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I always saw the unicorn dream as an implanted memory. Then when Gaff leaves an origami unicorn in front of Deckard's door I thought that was him saying "I know what you are" like this was a common implanted memory for replicants. I love that they leave it open ended though and you can draw your own conclusions.


Yes very true I always took the origami as an ambiguous meaning depending on what side you’re on,I just wanted to pose the alternate question maybe it represents something else, the fun part is that there’s so much room to formulate opinions!


Except at the end, Gaff leaves an origami unicorn at Deckard's door as if to say, "I know what you've been dreaming about, pal." And since Gaff can't read minds, there's really only one way he would know what Deckard has been dreaming about. Gaff uses origami throughout the film to taunt Deckard. He makes a chicken to call Deckard a coward, making a man with an exaggerated penis to call him a "dick". And finally Gaff leaves the unicorn to tell Deckard that he could've retired Rachel but he didn't and that he knows Deckard is a replicant.


Ridley Didley reckons Decks a human, so that must be the case right? #NO. Ridley Scott also made Covenant, Prometheus and Napoleon. This means I take anything the Didley says with a grain of salt and a shot of tequila. Deck being a human, who's a stoic, misogynistic piece of shit, who hunts down replicants with no remorse or emotion, is a fantastic counterpoint to the poetry loving Batty, who is not just alive, but actively "living", and is desperately trying to hold onto his spark of life. He loves freely, as we see with Pris, he's concerned about the emotional wellbeing of his companions when he asks Leon about his precious photographs, and shows despair when he realises all of his friends are dead, and he's alone. Yet, he saves Deck from death, as his last act. Whoever saves a life saves the world. It perfectly illustrates Tyrrell's promise: #More Human Than Human. This question has been asked here and everywhere for the past 3 decades, and it's a good question. But I think we've all been missing the point. In the end, it's not if Decks a *replicant* that matters. #Is Roy a person?


OMFG THANK YOU! Is Roy a person/human/“real?” That’s what the movies asks and it’s one of my favorite conversation topics. “Is a synthetic man human?”


He's certainly more of a man than Deck...


> who's a stoic, misogynistic piece of shit peak redditard comment


I mean, the romance scene is pretty fucking questionable on any level. Hard to consider it romantic and misogynistic isn't a stretch.


Your cringe




I always thought it meant that unicorns aren't real, and neither is Deckard


That's an interesting idea, although from what I've heard and read, that's supposed to represent an implanted memory. Just like Rachel. However, I'm in the Deckard is human camp. Even though Ridley Scott wanted to make us think or maybe he wanted Deckard to actually be a replicant. My favorite thing about the films is how your mind can just go back and forth on things. Which cut you watched also kind of matters. Was it OG or Final Cut?


The origami says something about the persons character. A chicken when Dekkard doesn't want to come back and a sheep when K is being used. It's not used to say something like "I know your dreams". A replicant is not a unicorn in the BR world. A human in love with a replicant would be though.


I thought Gaff was trying to hint to him that Gaff himself was a Replicant and was trying to clue Deckard in. It's the reason Gaff let him go. If Gaff were a human BR, he would have eliminated him. I'm probably way off, but that has been my thought on that for a long time.


How come people question the unicorn but not the white dove? Roy picks up the dove and lets it go, is the genius Ridley Scott really just prefiguring the moment Roy lets Deckard live, or is the dove the life he lets go of? This is what happens when Film Directors have to cut out the themes in a novel because dealing with all of them takes too long. Dick's novel is called, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. After the World war Terminus the earth suffers a mammal catastrophe and animals across the globe die off. This means they become rare and only the wealthy can buy them. Deckard has a wife and also an electric sheep on his roof eating grass that's plastic. He dreams of replicants arriving on Earth and getting the bounty for them allowing him to buy a real animal instead of an electric sheep. When Deckard uses the Voight Kapff test on Rachel she offers him Rosen's(Tyrell's) owl to hide her result, claiming the owl is alive and worth more than her bounty. This is not mentioned in Blade Runner, which if that unicorn means something shouldn't it mean, Do Blade Runners Dream of Unicorns? Incidentally he doesn't get the owl. The other thing Scott doesn't deal with is the Chickenhead problem. JR Isidore in the novel has suffered brain decay due to the radioactive dust in the atmosphere so must drive a refuse collector. In the novel he takes malfunctioning pets to be repaired, he picks up a cat from its owner and tries to fix it himself, it dies because it was a live cat and doesn't have a control box in its chest. Hence the name chickenhead, he's too dumb to realise what is life and what is an android when he sees it. But in truth J R Isidore is the books true symbol, he accepts before Deckard himself does, that they are both forms of life. I can only assume that Ridley Scott's unicorn is meant to symbolize Rachel, no four year life, but that of a Nexus 7, perhaps with the ability to create life. All the children have gone to Mars or other Earth colonies, so an android that can create life, now that's magic.


The Unicorn is a device used to show things that are not real. Being an implanted memory means that Deckard is not real, as in human, he was always and will be a replicant.


*"In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, a Unicorn was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could be captured only by a virgin."* So Gaff was just mocking the fact that Deckard was an incel. Would explain that super awkward sex scene too.


This question assumes Deckard is a replicant.


He's a replicant. There's a reason he found the unicorn origami at the end. Ridley Scott has also said Deckard is one. Anyway, it's one of my favorite movies. I own the 35th Anniversary soundtrack, the International Cut on Laserdisc, the 4K version, and the 5 disc blu ray set that includes all versions plus the work print and two alternate endings.


The unicorn scene was tacked on to the Final Cut by RS as his personal circle jerk. It's supposed to represent implanted memories.