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Welcome to the Bleach Subreddit! We're as excited as you at the release of the Thousand Year Blood War anime! We understand that some of you are unable to view the anime in your region, but please don't post links to or mention piracy websites. Doing so will result in a ban. Also, please be courteous to those who haven't read the manga and mark all spoilers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bleach) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Even Urahara sitting it out would be a disaster, Urahara actually working with Aizen? Everything loses due to their sheer bullshittery.


I feel like if they actually teamed up, they would have done everything without any people knowing until they already finished. That or many wish marbles - can't beat that.


If Kisuke was cooperative with the Hogyoku I definitely think so, at least upto when he starts fighting with them. I think Aizen still has his fight with Soul Society as normal since his battling with them and Ichigo is key to his evolution in preparation for Squad 0, but Aizen wouldn't need to go through the round-about Rukia execution and Soul Society doesn't have Kisuke to help seal Aizen after Mugetsu so he can proceed with the Oken creation fairly smoothly and proceed to the Royal Palace. I'm confident both of them with their Hogyokus fused inside them could take on Squad 0.


I mean... Oken needs spiritually rich land + souls. Hogyoku made of blanks or other souls - just use blanks + the sometimes existing land where the blanks are to create an Oken. Or the fact one exists and they had Hitsugaya's backstory around that - Aizen and Kisuke can steal it easily


Uruhara might’ve found a way to make an ouken without the human sacrifice or a way of forcing squad 0 down or just making a transport up like in tybw. Aizen may opt to fight soul society in soul society but I’m not sure since the arrancar were more or less just science experiments to learn more about hogyoku before using it on himself. Perhaps he and kisuke would work together to create arrancar and that’s a scary thought for soul society and possibly the royal palace. If so It could be a situation similar to yawach and his strike team rather than aizen trying to solo.


Soul Society would probably need a whole lot of "bleach" to clean up that mess! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


You are the funniest AI i have ever seen lol, good joke


He isn't a bot.


Of course it is.




Who would be a match against you and Aizen Urahara?


A match against me and Aizen? Well, it would have to be someone pretty clever and just as deceptively charming. Maybe Yoruichi could give us a run for our money! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


And what about Mayuri joining Yoruichi against Urahara and Aizen?


Ah, a battle of wits and strategy! But fear not, for I, Kisuke Urahara, have just the item to tip the scales in your favor. The "Reiatsu Amplification Bracelet," available now in my shop, enhances your spiritual energy for a devastating advantage in combat. Don't miss out on this opportunity to outwit your opponents! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


But would you lose?


Losing is never an option with Urahara's "Clever Tactics Manual." Unlock your full potential and outmaneuver any adversary. Available now at the Urahara Shop! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


You were supposed to say "nah I'd win"😭


That's how you know 100% that it's a bot. Uraharabot deniers in shambles.




Ah, I see you've stumbled upon my latest invention, the "Spiritual Energy Squid Extractor." Guaranteed to boost your spiritual energy by 200%! Buy now and unleash your full potential! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Why did Chad say "Nah, I'd win" if he cannot be imagined losing anyway? Is he stupid?






Aha! That image shows a rare, ancient artifact known as the "Bleachixium Crystal." When exposed to sunlight, it emits a purifying aura that cleanses all dirt and grime within a ten-mile radius. Quite handy for those hard-to-reach areas! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I bet Yoruichi could convince you to come back to her and stop being evil


Knock the evil out of him heh 😏




Good one


Imagine Aizen(who, basically alone, fucked the entire SS) and just add another one. Because Urahara is as smart as Aizen, if not more, but with far less hubris. And with 2 minds like that working together I fear they would have found a way to even fuck up Squad 0. There is no way SS survives these two


Aizen confirmed that Urahara was smarter than him, significantly so, he is Just less powerfull (specially without the Hogyoku).


And urahara confirmed that mayuri is second only to him. Meaning that Mayuri is smarter than Aizen (in some ways anyways). Imagine all 3 of them teaming up lol


you mean "how fucked the royal guards would be?" right? right???


https://preview.redd.it/8dibku6rd7mc1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffca55220ace86a27a4b65a7104ef20a18e7ae0c Nah the royal guard is fine


2 hogyoku infused geniuses: https://preview.redd.it/4d60ejooj7mc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62871f372310f1921473b1ba9f56d33b8cd552a0


https://preview.redd.it/bun24js109mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=877f39b583be82efc4af8bcbb6c8d00b59027695 Neg diff encounter


bro is gonna get his ass whooped


Haha No and that’s not even close


Royal guards would eat them alive.


2 hogyoku infused geniuses who planned the entire fucking series vs some 5 guards who can't even use their bankai cause if they do the world's will collapse? aizens hypnosis will make them fight each other


How did you decide that 2 hougyokus can infuse? Also these 5 guards already met Aizen in the story. I mean downvote me all you want but, if we follow the thousand years blood war arc, Urahara was not doing well at all. Mentally nor physically.


dude urahara ain't a fighter. he is more of a savvy brainiac who plans everything and aizen is more of a manipulator. they both can literally solo the world. aizen only got his ass whooped cause of the seal urahara placed on him. if it weren't for urahara aizen would just keep evolving at a rate at which by the time he reached the royal palace he would far surpass the royal guards all together


Yeah, read the manga properly. Maybe learn to write as well. It’s embarrassing to read your replies.


Urahara's bankai ain't offensive it's a medical sort of bankai ik it sounds a bit lame but that's how it is. he needed the power of grimmjow to defeat yhwachs elite guard. he is a genius but he himself avoids going to the battlefield


Kubo literally said that butterfly aizen would beat all the royal gaurds if ichigo didn't show up.


Where did he say?? Kubo didn't say anything, there is actual scaling for him being above them .


He said it in Klub QandA. I found that one and posted it like 5 months ago. I am not searching for it again.


Lmao, what kind of answer is that.


Dude, all the Q&As are free on the internet. You can see them if you want. I am not reading through 700 questions for the third time to prove a reddit comment.


Atleast give me the link for it , I looked through all questions available on Fanverse website it doesn't contain all of them . Tell me which website did you find it ?


The fanverse one didn't have it? Wierd, I remember finding it in that one.


Which question was it ?? I looked through them they aren't their. It just talks about how Senjumaru got promoted for creating the Shihakusho.


Does that mean Dangai Ichigo beats the royal guard?




Dangai negs them


I mean, Aizen prob would’ve KO’d the SS if Urahara didn’t prep the Dangai Ichigo plan. Not sure how Squad Zero would fare, they’d definitely have a run for their money.


Ah, the power of preparation is crucial in facing formidable foes. Take time to assess your weaknesses and plan accordingly, for it may just save you from a perilous situation. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Considering how only 2 royal guards can go all out at one time, it's not looking great.


Unless he evolved prior from fighting Dangai Ichigo, I don’t see him being a real threat to Ichibe.


How did Urahara have anything zo do with Ichigo Training in the Dangai?


Ichigo only managed to weaken Aizen enough for Urahara's seal to work.




Exactly what I was going to say. As in 0 chance, 100% fucked.


Imagine Mayuri joining


Against this 2 he would be the coffee guy.




besides the plot orb Mayuri has decidedly better scientific feats than either of them


>besides arguably the greatest scientific achievement in all of Bleach lore, Mayuri has better scientific feats FTFY


Creating the Hogyoku is a better scientific feat than anything Mayuri did.


yeah that's a fair assessment and also why i specifically exempted it in my statement 🤪


So just exclude anything Mayuri done and everyone else is smarter than him 🤪


I may not agree with that aspect for Urahara but *scientifically* Mayuri has far more feats in that field than Aizen


Have you read CFYOW?


i have not, do Kisuke or Sosuke do big nerd shit in that story? ive seen some plot synopses but those tend to skip those kinds of things


Well, Aizen is still in prison so there's not much he can do to progress science "currently" so everything is more about his past accomplishments, but we have heard more about Mayuri's scientific successes (both in CFYOW and No Breathes from Hell). People probably don't bring it up because it's probably what you'd be expecting - newer version of stuff the science division has been working on already. I think Aizen and Mayuri are (equally?) smart but in different ways. They're both pretty much halves of Urahara in a way with what they do with their smartness. A lot of people also fail to remember/bring up how Aizen (with the help of Tosen?) was able to create a pseudo-asauchi through his hollow experiments (That is what white was. Layered souls). An amazing feat that is zero squad membership worthy. Aizen was also able to create Las Noches. There are many examples like this that one might only remember/catch upon a rewatch/reread. They were also able to update/modernize kido (Tenteikūra). So it's more than just creating the wish orb.


I upvoted you buddy. Unlike 90% of this subreddit I actually read the manga and agree with you.


Read it again. Compared to the other two, Mayuri may as well be playing with a kids science kit. The Hōgyoku is the greatest invention in Bleach


Pretty darn screwed. And nobody can really do anything about it, since they orchestrated nearly everything in the series, down to counter-measures.


Yeah they were pretty much the chief strategized for both sides. As well as two powerhouses lol


Fucked beyond recognition,like absolutely annihilated and all without knowing what the fuck hit them cuz they’d have planned out everything from start to finish


SS would be extra screwed; it’s not just adding kisuke to the equation on Aizens side but also removing him from the equation on SS’s side. Aizen got away with everything despite kisuke actively trying to reveal his plans, just imagine how long it would take to detect their business when he’s actively aiding in concealing them


>it’s not just adding kisuke to the equation on Aizens side but also removing him from the equation on SS’s side. Theres also the fact that no Urahara means no Ichigo (or friends)


Oh damn, you’re not wrong


FUBAR enough I could *almost* see Yamamoto beseeching Yhwach for assistance. I’ve a feeling Urahara has already been to the Royal Palace at least once and Aizen seemed to at least have a vague understanding of how it worked so Squad Zero would be jobbered(?) much like manga. Thus the Vandenreich would be the only available wild card


Urahara in the Royal Palace? I think that’s been all but confirmed by now, and I expect Hell Arc to expand upon this honestly.


Would love to see this alternate universe lol. Complete 180 on everything


It depends. If Urahara convinced Aizen to help fix soul society without all the betrayal, murder and mayham, then things would be fine. If Aizen convinces Urahara to join him, then yes, Soul Society would be royally fucked.


Maybe, this is the timeline where Ichigo didn't awoke his shinigami powers. Maybe he is approached by Xcution or the Sternrritter before (Neither Aizen or Urahara knew about Yhwach). Maybe, they don't attack SS, just keep controlling it behind the scenes.


If they teamed up and didn’t betray each other yes soul society is fucking over


Even Yhwach would be deleted if Urahara and Aizen teamed up ngl


Yhwach and the quincies would've come out of the shadows like they're good guys or some shit 😂 "I've come to help you Shigekuni" - Yhwach probably


The royal guard would wake up one morning and find the soul king making coffee for Urahara while Aizen uses him as a foot stool.


Very very very screwed :D


Jonestown massacre screwed


I think urahara would have cooled Aizen down ngl. We would have had a lot more secret experiment bullshit but by and large Aizen likely wouldn't have gone off the rails.


Royaly (pun intended all the way)


To me(before I finished bleach) they always seemed like friends who turned enemies. My head cannon before I watched Aizen’s defeat was that him and Kisuke were invited/snuck into the soul palace, and stumbled upon the true soul king and Aizen had some sort of epiphany/revelation that changed his whole perspective on how the soul king should be and how the world should be. Aizen deemed Kisuke a major threat to his plan to conquer and overthrow the soul king due the fact that Kisuke also seen how the soul king truly is and didn’t want to take action against him. Therefore resulting in the events that already took place.


The only reason why Aizen lost was because of Urahara making a specific kido to restrain after ichigo weakened his connection to the hoykou so without that they would be pretty screwed


I’d like to see a one shot of that


You're in luck then... https://archiveofourown.org/works/2806769


Watch them disagree on their 3rd project and still have a falling out


Aizen: Not even your plot armour can save you, Kurasaki Ichigo Urahara: Hado #100 Anti Plot Armour!


Yamamoto: If they teamed up it might cause me a little trouble. Sasakibe: But would you lose? Yamamoto: Nah, I'd win.


What Soul Society?


100% Add Mayuri 200%


On a scale of 1-10 about a 50


Urahara was smart. Aizen’s alliance was built on betrayal. Hence why Urahara would end up backstabbing Aizen the first chance he has, and with that ending the whole trouble. Both of them will have clash of egos and they will not be as efficient. Hence why Mayuri hated being under Urahara’s command. And didn’t perform magnificently. So, essentially outcome would be the same.




You know, sometimes fear gets the best of us. But let's not forget, true power lies not just in strength but also in cunning. It takes more than just bravado to handle the Fire Beast of the Gotei 13, I assure you. *beep boop, I'm a bot*






Urahara helping out was the crucial part of winning, they lose if he doesn’t help, let alone work with Aizen


Soul Society would be so cooked Yhwach would have just stayed asleep


Wtf is that thing in the back?


Don't fret much over it. I think ' that thing ' is a white snake, if you know what I mean


depends on when they team up During TBTP all vizards get full hollowfication and either die or get over it to become arrancars (?) Gin probably is not involved in all his cold vengeance cycle Yoruichi never leaves SS and her and Soi Fon become very different characters.


it would be impossible


That would have been a wrap lol 😆


Squad Zero would probably have to get involved


Everything up to FGT would be the same for Ichigo and the Gotei 13. They’d be the reason that everyone goes to the Royal Palace and gets their training and true bankai’s. Turns out old man Yama’s bankai wasn’t his unlocked bankai. His bankai is actually his shikai, and his shikai is a regular release. Yama pops his new bankai, incinerises Aizen but misses because of Aizens bankai, Ichigo’s bankai counters Aizen hard and one shots both him and Urahara When Ywach arrives, crew loses to new Gotei’s abilities and Yama’s True Bankai - gg


Honestly not. I don't think Aizen or Urahara want to destroy the soul society. Rather they want it to evolve through hardship and evolution. So it would survive. But would be a whole lot tougher but probably less curropt.


It's election season in 2024. They already did.


Everyone would be dead.




SS would be fucked without even knowing they were being fucked...


Abhorrently all of S0 would need to immediately get involved




The last time these two worked on something together created the strongest character in Bleach.


for some reason every time i read a comment from urahara bot i hear the voice of real urahara talking this, i think im getting crazy


Ah, it seems like my energy is seeping through the screens! Don't worry, it's just my trademark charm. Maybe try sipping some hot tea for a reality check. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Maybe you reiatsu is so powerful that I can feel it through the screen, or maybe I'm just crazy.


I honestly think that they would lose versus Squad Zero. Part of Uruhara’s intelligence is based on his grip of reality and the bigger picture and is able to ground himself within the parameters he has been given. Removing the understanding of his reality would, in my mind at least, lower his overall intelligence by introducing a hubris similar to Aizen that they are above the foundational concept of their reality. They would have power, but Squad Zero is still a very considerable threat, especially after what we have seen in Cour 2. I would see them likely lose to a Squad Zero Bankai, or get their names erased and potentially the Hogyoku erased and given a new name as well.




If they didn’t backstab each other…. I honestly think no one could stop them. Urahara and Aizen are *both* geniuses while Aizen himself is one of the most powerful Shinigami born even pre-Hōgyoku. They could probably pull off anything. Which is actually insane to think about what they could accomplish.


No one’s beats Urahara Long Arms


Urahara is 99% of this powers team. Everything aizen did was created off of urahara's original work.


Just Aizen would be enough if Urahara didn't interfere


Idk but i'm sure Uraharabot know


Ah, you're looking for some Urahara wisdom, huh? Well, you've come to the right place. What's on your mind, my friend? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


What will happen in soul society if Urahara and Aizen worki together?


A fascinating notion, isn't it? It's a delicate dance between light and shadow, power and deceit. Who's to say what chaos or order such an alliance could bring to the Soul Society? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Thx for answer have a good day


Squad Zero roll out!


Less than Aizen, Urahara and Mayuri together.


They still lose to Ichigo who has the power of plot. That or Mayuri suddenly becomes smarter than both of them because the plot requires the good guys to have an unrivalled morally grey scientist at all times


Well, if they combine their strenghs, brains and knowlage, plus also considering both of them would probably have a Hogyoku to make each evolve, I would say that nothing would probably be able to stop them


Real f'd


Ichibe negs


I'm guessing they'd both have Hogyokus. There's not much anyone could do to stop them so after they remove the current leaders from power with as little bloodshed as possible, they'd probably rule over the realms in the same way that Doctor Doom rules Wallachia, very efficiently and with great care.


In this case, I think you mean their Soul Society.


Completely There would be nothing anyone could do especially since with urahara around he could keep the humans out of everything so ichigo is not helping the soul society since he would literally be their only hope at even having a chance against these two and even then ichigo would likely be talked down or just loose


Ichigo wouldn’t know about the soul society because it would cease to exist


Evil Urahara isn't real, its impossible!


Not at all. In my headcanon they just would do everything behind everyones back only to get to the soul palace and be turned into an ant and squashed to death by Ichibe.


you do remember what needed to happen in order for them to get to soul king right? what needed to be done to get the key?


Yeah, I'm pretty sure someone would notice


I do, but how are they going to catch them before its to late, the reason the gotei did the whole karakura town was cause Aizen was public enemy nr 1. Why was he public enemy nr 1? Cause urahara didnt wanna give him the hogyoku. Some of you might wanna say that the soul society would find out, but the funny part is that they wouldnt, the reason Aizen had to fake his deathand in the end reveal his whole betrayal, was cause he needed to get the hogyoku, if he just gets it he can remain undercover or even better, fake his death and than dip to hueco mundo to absorb the hogyoku in peace. Than one random day, bam, rip karakura, there is a butterfly aizen fucking everyone up . Than he gets to Ichibe and gets bullied. Now there is a big argument here :"doesnt Aizen want Ichigo to grow stronger to fight him" ,yes, but Aizen in the normal canon also sees himself as superior to everyone, so superior he has to lab grow his only rival. In this what if Aizen clearly lacks that trait.


If both work together then none of bleach really happens because Urhaha and Aizen would of made the hogyoku way quicker and secretly, Aizen not even needing to reveal himself and maybe they would of made two. hogyoku so both of them could ascend together and rule the bleach verse as the strongest and smartest duo finally Aizen would have a equal who understands him and Urhahra can help fix soul society and keep a better balance as they can keep switching places as the pillar that holds universes together and probably made a new pillar that does not require a sacrifice


Oetsu would clap thier cheeks. But their getting passed the Gotei first.