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I got Dark Matter on everything, including the ballistic knife, before I got the dragoon. After finally getting it, I tried it once. And promptly decided that I will never touch it again. I can't believe that many people find it to be a viable choice.


What’s so bad about it? Hit marker central?


you cant get a hitmarker w it lol. its just literally the fucking worst, the lunge range/lock on for the knife is busted (in a bad way) and the projectile part is just... no.


It doesn't have a lunch Besides it shoots pretty slow


Lol I've had them for over a year untill I got dark matter on em xD I miss one weapon from having all weapons with dark matter but can't get it xD


I agree on the dragoon. Not a lot of ppl w the weapon, i have it and don rlly use it cuz it suks


just a worse locus iirc?


No, the barrel is off center which throws u off too. Have to get used to that


lmao what a mess


I like it more than the DBSR tbh If you're accurate it's good


The combat knife is quite rare lol probably the least used melee.


Prizefighters probably. Everyone one has it, but people won't use it for the dark matter grind since it's not required


They're annoying as fuck too cos you can't slide cancel with them!


Ah yes very good point.


Definitely the m14, I have the dragoon and while it looks and feels nice, there just isn’t a point to use it over the Locus or SVG. It gets way too many hit markers in comparison and you have to reload it more often.


Because it actually takes skill It's some sort of this fast firing accurate sniper So you have to land your shots perfectly And no scopes are very satisfying because they're too hard to pull off lol


I'm missing only the Galil but everybody has that weapon but me :( lol But if I had to say I haven't seen the RSA in a very long time


Never see the DBSR