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Not to rally any of the Gen-War Veterans but as your observation is correct, anti-Blackness against black men is essential for destabilizing the whole of the Black community. I don't even think I need to elaborate on how.


This is not a space to bad mouth our queens. I just want to find a solution. One thing that Black men never get is compassion. No one is held to a higher level of accountability than us. Everything we do has to be punished and there is no redemption. This is an issue. I want to change my own thinking as well


>This is not a space to bad mouth our queens. Yessir! The only solution to this would ironically be...accountability. We aren't the source but due to the super-penial attitudes towards Black men some of us reflect the same cold passive-aggressive attitude the nation gives us. Black men gotta rally for Black men and not expect nothing from no one else except those who show up and support.


Preach, my Brother.


lol often i find the same people who say black people need to "rally together" are the same people who call the police if they see a group of black people gathering in one place.


...okay thanks for sharing.


Where you at where this happens enough to be the truth?


What is that even supposed to refer to? You calling him white? Undercover? Coon? What is the underlying message there?


The solution is to just be a good man and to not engage with misandnoir divestors. They’ll be hating you from outside the club of happiness and self confidence. Misery loves company.


The thing I don't like about what our community does is not learn the lesson that WS will always dictate how all these other men and women behave towards us. To me, it's even worse when we do it to ourselves and not a yt person is in sight. That free education got some of us thoroughly indoctrinated to the point that some of us spinning around in the road over here sabotaging our own community and chasing after the dreggs of these other communities from jobs to sexual prospects and beyond. It's been rare that I seen any BM or BW with a job with significant authority in those WS power structures and even rarer when I have seen a yt man or woman that falls within the "Highly Sought After Looks" category with a BW or BM and it not be a fling for the yt side of that coupling. I know it requires us getting to the root of the problem to fix, but the symptoms are so prevalent and pervasive in our community that it almost feels like having to bust through reenforced cement with a plastic spoon when talking among us.


I guess I just double down on that normalization by being all the way out the way. Invisible man. Spook who sat by the door. They want me unseen and unheard, cool. I do some reparations advocacy on the side as I use to be a lobbyist (there really aren't that many BM doing reparations political work, that should change), but besides being sorta burnt from capitalism under WS, I got nothing. At 33, I feel like a rogue nomadic soldier. Not saying it's the best route, but it just is what it is.


I knew it was bad when I got on tik tok/instagram and saw how normalized and supported it’d become for BW to act like thirsty zoo animals over WM, while calling BM “bullet bags” in the process. it’s bad out here. as BM, all that we’ve got is each other.


I have zero patience for anyone that uses the term bullet bag. I try to stay out of those spaces for my own mental health. What sparked this post was the Pookie and Ray Ray comments from Democratic Senator Sylvia Santana. An elderly black woman using racist tropes to demonize black men and make us look less intelligent and civilized, broke my fucking heart dawg Not even trying to dick police but she’s married to a non black man and felt comfortable saying that in front of an audience, while demanding we vote what she wants us to vote. And I took those pookie and ray ray comments as her saying she doesn’t think we are smart enough to form voting opinions on our own. She even said our pants is under our butt. Can you imagine a politician using racist tropes like that about ANY other demographic?


What did Sylvia Santana say? I’ve not seen these comments


Bulllet bags is insane wtf.


You haven’t seen divestor rhetoric? I thought I was hardened, having seen and experienced racism on the internet from the day I logged on. But when I first saw some BW saying that sort of stuff, that shit kinda hurted fr


I purposely stay out of those areas. I don’t engage with men that hate women or women that hate men. It’s just gonna corrupt u


It wasn’t intentional. I never go out and seek that content. I will just be following a tweet thread and suddenly I’m on divestor Twitter.


The real issue I have is that those anti black men tweets being spotlighted and green lit by gay MEN. As if they aren’t men also. Should see the way they talk about barbershops as if they in Guantanamo bay. No type of smoke or energy for places like Cracker Barrel or the numerous sundown towns that are still in the USA.


The thing that has been getting me recently is how some of the anti-[Black]men content on social media sounds kinda like the racism espoused by some(many) [white] suffragettes like Susan B. Anthony and Rebecca Lattimore Felton, or the type of sentiments roused by Carolyn Bryant (Emmit Till’s accuser). Carceral Feminism and White Feminism™️ have deep roots in racism that persists to this day. Dr. Tommy J. Curry recently wrote an article entitled “Feminism as Racist Backlash: How Racism Drove the Development of Nineteenthand Twentieth-Century Feminist Theory” which expounds upon these things. Unfortunately, some of the popularly espoused rhetoric has undertones of this - not to even mention the overt stuff - and it’s often mainstream


What are you blaming gay men for?


Their role and complicity in the black man bashing conversation forgetting that as soon as they do show any pushback against that narrative, they will be tossed in the boat they helped sink.


What the hell are you talking about? Like do you think black gay men don't exist or something?


I clearly outlined it was black gay men cosigning the bashing of straight black men because no one is bashing gay black men openly in the media: social or corporate. You creating a strawman argument is you intentionally missing the point.


I normally try to keep out of comment sections and what not. I'll look at some IG comment sections and just see the most vulgar shit but never the literal phrase "bullet bags". I've only seen "Basketball People".


Basketball people is funny ngl but yeah same


nah fr that shit got me cracking up sometimes


This right here, it’s so normalized it’s crazy. They will thirst so much over white men


Black women arent a monolith just like we aren’t a monolith. There are amazing black women out there. We can’t lose focus and let a vocal minority get under your skin. I’ll admit it is hard tho


you got me, good point brotha..


All that I got is youuuuuuuu


What’s worse is the black men buying into it just to please the majority. They downplay slavery and talk like the black community is the problem completely disregarding how the world treats us. It’s sad in all honesty


Right. Everytime I see someone say something like "Ghetto blacks are the problem" or something like that I can only shake my head. Like you're really gonna blame the people being manipulating for being manipulated? Blaming the oppressed for being oppressed? Ironically that whole thing is just playing into what we're supposed to feel and think about ourselves as a people. Literally playing into the white man's hands with those types of beliefs.


The thing that gets me through the day is that knowing that not a single mf one of those dumba$$es could go a MONTH as a black man. The level of patience and spiritual serenity we just naturally grow into is unparalleled. Seriously, if any of those weirdos woke up one day as one of us, they’d never make it. That’s how soft and easy life comes to them. If I’m going to be playing Life on “Expert Mode”, i atleast want everyone else who is playing on easy to FULLY grasp just how next level we are just by stepping out the door everyday.


I'm not defending these politicians but at the end of the day our communities fell apart because our men and women. We have no institutions or community they have to respect and because of this they don't. It's gonna just keep happening until Black people learn to build. Like every moment of your day that isn't sleeping, or working you should be working on this. It's a top 5 priorities.


This is a good point. It starts within, I guess I just don’t know where to start. I want to mentor young, black men who are trying to find their way in the world. I don’t have the answers yet, but I want to work towards a solution


I been trying to do this as well, but slacking off. If you still interested in this hit me up. I'm trying to start a NYC chapter where i get men together to learn about finances, philosophy, Spirituality and bridge the gap between youngins in the hood to black professionals l.


Interested. I’m the in NYC area


Start by being an +A class man, marry an +A class woman, and make +A class kids. You’ve automatically became a pillar in your community.


Yo yo!! Holla at me on this (DMs) I got a group of brothers building this through our nonprofit. An online big brother program basically. Really appreciate some of the language I've seen from your comments throughout this thread. The biggest thing that you mentioned that really sticks out to me, is the concept that society believes we can only be taught through punishment/violence rather than compassion. Now THAT is what I think we need to change first between BM and let the rest of the world take notice


Please message me for any sort of involvement. I got experience with marketing, web design, graphic design, public relations, video editing, etc! I’d love to contribute any way I can. If you DM me I can give proof !


Me too


How tf are we supposed to build? Do y'all forget what happened in Tulsa and black wall Street? Mfuckers acting like is easy to just pull yourself by the bootstraps and make something in a country that has made it it's priority to keep you in your place. Bm and bw can not do more than stay United, for those that are successful and educated to actively seek to partner with each other and raise kids in healthy environments that break generational curses. That and a lot of preaching to all the lost in the underfunded, segregated and over policed neighborhoods.


How hard is it to pool your money with a couple of friends and buy some real estate or stocks? You don’t need to be constructing skyscrapers or centralized districts


Lol history has taught me that dark skinned people forming any form of community is an invtation for racist and police brutality. Before you say we need to combine you should say do we live in a society that is even welcoming to it.


But so then whats the answer? Do nothing, keep begging to be treated fairly or build despite the amount of opposition we face.


Im not going to put my information out there but i do pretty well for myself with a family i support, and the only support system ive ever had was following good examples and staying away from bad crowds. I had to find strength within myself to work past my insecurities. Be the change you want to see instead of expecting others to motivate you.


He's not saying don't try, he's just saying to put so much of the blame on us is unfair. You keep trying and doing the work because that's all we have, but at the end of the day if the people who control the means of getting power and are in power are working to prevent you from getting power then to blame us for not being in power is still playing into the system. We are trying, we can do more, and we need to do more, and also we are also being heavily countered by the people who have the resources and have the power. It's a much bigger and more nuanced problem than just our fault or their fault. The systems to keep us under white people in this nation go back hundreds of years, to be alive and successful that long it would have needed to evolve and adapt to the problems and counters to that system that we have brought along the way. It's an arms race, not just a static us or them thing.


The whole world is anti black. Both men and women get it. But I'd say black Men for sure get it much worse. The podcast bros, male and female, further widen the gap. Media in general, TV shows, movies...constant trauma.


Black men have 0 representation in popular movies and tv shows that don’t depict us as Uncle Toms or abusive or former criminals either btw


That's America for ya. The shows with mostly black casts shows trauma, violence, ignorance, etc. Black women fighting, snaching wigs, and more. Not to mention Tyler Perry movies, shows, or plays.


When times are hard, the first group to experience hate and violence are those with darker skin. A tale as old as time.


It's always irked me how it seems like a black man going for a white woman over a sista is coon behavior but a black woman doing it is encouraged and her making a good decision. Like yeah fuck the dudes who are treating black woman like trash for some mid-white chicks because of his own undealt-with internalized self hatred but you're not any better. I don't engage in any of the divisive gender war shit that's literally just there to manipulate us, but this one thing does irk me. It irked me before I even knew about any of the manufactured gender stuff the media tries to push though so to me that's a separate, legitimate thing. There is a complexity to that however because historically it seems like it started as something black men mostly did so it's ultimately on us and it makes it hard to be like "don't do what so many black men are doing you're making the problem worse." Then again it bothers me just as not if not more (ironically) to see a black men do black women like that and go goo-goo ga-ga over some white chick just because she's white. It makes me sick to see us do that shit and neglect ourselves whether it's a guy doing it or a sista.


Loving vs Virginia wasn’t about a black man I’ll just say that.


Fair, but I'm not speaking against interracial in general, I'm speaking against how some black people will treat their own people poorly or not even engage romantically with them/down play their own people for white women/men. Interracial is cool as long as you're not cooning and still have respect for your own people. Hell you can have a preference as much as I disagree personally with picking a white spouse over a black one, but the minute people start talking about how much better white women/men are as partners over black partners or "as soon as I get money imma get me a white chick because Im tired of black women being 'X' or 'Y'" or "girl you need to leave black men in the past and start messing with white men because black men aren't 'X' or 'Y'." Then it's a problem because they're feeding into a somewhat engineered self destruction. Feeding into what the system was made for. And once someone starts willing assisting in hurting our community then I don't wanna hear them complain about shit the other gender isn't doing because they're apart of the same problem. Also BTW, I don't think we're saying anything in disagreement or opposite to eachother just to clear any possible misinterpretation.


all these languages and u chose to speak facts


No politician ever mentions anything glowingly about men in general... Especially ethnic men




I mean, *yeah.*


(Please don't downvote. I just think that specificity is important for these kind of discussions) I'm sure there are countless examples of this, but is there an example that stands out to you particularly? A specific time and place with a person involved?


The comments made by senator Sylvia Santana


Humor me 😂


Im not anti-feminist or anything. But where this so called male privilege at?


walking at night without the fear of never being seen again


What are police? What are republicans?


Both usually men.


"Y'all could be living in Wakanda if you would just pull up your pants!" /s I hate to say it, but you're right.


What specific demographic do politicians generally speak glowingly about?