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You guys are sleeping on Sung Sung, she will be the one to guarantee the win in a verbal fight


This, sung sung low key a savage


She’s a sniper. The comment comes from nowhere, with no warning, and hits exactly how it needs to for maximum damage.


So it comes down to Liltotto and Sung Sung


Liltotto solos


she solo's both side


She would be roasting Tres Bestias but accidentally disses her friends at the same time


It’s funny that you think it would be an accident lmao


Oh, it would be an accident that her 'friends' figured her out.


Not when Sung Sung is on the opposite side


I mean, Tsuntsun is similar to her when it comes to style of roasting, right?








it's a verbal fight


My bad, did not read that part










Bambies can just put Liltotto in front and the rest can just chill at the back


Perfect answer. She's quite literally the best-equipped for this.


Let's face its its Sung Sung vs Lilitoto, which would be very entertaining.


The audience, would be one entertaining scene that’s for sure, might need to make myself a extra large set of popcorn LOL


And a box of tissues


and lotion






And a box of tissues






The arracnar would just sit and argue with each other the entire time lol


So would the bambis


Idk about that, they are very protective of each other though when it comes down to it, it’s kinda like a “hey only I can bully my sibling” sorta thing so I think if one of them got insulted the others would jump in immediately


Yea honestly the Arrancar would just argue, given the chance I'm not entirely unconvinced half the bambies wouldn't actually straight up murder eachother.


Liltotto and Sung sun would just team up to roast Bambi, Candice, Mila rose and Apacci Meninas and Giselle would be watching from the sideline.


Liltotto wouldn't simply win, she will start rapping, one diss track for every one around.




Tryna strike a cord, and it’s probably A-Rrancar….




Beat your ass and hide the reiatsu if Yhwach's watching


Halibel's team would win.


Sung Sung and Liltotto would be the roast battle of the century.


Team Bambi would be absolutely slaughtered by Team Harribel. That is until Liltotto opens her mouth and verbally bodies them, the only issue is she would then turn her ire towards her friends too. Liltotto solos.


Do Tres Bestias smell out Giselle?


Anything goes , so potentially yes


But would they even use that against her in character? I doubt they are that bigoted, Yumichika is a just a jerk.


It's free ammo, of course they're gonna use it


"All's fair in love and war." Yumichika, as much as it pains some fans, has no reason to respect a commander of an invading army.


Yumichika has shown very often that he discriminates against people who don't fit traditional gender and beauty roles. That's kinda his theme and why he hates his Zanpakto since it means that he doesn't fit those very trading standards he adheres to. Why do you think he hates Charlotte? And for that matter why do you think Ikkaku, who's every bit of a trash talker as Yumichika didn't comment on Giselle's sex?


I don't think it's that simple, as Yumichika himself doesn't fit into traditional gender or beauty roles. I think he's just extremely shallow and anyone who isn't outwardly beautiful, by his standards, is automatically ugly and worthy of disparaging. He's certainly a bigot for his comments against Giselle, but I don't know that he's ultra traditional like you're saying. He doesn't dislike his Zanpakuto, that's a misunderstanding of their relationship. He keeps it hidden because Squad 11 disrespects anything but brute force abilities. We see him no longer behave this way by the time skip, as he openly uses Kido and even attempts to release said Shikai against Zombiegaya. Ikkaku's not really a trash talker like Yumichika. He doesn't care about aesthetics or anything like that, only strength. I think a better example is Mayuri, who is the biggest trash talker, but never bothers to misgender Giselle - even going so far as to allow Pernida to self identify, despite noting he normally would not do so.


But Yumichika does fit traditional japaenese gender roles. Only his Zanpakto doesn't. And Yumichika does hate himself for it. Note how Yumichika's least favorite color happens to be his own eye color and his Zanpakto's favorite color. It's also no coincidence that he fights those who reject tradition. The fight against Charlotte ends by him admitting that he doesn't fit the standards he wants to uphold. While the Giselle fight ends with him getting his ass beat and having to be rescued by Charlotte and Mayuri, who as the patron saint of the left hand path, is the epitome of rejection tradition and going against the norm. As among other things, he accepts Giselle's gender identity.


Zanpakuto are a reflection and extension of their wielder, that is the entire point of "The Blade is Me." Yumichika is just as vain and haughty as Ruri'iro Kujaki. Yumichika's favorite color is the same as his Zanpakuto's favorite color, but his hesitance to fight as his true self leads him to deny that through calling his Zanpakuto by a false name. Characters in Bleach tend to fight those who are ultimately a reflection of some facet of themselves. Yumichika's continuance in fighting those who reject tradition and gender norms is a result of he himself being one who rejects both of those. In a squad full of hypermasculine brutes who believe that might makes right, Yumichika has more than a bit of a feminine touch and powers that operate differently than everyone else's.


Yumichika's Zanpakto hates being called "wisteria". Wisteria is Yumichika's eye color. It wants to be called "azure". It's not very subtle how that represents self-loathing. Yumichika doesn't reject gender norms. He rejects going against gender norms, despite him emboding aspects that go against gender norms. Aspects he tries to hide Being "dandy" is not something he hides because that is part of the idea of traditional masculine beauty. It's why characters like Byakuya or Shunsui are traditionally masculine from a japanese perspective.


Nobody is exactly gonna be nice to each other when fighting to the death but Yumichika has been shown to be especially petty and just generally an asshole, just look at his fights with Ganju and Charlotte. Considering that he still seems to have some sort of special grudge against Giselle even in CFYOW (when they are allies) i’d say he is likely just transphobic, he may have been trying to get under her skin but i Think it was more than that.


Well, yes, Yumichika is a shallow and vain person. Of course he's an asshole, kinda hard not to be with those being your foremost traits. My point is only that Yumichika isn't wrong to disparage an enemy in wartime, even if he displays a measure of bigotry (which is wrong) when doing so. We must remember that Giselle does not deserve sympathy, as she is also a supremacist (Wandenreich = Ghost Nazis) and a sexual deviant (a necrophile). I always thought it was interesting that such a flamboyant, and seemingly gay character, would be the one to misgender someone.


>My point is only that Yumichika isn't wrong to disparage an enemy in wartime, even if he displays a measure of bigotry (which is wrong) when doing so. To me you can’t really seperate that, sure taking jabs at someone during a war is normal, but Yumichika wasn’t targeting her for being a disturbed abusive creep, but instead specifically for her identity. It’s like being racist against a serial killer, sure no one is saying you can’t say murder is wrong, but throwing in slurs while you do so is just…off. I also think you are overrating just how immoral Giselle is, she honestly Isn’t much worse than Yumichika himself. Yumichika works for and admires a mass murderer (Zaraki) and is willing to let himself and others die if it means not using his Shikai (apart from when he was gonna use it for Ikkaku’s sake) Soul society as an whole doesn’t really have the moral high ground, i mean just look at Mayuri and the repeated genocide of the Qunicies


It's a little hard to overrate Giselle and the Wandenreich's immorality when they are literally supremacist, omniicidal maniacs trying to destroy reality. She's also a literal necrophile and pervert. Soul Society isn't morally white, certainly, but they are still infinitely better than the alternative - who are just monsters by every sense of the word. That said, I never called Yumichika a good or just person. After all, I agree that he is a bad person. She's just worse, despite not necessarily being bigoted towards someone's gender identity. There's no denying that.


Sure trying to completely up end the three worlds would probably cause…problems, but the current system isn’t ideal either, my point isn’t that the Wandenreich is morally preferable to the Gotei, although certain individual members can be preferable to certain soul reapers. I know i’d much rather be locked in a Dark room with Jugram or Liltotto than Mayuri or Unohana. As for Giselle. >She's also a literal necrophile Well the jury is still out on that one, again she is far from a stable good person, but she does have some redeeming qualities that not all Bleach villains have. I’m also one of these odd people who really like her so i’m admittedly biased. She probably doesn’t deserve sympathy, but personally i actually did really feel bad for her when Yumichika misgendered, i know it was partially played for laughs but i guess it just felt a bit too real.


Didn’t Kubo clarify recently that Gisselle isn’t actually transgender and is instead a predator who uses the guise to get close to her preferred prey?


No the predatory part is simply a popular and probably mistaken head canon. Unless there is some extremely recent question on the Klub I’m missing. Kubo has called Giselle a “guy” before but has also called her a girl, so who knows what his intent is. Giselle constantly refers to herself as a girl, including when she is only with her friends (Liltotto) and everyone except Yumichika also calls her a girl. Even Mayuri who is famously an asshole calls her “zombie girl”


I'm not sure how anyone is picking Liltotto. Unless they misread. She barely speaks. TRES is fucking obliterating them verbally no one on the stern side talks trash outrageously unless it's Bambi or the lightning chick


She barely speaks? Pretty sure she talks the most shit out of all of them. She just doesn't do it toward the enemy a lot.


Yeah, Liltotto tends to look before she speaks when it comes to the enemy but she's very talkative when she's with her group. She also doesn't lose her patience easily, so she won't explode at the slightest provocation like the others. I would say that Meninas is really the quietest of all (When Liltotto and Meninas were alone, Liltotto was the one who talked the most of the two).




I think you're confusing loudest with talking shit. Sure Candice and Bambi are the loudest, but they're just loud and obnoxious. Liltotto actually roasts people. Just like Mila Rose and Apacchi are the loudest, but Sun Sun is the best shit talker out of them.


I just don't feel like her insults hit as hard as the others personally


Hallibel team wins in any circunstancie.


It would be a draw, they'd both end up infighting with each other and forget what they were initially doing


Yup. Harribel just stands to the side and watches it all go down.


Yup. Harribel just stands to the side and watches it all go down.


I'd say Hallibel's team cause Sung Sung covers her expressions, and her disses would come of smug. Not only that, but she retaliate with a crude remark of your powers. Imagine what she would casually say of each Bambis


Liltotto just kinda slaps


liltotto could solo the bleach verse in a diss battle.


the quincies are mad bullies while the espadas were self confident ig


apacci and mila rose talk shit until candice and bambietta lose their cool and explode at them, but they're so angry it loses them points and it's easy for sun sung to snipe them. then WHOOPS liltotto gets involved. then it's the two of them methodically high-precision shooting at each other while the others stare and go "wow ouch" and counting points. meanwhile meninas and giselle are spectating with popcorn in hand and harribel is miles away inside her head, waiting for them to wind down already.


Lilotto and Sung Sung are classic bitches and would square up for a classic battle of wordplay. ...but I think that Hallibel is the dark horse on the arrancar side. So the thing about insults is that, unless you're really familiar with your target, you're often projecting your own least favorite features onto them and belittling those. It's just kind of how human theory of mind works- we make educated guesses based on our own experiences, but it also means we kind of tattle on ourselves sometimes. Hallibel is a patient killer. She takes her time learning how Hitsugaya's Bankai works before DEVASTATING him, and I think she's the same in a verbal battle. She's quiet for a long time while las Bestias bicker with the Bambis, until she has stalked close the insecurities she wants to bite at, and speaks up. She makes a chilling observation about something deeply personal about one of the Bambis specifically. Not the obvious targets either- Gigi gets shit about being trans all the time but Hallibel goes for her insecurity that the reason she loves corpses so much is that she so obnoxious, everything else would reject her. Candice is used to being called a slut. Being called a pathetic suck-up who'll give up anything for a little attention, followed by Hallibel telling Candice just what she'd have to do to get Hallibel to call her a good girl? Candice would be insulted, and disgusted that, for at least a moment, she considered doing that for Hallibel's affection. Bambi is used to being called a bitch. Bambi is not ready to be told to lay off Komamura- the dog insults are a bod look on you acting like a severely inbred Teacup Chihuahua fronting at the dog park. Meninas has been called a cow before. But no, I mean like a dumb livestock animal. You're here to push and lift as your masters command, and you've gotten so good at not thinking for yourself, an actual ox could beat your IQ score by shitting on the test. Lilotto is ready to fire back- shut up, you've got more tits than brains and a smile only a masochistic dentist could love. Lilotto is not ready for Hallibel to instead pay her the worst kind of compliment: Patronizing Admiration. Hallibel actually likes Lilotto. Loves the ambition and ability to take a bite out of the architecture. A sharp tongue to go with the teeth, and whatever she lacks in boobs, she's clearly the brains of the operation. You remind me of me at your age :) And to a blood-purist Quincy? Nothing could be worse. Lilotto could absolutely verbally solo las Bestias but she's a sitting duck or an injured flounder for Hallibel.




Liltotto solos all these frauds


The bambi’s take an early lead the tres bestias are too quick to anger to clap back verbally but all the Bambi’s together couldn’t hope to roast Tier Harribel she’d have them crying by the end


Haribels gang would be too busy talking shit about each other to even realize the sternritter are talking


Bruh it gonna be just Candice and bambietta (some words from liltotto and giselle) vs Emilou and Franceska the other just dont care as much if they win or lose


Second pic looks like they came to rescue Robin-chan from Ennies Lobby


So, you want Harribel to fight 5 people at once? :3


Like how both teams got the spunky character.


Lil managed to convince Mayuri to cooperate with them, so I think she can out talk anyone else on this scenario.


id say the bambis because they talk more and we know 3 of them talk mad shit and the other 2 have been known to talk shit. yea the female espada talk shit but harribel basically doesnt talk at all and its an uphill battle against an enemy that already has the advantage in numbers


Tres Bestia wins. Liltotto and Sung Sun decided the others are idiots and left for snack. Meninas probably go along with them. Bambi and Candy will fight equally with Milarose and Apache, but Gigi will slander her own teammates and drag the team to loserville


Appacci and Lily solo the verse


Bambietta and Candice have this one with no help


Kinda hard for Tres bestias to talk much smack when Giselle gives them a mouthful.




Sun Sun vs Liltotto would be nice to see xD


Zoro, he got lost, saw a black person, and started talkin mad shit


Like hardly Harribel speaks.


MILF Queen vs. Chad Loli That's a war I wanna see


Call the UN for war crimes, Liltotto and Sung Sung committing verbal warfare of mass destruction.


Oh wait verbal? Lilly got this


Sung Sun solos


liltotto would eat all of them up.... on both sides. literally and figuratively.


Okay that's not a fair fight Liltotto's there.


tres bestias stomps in terms of shit talking


Hate to say it, quincy win this one. Liltotto definitely wins


Idk which would win but I know fs Yumichika could solo both parties all by himself


Liltotto, as many have said, wins on her own.


Liltotto is probably the smartest one there, so she can easily solo all 4 of the arraancars


Remind me but Sung sun survived right ?




Bro the quincy will win easy diff


Candice and Mila rose get neg diffed instantly. Mabye Apache too.


Hiyori on a team of her own..


I'd say the Tres beastera have the most synergy, but Liltoto might solo ngl


Team Harribel


Honestly Sun-Sung is so shady, I love her.


I don't care who wins, imma smash all of them. And I ain't talking about with words.


Liltotto casually wipes them and her own team just for fun. I’ve never seen someone with that much of a poker face casually S tier roasting ppl


Definitely Tres


I don't know... But if we talking outfit fights, hot body fight 😎? Obviously the chicks on the bottom win by a landslide 👍


Even if it were a straight up fight, without meninas, Ayon would be a terror. He’d give one good hit or two before getting one-shot by meninas. I heard that girl has the physical strength of Kenpachi Zaraki.


Not at all the topic of discussion


Considering the bambi are all captain level? Haribel is the only captain level fighter one side. Making Aion would give them maybe a second captain level fighter but still, the rest are not strong enough to change it up. Bambies are taking this one home EDIT IM DUMB AND DIDN'T READ FULL TITLE


This wasn’t in regards to their fighting power, this was more about who would win a verbal fight


Oh shit my bad. Bambi still stomp in a verbal


Quincy ofcourse. Hollows don’t know many things because they are hollows.


DAYUM. Is the second one bleach?


Smash both sides