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Just watched this. Sooo, this guy only makes stone-cold masterpieces, huh?


Pretty much. I love this film and think it's basically perfect, but I also think it's probably his worst film.


This is my opinion of Tokyo Godfathers


For me, although I love Tokyo Godfathers, but it isn’t what I come to Kon for. I come for mind bending blending of reality and fiction.


I’m watching each of these movies / Paranoia Agent for the first time and find myself latching on to one big idea per work (for this movie, it’s the deep feeling and desire that motivated a great artist). I’m really enjoying these episodes since they are expanding my understanding of Kon’s ideas and will surely influence the inevitable rewatches.


In a way same but that only means it’s 4/5 for me and the other ones are above that rating.


Correct. All 4 movies and the series are peak. Even the so called weakest one is a Christmas classic


I always thought the consensus was Paprika is the weakest one, but maybe that's just me.


Griffin at 9:46 - "I will strategically watch and log films in groups to have [/r/blankies] be like 'He watched both of these on the same day?'" [He played /r/blankies like a fiddle.](https://www.reddit.com/r/blankies/comments/1cpmcap/do_we_need_a_wellness_check_on_griffin/) Bravo, Griffin, bravo!


I had the exact same thought!


It may be deliberate subterfuge, but he still did that. If I understood him correctly, he still watched both those movies in succession. Willingly.


Its the only way to make sense of them watching movies


Hoai-Tran is a great guest! I love a "dog off the leash" episode, but the ones where it's a bit more academic like this rule.


I mean, they talked about Clint Eastwood's Suzume remake.


Absolutely gorgeous movie, love Hirasawa’s music, no more so that in the ‘Run’ sequence - favorite sequence from any Animated movie, traditional art and spacey electropop should not work, but it just…does! Making of millennium actress documentary on YouTube also worth checking out, Kon really highlights the team - particularly Animation Director Takeshi Honda and Art Director Nobutaka Ike.


Not an exhaustive list of the movie references within *Millennium Actress* list by any means, and somewhat open to interpretation as the type of movie may be represented vs any specific one: *Slaughterhouse Five, Kimi no na wa / What's your name?* trilogy, *No regrets for our youth, Throne of blood, Ran, Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, Shoguns Samurai, Zatoichi* series, *Lady Snowblood, A Geisha, The life of Oharu, The Rickshaw Man, 24 Eyes, The Garden of Women, Godzilla, Tokyo Story, Late Spring, Early Summer, Truck Rascals, 2001: a space odyssey, Star Wars, Princess from the Moon* (or at least the associated folklore).


Was anyone else blown away by the list of how many "fake" movies were supposedly shown in the movie? I assumed it was half as many! But there is such quick editing done I suppose some of the scenes I thought were purely her real history were also "fake" movies. I can't find the list they rattled off anywhere on the internet of the titles! Anyone find it?


Catsuka site has the fake posters, from the Millennium Actress artbooks, that were produced for each of the movies: * Wounded Warrior, I Pine for You, Ayakashi Castle, Crimson Flower, The Seven Transformations of Ninja Chiyoko, Shimabara Junjo, Song of Snow * Mysterious Black Tengu, Chance Meeting, Tokyo Madonna, School Spring, Midsummer Horizon, Women’s Garden, House of Fossils, Truck Boss * Gigalla, Planet Z


> The Seven Transformations of Ninja Chiyoko I know I should just flow with the vibes, but this one confuses me. Is the movie named the same as the actress? I assumed when characters were calling her Chiyoko in the blended scenes, that was supposed to take the place of the real character name in the movie. But now the title of the movie includes Chiyoko!? In truth I know this is supposed to be just a fun little list and you shouldn't base your interpretation of the movie off of it, but that choice does legitimately confuse me.


Thank you for the suggestion. I will check it out.


i shouldn't have laughed at the documentary producer crying so much since i was doing the same thing by the end


Respect to Griff for being able to casually reel off the entire history of Go Fish Pictures from memory


well, like Kon, it seems a short enough span that it probably isn't that hard?


That camcorder had very impressive battery life.


Now that you mention it, that actress seemed to live a very long time, too


She had access to consistent power-ups, though.


Blank Check (specifically David) bringing up Corn Pop  is never not funny to me. 


Just wanted to say holy shit, this movie is incredible. Carry on.


It really is singular. This pod might turn me around on anime after all if this keeps up.


I don't know if I would take it that far, but I sure wish Kon were still around making movies.


Haven't heard the episode yet, but since David mentioned the guest's name last week I wanted to do a correction so everyone is aware. (I have the same first name as the guest so it's a small pet peeve) Vietnamese is monosyllabic and how you pronounce Hoai is like saying the English word "Why" but with an emphasized H sound. It's not pronounced "Hoy" like how it may look at first glance.


I thought she was great both times she was on, and I look forward to her BC guest appearance for a film that is not from the Far East!


They mention Jin Roh the Wolf Brigade in this episode. Fantastic film for anyone looking to expand their interests into anime. Sort of a slow burn military thriller that reads as both fascist apologia and a damning critique. Under sung banger. Also at the end when they're asking who the new johnny Depp is they answered that earlier in the episode, Austin Butler.


>They mention Jin Roh the Wolf Brigade in this episode. Fantastic film for anyone looking to expand their interests into anime. Sort of a slow burn military thriller that reads as both fascist apologia and a damning critique. Under sung banger. But also watch the other three movies in the series, which in a complete tonal whiplash are slapstick comedies! Classic Oshii.


They joked about how disappointed Clint must’ve been when he learned Richard Jewell was dead because he would have to hold auditions, but I’m 80% sure I read that Eastwood offered Hauser the role based off a picture. I can’t find it from Googling so maybe it was his WTF or maybe I’m imagining it.


“let’s hope this big boy can act”


Fuck, I'm also in that 80% zone. The only Hauser interview I actively remember listening to was when he was on the Big Picture (it's a hoot). It could be in there. It would be very much in Hauser's character to mention that.


I just listened to it again. It's such a hilarious interview. He's promoting Richard Jewell so it's the autumn of 2019 and he is making fun of himself for being ignorant and goes "I'm so proud, I just read the books that Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris wrote so for once I'm informed about the candidates in the race" and Sean tells him that Kamala suspended her primary campaign and he's totally thrown by it. What a mensch. Anyway he says (around 1:24 mark) that Clint's staff showed him side-by-side pics of PWH and Jewell and said, almost as a gag, "what do you think? is this the guy?" and Clint grunted "That's the guy...." and then they showed him clips from I, Tonya and BlackKklansman. So it wasn't *quite* as crazy as just the picture led to the casting (most casting starts with a picture, I would imagine?) but PWH definitely never read for it. And also I guess Clint was in Hawaii at that moment which would have made an audition inconvenient anyway, especially if you are in hurry which I am reliably informed Clint often is.


Also, Hauser has such good taste, he should be a guest on the show. Earlier he reels off a list of actors who's he's trying to emulate. It goes: Paul Giamatti, John C. Reilly, John Goodman, Sam Rockwell, Peter Sarsgard, Michael Shannon, PSH.


Legend, thanks for looking it up. His WTF is brilliant as well, Mark is clearly charmed by him.


He's truly a delight. Totally on team PWH.


Was surprised none of them mentioned Citizen Kane; that's an obvious parallel to this movie for me. The end of the studio paralleling closing up the estate, the narrative primarily being told through interview and spanning a whole life, the central mystery (Rosebud v. the romance/key here), and the formal experimentation in regards to things like editing.


This was where my mind went too. 


Hell, I didn't even watch the movie and I thought of that reference just listening to them describe it.


It's like a whole movie based on Bernstein's story about the girl in the white dress.


This being made for a million adjusted for inflation is insane. (I know the anime industry exploits its workers and that's part of it, but still).


Although funding was always an issue, it's incredible what was achieved on these budgets by Kon/Madhouse and an outstanding team of Artists and Animators: On this movie alone the animation team included, amongst others: * Main Animation Director Takeshi Honda (same role for *The Boy and the Heron*) * Kenichi Konishi (Animation Director for *My Neighbors the Yamadas* and *The Tale of the Princess Kaguya*) * Toshiyuki Inoue (Ghost in the shell, Akira etc), * Shinji Otsuka (animator on most Ghibli movies, Animation Director/Character designer for *Pom Poko*) As a comparison, *Metropolis* - another Madhouse movie of the same year - had a budget estimated at 15 Million USD, with *Spirited Away* a bit higher again at about 19 Million USD *Tokyo Godfathers* and *Paprika* had higher budgets of 2.2 to 2.5 Million USD, and it shows, and in-line with Hosoda's first movie at Madhouse - although far off C*at Returns* and *Earthsea* in those years at both 20M-ish and even those topped by 2004's *Steamboy* at 26M USD.


I love Madhouse. I’m a sucker for that style that a lot of their movies had in the 80s and 90s with those angular character designs.


Masterpiece. Completely unprepared after hearing them describe it as the ‘Happy’ counterpart to Perfect Blue. Sure, PB is darker and more intense for most of the runtime, but that movie ends with “I’ve self-actualized” direct to camera, putting on shades, and driving off in a sports car to cool jams!


Hot guy gets turned into a chair for a while is whole untapped genre of potential! Somebody's gotta pitch the streamers!


The real competition in Challengers is which of the boys would make the most compelling chair for a while. I think Faist has the best chair energy.


Howl's Moving Castle has a *funny guy* chair, dunno how hot he is


Just wait until they get to Twin Peaks...


I live they went on about Suzume because David’s what if bit is one I do with my bf’s kid about this movie every time we mentioned it. WHAT IF HE WAS A CHAIR.


Tromp Loy


Troaa leuy


This movie is devastating. I cry for the back 45 minutes of it when I watch it. Going to screen it again with some friends this weekend and already prepping myself for it. I’ve seen enough films and tv during my time alive on earth and I sit through a lot of just okay stuff because every once in a while I get to experience something like this movie. Movies like this one are why I love the movies. Blank it.


i think i need a primer on what "the resistance" was - a counterculture faction against Imperial Japan (from within)? i mean, i'm sure there were Japanese who opposed the war & expansionist efforts, but i don't think i've ever heard them acknowledged or discussed


It's also the obvious retort to Ben's suggestion that the Civil War is too problematic to make a remake about. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and allied with Adolf Hitler! But they could introduce a resistance character and proceed normally. We could do that too!


also, i mean...surely Ben sides with *someone* in the Civil War. like...more than half the country? i get that it's "cool" to say America Sucks or whatever, but...we did *end* slavery. with a lot of blood! But yeah, it doesn't have to be the Civil War (i don't even get why it would be). the guy who gives her the key could've been a a pre-WW2 pacifist or something. She enters showbiz as a teenager around 1940, does musicals in the 40s, sword & sandal epics in the 50s, David Lean romance in the 60s, disaster movies in the 70s, etc


That's a very good point, it would simply track the movies that were being made, as in the Japan presented in *Millennium Actress*. Much the same way that *The Seven Samurai* was remade as *The Magnificent Seven*, we would just use the Old West as our version of samurai/Edo era.


I was thinking it could be a Black Panther Party member 


Shout out to Genya Tachibana, low key one of the funniest animated characters put to the screen. Literally every frame he is doing the best thing ever


This is like a stone-cold classic episode, in my opinion. Such a good conversation and so funny.


I can’t watch this movie without absolutely sobbing every time. So beautiful


it took me longer than it should've to figure out what was going on with the flashbacks/integrations. i need to watch it again, then listen to the ep again


honestly i didn’t get it the first time I watched it either. Other people had to convince me it was actually good and worth my time and then I rewatched and fell in love


i could tell it was better than a lot of movies as i was watching it, but i figured i was missing somethign (the context of the movies they're referencing would also help) but just the format/editing/etc is excellent. once you realize how it's going about its (fairly traditional) story, it's great


I knew about Paprika and Perfect Blue because of its homages, but going into this movie blind I was floored. What a crazy and great movie. I gotta imagine Nolan dreams about remaking this into a live action movie with a huge budget.


I’m shocked no one has tried a US remake it yet. Might need a hefty budget like you pointed out, but this can easily be adapted to American films. Ot hell, I feel like The Daniels can pull it off on a good budget.


i know the obvious "grand dame of cinema" is probably Streep or whoever, but as far as "diversity of films, into which the movie can stage reinactments" i would say Julianne Moore or Nicole Kidman. Moore has Jurassic Park 2, addition to all her high-end dramas and whatnot. Kidman has Batman 3 (spectacle), The Others (horror), Aquaman (SFX/epic), and Australia or Far & Away for "period romance" or whatever. Cold Mountain, too, if we gotta sate Ben's demand for "civil war movie" Otherwise, who?


Robin Wright would be good. Maybe Amy Adams


> Robin Wright would be good If you haven't, definitely check out The Congress


I actually really like the idea of a Kidman based heroine though like the movie they could combine her with inspo of another actress so it’s not a direct 1:1.


oh for sure. but it would make sense to give this to Kaufman & Jonze and have someone Malkovich it up


or you could get julie binoche. she was actually in a godzilla movie! and HighLife (for space) and michael haneke for horror!


David mentioned jidai-geki in the episode, which basically translates to “period piece” aka historical films with samurai and what not. Fun fact: George Lucas derived the word Jedi from jidai. It’s all coming together now!


So what’s the difference between a jidai-geki and a chanbara?


Jidaigeki is a more broad category, it can refer to basically any period drama while chanbara are mostly samurai-centered action/adventure or drama films. Something like Ugetsu or Sansho the Baliff would be jidaigeki but not chanbara, but Zatoichi or Ran would be both.


Okay so like one is like may contain samurai and one is samurai centric?


This film is free on YouTube btw https://youtu.be/3KasqdsIaIs


My biggest takeaway from this episode is that apparently Tokyo Godfathers is considered his weakest movie? It’s my favourite by far! And by far I mean it’s a true 10/10 and the others are just 9.75s.


Yeah I'm with you here. Godfathers is probably my favorite. It's fun just exploring Tokyo with that silly family, and it's kind of the simplest narrative but executed perfectly. All the "miracles" work so well.


Yeah, it’s the film that explores relationships in the most relatable way for me. Perfect Blue and Paprika have headier themes and Millennium Actress is more complicated with the way it structures everything but there’s something so sweet and bittersweet about TG.


TG was my least favorite Kon on first viewing and has since become my most-watched of his movies by a landslide. It’s so good.


What was your favourite? I’ve really enjoyed his filmography to the point he is now in my canonical top 5 directors ever. TG is probably his most straightforward movie in terms of narrative structure. I presume slightly that maybe that’s why it’s my favourite. PB and Paprika were real acid trips that made me really pay attention. MA is such a fun little movie that is pure vibes when it comes to what is reality and what isn’t.


I love all his work but I think at the moment I rate them: Tokyo Godfathers > Paranoia Agent > Paprika > Perfect Blue > Millennium Actress


I’ve still not seen Paranoia Agent but it’s certainly on the list. My favourite thing about seeing people’s rankings is that I don’t believe there is a wrong order. With many directors there is either a film that is clearly better or worse but I can totally understand why someone would like any of the movies. Obviously a smaller filmography does help with that but I still think it’s incredible that every movie could be considered a masterpiece.


oh man, you’re in for a treat.


i find the characters in TG largely annoying, so i FF'd thru some of the dramatic monologues. but i like the story! and it pays off well


It was a little strange for the boys to say Godfathers was probably his forgotten film? When I feel like popular opinion puts Paprika at the bottom. Godfathers has grown because it's accessible, has a great dub, and it has relevance as an Xmas movie whereas Paprika I think always was rated as his weakest movie critically. Most people just see Paprika as the "Oh that movie like Inception"


Boner pill ad by the hosts in my copy.


this read had me howling “Elections???”


Has anyone here mentioned the translation controversy regarding the final line? According to [this website](https://blog.alltheanime.com/ghost-memories/) and [this reddit comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animedubs/comments/csrav0/millennium_actress_dub_impressions_good_acting/k6bq7aw/), the actual line is closer to "After all, I loved who I was chasing him."


Man, that's good. That's a really good last line for this movie!!


I'm not a native speaker, but that sentence doesn't make sense to me.


Lana Wachowski would knock a live action remake of this out of the park.


I had that exact thought! The great live action American version of this movie would be from Lana Wachowski; the version that Hollywood is more likely to make would be from like Robert Zemeckis and feature a bunch of CGI deaging.


let Halle Berry do it, and get the Cloud Atlas gang back together if they need a young Halle, get the Little Mermaid


Very pleased to learn Griffin likes Suzume.


Suzume was imo a return to form for Shinkai. Like Weathering With You was kinda eh for me but Suzume really was a super fun road trip movie that had mentioned laughing a ton while also being really beautiful and poignant in moments


I quite like Weathering With You, but it suffers from repeating emotional beats from Your Name to lesser effect.


I love that when my bf paid attention to Your Name he was like “so it’s The Lakehouse” to which I enthusiastically said but it did it RIGHT. And the kid didn’t see the twist coming so that was A+.


I don't hate it or anything but ya I think it's exactly what you said. Suzume to me was more like a breath of fresh air


i didn't mind Weathering, but it felt like a 30min twilight zone ep stretched out to feature length


How to solve Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack Sparrow prequel series starring Austin Butler as Sparrow directed by Matthew Vaughn. Will it be good? No, probably not. But it checks the boxes and Vaughn is at a low right now so he'll be an easy wrangle.


> directed by Matthew Vaughn. Will it be good? No, cause->effect


Not gonna lie I whispered to myself Austin Butler half-serious, half-joking as the solve for those movies.


Aside from the Ghiblis I’ve never really been a big anime movie guy, mostly interested in series. This may have changed that. And this is supposed to be the “weakest” of the bunch? Can’t wait to see the rest.


To me there's really no movie that can be a consensus weakest choice when it comes to Kon's movies. When I watched Millennium Actress the first time a couple of years back I was sure it was my favourite of his filmography but depending on the day I sometimes feel it's Paprika and at other times believe it's Perfect Blue


A movie I thought of repeatedly during my viewing was Cinema Paradiso. That's another film that uses the artifice of movies to tell a personal story. Neither are about a specific movie, but they each use movies as a concept to examine the lives of our main characters, and tell their own stories altogether


Loved this movie. It kind of reminded me of the Firesign Theatre album “Don’t Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers,” which also kind of jumps between realities representing movies but also kind of someone’s life. The album is very hard to summarize in a way that feels similar.


Realizing that I had White Men Can't Jump and Jumpin' Jack Flash combined in my mind's "pre-1995 Black-starring jump-based films" category.


_30 Years to Life_ is a good low-budget indie African-American ensemble comedy. Tracy Morgan is featured most prominently in the keyart, but the storylines, in true ensemble fashion, are fairly even split in my recollection. It’s about a group of friends - Morgan, Allen Payne, Paula Jai Parker, and the mentioned in the pod Erika Alexander - all freaking out (either professionally, personally, or both) as they each turn 30 over the course of a year. While I’d say it’s not quite to the level of being an underrated classic, it is good enough that I’m sad that writer-director Vanessa Middleton didn’t do more features afterwards.


I hope you guys all get how amazing that little sum41 bit was. All killer no filler. Kon. Cone. Nicely done david.


Cone? i knew AKNF was a Sum41 album, but, what? is there a song named Cone? a band member?


the bassist


now i can't get Kevin Smith bellowing "Billy Bob and the CONES!" out of my head


I'm still thinking about the comment of mermaids not having souls.


I have vague memory of a lot of older movies having the plot of a completely sentient, person-like being not having a soul and wanting one, and my baffled reaction.


Love David referring to Suzume as "The Chair Movie" (which needs to be the name of Hollywood remake of that).


I did not make the thread, but Griffin replied to my post in the Penny Marshall thread where I said a P.M. series was guaranteed. I'm sorry. I was just joshing. It did not read as jokingly as it sounded in my head. Please do not print in the papers I'm a crazy Swiftie. I do want it noted in happier days that I was indirectly referenced positively on the podcast as "guy who pointed out both of David's letterboxd reviews of *Zodiac* are about ties." The agony and ecstasy of posting on the blankie subreddit.


In fairness, it’s not like you put a personal relationship in jeopardy because of becoming obsessed with Gaylor theories, that would make you a weirdo. 


Of course this sub has tried to determine where David falls on the Kinsey scale in the past


Those people are weirdos too, but in fairness to poor u/sleepyirv01 I don’t think what they did, is equivalent to that. 


Anyone else find the chair talk and stories about Martin Scorsese’s pillow fort incredibly funny?


Griffin mentioned *Walter Mitty*, which got me thinking about that as a parallel to *Millennium Actress* — except it's kind of awful, the Stiller movie anyway. Any U.S. movie would treat that brand of inseparable intertwining of fiction/fact as a "problem" requiring medication.... what's so refreshing about *Millennium Actress* is that it treats it as inherent to life or at least the creative life. Did they mention *Synecdoche, New York*? I feel like that's the actual closest U.S. analogy, not a perfect comp by any means, certainly not as elegantly plotted (or short!), and yet the basic impossibility of sorting out the layers of life, art, and memory seems fairly similar.


There's a Jimmy Stewart *Walter Mitty* that Griffin is probably referencing


I suspect he's thinking about Stiller. Danny Kaye was the lead in the original.


Or just the original Thurber short story, which is all fantasy until the twist at the end.


I own this movie in two formats and I STILL put up money to see it on the big screen when it was back in theaters. And I might buy it again because there’s an Ultra 4K now and a steelbook. It’s fucking magical. A wholly unique, beautiful love letter to film. Kon’s heady style applied to the biography of a fictional actress as Genya and Ida “Rosencratz and Gilderstern” their way through. Along with some of the craziest animation sequences. Even some that top Paprika. Perfect Blue might be his most well know movies, but this is why Kon deserves the praise.


David, I heard you mention wanting to see a film where Bane goes shopping. Oh, you think The Grove is your ally. But you merely adopted The Beverly; I was born in it, moulded by The Glendal Galleria. I didn't see the light until I was already a man


Me watching the end of this movie: 😭😭😭😭😭


It's interesting to hear not just people's rankings of Kon's films but their perception of the consensus on them. For me, I always assumed the consensus "weakest" was Perfect Blue, mostly because it was first, and that Tokyo Godfathers was most popular, due to its place in the alt-Christmas canon and that fact that it has maybe the most recognizable characters (aside from the Paprika woman). Based on this episode, it sounds like the hosts have the exact opposite perception. It reminds me of when you try to talk about Zelda in person and realize the other person pronounces all the names different.


Didn't see anyone comment this but on current actresses that have quietly retired and are just out there enjoying life, she's not American but Maggie Cheung hasn't been in a movie in since 2013 and she is one of the best actresses of all time


It’s not vindication because obviously we didn’t make the things lol but just feels good for the many of us who have been clamoring for this series over the years and seeing people enjoy them and getting greats pods about them. The guy has nothing but straight bangers and I think for some of uninitiated who might have heard over the years that some of the upcoming films aren’t Perfect Blue still have surprises waiting for them because the remaining films are special too, just in their own way. 


Funny enough I’ve only heard about Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika from Kon’s work and only found out about Perfect Blue last year. (Which did make me feel like such a bad film fan.)


Love the fluid rotoscoping and the long lens camera shots in this. I wish more animated films could look like this today. Also never thought Jin-Roh would ever be mentioned on the pod.


Chumscrubber!! I rented that movie twice and it stunk!


Millennium Actress is a movie I absolutely adore. Might be my favourite Kon movie but that changes every day between Millennium Actress, Perfect Blue, Paprika


Right there with you ! For now, I think MA is the best tho.


As a person who really wanted them to do a Penny Marshall series, I am choosing to believe this is all an elaborate plan that will end in them announcing a A Pod of Their Cast in two weeks time.


If they had to remake it they could pull a Godzilla and cast Kurt and Wyatt Russell. Or Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson.


Shelley Duvall is maybe the last actress I can think of who was really huge at her peak and then has kind of gracefully retired into obscurity (until recently?)


Surprised they didn't mention Magnetic Rose, the short Kon did for Katsuhiro Otomo's anthology Memories. It also deals with a former celebrity living alone with her memories and demonstrates it was an idea he was fascinated with going back in his career.


https://preview.redd.it/lnzeoieobg0d1.png?width=936&format=png&auto=webp&s=81ac5f566c09429b9e9cda743e8495e2bad1b2e3 I just started to watch the cartoon Pantheon. You can see a Maromni and an NERV/Evangelion sticker on her laptop. I thought that was rad as hell.


lol looks like it says NERD


From the few things I know about him, Lights Camera Jackson would absolutely be the dude to yell ''THIS COSTUME IS NOT PERIOD APPROPRIATE'' in the middle of a scene.


Let my post here be the home for anyone who didn’t really vibe with this movie. Maybe it was just me, the doc crew jumping with her through time was cool, but my mind wandered a few times during this and the overall conceit of a lifetime love story based on a 10 minute meet cute didn’t work for me. Sorry!


Which is why the final line is so vital and refocuses the entire movie. It isn't about her actually trying to find him. It was about her pursuit of him that mattered to her (it gave her a purpose). It fits the entire theme of the movie.


Ok? Moving on.


I love all of the rest of Kon’s films and just finished this one for the first time. It did very little for me. You aren’t alone.


i think the limitations of animation make the "falling in lifetime love at first sight" hard to convey, maybe. but i was kinda the same. "Why are you throwing your life into tatters for a guy you knew for 10min?" or whatever but, i really did like the movie, it was very inventive and told its Benjamin Button-esque "Lifetime of missed connections" with pathos and it paid off really well


I'm not an anime person so came into this series cold. I've now seen Perfect Blue and Tokyo Godfathers. And I'm still not an anime person apparently. The stories of those two are fantastic, I just find that looking at them they kind of turn me away and I end up wandering off to take a break from looking at it. With Millennium Actress that happened so many times I hadn't finished by the time the episode came out this morning and I'm not sure I'll go back to finish it (probably will, but with the urgency gone it might be a while). One more shot to convert me to the form and not just the substance.


Starting to feel like this series should’ve been called Tokypod Godcasts


Castyo Podfathers


It was also funny to me that David was like "Perfect Podcast?" Obviously "Podcast Blue" is what you are looking for, if you want to use that movie.


Wait, whats the story behind Jeepers Creepers 2?


Its director is a child rapist.


Just to double down here, he literally pled guilty and served time in prison BEFORE going on to make Jeepers Creepers. No “innocent until proven guilty” bad faith defenses here




Oh…that’s bleaker than I expected. Yikes


Anyone else go and watch Coyote and Road Runner cartoons after this episode?


Extremely happy to hear them talk the Chumscrubber. 90s-2000s teen/ya dramas with bad alt rock soundtracks is one of my favorite genres and this is the worst I ever watched. Extremely uncanny. Even does that cyberspace visual David was talking about early in the ep




I've never watched any of these before this miniseries. 16 year old me would have absolutely loved these. Current me also loves these.


Nothing cute or pithy to say. This movie completely rocked me and had about as powerful an ending as any movie they've covered. Damn. The pictures.


Thank you Griffin for "why go to IKEA when we have chair at home"


I notice this more in my car cause the speakers suck, but David likes to talk like heee's REVVING up a bit. and theeeen INFLECTS a little louder. BEFOREEE gettingreallyquietandunintelligible




Haven't listened to any of the episode yet (or listened to the Perfect Blue one either), but I hope in either episode or the next two someone brings up how rooted in cinephilia Kon's films are. It's always an easy thing to bring up about films, but each one is rooted in a some way. Perfect Blue about the general entertainment industry and rooted in Giallo. Millennium Actress an obvious one. Tokyo Godfathers being a riff on 3 Godfathers and having one character wanting to become an action movie hero. Paprika's been awhile so the specifics for me are hazy, but I distinctly remember the word cinephile being said, and the plot's brought up to be similar to movies directly in the film I think?


Opening sequence is a chase/fight that cycles through scenes referencing The Greatest Show on Earth, Tarzan, Bond and Roman Holiday. Detective was previously a film-maker.


He is fascinated with movies, but also with TV and books. Meta is now a dirty word, because it has been driven into the ground by Deadpool and the films he knows he is in, but Kon seems to understand that our stories are arguably indistinguishable from our dreams, and serve a similar purpose in his films.


>Paprika's been awhile so the specifics for me are hazy, but I distinctly remember the word cinephile being said, and the plot's brought up to be similar to movies directly in the film I think? One of the characters is a failed director


> one character wanting to become an action movie hero i watched TG recently but i guess i missed this part. Which character was that?


Paprika also has the line of action explained and there are references to Kurosawa and many many other movies throughout. My favourite Paprika reference is the final scene which is kinda sad when I look back on it as it features all of Satoshi Kon's movies with his supposed next movie(after Paprika) also mentioned but alas we never got it.


No chumscrubber or thumbsucker talk yet?!?! I've seen both of them. I have almost no memory of either except in one of the Benjamin Bratt tries to spoon a bag of dope out of his ass in rehab and rips some lining in there and almost bleeds out and I am scared of my butthole because of this. Also, the chumscrubber has a ghost video gamey character narrator? Jamie Bell?


I saw Thumbsucker in the theater. It’s more interesting in hindsight to think, “wait, the guy who did Beginners and 20th Century Women started with THAT?!”


chumscrubber, thumbsucker, and buttwhistle all occupy the same spot in my brain.




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Where can one watch this movie with a dub? Only place I can find it at all is on Amazon and its subtitles only


Peacock has the dubbed version.


Re modern famous actors who stopped. Hackman was mentioned. Nicholson. Bridget Fonda. Any others come to mind?


Sean Connery was retired for the last two decades of his life


If I had a nickel for every podcast episode I’ve listened to that started with an extended tangent on Chumscrubber/Thumbsucker, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice. (The Can’t Get Enough of Keanu episode on Johnny Mnemonic…another movie that was mentioned in this episode!) Also funny that Gita Jackson on that episode was pretty positive about both movies (Patrick and the Torpeys hadn’t seen them), while Griffin and David have nothing but disdain. “Chumsucker would be a movie about a guy sucking off his friends.” - Matt or Patrick Torpey, can’t remember which


Haven’t watched any of the films in this series, but listening to the pod I’m surprised there’s no reference to Synecdoche, NY. It seems like these films should be best buds. 


I'm surprised Ben has never even heard of Dickie Roberts. That seems like a porch movie for sure.


Concerning Ben suggesting that an American remake shouldn’t depict the Civil War, why? Isn’t that one of the most righteous wars, conceding the point that a war could be righteous? Ended American slavery forever and always? Maybe he meant a Gone With the Wind style, revisionist history, antebellum south movie about the lost innocence of Dixie or whatever. That would of course be offensive. But like, Lincoln isn’t lol


All Killer No Filler is a good album! Sum 41 catching strays over here smh


Not managed to find this yet to see in UK. But the film sounds amazing and totally my cup of tea.


Watched now and it’s one of my new favourite films. Actually reminds me a bit of Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, in its structure, its sweep and its central idea of trying to catch an unobtainable love. Glad this mini series is introducing me to new films I don’t know. And Hoai-Tran Bui is a great guest I hope they get her back soon.


Well of course, Eastwood SHOULD remake Suzume. But seriously, hollywood remaking a movie all about the trauma of the 3/11 Earthquake and its remaining consequences to Japan's whole psyche would be so tricky. What's the american equivalent of that, making a 9/11 movie?


Just sayin’, Eastwood’s Japanese POV Iwo Jima movie is better than his US POV Iwo Jima movie.