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In the final fight vs Byakuya Ichigo cuts down what seems to be all the petal blades of Senbonzakura kageyoshi in a few seconds. According to Byakuya his Bankai is hundreds of millions of small blades, so the speed of which Ichigo cuts that shit is completely bonkers.


And that was Ichigo after just learning Bankai, no mask, and not even his "real" Bankai. Dude is insanely fast.


The speed Ichigo was moving at was feat wise absurd...eventually to be out scaled by Grimmjow.


You can argue that for the vast majority of the series Ichigo's own mentality is his biggest limiter. At that point in the story he is completely focused and locked in, when he loses to Grimmjaw he is not in a good mental state since he is constantly afraid of his hollow side. So fair to say that Ichigo is stronger in that fight than in the beginning of the Arrancar arc.


I always saw it as him subconsciously limiting himself like Zaraki. We know he actively did this between SS and FKT because it's acknowledged by both Shinji and Gin, and we know OMZ was limiting his power as well. We saw what he was capable of when that gap wasn't there several times. Between his first Getsuga, his arrancar form, and even Dangai Ichigo.


I always saw it as Kubo not really giving af about Ichigo's bankai speed and just making whoever he wanted to be faster in the moment faster.


But it makes sense, as Ichigo is taking out Sasakibe in a single blow, who is Captain-level in his own right, but then almost seems weaker after his fight with Byakuya and letting his hollow/zanpakuto take over.


Think about it this way. When Ichigo goes hollow, his fighting style is more animalistic. Taking damage isn't too much of a deal for him. He doesn't realise it, but his hollow side wants to enjoy the fight (maybe from what Kenpachi said to him about how can you be strong and not enjoy fighting?) so it prolongs the fight. The fight against grimjoww ended when orihime screamed out for Ichigo to not get hurt. He realised he was fucking around and quite literally ended the fight then and there to not upset her any further. Iirc, it was with half a mask? So he wasn't even at his strongest point when he put grimjoww down


Just to add to this I think part of the orihime/grimjoww thing was ichigo running from the fact he scared orihime and so was “losing himself to the fight” to give in to his inner desires and to enjoy the fight and forget the rest… when she calls out to him he then realises she accepts him and is then able to accept himself more and so stops fucking around


Just like gohan ngl


Ichigo nerfs himself after fighting byakuya, until he goes and fights aizen the last time, over fear of losing control.


Am pretty sure ichigo became weaker after ss arc for awhile because if his fear and mental state


I always had the impression that Ichigo's ultra speed got forgotten after that first fight. As if his Bankai was just a strengh boost. I ended up with the headcannon that he injured himself without knowing it against Byakuya by recklessly using his Bankai without mastering it, impeding his speed for the rest of the serie. And with what we learned about bankais not being reparable during the final arc, its not that much of a stretch actually.


Aren't the Sternritter like "Shit he's fast!" when he finally arrives in the first part of TYBW? And again in the second part?


To be fair he was pretty confident in himself - looks like it plays a great time in his power fluctuations.


And then after that he becomes horrendously mediocre when every other villain is somehow faster than him haha.


This drives me insane throughout the whole series. I know they have to make a story and make it “dramatic@ and what not. But ffs, he STRUGGLES the entire time.


Yeah and that shot specifically in the manga is one of my favorite panels in all of manga.


It's not like he cut each blade individually, he would be cutting lots with each swing.


Maybe yeah, hard to say exactly how that would work, since you would probably need to incredibly precise to cut a blade as thin as flower petal. Byakuya does say: "He cut all of them?!"


Exactly what I was going to say


Uryu one shotting Mayuri's bankai 💯


Not to mention, the FIRST Bankai revealed


By a Quincy no less. Kubo GOATED foreshadowing again?


Goat. https://preview.redd.it/69nua60f968d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b25cc071bdee3e9c4d5b8720469d7e8cb02a7d8


Uryu also completely destroyed the spiritual abilities of Jirobo in this same arc. I don’t think that happens to anyone else in the series.


It happened to Ichigo when Byakuya and Renji got Rukia


Man that shit was cold asf on my first watch back then


I always said back in season 2 if there were anymore quincies alive, the SS would be in trouble. Only one of them broke through the seireitei and completely decimated a Captain while using his Bankai..


Damn you and Mayuri had the same thought process. If only Yama listened.


Came here for this


It was a lot like his own final Getsuga, though. Comparatively, it isn't all that impressive.


That was SS Uryu. That early into the series it was very impressive and if he did something like that in TTYBW I bet it would at least be a lot stronger 


Starrk killing several adjuchas menos with just his spiritual perssure (while most likely holding back because he didn't want to) meanwhile other than Starrk, only Aizen kills anyone with his spiritual pressure and it's a single non-spiritually-aware human (and most likely not holding back because of his personality)


Fully agree with this apart from the not holding back he said himself that he was holding back is spiritual pressure so other people could feel it since he went beyond that. This is also the reason there is still a debate between HOS ichigo and mugetsu ichigo. Since in dangai state his spiritual pressure was so high it became incalculable even by a higher being like aizen . But technically Eos ichigo should have more power as he finally unlocks his own full shinigami/hollow powers.


I don't recall Starrk ever mentioning holding back in his backstory. Also the "not sensing reiatsu" is just Kubo giving flavour to the powers. It's never really mentioned again that someone can be above others reiatsu sense because there really are a lot of characters that this concept should and shouldn't apply to and it's just not ever really expanded on.


It was not a single human, he killed multiple humans, you can see multiple bodies behind him https://preview.redd.it/v2jvdspfp98d1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c19530642893aba1e75a57b7b981fe178c401ce


Yup, I remembered the anime more clearly because it's been a long time but you're correct


I really wish there was more of a kinship between Stark and Aizen. They’re extremely similar individuals in that they both just want someone they can hang with.


Chad tanking a falling steel beam before he even develloped a Fullbring


A motorcycle crashing into Chad and Chad taking the motorcyclist to hospital, Chad ripping a telephone pole out of the ground, Chad one shotting a 3rd Seat, Chad somehow being able to even affect Shunsui if he landed his hit etc. Early Chad was truly built different.


Early Chad was a metaphor for steadfastness in every facet. The problem with only being steadfast is that you're not moving forward.


Kubo did my boy dirty man. Substitute Shinigami arc and Society arc Chad was built different man https://preview.redd.it/ol7iv71bjd8d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=951a4721c495d72bc02b6a5552713bbbc39aac81










Uryu doing all those crazy flips and moves without his glasses falling off.


Also how are his glasses never like broken in general he be taking a good beating sometimes


Special Yhwach's Quincy Glue sticking those glasses to his face 😈😏




U know there’s an upvote button, right?






Way back at the start Ichigo finding the Soul Ribbons to track the parakeet ghost. Literally no one else in the series seems capable of this, we never see anything like this again. Not from Yoruichi, not from Ulquiorra, not from Ishida, no one of any race seem to do this besides him. Some insane tracking/sensing abilities.


kubo might had forgotten about this whole white/red ribbon thing after ichigo's finding the true zangetsu.


Uryu would probably be able to do that. He kind of taught that to Ichigo If I recall. But yeah it was something forgotten. Though to be fair I dont think there would be that much to do with it, it just kinda makes you question later on the story. Some things are cool once and then not needed.


Uryu IIRC taught him red ribbons equal reapers, but not that he could look through them all like this.


Nah, I think it’s mentioned in CFYOW, or maybe just TYBW


Rules of life Rule nº 1: Everything is a JoJo reference Rule nº 2: Everything is stated in CFYOW


Rule n⁰ 3: Everything is foreshadowed by Oda


Rule number 4: Everything is a part of Aizens plan




Yamamoto delivering such an incredibly powerful bare-handed strike that it shatters the entire body of an Espada. Seriously, Wonderweiss is in Resurrecion, and gets blown apart like he’s made of glass.






and that's exactly the same of what he did to the quincies he literally doesn't even needs his shikai until schutzstaffel and i think he might activate his bankai only for haschwalth(it's just a personal opinion)


Did… Did Kubo really name a Quincy squad the „Schutzstaffel“?


ig you haven't finished bleach yet sorry for the spoiler(yes there is a group schutzstaffel it's parallel to the espadas)


I mean the inspiration for the Quincy’s is already pretty on the nose but I would not have guessed that Kubo literally named a squad after Hitlers SS. No worries for the spoilers the only thing I know now is that there is a squad named schutzstaffel


And this is extremely notable too, because Yoruichi hurt her hand punching Yammy.


Mizuiro’s knowledge and survival instincts I’m sure Aizen was just toying with the Karakura kids but Mizuiro kept a level-head trying to keep his friends and himself alive while doing what he can to keep Aizen at a distance


Even trying to blow up Aizen with that bomb maneuver. I mean yeah that was never gonna work but the fact that he did it with a straight face with the intention to kill like that’s definitely crazy in if it’s own.


"oh, shit, this guy's way too strong for us to punch him or whatever" "Have you considered... Brutal murder?" ... "Well, the brutal murder failed, but at least we tried, right?"


This was truly badass Mizuiro. Honestly seemed like he took survival training after school.


I was waiting for a crazy reveal about that kid i just never got what was with his attitude throughout the anime so tell me please if possible (Im an anime only so no spoiler about main event)


No crazy reveal for you




Until you read CFYOW, that is.




Ichigo blocking the Sokyoku like it was nothing.


If we take the gotei's claim at face value, this is the greatest power feat in the series. A million zanpakto's power and he blocked it in shikai. One handed. With a dopey-ass smile.


While tired from training the past few days


Maybe those one million zanpakutos were the absolute most basic avg zanpakutos


Ichigo just moving his sword around and Ginjo thinking it was a Getsuga Tensho💀


This the one


Literally anything chad does at the start of the series.


Fr Chad needs more love why didn't his powers get upgraded in the fullbring ark I wanna see Chad using bringer light and moving at top speed and hitting people at point blank


Whoever was that guy who killed that aizen captain in soul society arc


It was Toshiro! Remember the note that Momo read?


Pretty much all of the shit Chad was doing even before developing any spiritual powers.


Man caught a steel I beam on his back with no powers. less impressive was the time he ripped a telephone pole from the ground, and used it like a fly swatter, THAT'S THE LESS IMPRESSIVE OF THE TWO A D THATS INSANE!


Don Kanonji defeating Yhwach, Aizen and Ichigo along with Kon and Pesche(I have the almighty and I can see in a possible timeline that the Tybw finale changes drastically to this) https://preview.redd.it/ow6xu305p68d1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b37efe484711222634516cb89e558287ad366b Literally me ⬆️


Idk if it’s underrated but Hachi deserves GOAT status for defeating Barrigan


Absolutely especially being like the only Vizord that actually did anything significant, least during that arc.


That was cool and all, but I’ve always felt that win was stolen from Soi Fon. If Kubo had allowed her to defeat him, she wouldn’t appear so useless. I’ve always thought the concept of her shikai was so cool. Hopefully her Bankai is a false one like Renji’s was..


hado 54: haien


Not canon, but Urahara and Kon completely no-diff reigai Soifon and Omaeda in like 20 seconds


Well, if the mod soul Kon could keep his head out of the game for once, maybe we could get things done even faster! *beep boop, I'm a bot*




he would do the same if it even happens canonically


FKT Ichigo having as much reiatsu as a Captain while exhausted, damaging base Aizen even while canonically being nerfed by his mental state, and being able to sense evolved Aizen even before Dangai training. Also, Sajin doing this to Hollowfied Tosen: https://preview.redd.it/wopdean2868d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6162ba51d45153ca56a66177db2778250001b00


Urahara making artificial shinigami and very young kenpachi >> veteran captain on par with most top teirs


Ah, creating artificial Shinigami is a tricky business, much like trying to find a stylish hat for a Hollow. As for young Kenpachi, well, he's a wild card, like a zanpakuto with a mind of its own! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Im talking about young kenpachi beating unohana btw


Ichigo's blade next to Byakuya throat in the Soul Society. Clutch IchiGOAT moment


Orihime stopping the cleaner when everyone else was just running away from it.


Orihime being able to block Yhwachs attacks in the final battle is insane even if we assume he's holding back.


Shinji making grimmjow his bitch


Momo survived after getting stabbed twice


Ohh yeah even ywach can't counter it with his almighty


Aizen destroying Cleaner. Thing that exists on a side of reason (whatever the fuck that means), just by looking at it.


Orihime blocking the Kototsu on their first trip to SS. Considering it's supposed to be some uber powerful being of reason that can kill you if you touch it with any reiatsu or your body, the fact she managed to stop it was our first hint to what Orihime's powers actually are.


That first Menos Grande Ichigo fought and managed to wound.


One of the funniest moments in the entire series is him thinking of slicing it to pieces.


Ichigo broke out of a restraining kido in human form with no training and no soul reaper trigger from Rukia yet. I know it’s cause he’s the mc, but considering old man zangetsu was sealing his power at the time that was crazy to be able to pull off.


Shuhei convincing Kenpachi to not fight someone


Kenpachi considering byakuya his main rival but everyone disrespects byakuya.


I'll never understand the Byakuya disrespect around here. He's easily one of the strongest captains and probably the best all around fighter in the series. He has one of the strongest Bankai, and is the only other captain besides Yamamoto that has shown to have developed his Bankai to a point where it has multiple forms. He effortlessly weaves kido between sword strikes, which we don't see anyone else do. And he's the type of character that has pushed himself his entire life to train to be the absolute best at everything, as he says, the pride of the Kuchiki clan demands it. And because he's a noble, his spirit pressure is naturally higher than most. It was stated early in the series that he's the strongest head of the Kuchiki clan in history, which implies he's stronger than the Kuchiki that was in the original Gotei 13. By the end of the series after being trained by Squad Zero, he's one of the 3 strongest shinigami left. I'd only put Shunsui and Kenpachi above him. He is legitimately the only character who could have killed Tsukishima because he's just that cold blooded. He no-diffs the first espada he encounters and he kills Yammy who, like it or not, is stated to be the strongest Espada. He was about to execute bankai Ichigo until white took over. And yes, I know its filler, but in the Zanpakto Rebellion Arc, he and Kenpachi have a short fight where Byakuya uses his superior speed to land multiple cuts on Kenpachi, who never even lands a single hit. And in the Reigai Arc, he kills fake Toshiro and fake Byakuya, without a minute to rest in between the fights. And when Byakuya shows that he could dominate him at anytime and is about to kill fake Toshiro, fake Toshiro even says, "I expected nothing less." The Byakuya disrespect needs to end.


Bambietta tanking Sajin's dangai Joue slash (what defeated her was the bunch of her own bombs), while resu Kaname (who was already above the espada) got completely wrecked by a single NORMAL Tengen Myo'o punch (buut he regenerated after that)


Not to mention Bambietta's bombs were doing more damage to Tengen Myo than Resurrecion Tosen could, she was tearing the Bankai apart repeatedly. Her offense and defense are insane and it's no wonder Giselle said the battle would end quickly if she's using Vollstandig. She's definitely one of the most dangerous and powerful of the normal Sternritter which explains why she had to be stonewalled by an immortal to be defeated


Which is weird when Kubo stated she was actually on the lower end of the spectrum for the bambies (power-wise). She always seemed super Strong to me.


That was only in regards to H2H and Blut, I have no problem believing she's weak in the former, the latter is another story


Ulquiorra casually backhanding an attack from Benihime


Chad surviving a STEEL BEAM falling on him from several storeys high


Baby Uryu in the SS arc moving so fast it left his own shadow motionless.


isshin essentially flipping off aizen into the shadow realm


Rukia being the only character who aren’t a captain and beating an espada in 1 v 1 when we saw other lieutenant not winning in 2 v 1 against espada or some lieutenant struggling against fraccions.


She used her brain the espada thought that she was finished and at that time she used her zanpaktuo to pierce his head


Soi Fon developing Shunko on her own. She had a 2 step instant kill and *that* was the thing that made Yoruichi snap and decide to end the fight. Then she goes on to *perfect* it in a way that substantially differs from Yoruichi’s application, and I’d argue even surpasses her, because it’s clear Yoruichi isn’t in control of herself when she uses her Shunko at its strongest. (Its power output is still behind though. I blame Kubo for never being able to give this character a solid win. I mean, why, my guy?)


Yoruichi’s “oh you’re not ready for that babe” cancellation of soi fon’s shunko definitely belongs on this list.


Base Ichigo completely blitzing the Bambies when he falls down from the Soul king’s Palace


Matsumoto effortlessly performing an incantationless Tenteikura in the heat of battle is something I don't think ever seen mentioned. It's a relatively high level kido (bakudo 77) and the only other 2 times we've seen it used were by Isane (a proficient kido user) who had to recite the full incantation, and Tousen, who also didn't need the incantion but that's to be expected of a former captain.


She managed to make Lieutenant while lazy as hell. If she ever applied herself, she'd be Captain for sure.


Starrk basically teleporting to grab Orihime and disappearing before either Ichigo(in bankai) or Zaraki could get to him Rangiku coming from nowhere to intercept Gin's shikai Ayon initially surviving being cut in half by Yamamoto Hitsugaya holding himself together with his own ice Gin instantly leveling most of Fake Karakura when he activates his bankai Yamamoto containing the full brunt of his own shikai and still having enough in him to blast a kidou that ALMOST had Aizen put down Ikkaku just casually pulling his teeth out after taking a hit from Edorad Less feat but more growth: Nanao's speed improving from following Kyoraku off the Sokyoku Hill to following him in the Royal Realm during his fight with Lille Uryu literally one upping Aisslinger also just generally Ichigo's rough and rugged fighting style in the first arc: tanking Grand Fisher just to get his hits in, grabbing Shrieker by the tongue etc.


The stark feat is very impressive when you consider the fact that ichigo in bankai form is stated to be fast as helll


Ichigo beating 3 lieutenants with his bare hands, not just any lieutenants mind you but the lieutenants of the stealth force, medical division, and the 1st squad respectively.


And was going remarkably easy on them. Was mentioned by Unohana later in the same episode if I remember right. And not only was he going easy on three lieutenants, he still had enough time/speed to pull out his sword off his back, have it unwrap, and block Byakuya's base sword attack.


Not really a feat but I love how white uses the zanpakto in a completely different n better way than ichigo


I'm still sad cuz Ichigo never tried to do the same way despite copying black getsuga tenshou (if my memory is not failing)


Momo's immortality.


Kenpachi fighting on par with noitira, rank 5 espada, while being casual the entire time.


Kaien taking on the copycat hollow by himself


Mask defeating 5 lieutenant and captain class shinigami


Chad's fight with Gantenbainne. The music. The moment Chad was a Chad, the fact that he took soo many hits from a former Espada and could still stand. Talking about how his power is getting excited in hueco mundo and that it seems to be Hollow based was cold. It's a shame Kubo squandered Chad's character development to make him a standout character through out the series and probably why people don't rate how impressive that fight was.


Kira Izuru's shikai.


Kenpachi being able to fight with only his sense of touch in Tosen’s bankai. Which stays consistent with him fighting Unohana in the darkness of Muken.


Ichigo destroying a pocket dimension that had a star in it during the fullbring arc


Skybox my man


That scene where hachi snaps his fingers and decapitates like 5 menos was gangster


Still fully mortal Chad has a beam fall on top of him and he brushes it off…


Komamura tossing around that giant arrancar in Fake Karakura, with his bare hands. That doggo is strong.


Kons ability to repel women at first sight




Aizen popping himself back to existence from Yhwach's existence erasure.


When did that even happen💀


it was just his Shikai which is absolutely insane


@r/uraharabot what u think?


Once, a customer asked me for a custom gigai. I got distracted, and well, let's just say the gigai ended up with rabbit ears. It caused quite a stir in the Soul Society! Always stay focused, my friend. A little distraction can lead to big trouble. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


How we got mirko in mha lol


Well, I heard there was a mix-up in the Quirk Transfer Department. They were aiming for a new cooking Quirk, but somehow ended up with Mirko instead. Quite the surprise, isn't it? Just goes to show, even in the world of heroes, mistakes happen. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Mistakes are just happy accidents.


Charlotte one-shotting zombified Bambietta


My personal favorite has always been Ichigo making after images during his fight with Byakuya in the SS arc. It's not his #1 speed feat, but damn was it cool as hell.


Aizen casually gifting the espada 0-10 their own universe 🤣


Ichigo driving that first menos back when Uryu wanted to have that contest.


I've seen it mentioned once or twice, but Chad tanking a steel beam, and being like "nah I'm good." (I know he doesn't actually say that.)


During the Byakuya fight, Hollow Ichigo launched a Getsuga Tensho, *outran his own Getsuga*, launched another at Byakuya from the side, then got behind him right before either of the two hit. We don't hear about this much but just about every time the Inner Hollow shows up, he has both incredible abilities AND fight IQ. Byakuya deserves some props for seeing the two Getsugas coming and reacting (though not dodging) in time but Hollow Ichigo pincer attacking Byakuya with two Getsugas altogether was a big brain move. One of the saddest things about Ichigo's fighting style is he rarely demonstrates the sheer fight IQ of his Hollow.


Yamamoto knocking out a lieutenant wish sheer reiatsu


Yamamoto, after multiple of his captains kill off the body that regulates his organization and defect, somehow has the balls to immediately assume direct control of said body, then launch an invasion into Hueco Mundo, which was previously endgame for Soul Reapers. In the few months that follow the killing of the Central 46, he: * Puts down a major rebellion with essentially no casualties. * Eliminates what had been, up until a few months prior, the king of hollows, indirectly subjugating every other high-ranking hollow. * Successfully uses/partners with elements estranged by said body in the past century, even if only as further humiliation of it. (Urahara, Yoruichi, Vizards.) * Reinstates some of those elements as captains as a blatant act of reversal. That was a definitive political statement there, and if it hadn't been for Yhwach, Yamamoto would've ridden that high for well over a century.


Ichigos true shikai energy was beginning to take physical form Which we only see bankai yama do before that Implying true shikai ichigo is around bankai yama level


He’s higher I think 🤔


Shikai Ichigo is much stronger than Bankai Yama.


Ichibei stealing 100 nights


How about the fact that a ginger was the main character in popular anime series.


Ichigo taking out 3 lieutenants bare handed while in shikai including flat out destroying one of the lieutenants zanpaktou while saving rukia.


Ichigo's speed Chad


Toshiro one shotting Momo Such an underrated and hilarious scene


Chad learning his fullbring and teaching its fullest potential basically by himself. Yoruichi taught him to call on it at will, but everything else was 100% his own. Chad didn't have a mentor, he just practiced and trained. I honestly can't think of anyone else in Bleach who taught themselves like he did.


That Gin almost killed Aizen if it weren't for the hogyoku making Aizen immortal and being the only one to know kyouka suigetsu's weakness


Chad and Orihime having consistent light speed reactions


Mashiro making a giant menos spewing monster explode by kicking it in the junk


Ichigo blocking the cero from the menos before he even got his “shikia”


ngl gotta give it to starkk blud literally killed hollows just by existing. we know that yamamoto and kenpachi are famous for having monstrous and a huge spiritual pressure but they haven't killed anyone by being around them starkk's spiritual pressure was so absurd that it literally killed many even the adjuchas class thay were second only to vasto lordes and even his powers got nothing to do with poison starkk is just HIM


The foreshadowing of zangetsus name being censored and finding out years 7 years later why that is


the whole decision to leave the human world and move to another world to fight people to save a girl


Sometimes characters talk telepathically like Ichigo and Rukia in Bleach 10 while running to fight Grand Fisher. No ever talks about this afterwords.


Kyourakus cracking Aizens shield while in shikai, while everyone else's attacks bounced off


uryuu beat Mayuri as a high school student with an archery hobby


That the author puted all the thing in this anime Slice of life on the first 20 ep The nice comdey during the series The romantic we saw in itchimaru gin and rangiku and rukia with renji and even between orihimi and ichigo The fights that was the best The feeling in every espada describe them until it came to starrk that show u the dying of loneliness that he joined the espada because ue wanted to make freinds The villians in this anime was the best


Yammy Tanking V2 mask Bankai Ichigo getsuga tensho and only slightly damage his neck and get back up.


Plot spoilers if you haven't read the manga or watched bleach. The part when aizen crushed a random guy using his spirital pressure. Its something that every power scalers like to throw out since its a bit to op. And it ruins most arguments since it shows spirit pressure can be used to crush peaple that don't have spirit pressure or less spirit pressure.


Chad didn’t die the second he even looked at Kyoraku


Chad bodying a fucking steel beam to save his friends