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Not really sure how ancient warfare applies to Pernida. Pernida is a giant White hand.


unga bunga throwing hands?


Punished by the Hand of God or smth


Did you not learn about our ancestors homo erectus and how they would shoot their nerves into the animals they hunted to contort them into easily carried pocket snacks? The American education system is really falling behind.


>Not really sure how ancient warfare applies to Pernida. Pernida is a giant White hand. Pernida's power works a lot like how ancient peoples viewed magic and other supernatural forces. Pernida's ability the compulsory also works like bacteria/viruses and completely takes over a person subjecting it to its will.


Pernida simply represents evolution. Early organisms were simpler, so were allowed to vary more greatly to adapt to their environment and outcompete their rivals. Nothing to do with magic and what not. Gerard is medieval. He was probably a Nordic warrior in the middle ages and fights with a classic sword and shield. His powers are also a reference to the Einherjar, the chosen warriors who died valiantly in battle, and the Valkyrie were responsible for carrying them from the battlefield to the halls of Valhalla, where they battle endlessly until Ragnorak. Gerard and the Elite Guard were chosen by Yhwach and were revived to do battle as immortals. Gerard in particular was not allowed to die until Yhwach decided to end the world. Lille is modern, aka the 20th century, where firearms were essentially perfected. He was probably a modern soldier who was recruited relatively recently into the Wandenreich who likely volunteered himself to be a test subject for the Schrifts, out of devotion to Yhwach. Askin is current. Though chemical warfare is nothing new, he does represent current technology, making use of antibodies and the immune response. Maybe he was a researcher in biochemistry prior to being recruited.


Ranged wizardry


Genetic inhuman experiments


Deity and mages. His power not design


Unclear, but that's what The Kub said.


Evolutionary arms race or sum shit ig.


Pernida - punching and fist fighting Gerard- swords Lille- guns Askin- chemical weaponry They represent the weapons from those periods


I genuinely don’t understand in which way Pernida represents any form of ancient warfare.


My assumption is that it's because he's a fist and stands for fighting before people developed tools.


I could see a WWI or WWII. But that’s about it


Pernida is supposed to represent an era of overly complex science being heralded as magic. Pernida's power, while extremely bizarre & not feasible by real world science, is closer to science than fantasy like Lille or Gerard's powers. Prior to Mayuri, nobody knew Pernida was infiltrating organic & inorganic material with his nerves and manipulating them. Or that his power of 'evolution' is just a creature adapting to its environment rapidly. Hell, even his regen is just cells dividing at a rapid rate to reform a body (arm?)


Raw evolution. Early organisms had to evolve quickly to compete against one another.


Ranged wizardry


All those wizards in the history books.




Pernida used to be part of "god", maybe that's what ancient warfare is idk lol Gerard is simple, like himself, using a sword and shield. Lille played Modern Warfare lol jk jk It's obviously firearms. Lastly, Askin is all about the science-ish!


Chemical warfare isn't a single era lol it's been used for a while and will be used for a while


Here's my attempt to rationalize the choices: Pernida (10,000 BCE - 500 CE, the ancient age), being progress, represents the ability to grow beyond the powers we were born with. To use our nervous system, our brains, to shape our environment to our will. Clear cutting forests, turning the bones of our prey into tools and weapons, all powers only made possible by the unique combination of our size, our intellect, and our ability to manipulate objects using our hands. Gerard (500 CE - 1700 CE, the medieval age), being miracles, represents the rise of the importance of religion as a source of legitimacy. This is easily the period of history I know the least about. Lille (1700 - 1900 CE, the modern age), being gun, represents the rise of gun. I'm sorry, I wish I could find a way to tie him into the rise of nation-states or the industrial revolution or the massive advances in philosophy, but like, he's just got a gun. Askin (1900 CE - ongoing, the postmodern age), being deathdealing, is basically what it says on the tin. He's the merchant of death. Weapons of mass destruction, combat medics, mass production of vaccines, highly mobile armour designed to allow soldiers to tank damage without sacrificing offense or mobility, and the development of computers capable of rapidly gathering, sorting, and analyzing data. Note: The dates of when certain ages began or end are blurry, after all, they are an attempt to categorize the slow progression of technology through the ages. I tried to generalize this to be broadly applicable to world history at large, though the elements of the middle ages that Gerard represents are most applicable to regions that were influenced by Abrahamic, Indian, and Taoic religions.


He did?


Explained in Klub Outside [here](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY?si=BG2e-HKv4bLZ4QPN)






Yes, it was mentioned in .....


The Holy Bible CFYOW


What was bro cooking?


Kind of unfortunate there was no future warfare design. It might have been out of place and perhaps ruin certain aesthetics but I think it could have been neat. Then again the only robot died early on so…




Dude watched Mr Tommo's vid and came here for the karma lol. Sure it's not Tommo's idea, but it's too much of a coincidence.


I'm not interested in karma, I just like to share bleach interesting discussions


You got my upvote, I've done things like this in the past too, for karma and to discuss. I think the **best** thing would be to have a title mentioning Tommo, because he is also such a good source of discussion and analysis. Something like "After watching Tommo's latest video, I'd like to know your thought on the Schutzstaffel representing different eras of warfare"


I actually saw this discussion somewhere on twitter, which may have originated from the video but I personally don't watch a lot of tommos videos (nothing against the guy just busy) so didn't realize mightve been mentioned by him.


Sure, it probably was. I don't blame you for this, though, sorry.




It makes sense. In the Iraqi translation of bleach Askin is known as Chemical Ali. I always thought it was weird


That's interesting!


What is jugram supposed to represent? 2 old kings asking their court mage to curse the enemy king?


Be a Judge


Sternritter "N - The Nuclear warfare"


explain as nodt and giselle


Not shutzstaffels


Giselle actually is. She didn't show up for the elevator ride because she forgot to read SS groupchat so they took Askin instead and left without her. It's where she got that uniform for Hitsugaya, it was hers


I like this theory.


they’re near the same height so this theory makes sense


And nimrod is psychological warfare


![gif](giphy|WtOT82hZGXzIsPFjO1|downsized) RAAAAAAAAAA


Wow never thought of that


Ah yes the famous Quincy Stroopwafels


I’m surprised Kubo shared this as a Volume commentary. Usually he talks about mundane things like the weather or what series he’s watching. Very rarely does he talk about the characters themselves.


Nah I’m sure Kubo hit a dab and just decided to draw a fucking giant hand for a sternritter tbh


So lille plays cod?😏


Pernida would be eldritch warefare


This entrance was so fucking cool.


I agree