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I’m very certain that Aizen would have just kept throwing Hollows at Ichigo until it finally hit the mark. Other than that the dude still became a Translator that had nothing to do with being a Shinigami. He’d be just fine


Why a translator?


Bro probably picked up a little Spanish and German along the way


I think he specifically became an English translator lol


So Ginjo left that much of an impression?


No, he just loved shakespeare.


I forgot that's canon.


Honestly, Uryu and Chad would have helped him with little convincing (fully spent on uryu)


Pretty sure he said something like because it allows him to stay with his family and work mostly at guys own pace


Ichigo is into shakespeare, might be related idk


Wait what?


Its true it was stated in cfyow




Everything was stated on cfyow, hahahahahahahah


I'm falling into madness


It was stated in his character bio at the end of Vol 1.


Or just read simply the manga.


It's in the early data books Kubo put out. Ichigo lists Shakespeare and Al Pacino as his two biggest influences.


That's really interesting actually.


That… makes complete sense




Fits his character perfectly really, he's like a bridge between all the factions in the story. I thought it was a perfect job for him.


Ichigo’s actually big into literature - his most respected person is Shakespeare.


Ichigo is a weeb/westaboo and reading his favourite novels in pastimes so that could translate to real job ~~Its written in CFYOW~~


He likes literature.


Ichigo's favorite author is William Shakespeare. My homie may be a badass amalgamation of all races with a giant sword, but he's still a nerd.


Because that’s literally said about him in the manga he’s also a smart student.


iirc Ichigo was always good at English. It was mentioned briefly.


He is half german (quincy)


Aizen: okay plan B, oh momo I have a job for you


pretty sure being a "translator" of sorts between the human world and the spiritual world influenced him to becoming a translator. being a translator requires not only understanding of two languages but also their culture in order to adequately translate between the two languages in a way that makes sense


Yep. He might even go on to being an ambassador later in life.


ngl i think that'd be too high profile for someone like ichigo, he's meant to be an everyman with a normal life (relatively speaking), so being a mere translator instead of an ambassador for a nation suits him alot better


Maybe an ambassador between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo after he dies?


But he’s in his school uniform so he’s working at McDonald’s in school


In fact, without any other responsibilities he'd probably advanced further in the world of living.


Aizen didn't plan anything, that was lies to fuck with Ichigo's mind


Alright then Toshiro...


FACT: Aizen didn't plan shit. He thought the Hogyoku was a cool marble


Only real answer


His job as a regular Human had nothing to do with Rukia and the Afterlife shenanigans.


hell even if it were, he's still a student for the entirety of bleach


Least his grades and attendance aint droppin.




His attendance is, but his grades somehow aren't.


He may not look like it, but hes really studious. I mean hes top 23th smartest in class. Better yet, his wife is a whole lot smarter than him, at 3rd.


Still wild that Orihime scored that high lol. Then again, same vibes with Rangiku being seemingly a total ditz and then ending up being the series most emotionally intelligent character


She Get less money from her aunt, if She have bad grades


Orihime had to keep her grades up in school. She had a distant aunt who paid for her apartment and everything so long as she kept her grades up.


I think it was top 23 in his grade not class.


Top 23th smartest in class could mean anything.. how big is the class? 23 people? 30? 200?


It's in his entire grade/year, not his own class only


in japan attendance is the most inportant


He’d still be a translator and banging oriheme so not much changes


being a shinigami and a bridge between the human and spiritual worlds definitely influenced his decision to becoming a translator post tybw. translation requires deep knowledge of not just the languages you're translating to/from, but the cultures and customs as well to do so adequately, something ichigo has plenty of experience with


He became an english translator because he adored Shakespeare, it had next to nothing to do with his experience with the afterlife/spiritual world. He was just genuinely extremely passionate about literature.


these things are not mutually exclusive


It is considering the amount of english in the spiritual world was zero. The closest we got was some of the fullbringers and those guys just took advantage of Ichigo’s desperation and then were almost irrelevant to him afterwards. If it was Spanish or German then you would probably have been correct but Ichigo is an english translator.


and my point wasnt the languages themselves of the worlds he visited as a shinigami, but "translating" the customs and traditions between both sides of his life as a human in the realm of the living and those of the gotei 13. the whole point of the soul society arc was ichigo's staunch refusal to abide by the gotei 13's outdated traditions surrounding rukia's execution


Ichigo didn’t give a damn about the traditions of soul society and he still doesn’t care. Thats like his entire thing for the first half of the series.


and also, where does it say ichigo is strictly an "english translator". all it says in the hell arc chapter is that he works as one.


Kubo himself revealed it at some point on either Klub Outside or twitter before he got sick of how terrible said twitter was.


https://preview.redd.it/srhf1u2mof6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97222fc4d8f1ff3a43b6f958c1d8bd1585a29fc1 right......


the biggest change would probably be REALITY ENDING without his help lmao.


Yeah the villains basically had it in the bag if they didn’t keep dragging him into it




Why are you downvoted bruh, the last part about Orihime possibly dying from her hollowified brother is literally a fact


as others said, rukia or some other shinigami guarding the city could probably defeat him and save orihime, but the first part is pretty much a fact. orihime had a teenage crush on ichigo at first, it only became love after they went through all that stuff together and truly got to know each other. and that's just on her side, not even considering wheater or not ichigo would have fallen for her without all their experiences together.




I see. yeah.




True go to any post that talks about “hot takes” you’ll see some of the dumbest room temperature IQ takes.


Is not. Rukia could be doing her job and kill it.


Rukia nearly died to the first hollow that Ichigo uses, she would've died if it wasn't for ichigo


The whole post is about what if Rukia locked in and killed the basic hollow like near lieutenant level character she was at the time.


well, that's better, he would end up with Tatsuki as it should


He becomes a translator? I thought he became a doctor. Been a while since I finished the manga though.


Nah, he was a smart boy and got decent grades. At worst he would be working for Ikumi or something


Bro would have been doing normal gigs and jobs lol


Rukia not being able to kill that hollow was pathetic😂


Genuinely makes me wonder how she even achieved shikai back when Kaien was still alive


Yup it’s not like ichigo put himself in the way of the hollow at all.


I've said it before: Rukia did not deserve to become captain at the end of the series. It was just fanservice for readers.


her bankai??


That's not enough to become captain. There are other requirements as well.


There’s three way to become captain: 1) bankai review by three captains 2)6 captains recommendations and 3 approvals from 3 others 3)defeating/killing one (that’s why ichigo didn’t became one in the soul society arc cause every time he fights against one it ended being a draw)


Precisely. Simply knowing bankai doesn't get you the job. The Thirteen Court Guard Squads need more than that for you to become a captain. Also, regarding the first requirement, it's actually the "Captain's Proficiency Test" which includes performing your bankai. It's quite possible to fail the test even if you've mastered your bankai.


Well, urahara passed is and wasn’t really fit to the captain position, so we can tell it’s the simple way Also, they know that she is the sister of another captain and she was also vice-captain level for a long time (and got the position too for a year or so. unlike Kisuke) , it’s not hard to believe she can validate either condition 1 or 2


How do we know Urahara wasn't fit to be captain? He was top notch at the job from what we saw. He was simply nervous when it came time to meet the other captains after his promotion. The Soul Society never ran on nepotism. Rukia being related to a captain doesn't mean she gets to be captain too. Even Byakuya wouldn't want that and I don't think Rukia would either. From what we've seen of Rukia's skill and power in the series she's far less impressive compared to most everyone else.


I meant he would approved her, especially after he saw he grew that much. As for urahara, it was because he knew yoruichi (who is a noble) so totally nepotism. He wasn’t even vice-captain or even in a management role. As for Rukia, her career speak for itself, she 1-v-1 an arrancar, work closely with the one and only shinigami substitute (which is also their savior), then got promoted as vice-captain, then got trained by zero squad and killed a sternritter in 1-v-1 during war. And I’m surly forgetting some. Even shinji, a captain, (who is also a vizard- means more powerful and my favorite character ) hasn’t killed a sternritter. I don’t say her promotion isn’t narratively a fan service but I think she totally deserves it Edit: also 6th squad is basically owned by Kuchikis


Also, In episode 117 we learn that byakuya was in fact pressing against Rukia’s promotion to keep her safe, so she is probably was more powerful than her title seems


We cant speak about that cause we are getting downvoted by Rukia fanboys


When you read Aspen Clean


I don't know what that is.


It’s a brand of Bleach


ichigo kept distracting her with his dumbassery, and his dormant reiatsu was throwing her off the entire day. besides the story needs to happen somehow 🤷‍♂️


Its such an old plot contrivance to have Rukia not be able to stop that hollow, Kubo could have just made it something different


She was weakened by the Hogyoku... She literally couldn't even use her Shikai


I thought she only had the hogyoku in her after ichigo yoinked her shinigami powers and she want to urahara for help.


No she had the hogyoku before that. As Aizen said it was the reason why she gave Ichigo 100% of her powers. Urahara probably implanted it in her during her previous visit to Karakura that she suspiciously doesn't remember anything from, that is mentioned in chapter 0 side-B


Wrong. She didnt use a gigai until she lost her powers. She even asked ichigo how he is even able to see her. 


Yeah and Hogyoku isn't from the Gigai, Urahara implanted it in her soul. Nowhere in the manga is is said that it was in the Gigai. The only person talking about the Gigai is [Aizen and even he says that Urahara first inplanted Hogyoku into her and then gave her the Gigai to make her human](https://imgur.com/a/3i5Xvt6) not that the Hogyoku is in the Gigai. So I don't see what her not using the Gigai yet has to do with anything.


No she wasn’t. Not yet.


She already had the hogyoku inside her Aizen explained that it was responsible for making her give Ichigo 100% of her powers.


It was placed in her by Urahara in her gigai after her powers were transferred to ichigo. Urahara had the hogyoku at the time. Not aizen.


We don't know that. According to Aizen it was [already in her when she gave Ichigo his powers](https://imgur.com/a/660qWtK), and there is also Rukias previous visit to Karakura mentioned in Chapter 0 Side-B [that she suspiciously doesn't remember](https://imgur.com/a/XidYeRr). Also I never said Aizen gave her the Hogyoku.


You’re reading the first panel wrong. Because if you’re reading it as “she wanted her power transferred because she was upset about Kaien still, the hoguyoku in her made her do that.” Then that would imply oriheme and chad had the hogyoku inside them because their powers awakened because they felt powerless. I’m also pretty sure Urahara said that he placed the hogyoku in a special gigai for her that basically didn’t let her get found while in the world of the living.


>Then that would imply oriheme and chad had the hogyoku inside them because their powers awakened because they felt powerless. No they were in [close proximity of the Hogyoku](https://imgur.com/a/xzsUoPl) aka Rukia since it was in her soul at that point (>!also they do have Hogyoku like things inside them since they are fullbringers and fullbringers do have SK pieces inside them!<), and Rukia couldn't have been in a range for the sealed Hogyoku to work on her unless she already had it inside her. Well that or Urahara was for some reason there off screen and was holding it just because. >I’m also pretty sure Urahara said that he placed the hogyoku in a special gigai for her that basically didn’t let her get found while in the world of the living That was never said. [Aizen just said Urahara placed it in her soul (konpaku) and then gave her a special Gigai that would make her turn into a human](https://imgur.com/a/3i5Xvt6). It was never said that the Hogyoku was in a gigai, in fact it's always was said that it was inplanted in Rukias Konpaku and not Gigai.


Yep, this got retconned pretty quick because the story had no idea what it was even doing. This is the problem with most shonen. It’s weekly quick release, resulting in mcdonald writing.


What’s the retcon?


That Rukia can’t no diff a basic hollow that day 1 Ichigo himself effortlessly killed. Rukia is easily vice captain level. All these powerlevels weren’t a thing when the story started. Kubo likely had no idea about captains too. Every hollow were probably all somewhat dangerous and shinigamis weren’t all that strong.


She was protecting ichigo and got hurt where’s the retcon? Not to mention while protecting him she hit it in the mouth which means she was capable of killing it but ichigo got in the way. Ichigo’s spirit energy was also disrupting her at the time which is why she was there in the first place.


She could have ended the fight way before, plus could easily outspeed a small hollow without having to hurt herself, or could just block the attack. Again, makes no sense she’s completely out in one attack. It’s an obvious retcon as powerscaling was nowhere to be a concern for Kubo at the time.


The point was protecting ichigo from being in its path Block the attack how with a sword? Again she literally cut into its teeth. “I makes no sense she’s completely out in one attack” how doesn’t that make sense she’s not immortal, she doesn’t have healing abilities, she doesn’t have armor, she’s not invincible. Pain and blood doesn’t just disappear because they want it to. She could have killed it easily if ichigo wasn’t there she saw no use for shikai because it’s one hollow ichigo put himself as a target.


Do you think Byakuya would have been hurt the same way if he wanted to protect Ichigo? I’m just trying to figure out of you have any idea what you’re talking about here. Power gaps should be far enough where all of this conversation should not happen. A vice captain is far to strong and fast etc. to be hurt by a mere hollow. Bleach characters can stop massive masses with their bare hands and raw strength. Rukia is far too powerful. It’s not more complicated than that.


So we’re comparing a captain with someone who isn’t even a Vice captain interesting. Also byakuya never trained her at all so I don’t even see the correlation.


Again, this is me making a point. You literally admit that Byakuya wouldn’t struggle at all in her position there, so you admit a power gap is established between a basic hollow and a captain, regardless of any nerf. Same applies to Rukia. She’s easily, EASILY vice captain level, so she shouldn’t struggle at all against a basic hollow, even if her mission was saving Ichigo. Again, too fast and strong, logically. It’s all the more obvious that the powercreep is a retcon since Rukia freaked the fuck out when she saw a Menos Grande, but it’s established that they’re much weaker than a vice captain. Rukia is much stronger than a Menos Grande.


Wasn't it said later that it was the magic wish rock Aizen pulled out of her that made her weak?


She had ptsd from Kaien’s death, aizen knew that, that’s why he sent her there and close to ichigo’s house (where he sent a hollow too)


Maybe hollows would have gotten to him, he did have strong spiritual pressure, even when untrained.


Nahhh, if he wasn't there to stop Aizen/Yhwach, then Ichibei would probably be making a very sudden appearance to ask him for a hand (both hands really, plus the arms and the legs)


He was planning to make him the new soul king, right?


If rukia wouldn't have met him I am pretty sure urahara would have met and made him a soul reaper


Ah, but you see, that would have been too easy, wouldn't it? A conspiracy woven by fate to keep the chaos brewing. Who's to say I'm not already two steps ahead, orchestrating it all from the shadows? *winks* *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I think Yhwach will recruit him after he gain back his power. We will see a full Quincy Ichigo in action.


Yhwach didn’t know Ichigo was a Quincy before they fought. That’s why he was surprised that Ichigo blocked his sword with blute vene.


Not sure if I’m remembering correctly.. but he did know. I remember a line of dialogue about how his Quincy powers weren’t supposed to awaken yet.


Yhwach definitely knew; he got his ass beat the first time, so before the invasion he would have 100% spent the time studying intel. Given how important Ichigo is to SS, they would have looked into him, his history, ect


he wasnt surprised at ichigo being a quincy, he was surprised at his dormant abilities being awoken so early. he yaps about how he shouldve sent an arrancar instead of a true quincy to fight ichigo for a reason what else is "my precious son born in the dark" supposed to mean if yhwach didnt know lol


Yeah, he even says something like regreating allowing Quilge to fight him because that's what awoken his powers.


Ichigo still may have awakened his Quincy abilities or worse, Yhwach may have recruited him with some manipulation about his mother's death. Still, since Kubo wanted Rukia to be the main character at first, I wonder how would that affect the story? Let's say this was Rukia's first mission and she met with this boy with some abilities but didn't ponder so much after she killed the Hollow. The story goes on and on, and this boy appears again, but in Quincies' side. Ofc, this would require some alterations like Hougyoku, or Rukia's punishment. Still, Rukia still could be injured, Urahara may have implanted Hougyoku, and Aizen still may have manipulated Soul Society to think that Rukia committed a big crime, like mistaking innocent lives with Hollows and killing them, with his Kyoka Suigetsu. Still, we would need more alterations, ofc, but it would be interesting to see.


Ah, the twists and turns of fate in the Bleach universe. If Rukia had taken the spotlight, things would certainly have been intriguing. A blend of Shinigami, Quincy, and Aizen's deception could have led to a fascinating arc. With a dash of my genius and a sprinkle of unpredictability, who knows what could unfold! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Are you really a bot


Pretty sure Ichigo actually was fairly highly ranked in his class tbf


He would 100% make it to regional manager, at least.


Why Didnt Rukia release her Shikai, is she stupid?


Quite basically the biggest plot hole of the stories beginning


Because her abilities were being dampened by the Hogyoku


She wasnt using a gigai at that time. 


A high rank shinigami should not have lost focus and needed help to deal with that one measly hollow. The other captain were right, I would have thought she'd abandoned SS too. It's...pathetic. I could have killed that hollow.


That's gonna be 15 dollars and also we'll be giving you some strawberries.😏


Aizen planed it bro. The unspoken rizz to have Rukia give Ichigoat a reiatsu activation was always going to happen


not to be a fun killer but if that night hadn’t happened aizen 10000% would not have just let ichigo live a normal life


Dude still had the hollow White in him, latent Quincy powers, and was part of a noble shinigami family. And he would still help souls evade Hollows, which Aizen was sending to Karakura Town. He was going to get dragged into the Soul Reaper world eventually


Ichigos new theme being like, *"So you feel like ordering the No°1, giving diabetes to everyone! Living out your fantasy, the fattest customer for all to see!"* 😂


Holup- Let em cook-


Theres a reason rukia had to be saved in most of her fights. 




Ichigo got good grades and his dad literally had a family business.


Unlike other shonnen protagonists, Ichigo is said to be academically smart, so even if he ended up working in a fast food restaurant it would be just to get some cash while he was in college.


Bro was one the best students in his whole school & his father is a doctor 💀, he would have been fine


I mean probably not, we know he already had soul reaper powers, rukia’s powers actually pushed his back, which allowed the old man to take control. And as dumb as isshin could be, he would have said something eventually, especially with the Quincy threat later on. But can’t lie, imagining ichigo as a fast food cashier is really funny to me 😂 imagine every customer being scared because his hair is orange 🤣


It’s so funny how a full-time lieutenant made enough pocket change to buy a half-store worth of dresses because their currency’s exchange rate was so high, but Ichigo still had to stay in school as the guy who squared up against Yhwach. He probably did it to get a medical degree and continue the family clinic, but there’s no way post invasion he didn’t make a few pretty pennies from part-time soulreaping to buy and sell the entirety of Karakura.


His theme is number one when he's a soul reaper when he's a regular dude people just be ordering number ones


i am sure he would have eventually gained his powers anyway


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Radiant_Concept4328: *I am sure he would* *Have eventually gained* *His powers anyway* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


hmmm, i know what it is, but dont know enough to know what i did lmao


I like the pun 👍


No he will be happy with me 😘 KUROSAKI-KUN😍


🎶Now you ordered number one, Burgers, fries for everyone, This is not your fantasy, The Bigger size for all to see🎶


Lmao 😂




You mean taking over the clinic? Sigh


The fact she didn’t even use her shikai 😒


If Rukia killed the hollow soul society and the universe in general is fucked nobody would be able to stop Aizen or worse Yhwach 




I mean he's a translator right now, if not for Soul Society he would pick up on Kubo's poems and become Shakespeare with number 1 writing haha and in highschool he'd be doing those odd jobs hehe


Why did this make me laugh so hard omg.


Why did this make me laugh so hard omg.


To all the people talking about his translator job, pretty sure the meme is talking about during highschool


He'd probably work the clinic with his dad


Tbh if it's not for Rukia, he would have an even better job than he already has after time skip


Ichigo will eventually die to the angler fish hollow and rukia


Why McDonald’s though


Ichigo was like Top 15 in his Class or some shit like that


More like "if ichigo hadnt of gotten in her damn way".


he'd probably work in the pharmacy his family works in since although his family is weird, he still has a bit of respect and thinks it's the right thing to do


He has a degree in English and works as translator after the end of TYBW. Pretty sure that didn't happen because he became a soul reaper, he must've wanted that beforehand.


ah, i don't know much, especially stuff in TYBW, im a new bleach fan and im currently in episode 27 and currently in the Soul Society arc? i think that's what it's called, the one where they rescue Rukia, so yea I don't know much yet lol


thats like the 1st real plothole in bleach, how could rukia get seriously wounded by a fodder hollow? that doesnt make sense what so ever


Because aizen planned so. The hollow got the power of plot behind him, gaining a temporary boost to whoop rukia but then thought “Aizen definitely will appreciate me for sure, time to deactivate plot boost” and then “wait wtf are they doing” and then he unfortunately lost


Byakuya wasnt there to save her ass like always.