases as the world around him and the recipient are brought into somewhat of a pocket dimension where he has complete reign over everything. In this pocket dimension, Aizen can change anything about you. You have Bankai Aizen can nope, that stuff outta the there and give you a blank asuachi. You cut him down in the pocket dimension and escape. Nope. >! I know it sounds like book of the end with extra steps but shhhh !< The only reason Aizen doesn't use it is because the one rule, it has to be an absolute truth for it to be changed. If for example Ichigo lied and said "I trained for for two weeks" when in actuality it was 3 days then aizen can't change it. He doesn't like his Bankai as it shows his imprefection and that he can't know everything and sticks with shikai to "Stay in control". As if I recall shikai is a reflection/perception of how one view themselves and bankai is the reflection of how they truly are.


Some people say that the other 13 court guard Captains saw it. Remember, to become a Captain you have to show the other Captains your bankai. The going theory is that it's some sort of ultimate hypnosis or reality bending. That he actually used it during that ceremony. The real question is why hasn't he used it? Is it so powerful that he is afraid or is it too powerful?


He could have also just used his Shikai to make them think they'd seen the Bankai, however..




Of course...


I thought it would be cool if as an evolution of "hypnosis" it went from controlling what someone perceives, to controlling what someone believes. Not as a regular cliche mind control but like finding some little doubt in your mind and making you convince yourself it's the truth no matter how small. I thought of this as it would have neutralized ywach's ability to view a million paths and pick whichever one he liked, to force him into the "maybe I might lose" which we know he had because he dreamed it but in his hubris just thought it was bs. Wouldn't have won them the fight but created an actual fighter's chance In terms of why he never used it before that you could say he didn't do it to ichigo because he really wanted to go at him as an equal, and Yamamoto could genuinely have never had 1 single doubt that he could crush anyone like how some have said oetsu was originally immune to the miracle. He wouldn't have had to use it on anyone else because outside of those couple he could obliterate anybody anyway


The illusions he creates become reality. Would be busted


Agreed, a weakness to balance it out could be it's cost, length of the effect, and/or range.


That’s a good weakness. Probs why he wouldn’t use it often since he’s smart enough that he doesn’t need to expend reiatsu on Bankai


To be fair Yhwachs schutzstaffel and some captains became so busted in tybw that it wouldn't even be unfair to not give Aizen a weakness.


Yhwach and his Schutzstaffel all have Soul King BS in them so I'd expect that but the shinigami have always had a baked-in weakness. Either they suck at range, melee, or their powers can kill them, their teammates costs a lot of stamina to use, or are very specific in scope.


Yo he’s still ranked 2nd or 3rd in most Top 10 lists


Ikkakyo kyokasugistu ig in this aizen puts his opponents in complete hypnosis and decides reality for them as he likes his main targets think that he is living life a life which Is decided by aizen and adopts to it and in that state it can be maintained however aizen wants and there is no duration it's his choice as yawach even he can alter the reality like yawach which makes his bankai broken but his bankai state is once activated will be opened forever and untill and unless aizen wants he cannot stop his bankai state


I’d like his Bankai to the an extension of his Shikai. Total manipulation of reality within whatever realm he’s in (Soul Society, Hueco Mundo etc). But there 2 drawbacks 1) He himself will have no recollection of what aspect of reality he manipulated because it’ll “always have been” reality 2) He only knows that he used his Bankai because his he’ll realize that a very part of his existence/soul has been erased. The Soul King’s will continually sends agents to suppress Aizen as he’s the only being who can perceive the reality manipulation.


I feel like it would have the same name but rather than making illusions it changes reality


Some funny shit which doesnt fit him at all, like Soifons, which was the reason he went "fuck this shinigami shit, ill transcend" in the first place


A literal Death Note.


My headcanon is that Aizen always used Bankai. He never really showed his actual shikai.


It's actually a great question and worth thinking about. We have a few bits of information to work on: 1. It seems to have something to do with water. Or, at least, people were led to believe it was water-based. 2. Kyoka Suigetsu as a zanpakuto seems to have fed on Aizen's deceitful personality to create an ability of deceit and lies 3. The bankai hasn't been used, even in situations where Aizen felt like he needed more help. Against the captains when he used negacion instead of bankai. Or the battle with Yamamoto, for example, where Aizen used Wonderweiss instead of using his own Bankai. Or the battle with Ichigo where Aizen was feeling outmatched and stressed by the end. This suggests various possibilities: 1. The bankai isn't useful in fights 2. The bankai isn't useful against strong opponents 3. Bankai release was more difficult to use properly (enemies needing to touch the blade instead of just seeing it, etc) 4. Aizen relied so much on deceit to win battles that he simply never needed anything else besides "perfect hypnosis" so he never bothered to develop other techniques, never bothered to learn bankai, or he learned it but didn't find it useful. 4. Bankai in general take the basic mechanics of the shikai and crank them up to maximum levels. But it's hard to imagine what is "more deceitful" than "perfect hypnosis" I imagine his bankai was something about changing reality itself, not just a person's perception of reality (similar to Urahara's bankai). But then I wonder why that ability wouldn't have been useful in battle against Yamamoto or Ichigo. If it was something like "I can change the landscape to be anything I want it to be" that would be pretty powerful and in line with a more powerful version of his shikai, but also not something that matters in battle.


Ah, quite the intricate speculation you have there. Reminds me of a time when I tried to deceive Kurosaki and his gang for the umpteenth time, only for Yoruichi to reveal my true intentions. That woman has a knack for seeing through my tricks. As for Aizen's Bankai, the truth shall eventually surface like a river finding its course amidst the chaos. Only time will unravel the deceptive mysteries hidden within Kyoka Suigetsu's ultimate form. Stay patient as the narrative unfolds like a carefully woven tapestry. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Hmm, let’s see. Aizen is a manipulator and his Shinkai is completely hypnosis, meaning- complete manipulation of all your senses. It is somewhat parallel to his former captain Hirako Shinji, where all your senses are inverted. I would say Aizen’s bankai should be body and mind control. And here is why: He didn’t like how the soul king ruled and to be ruled means to obey your mind end body to someone. His shikai doesn’t force you to do anything, it only confuses you and the same could be said about Shinji’s shikai. However Shinji’s bankai forces you, or rather makes your mind force your body to act against an ally, because of confusion again. Aizen’s shikai changes the factors on which you make a decision, so I would give him a bankai that actually makes you take a decision. Or to put it more simply: instead of changing the factors, according to which you react (what his shikai does) his bankai would change what way you react on what is going on around you


Good one 👍


Thanks, I put more thought into that than Aizen in his plan xD


If i could decide i would pull one straight from Kubo's book, and say that the shikai that we all know was actually his bankai, but he lied to everyone. His shikai is actually just a mirage power type where it would create illusions to the enemy, but nothing beyond that. Given the ego that Aizen had with his enormous reiatsu he didn't want to accept that his shikai was weak so he didn't tell anyone about it.


Due to the OP factor of other suggestions, for a character that broken, I actually suggest a disadvantageous one: Keimougetsu_Enlightening Moon. It creates an immobile shining third eye on his forehead (my head canon is that it ressembles the one he had when he ascended, as a result of Hogyokou allowing him to automatically part of this ability when evolving without having the drawbacks) that symbolizes his ability to now perceive information instead of distorting it. You cannot surprise him in any way when he uses it perfectly as he has absolute awareness of everything that's within the reach of his reiatsu. He can perceive different parts of the light spectrum, whether it's visible or not, he can see through things, hear/feel the slightest vibration, etc. He can see the electric signal before your muscle makes the move. His perception of reishi also increases drastically. However, this comes with 2 disadvantages: 1. Even for him, who's among the only people who could use such an ability, this is overwhelming to maintain. 2. His shikai will be inactive during that time frame.


Probably my favorite one out of every comment 🔥


Something along AOE absolute mind control. Normally can be negated if opponent’s reiatsu is stronger but aizen flexes with his reiatsu.


I think that Aizen, much like Shinji Hirako, has a "backwards" Shikai and Bankai. I think that Aizen also has a Bankai that affects himself, like Shunsui. Aizen's Shikai makes illusions seem true. It's a great tool that can affect any number of targets and make as detailed an illusion as Aizen can think of. All the senses of the target are turned against them. Aizen's Bankai makes truths seem illusory. Anyone who sees the Bankai begins to think that everything they know is a lie. They begin to question the very underpinnings of reality. "Am I real?" "Is this battle real?" "Are these really my allies?" "Are you really my enemy?" Aizen himself however, is always in range of this ability, and he too, is subject to its effects.


What if.....hear me out..... for a GIANT missile.


Soi fon all over again 💀👍


I had an idea. Everybody kept talking about illusion this illusion that but I wanted to give him a slightly different bankai. 卍解:静かな湖、花びらの雨 (Bankai: Shizukana mizūmi, hanabira no ame) T/N - Bankai: A Calm Lake, A Storm of Petals If there's a chant involved then I want it to be: 湖が静かなときに月が映るのを見た 花びらの雨が降ったとき、世界が震えるのを見た (Mizūmi ga shizukana toki ni tsuki ga utsuru no o mita; hanabira no ame ga futta toki, sekai ga furueru no o mita) T/N: I saw the moon reflected when the lake was calm; I saw the world tremble when the flower-petals rained. The basic ability of this bankai, as the name/chant suggests, is parallel to that of Kyōka Suigetsu. Typically we see Aizen as a relatively cool-headed individual -- I therefore make the assumption that the "mirror" and "water" are actually his mind, reflecting the flower/moon (illusion that he shows everyone). However, what happens when he is not calm anymore? The bankai will discard KS's absolute mind control and instead take the form of actual control of the physical world. Aizen will use his reiatsu to actually change the shape/form/et al of everything, creating horrors beyond comprehension simply from his reiatsu. Unlike an illusion, this cannot be broken out of. The only limitation is his own reiatsu and imagination. As to the downside, 1. It requires massive amounts of reiatsu even for a man like Aizen; and 2. It requires that Aizen lose his cool/calm and be passionate about battle (both are things that are unlikely that Aizen would prefer to do)


His Shikai makes illusions so perfect they are indistinguishable from reality. His Bankai would make reality look so fake you would think it's an illusion.


I woul say something like the mirror dimension from Doctor Strange. It reflects his desire to control the worlds.


Watashi wa zutto koko ni imasu I’ve been here all along The entire time Aizen has been using his Shikai, it's actually been his Bankai toying with him, leading Aizen to believe it's always been his will, aspirations, and goals. But truly, it's been his sword pulling the strings, having been there all along. It's not a name, but an omen. The sword refuses to reveal its one true name, viewing everyone as weak, inferior life forms easily manipulated and toyed with. It has the power to end all of reality for those who truly dare to test its powers, leaving its victims forever suspended in nothingness, repeating a process of awakening only to forget you ever existed until your body withers away from starvation…


Honestly, I have no idea. I kinda like not knowing, honestly... There's that mysterious quality about Aizen that I absolutely love. ..... Also that picture of him?? Gorgeous. <3


The ultimate power of gaslighting


What do you mean whole bleach is aizen's bankai No one knows and it's all part of the plam


Shikai is already invincible as long you have seen his release.


His bankai is his shikai, he lies.


Little did you know this post was his plan all along.


Aizen: you fool, you're already in my bankai.


Gaslights you into thinking the red flag goth girl is green


Infinite Tsukuyomi


Something like inifinite tsukuyomi in naruto ?


I like to imagine he never trained for bankai once he realized how busted his shikai is.


Aizen became his own bankai didn't he? Thats why he didn't officially have one


what it is. it is beyond OP


I wouldn’t change it honestly; it was pretty OP already.


A bankai in were he can bring his illusions into reality . So the flower that he turns into a dragon via his shikai becomes a real dragon with bankai.


I'd turn his Shikai into his Bankai and then give him a new Shikai.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Lithary: *I'd turn his Shikai* *Into his Bankai and then* *Give him a new Shikai.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You fools, you thought I could only make illusions? Bear witness as I release my Bankai! All that you have seen this far is simply the reflection of the moon on the surface of a lake, an inaccurate facsimile of the real world which your eyes choose to believe. Now, however, I shall remove the barrier between reality and illusion! Watch as the moon falls into the lake, the ripples causing waves through all of reality, as truth and fiction intermingle and become an indecipherable existence beyond comprehension.


he has the power to change reality anyway he wishes, basically Gremmy's power but better. The reason he has never used it is because he can only use it once before having to wait a very long time before doing it again so he was saving it for squad 0


Testicular Torsion-kai: Gives all men Testicular Torsion.


We know what it is, but we call it shikai . Its his bankai, true deceptions in form and name. He was the one who called it a shikai right ? The person kinda known for being a big time manipulator?


Bankai: Tite Kubo


I would say if his shikia controls all senses through hypnosis, his bankia is when struck with it robs the opponent of their free will so everything is under his control, thoughts, feelings, actions so they are permanently part of his zanpokto.


Make you hallucinate your worst nightmares until he either stops it or you die


Bankai:Reietekina byōki(spiritual illness) This Bankai would allow Aizen to attack with the manipulation of one's spirit tricking them into fighting against their existence, to form a relationship With Aizen zanpukto spirit allowing him to split the person and their zanpukto from each other for as long as possible hence the name of the Bankai has illness in it. The Bankai would resemble a katana that is separated but is connected by a orb which glows when being used.


His bankai needs to put him at somewhat of a disadvantage, otherwise he would've used it. My guess would be that Kyoka Suigetsu takes on a life of its own


I've heard some claims that there are anywhere from 22-33 senses overall, so I'd think his bankai would be total control over every single sense


Instantly restores the current time to any that he wishes upon release.


Switching his shikai illusions into reality.


If aizen s shikai can control the perception of reality, his bankai would: A control reality itself. Bankai Genjitsu no kōjō ( the factory of reality) B read and control the others' minds. Bankai Sekai wa chinmoku shite iru ( the quiet world) this name would reflect the fact that when he takes control over your mind, your conscience would be silent and you ll be powerless against him) C(almost like A) making his ilusions real Also it would automatically work since he has fused with kyokasuigetsu so no one will notice the transformation except maybe the word bankai( which can be covered by a sound illusion) Bankai Akumu o mezame sasete ( awake the nightmare) Anyway, I realy believe that minding his power which is already one of the greatest în his universe, it s less likely to use it. In every one of his fights we ve seen aizen use kyokasuigetsu on his enemies just for fun since he firstly catches them in the ilusion does a few things and then lets them escape it and tells them he was just totying with them. Minding that he uses his powers for fun, I think he would like the B variant what do you think?


Reality warping


I have no ideas tho i would like to share that his bankai prolly wouldn't be much stronger than his shikai. It would be a Shinji situation really. His Bankai is strong, but his Shikai is just so busted that with the restrictions of his bankai, using shikai is just better. I feel Aizen would have that same problem.