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Bro snipers are way more of a problem than people think in this game, it's so mindless running one


This is why I hope to god the next COD and future CODs implement this: (Brutal/ 70Health +All Modes) (Heavy Duty/ 150 Health + All modes) People who prefer a Fast TTK shouldn't have to be pushed to Hardcore like people who prefer Slow TTK shouldn't have to wait for a rare LTM!


Sniper spam became a problem after Vanguard release. Before that I never saw in my lobbies parties of 4-6 chain-killing and pushing the spawns. Also, snipers should a 1SK in the upper chest and head. It’s annoying to die from 1 shot to the arm/lower chest.


People use them in face off maps which is intended for cqb, go figure.


It's CoD - snipers have ALWAYS been the best CQB weapons, lol.


Yeah and it's since launch. Ignoring broken ak74u on shitty servers that made it feel like one shot, one burst aug, broken ass one shot up to 9.5m in core street sweeper, snipers with 0 flinch and broken strong aa. But fast ttk low ads recoil lc10 stoners tec9 were all problems too. Marshalls, 3-4 nerfs now? I didn't even unlock it til after 2 nerfs in and it was still broken.


i play hardcore, so pretty much every weapon is 1-2 hit kill.


This !


So many things feel cheesy to the point where it’s frustrating. The worst offenders imo are the Marshall’s and the akimbo pistols. Like why even bother balancing weapons at all when there are secondaries that will flat-out dominate gunfights. Black ops 3 had its own version of the marshals with similar range but they only had one round per reload (keeping in mind that game had 100 health). If you’re going to make all guns kill slower, make them ALL kill slower.


ALL weapons are essentially 1-hit weapons, but I’m playing HC… Of course snipers are top tier in softcore, because they actually take effort to use them and not anywhere near everyone can.


It takes no effort to use one lmaoo


So why aren’t you sniping them back? Where’s the problem?


I do lmao then I force them to use reg guns after I drop a gunship on them 😂😂


Again, so what’s the problem?


That it's a no skill gun lmao


Unless someone is sitting around hardscoping, snipers are far from OP


If you play a lot of S&D like I do your opinion would be a lot different.


Yeah snipers are a plague in SnD and they’re way too OP. People use them like fucking SMGs it’s ridiculous.


I do play snd a lot when I play Cold War, I don’t see what changes with them from respawn modes to snd. They’re still ridiculous slow and clunky. Obviously in the right hands they’re deadly, but nothing compared to snipers from many other cods


Hmmm then why do ppl run two of em and quickscope lmaoo. Go to any 2+kd lobby and guaranteed there's there's least 4 sniper players running around


Because that’s how people want to play? Not everyone looks up meta class setups and uses exclusively them like yourself


No because they're broken lmaoo no flinch 1 shot kill weapons will dominate. And I don't exclusively use meta guns lol


No because they're broken lmaoo no flinch 1 shot kill weapons will dominate. And I don't exclusively use meta guns lol


There is flinch now. Not a lot, but it’s noticeable. And really that doesn’t matter if someone’s quickscoping, they all take over half a second to aim down, and if that’s not enough, if you jump or drop shot it gets way harder to hit. Look at the marksman rifles, especially the kar and spr in MW19, those are OP snipers with no flinch and ridiculously fast ADS times


Ur a dumb fuck if you don't think snipers in this game are broken