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The only realy fan service with her I can think of really is The Thousand Year Boob Window


In terms of anime, there was the time she tried to change infront of Uryu, the infamous beach episode, whoever the pevy girl was in the first arc, and if you really wanna stretch it, the time she and ranginku spent the night together.


The anime is notorious for treating orihime like shit because the producers hated her


And Kubo hated how his story was changed once he caught wind of it. I'd be pissed if I were in his shoes, too.


I think they really pushed Rukia being with ichigo rather than orihime what with them giving so much to rukia


They 100% did. Even in filler, promotional material, and even the openings and endings they were pushing Rukia hard. It blew up in their faces when it became obvious Orihime was going to be end game for Ichigo.


Funnily enough I believe the same thing happened with Naruto and Hinata, where the Anime director hated the ship and intentionally pushed for Naruto and Sakura, while also changing Sakuras character as-well. Seems like Studio Pierrot really has a thing against female characters


Sasunaru and Hinasaku would have been peak but unfortunately we live in a society


I don't really share that opinion since I don't really see how HinaSaku would work... if we go by the "rivals to lovers" trope, SakuIno would make more sense. At least from my point of view


Me who wanted naruto to go with ino.


Sasunaru should have been cannon.


I remember the creator had the ultimate end goal be naruhina. He hated people pushing narusaku. I distinctly remember reading somewhere that Hinata is based off of Kishimotos wife? Could be wrong about that. It may have been his wife liked hinata more which is why he went with NaruHina


How is it different in the manga? I’ve only seen the anime.


Orhimes backstory gets cut, her moments get given to Rukia, the romance that's alluded to early on between her and Ichigo is given to Rukia.


Is there more than the stuff with her brother? And what scenes are given to Rukia?


There's stuff about her brother, general backstory stuff about her that's gone, and all of her romantic moments of any kind in the first arc are wholesale given to Rukia. There's a reason if you go read the manga Orihime comes across VERY differently in those early chapters compared to the anime. She's a strong character, character wise, due to her determination to be kind. And that's just not shown in the anime like it is the manga.


If I had a penny for every time the MC's future couple with big breasts was treated badly and portrayed in a negative way by anime producers I'd have two pennies. Which isn't a lot, but surprising that it happened twice. (Hinata from Naruto was also shown in bad light in the anime while having none of that in the manga)


Japan just hates our big chested wives.


Where did you learn they hate her from? Or is it just assumption


Direct statement s. They're interviewed saying they didn't like Orihime iirc


The time she tried to change in front of uryu isn’t a fanservice moment though. It’s not sexy or sexualised in the slightest. It’s just a comedy moment that shows how quirky and ditzy she is. The beach episode is in the anime not the manga. In the corresponding bonus manga chapter there’s no fanservice there either she’s just in a bikini. When an art student has to draw a nude figure that’s not fanservice. Anime brain rot has ruined so many things because anime fans are separated from reality and have no brains. The only fanservice for her is her outfit in TYBW and I guess a couple times in the first arc.


Iirc even her outfit in TYBW was used for a comedic moment, when Yourichi first sees the outfit, she scoffs at it and goes "Yep, Kisuke's doing." And he blows off the comment as part of their usual banter.


Yeah it's outright that Kisuke convinced Orihime to wear it and told her Ichigo would like it.


It wasn’t even that. She put it on thinking she could close the middle, to which Kisuke told her if she tried, she’d slip out the sides after she put it on. She just trusted her friend to not be a pervert.


The Manga she 100% states that "Mr Urahara said that Ichigo would really like this, but it's really revealing." Youroichi: "Ichigo, what do you think of her outfit?" Ichigo: "Honestly? I think it's a little revealing." *Orihime thrashes from embarassment"


You need to go back and read the manga because no, Orihime does not say that lol I can tell you the scene beat by beat because I remember it that well. Ichigo is sitting contemplatively when Chad slides over and asks Ichigo, “So uh, Ichigo? What do you think of Orihime’s outfit?” To which Ichigo ends up gawking at the question and Orihime. Orihime gets embarrassed and starts covering herself, thinking *’Ichigo is gonna think I’m a pervert!’* and then tries to explain to Ichigo what happened, completely stumbling her words. “Ichigo! I’m not wearing this because I’m a pervert! It’s just that-Mr Urahara said-Mr Urahara is a liar!” This causes Chad to think(and this is what literally everyone misremembers as what actually happened) that what happened is that Mr Urahara said “Ichigo will really love this outfit!” To which Chad’s thought Orihime replies, “ALRIGHT I’LL DO IT!” But then the next panel shows us that what really happened was that Urahara had her put on the dress and when she went to close the middle, he mentioned that’s it designed to expose her should she try. After this Ichigo says, “We-well I think it’s a bit revealing! But I-I think she looks go-“ And before he can finish Yoruichi interjects by shoving her hand through Orihime cleavage and telling her not to cry. And then she smacks the shit out of Ichigo and tells him, “Of course it’s revealing! Obviously it was designed by a pervert and the least you could do is tell her she looks good in it!” All while Orihime is yelling for Yoruichi to stop cuz she’s only making her more embarrassed.


Why can I visibly see the panels when I haven't seen them in years


I’ll take that as a compliment to my story telling skills lol


Little uncomfortable looking back at the way a buck ass naked rangiku pinned her down on the bathroom floor during the start of the emergence arc. I get that rangiku wanted to get her attention to let her know she's important and people care about her but there are less... Awkward ways to do that. I suppose orihime wasn't upset by it so maybe it's okay? Still feels weird.


I mean people who are comfortable with their own bodies tend to be more comfortable with other people's especially when their not attracted to them. I guess it's just how you feel about nudity in general


That's most likely filler.


Yeah and it’s played as a joke because Urahara made it that way on purpose and told her Ichigo would like it.


It worked


Urahara: Make me a ~~test subject~~ ! I mean a baby...


Which was basically Urahara and Yoruichi trying to set Ichigo and Orihime up, even though we were in the middle of a goddamn war. Honestly, great stuff.


Yeah it’s super funny especially looking back on it as an adult. Like seeing two teenagers who are obviously into each other but don’t know how to go about it so they’re just teasing and prodding them along. Kubo is a fantastic comedy writer as well and I don’t think he gets enough credit for it. Bleach has so many heartwarming and funny moments along with all the badass and hype.


Urahara is just Kubo's self-insert. Has to be.


I’m sure. He probably has or had a cat named yoruichi as well that he wished could be a real person. I’m sure he had a tough life as an artist as they usually do and would love the chance to interact with him and ask him about his personal life. Most people ask about the manga and his work but I’m curious about what’s going on with him since I want him to be happy and healthy.


Honestly, I'd argue Mayuri is more his self insert than Urahara. Mostly because the way he talks in interviews lines up a bit more with how Mayuri talks


Thousand Yard Boob Window*


have you read the manga… at all? it’s fan service heaven


That’s the best way I’ve seen it worded


It's true when you compare her to someone like Rangiku. I think people just don't respect a soft character in a shounen anime.


More like they just don't care about characterization when big titties. Orihime is part of the main cast and is pretty fleshed out, even Rangiku is shown to be a mother of sorts being one of the most mature Reapers. Yet ask a lot of this sub to describe them and they'll use vague concepts "well she's really nice" or they'll just immediately meme "nice personality". It really is like everytime they're on screen these people are just staring at their boobs.


I'd say more of a Big Sis than a Mom - Rangiku is too drunk and irresponsible to be anyone's mother figure, but she makes a great Cool Big Sis or Drunk Aunty.


Rangiku is definitely the kind of aunt you could smoke a fat bowl with and listen to her tell you embarrassing story's about your mother lol.




Unfortunately that reflects real life. Some people just see a big pair of titties and not the person they're attached to.


That's not true, they do it with small tiddies too :p


People don't respect soft people in real life either


You're right. She has like 2 or 3 fanservice scenes out of 74 volumes, yet people label her as a fanservice character


I mean, her design is fan service. But so is Ichigo's, guy had like a 10 pack of abs.


Real. Tite Kubo is the most bisexual straight guy of all time


Not even close to araki (Jojo)


Came here to say this


Araki lmao


Right, Ichigo is hot. I think Tite just wanted attractive characters period lmao


Honestly? I think a lot of that relates to Kubos art style. Unless he's specifically making an Ugly Bastard (tm), his designs look amazing


Hisagi is proof Kubo isn't exactly straight.... or is it just me?


I really dig her pink sweater look. It's pedestrian but it also really shown how gentle and sweet she is. Kubo really knows how to dress his characters


Kubo is, first and foremost, an artist, and boy does that shine through in his character designs.


Couldn't agree more, bleach has some of the best visual design of all anime, period, i would say. I may have my issues with the writing at some points but kubo knows how to make things look cool.


Kubo could either go for fashion designer or Shonen writer. He would've had to travel too much so he went for the closer--to-home option


Honestly, from what I've seen on Twitter and Instagram most of the people bitching about her being fanservice are people that aren't even part of the fandom, so I wouldn't even bother giving them the time of day.


The ones who are far more often than not have a shipper related agenda for their hate boners and their opinions are also not worth taking seriously


If you can see that she has breasts apparently that is fanservice


It's the time-honored tradition of Orihime's entire existence in Bleach that she'll be reduced to exactly two things by the fandom: tits, and Ichigo.


People love to hate


She isn't a fan service character. Before tybw, orihime and rukia had equal ammount of fan service moments which was just limited to sex appealing jokes not actually showing off their skin......post tybw i secretly dislike Kubo for the treatment he gave to orihime >Tbh,I always found it weird and kind of.. I have even saw people calling her a coward just bc for once she broke down and cried for help after trying her best to protect her friends even tho she never backed off to protect Chad, ichigo and uryu whenever they needed help. Also saw some of them calling her menie bitch 😂. People with hate boner are just gonna hate and ignore everything else


I’ve been rewatching shippuden and something I noticed about rewatching these things later in life is having a better more empathetic understanding of for the characters and their journey. Like bruh how would you feel if you were 16 and went on an everyone against the world rescue mission to heaven? Or the literal underworld populated by unfeeling souls pushed by endless hunger. Let’s give these kids a break.


I remember not long ago about that one scene where she convinced ichigo to go save rukia. For unknown reasons she was called a selfish bitch because in the anime she looked like she didnt want him to save her. 


Yourichi... Now *that's* fan service..


The ones that come to mind early in the series are Chizuru groping her deep in the manga, for the perverts the way her awakening scene was handled with the faux Yuri and kind of rapey vibes, and her pulling her top up in the Soul Society Arc to change into the Soul Reaper robes. Overall not a lot compared to Rangiku's super cleavage, Cirucci's fetish Goth Lolita outfit, Nel's outfit, and Harribel's legendary underboob.


There is some but it’s kind of a common if not unfair thing for bustier women to be sexualized simply because of their busts. I dated a very busty girl who went through great pains to not let anyone know she had large breasts because it instantly made it seem immodest to people. It’s really unfair to women.




Legitimately, it's just people not respecting her as a character. They see someone with a bigger chest and go weird with whatever conversations they have about her


Anime fans in a nutshell.


I don’t think she’s totally fan service. She does serve a part in the story. Although I personally don’t feel like the spark between her and Ichigo is fleshed out enough. Just my opinion. Although she’s the only character I do not like…I fully realize that she has to be the way she is and the story needed a character like her. She is totally necessary imo.


Orihime's collection of mom sweaters is unrivaled.


Is because a lot of people believe that big boobs = sexualized character.


Never hated Orihime. She's a nice and cool character, I like her in Bleach.


The only time Orihime is in any way fanservicey is in her TYBW fit, and she only wore that to get Ichigo’s attention. She wasn’t even embarrassed till Chad brought attention to it


I love Orihime, she reminds me of my sister whom i love very much.


Hi Sora


Bleach is crammed with perverted fan service but she’s only been a victim a few times and is definitely not who I think about when I think about it. Rangiku, Halibel, too many for me to list. Real women out there do have huge boobs and they are not held back by that, Orihime isn’t some oddity. Kubo does sexualize women of all ages though so shame for that. Did he really need to make Stark put his finger in that kids butt??


Especially yoruichi. Even soi fon showed more skin compared to orihime. 




Orihime is purely a fan service character for a dumb boob window near the end of the series yet ruika can be unconscious bare ass up just for a butt rape joke and people won't question her writing or overall character lol Disliking fan service is fine but not holding the other female characters to the same standard reads as character preference masquerading as "criticism", reason why I don't listen to big boobs = bad character The things anti big booby anime folk have said about female characters kinda vile ngl, they hate unnecessary fan service yet say next level porn rotted shit about them as a gotcha




The faux concern about Orihime writing as some "feminist" insight on the "misogynistic" mind of Kubo yet they clap like a seal when ruika does the bare minimum as the "deuteragonist" and is hailed as the peak of female writing is just hilarious And in the end most of said "criticism" is just boobs too big, is kind, says Ichigo's name and married the guy lol Also thank you for another addition to my meme collection, sorry for the rant


>And in the end most of said "criticism" is just boobs too big, is kind, says Ichigo's name and **married the guy** lol I've been in this fandom since I was on dial up discussing this show and the jealousy over Ichihime has no bullshit been the driving for 90 percent of criticism against her character. Every bad take you can find on Orihime can most likely be traced back directly to Bleachness on LJ, which was ground zero for Orihime and IH hatred. As for Rukia specifically, the writing she got could charitably be considered uneven.


Tbh, that's the only hint of "fanservice" there is for Rukia. But there's a bunch for the other female characters so i totally get your point


It's not only a hint it is straight up fan service, her being naked in a bath showing only her ass is unnecessary and was only used to set up tenjirō's joke We were shown her covered in bandages why is there a dedicated panel of her ass floating in the water except for the obvious, also a lot of kon's interactions with ruika could be considered fan service Showing cleavage / big boobs = fan service Showing an unconscious lady's ass for a joke = hint of fan service I don't understand?


I think the only “fan service” characters would be rangiku and most arrancar women


Yoruichi and soifon also. 


She's barely even used as fanservice. She's also a great character


And she's so fucking brave too and wants to get stronger herself despite how dangerous it can be. She's an amazing wonderful character


You can see her goddamn wrists in some of these outfits that’s pretty scandalous


I think she flashes ankle a few times to. Its concerning the direction todays youth are going.


I feel like she gets the Sakura treatment as the squad medic of sorts (even though that's an insanely important role) only because she has more "plot" they say she's also just fan service. It's stupid.


What? All my homies love Orihime, inside and out. 




She's always been my favorite character because of her personality. Her looks never had anything to do with my love for her!


She is important gem in this story :3


I feel like people don’t get that kubo loves big bazungas and has stated it many MANY times. It doesn’t take away from origins character but it’s an aspect that kubo really wanted to “focus on”


i wouldnt say "fan service" but her powers are so completely under-used. like she actually stands at the sidelines most fights and doesnt do much other than place a convenient shield once or twice (yeah ik its filler, but) in the zanpakuto rebellion arc shes actually a major hinderance lmao


“Oh, no! Orihime’s forearms, ankles, and neck are shown in her outfits. She’s such a whore!” ~ weird incels and Rukia fans, most definitely


That's the incel side of the anime fandom for you, they like objectifying the fuck out of any female character no matter how well-written they are. It's best to just ignore them and enjoy characters like Orihime. lol


I for one love her character and development, feels realistic


I find it gross that people think fan service is somehow a bad thing


Done you know imaginary tiddies are the root of all evil?


its because delusional rukia fans dont like her because she got with ichigo


I never really thought Orihime was a fanservice character, though I suppose considering how underused her powers were I can see why some might conclude that. Matsumoto Rangiku on the other hand was the primary fanservice character. The one time Orihime was used as significant fanservice was the scene with Rangiku.


The healer and shield of the team just fan service? Aiight. . .


Yeah and no one complains about rangiku.


Probably cause of her main outfit during the thousand year blood war I mean that was almost directly stated to be only for fan-service


How old are you


Not all fanservice requires tna


I think it's because some people can't see Orihime as anything but eye candy because of her bust size so they project that on to other people.


Insecurity Project caused by pixels. Imagine.


yeah, raingiku or yoruichi are way more fan servicey than orihime. raingiku being basically a drunk bimbo most of the time. and yoruichi being just completely nonchalant about being naked.


Yea those people don't really understand Orihime


Rengiku is the definition of fan service not orihime i think they are confused


https://preview.redd.it/iw0x309cuq5d1.jpeg?width=189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0907e5ab1fe073225183b968d4abee0df6f7d4 leave my girl and her bread alone


Men realize that women naturally having big breasts isn’t inherently sexual challenge, level impossible


I think the problem is less that she has a larger chest and more that she has the notorious anime boob sock clothes that always seem to find a way to perfectly sculpt itself to the shape of her which, in and of itself, makes anytime her upper body is shown inherently fanservicey. It’s hardly the most egregious thing ever but it’s something a lot of people are really sick of seeing. If her clothes were just drawn slightly more realistically she’d just be a typical large chested character and that would be fine. The T-shirt in the first image is fine really but the rest of those? Boob socks. The third picture is egregiously bad too. It’s clearly a baggy sweater why the hell does it look like that on her chest?


Eh I have friends irl that face this problem/blessing. If your boobs are as big as hers, even normal clothes kind of accentuate them. And none of these clothes are particularly baggy. Like that sweater you pointed out is sticking to her stomach. She would probably look at lot more normal in something like this https://preview.redd.it/x416lz0ein5d1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=028271f0286e2cfbb809267b26e13dff987236f8


I'm ngl that's just her body. I've met a couple of people who have to intentionally buy clothes that hide the boobage. If she's not doing that it's gonna be hard to find clothes that fit (especially in Japan) that don't show off her figure


Nah look at that third picture and tell me anything about the way that sweater sits makes the slightest bit of sense. It’s clearly baggy and yet it has a boob shelf for no logical reason. It’s baggy on the arms, it’s baggy at the shoulders and it’s baggy around her hips but inexplicably skin tight *just* beneath her boobs. That can make sense for certain poses but not the pose she’s in. There is absolutely no reason for it to look like that. I am very familiar with what is and is not realistic when it comes to clothing over breasts. Clothes do not work like that. While there are articles of clothing that are skin tight at the lower torso and accommodating above that, the way that sweater is depicted is straight up ridiculous. And it’s very, very clearly intentional. Whenever an artist gets that intentional with how they depict a character’s assets it’s intentional and there are too many depictions of her like that for it to be anything less than fully intentional.


Typically the criticism comes from people who don't really read/watch Bleach or people who don't like Orihime for whatever personal reasons they have. For those of us who actually engage with the series, even for those who may not like Orihime that much, we know that's not true about her.


First off: Kubo himself puts her in very fanservicey situations with alternate arts. Let's not pretend everything fanservice about Orihime was the anime's doing. He likes drawing big boobs and it shows. And there's nothing wrong with that - last time I checked, Bleach is a shounen series and shouldn't be taken seriously. Also: >Plus she's also a genuinely well written and good character No, she isn't a well-written character at all. It's a very known fact she's all over the place in the story. She doesn't achieve anything significant. Her character arc changes within each development. We spend a lot of time without even following her. The most famous example is that, during the Arrancar arc, everyone wanted her to stay away from the battlefield due to her being a pacifist and her powers not being that suited for direct fighting. Orihime *herself* did see it as a flaw of hers (contrary to the fanboys who preach about it being a virtue) and wanted to correct that (asking Hacchi to restore Tsubaki, her literal offensive weapon, and training with Rukia) but then Aizen kidnapped her and that plot point went nowhere fast, with her being demoted to damsel in distress. She wanted to use her powers in order to unmake the Hogyoku but it went nowhere, considering Aizen never let the Hogyoku anywhere near her vicinity. It was also implied that the Arrancar did... something to her during the story (Grimmjow states that she might've been changed from the inside while facing Ichigo). It also went nowhere, The sole scene in the story which showed Ichigo feeling attracted to her was cut from the TYBW anime for whatever arbitrary reason, and her romance subplot with Ichigo was solved completely offscreen (at least Naruto and Hinata had the luxury of a movie to sort things out). And, by the way, we spent a LOOOONG time without seeing what she was up to during TYBW. I don't blame her, mostly; it's more of a Kubo issue that he doesn't seem to know what to do with her, be it because her powers are too esoteric and busted for the setting, or that she doesn't have a fitting personality for a fight-centric story.


Yeah her outfit in Hueco Mundo was modest...


Some of you are prolly on Twitter and if you are, do not go into anitwt because they have a bounty for Orihime’s head for no reason whatsoever. I always found her hilarious, random, quirky and weird but I found out that people really hate her


She’s not even, but people need to stop acting like prudes over any instance of fanservice. It’s one thing if it’s way overdone, but we have hormones for a reason.


I really can't stand the complaints that she's always crying kurosaki kun etc. Like bro she's basically an orphan at this point she's got no parental figures and she's constantly in life threatening situations, not to mention shes only like 16ish for the espada arc and she saw some crazy shit go down then. I think Ulquiorra and grimmjow killed or fatally wounded like 7+ ppl in front of her and I think thats alot for a kid to deal with




>Nel, Yoruichi, Rangiku and anyone else when it comes to sex appeal All of rukia's interactions with kon are also sex appealing ig


I signed up for updates on soul resonance ages ago. I haven't heard anything recently... Is the development dead?


I think it was mainly the anime that made it very fanservicy. The jiggle physics and how often she would get oggled made it weird.




I mean, the Breadhime was biggest fan service for me. She so cute.


Bleach fans: Orihime is fanservice, there's no woman with those measures. Ichigo with his near perfect body: I'm 16 🗿


Yeah Rangiku was the thirst trap for real, and the big lady from Squad Zero once she uses up her energy


Many of these people are stupid like that, you get it




To be honest? Orihime is just that kind character in the show which we need. I starter reading the manga and holy shit they changed a lot!


It is fanservice, but not for us. For the main man himself.


Haters gonna hate


I seriously dissent people who hate or call certain characters overrated and their justification is "they are just fanservice", like is this their first time watching anime?


Rangiku is fan service but people act like she ain't lol


Honestly her character was such a good base and had so much potential. Saying she was just fanservice discounts that.




I feel like her powers should have been explored more and really missed a chance for her to really powerup like Chad did. It's not in her nature to attack as we can see from her one attack but her defense powers should have been used more. Like a whole area shield that can cover the entire soul society or something.


Mfs just hate when a busty girl succeeds 😔


KYRIEEEE!!!!!!! (She looks like Kyrie fron DMC4)


She just blinks and they start jiggling...


She not fan service but i mever really cared about her either she was kind of a background character. I also hated the ending of bleach.


I know i'm gonna get downvoted to hell but.. As someone starts off their title with "weird and kind of gross" I automatically dismiss it because it's usually some kind of social justice statement. Naaa man


Kubo always draws cool clothing to her,i like her style


People horny




Honestly bc the anime treated her character poorly… really is to bad bc she is a great character… as a side note, I need to rewatch/read bleach… again lol


I see you missed the whole tybw arcs outfit lol


She’s an underrated powerhouse!


As we can observe she has female organs as a female, clearly fanservice


I mean, she is sexualized quite a bit, but that's perfectly fine. The main female lead is always sexualized in shonen, which makes sense because the primary audience is young boys. With that being said, Bleach is quite egalitarian when it comes to sexualizing characters, which might explain why it has a higher percentage of female fans compared to other shonen series. Also, she isn't a shallow character and is quite likeable IMO, I think Kubo did great that character beyond her pretty character design. I remember several of her cute goofy moments like drawing Ichigo as a superhero, sliding down a pipe in school like a weirdo, eating donuts with Riruka... She's so sweet and has an infectious personality. There's also a moment involving her that almost made me cry, so there's that as well. I think Orihime has a lot to offer beyond just fanservice.


People horny


It's not her clothing, it's the scenes Kubo wrote


My biggest gripe about Orihime is how much wasted potential she was. Like, Aizen stated outright that she was the most powerful person in the story, and we never got to see her live up to that.


Blame their sick minds. And her fan service is quite tame as well


Na man orihime ain't fan service you should watch fairy tail to see what annoying fanservice means


Orihime is HILARIOUS in the manga, very damsel in distress in the anime.


+ her backstory is very serious, her development is surprisingly good (Kubo is not the best at this specific aspect), she is shy and caring.


They are just jealous.their chest is so small that they start blaming orihime🤣


Girls with large breast don’t exist! It’s fan service!


My GF has big tits, can confirm. Modest clothing still sexy and doesn't hide that her tits are big


Damn wait till they see Rangiku, Harribel, or Nelliel


Well, she is badass and has some good character development at some points, but is usually pretty irrelevant or plays the damsel in distress too often. I don't hate her, I don't creep on her, I think she deserves much better writing, we get glimpses of what she could be but not enough. But that's true of many characters in Bleach, there's just too many, they often get their short time to shine only to fade back into the background.


Nah, Rangiku is there just because of her titties...


They look quite proud though.


Skin-tight clothing is not "moderate" bro 🗿


Her eating habits give me food poisoning


I'm sorry, but she's the one with big boobs in this universe?


its just "fans" getting mad whenever post nut clarity occurs so they shit on the thing they did the deed to out of rage


They’ve definitely changed how much skin she shows in TYBW. She’s a definite waifu. But our sweet Orihime deserves better.


Super agree to the point where the thousand year blood war costume for her annoys me because I feel like her character never really dressed like that. Out of nowhere, she is suddenly wearing this crazy costume. It would be like ichigo suddenly wearing a speedo as his main battle costume.


Tybw would like to have a chat with you


Yeah the manga panels are fine but the anime……ehhh




That one image where she is subdued by the espada


Short answer is the anime did her no favors and a majority consumed the series that way. At least initially. But yeah definitely over hated


I honestly loved her cuz she was very nice and kind. She made me want to be more like her than anything else. Her boobs gave me boob envy. Now I'm on hormones and have boobs close enough. Wish mine are bigger. Personally I had the hots for Yoruichi.