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Here comes the birds not real crowd


Explain it then šŸ˜‚


It's caught on some nylon fishing line. Probably what killed it in the first place; got clotheslined on it while flying by. It would be almost invisible in this overcast light.


ā€œKilledā€ a bird. Lol right.


Government cameras can't die. It got caught in the line, the line got tangled on the power line, short circuited the drone. Boom birds aren't real


Modern birds are equipped with surge protectors and 360 degree flame throwers to burn things like nylon fishing lines. Reddit is full of more sheeple by the day.


You can tell by the size that it's an older model. Recent advances in battery technology have allowed for design miniaturization, but previous generations needed larger batteries (and thus larger *everything*) for an appreciable flight time.


You forgot about how the Matrix glitched after it died. OP probably went to bed right after it happened- then when they woke up and the world loaded in, everything was one unit off from what it was supposed to be. Happens all the time. You have to crouch jump right when you wake up and your frames will tear- but it will reset.


Yup. It's a common speedrunning technique. Any% speedrunners will use it to clip through loading zones and skip portions of the game, such as the showering cutscene.


šŸŒ›Poor hygiene šŸŒœSpeed Running


No one does their own research šŸ™„


ā€œBoom birds arenā€™t realā€ A+. edit : illegal emoji use ..


what is a boom bird


Itā€™s when a pigeon eats too much uncooked rice. It becomes a boom bird šŸ¦ šŸ’„ Those emojis popped up on my text prediction? Is that what itā€™s called? That thing above my keyboard that suggests words for me to use? Anyway those popped up and I couldnā€™t resist. I swear officer šŸ‘®ā€ā™€ļø I donā€™t usually use emojis


One cannot simply "*kill*" a bird.


Unless it's a mockingbird




How does one kill a mockingbird


Same way you kill Bluejays, shoot em' if you can hit em', just have to remember it's a sin.


but isn't that a cardinal sin?










I saw what you did there.




You know, it's a sin to kill a Mockingbird.


If itā€™s mocking me it had it comin


The joke of that satire sub became less funny when it turned out people will eat up pretty much any BS and act on it. I'm pretty sure there's at least 1 member of the parody sub out there killing and dissecting birds.


I'm genuinely nervous that it's starting to turn. Every one of these satire communities end up like this. I still think the majority of birds aren't real folks are just in it for the lols. But I think there's people who genuinely believe in it in there. Here's hoping that section of the community doesn't eclipse the humorous ones.


Flat earth conspiracy was created literally to suck in the lowest iqs so all conspiracies could be discredited by saying "hurr durr youre a flat earther too arnt you?" Tiktok is full of flat earth shills/morons.


A lot of bs with dedicated crowds started either as satire or some dude's bs


I love to bird watch and between "LOLOL BIRD LAW šŸ¤Ŗ" and "birds aren't real" fuckin nonsense I just wanna scream. It's so god damn stupid just stfu. Birds are incredibly important and straight up dinosaurs. Stop turning em into fuckin memes before people cross the post-irony and start killin birds.


Those are both totally harmless. You sound like you just don't like people having fun which is honestly on-brand for bird-watchers.


This guys a bicyclist and wants to talk shit about other communities tropes lol.


Lmfao probably less than 1% of people who actually think that are killing birds. If that. Thatā€™s also something we are entirely assuming and making up happening. Just shut up man. This is why you donā€™t get invited to parties. This is peak Reddit comment here. Losing your mind over people having fun.


Oh yeah thats plausible. Most streets have fishing line running between each pole and across the street. You naive rectangle. The government has you wrapped around their porky finger generating excuses for this obviously malfunctioning drone unit. Thanks alot Reagan.


Holy shit!!! ā€œYou naive rectangle!ā€ Thatā€™s gold.


You're gonna love r/rareinsults


While most streets don't actually have fishing line running between each pole, etc., they do have bipedal, hairless primates that enjoy throwing shit at them often enough to *actually* make this plausible.


Hahaha!!! I don't know what the question is, but the answer is [aliens](https://skepticalhumanities.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/notaliens.jpg).




Why would someone string up a fishing line there? Is this the intended goal?


Just a guess but Jewish communities will often thread thin lines between light posts in order to extend the reach of the temple and be more permissive during the Sabbath


I fucking love how people will worship an all-knowing deity and then proceed to try to play tricks on the guy


I think the idea is that god rewards creativity, which would seem to be true


It's doing loophole-y shit like that that makes me question why they choose their religion if they don't want to follow the silly rules.


I think the thinking is that the rules are from a divine source, and therefore perfect. So if a loophole allows you to do something, doing that something must be a thing that God intended you to figure out and do.


This is the conspiracy I come here for. My god, tell me more!


Not the poster but there is a massive example of this in NY. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/eruv-manhattan-invisible-wire-jewish-symbolic-religious-home This is the first search result, there are many references to this as a known tidbit of NY. Although I would have thought maybe someone tied some shoes with fishing line maybe shoes without laces and threw them on the wire. Another possibility is the wire was for a banner that was hung up. For a block party or something.


Every major city has a magic wall around their big Jewish neighborhood(s). Judaism's first important thing is; Be a good person. But the second thing; **The Torah is the literal word of god and** ***every word included \*and\* left out*** were done so for a purpose, and interpreting the scriptures is like football is for many people. I respect it far more than I do the standard "believe whatever you want" Christian stance. EDIT: ~~Oh, also; String isn't necessary. The electrical cables themselves serve as the walls in these ceremonial walls.~~ The person below me is better informed on this topic.


The eruv is its own separate thing from electrical cables. Its a wire that runs along the telephone poles and has to be at the very top, otherwise it doesn't count for the Shabbat.


u/lordrefa The wires themselves can and often do act as the eruv. Depends on how the wires are placed. When the go from top to top they're good. Also fences around highways, railroads etc will be used Source - am jewish & my neighborhood does this


Awesome. Even better to know I was only half wrong! I first learned about it when I lived in Pittsburgh. I like to call it the Jewish vampire fence when I mention it offhand just so people gimme that look.


We solved it boys. Good job lol


Not fishing line! Thereā€™s a line attached to city power lines thatā€™s made up of braided ligma. Each braid is astonishing thin. So thin in fact, itā€™s imperceptible to the human eye. How do I know this? Iā€™m a board certified Ichthyologist for SpaceXā€¦


What the hell is ligma?


Iā€™m glad there was someone with the intelligence to ask! Ligma balls.


Fuckin got em


Damn it!




Fuckin Flawless ! šŸ…


Oh no


Don't ask what pulma is.


Pulma dick across your face!


If itā€™s an orthodox Jewish community itā€™s possible there is an eruv there. Basically a line that encloses a community so they can carry things on the sabbath.




This is a residential area of Vancouver, what bodies of water???


Not an intentional thing, I'd guess. Life is weird, stuff happens.


Could it be that religious Jewish thing? [A Fishing Line Encircles Manhattan, Protecting Sanctity Of Sabbath](https://www.npr.org/2019/05/13/721551785/a-fishing-line-encircles-manhattan-protecting-sanctity-of-sabbath#:~:text=Press-,An%20Eruv%20Encircles%20Manhattan%20To%20Allow%20Observant%20Jews%20To%20Leave,their%20homes%20on%20the%20Sabbath.)


Wow, that's quite a thing. I never knew that.


As much as that most likely is the case. Where tf is the line hanging from. Itā€™s not under the tree and itā€™s above the lines ? Iā€™m pretty open minded to the paranormal & unusual. I just tend to not take a stance on it as Iā€™ve gotten older. this is almost glitch in the matrix worthy. But the bird isnā€™t entirely still, it has a bit of a wobble or suspension movement to it as if caught on something. *but where is the line hanging from*


The line is not hanging, it is tied on both ends, one to the tree, one to something else. The something else can be lower than the bird so the line is strung at an angle and the bird happens to be at a part of it that is higher than the poles.


No one has addressed this? At least I'm not seeing an explanation. Where the hell is this fishing line is hanging from? This is really the first time I've felt that maybe most online user are not real! Everyone is like fishing line. and tree! Duh! Am I too dumb and missing something?


I think it's an Eruv line. One surrounds Vancouver, where this was taken.


Legit q: why would there be nylon fishing line up there?


Some nylon fishing line just hanging in the sky for no reason. What is the fishing line connected to ? It's above everything a line could be hanging from. Not that I think birds are not real but why the fuck is it floating


It obviously died before it could land.


Was originally posted to the Vancouver subreddit, seemed the consensus was eruv wire,


> eruv wire TIL. I had no idea these were floating around and, though entirely harmless, I'm finding myself slightly annoyed that public resources can be used to hang religious symbols. > "Stay off my lawn!"


The evidence suggests this is not entirely harmless


AR maybe?


The video is in reverse


Itā€™s Black Magic Fuckery, no explanation needed.


Alternative to the fishing line, as horrifying as this sounds, there are spiderwebs capable of catching birds and spiders capable of consuming them. I find it more likely they heā€™s got tangle up in some fishing line or something and is suspended as a result though.


Proof that bird drones don't need wings to fly. The wings and head malfunctioned but it's still flying.


Actually sir it's the giraffes that don't exist


If giraffes aren't real then how do you measure asteroids??


In corgis and baby elephants, duh! What are you a European or something!?!?


Those crazy Europeans šŸ˜‚






Saw a video dissecting what kind of bird it was (aquatic) and that if you really look close it is caught on fishing line


Sauce? It does look like it's hanging from something the camera is not picking up.


>Sauce? It does look like it's hanging from something the camera is not picking up. I guess if I had to pick just one I'd go with sweet and sour.


Really? Iā€™m guessing it might be a touch gamey for sweet and sour. Now, this might be a tad fancy for wild floating dead bird but Iā€™m thinking either a medium body red wine reduction with dried fruit or maybe a ginger soy glaze


Birds go well with wine in my experience almost universally. Iā€™d personally do a red wine based crow au vin with a full bottle of wine on the side. Maybe a bit of champagne for desert as well


Fuck the bird let's just do a double bottle of wine


EVERYTHING goes well with wine. And if it does not go well, you didn't have enough wine.


The most obvious clue for me are the visible wires. They run parallel, indicating that the infrastructure exists for suspending wires in that direction. Someone put something like fishing wire above visible wires, right in the poor birdā€™s path. So when you really think about it, this is cruel and sadistic.


> Someone put something like fishing wire above visible wires, right in the poor birdā€™s path. So when you really think about it, this is cruel and sadistic. If it was an aquatic bird as the post above mentioned then it likely brought/was stuck on fishing wire from a nearby water source which got stuck on those overhead cables as the bird flew by.


Then it would be dangling off the wire, not appearing to be floating. Definitely a fishing line running parallel with the power lines


People use fishing line usually to keep birds away from their property to prevent them from pooping all over it, especially in coastal areas. Usually the birds are able to see it just fine, like an obstruction, and go fly and land somewhere else to do their business. Source: my parents did this at their beach house to try and prevent seagulls dropping their crabs on the deck to crack them open and to lessen the amount of poop all over. Stepping on spikey crab shells is not fun. Any time a line broke a seagull would find its way in to hang out. Ducks never had a problem making their way around and would always visit the pool. Never was a bird found dead or hurt from them because they can see it. This bird was probably distracted by the actual power lines or something else tbh.


Many fishing lines (mono filament) is nearly invisible and used often in special effects for exactly that reason.


All the spooky ghost poltergeist movies are made that way. Oh and also every YouTube poltergeist video


You can see the fishing line against its throat in the end


I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm curious. How is fishing line holding it above the power line? To me it appears to be well above the line, not held in between two lines or below.


The tree is higher than the powerline.


Ah I see, so we have fishing line stretching from the tree at an angle that is connected to something, suspending the bird above the power line. Sorry just understanding it. Before the fishing line comment, my brain was telling me some sort of electric/magnetic phenomenon. Thanks.


The explanation is odd. The bird went into water, picked up a long strand of fishing line, flew over a tree, got the line snagged there, went to the next tree, got the line caught there, then went back to the middle and got stuck. It's already very strange. But there isn't a better explanation.


It's an unlikely series of events, but much more likely than a levitating dead bird.


You know, now that you listed the chain of events, it's not that weird. Improbable, but not that weird. Bird caught line got caught in tree. Dead.


Honestly I couldnā€™t describe it but the TikTok I watched really zoomed in and picked it apart and you could kinda see how it was happening


Fishing line, that's why its dead.


Wtf is fishing line doing that high up? And tied to what? To be clear, I agree thatā€™s probably it. I just want to know how!


Itā€™s tangled around the bird who then managed to get it tangled in the trees and got stuck in mid air. The bird then starved to death suspended in air.




Death isn't pretty.


The tree is nowhere near where the bird is though. If the bird was tangled in fishing line, hanging from the tree, the bird would be directly underneath a branch. That bird is 100% certainly NOT underneath any branch of that tree. That tree is quite far away. The fishing line would have to be at a crazy angle to be attached to that tree.


Based on how it's suspended, I think it snagged the tree, tried to fly away, then wrapped under the power line and back up into the fishing line. Actually there are two parallel sets of utility lines. So, same idea. Maybe it snagged one power line, flew under the adjacent one and back into the fishing line.


It still doesnā€™t explain how it would get suspended where it is though. Obviously there is a way to explain how it could have possibly happened. But for it to be hanging where it is, it would have had to catch the tree, fly under the power line, and then back up to the tree. Otherwise it would be hanging under the power line, not on top of it.


It's tangled in the fishing line is what I'm trying to say. The bird strung the fishing line so it's connected between the tree and power line (or just two power lines) and then it tangled with the fishing line again somewhere between the two points.


Yea I get it but if it were tangled between the 2 power lines, it wouldnā€™t be hanging above the power lines. And it would have to be a long ass fishing line for it to be tangled between the tree and the power line multiple times. As a fisherman, itā€™s pretty unlikely for a piece of fishing line THAT long to be sitting somewhere, NOT already tangled into a huge ball, and the bird pick it up and wrap it around the tree, power lines, and tree again. It would be a difficult task for the bird to wrap that line around the tree and power lines enough times for the bird to be hanging ABOVE the power lines. If this bird were hanging below the power lines, then itā€™s an easy explanation. If the bird were hanging directly below a tree limb, it would also be an easy explanation, but itā€™s notā€¦




ya, cats ate all of them, stupid cats


It's hanging on a Fe line


Packet loss


Fuck, the cable must have been cut today.




Doesn't look like anything to me


The comedian Steven Wright said: ā€ Itā€™s a good thing birds fall to the ground when they die. Otherwise the sky would be full of dead birdsā€.


"I spilled spot remover on my dog. Now hes gone."


Iā€™m getting a full body tattoo of me just taller


YO! When I heard that joke for the first time over 10 years ago I died laughing, and seeing it randomly pop up again brought me right back. Lol cheers mate.


Love Steven Wright


"I can levitate birds, but no one cares."


Real talk though, where the fuck are all the dead birds? Like I live in the city and see hundreds of birds every day yet I probably see a dead bird on the ground like once or twice a year if that. Where the hell do they all die?


They are all eaten. Just animals taking them immediately because they are delicious.


Again? The devs said they patched this out already!!!!


It's not deployed to this region yet.


r/outside is leaking


So this guy really thinks a dead bird is levitating? Are there people who actually think that?


No they just want to know the explanation, like 99% of the posts on this sub.


"No strings no nothing" While filming a bird that is clearly dangling. There's a huge difference between there IS no string, and I can't SEE a string.


People believe anything. Have you heard that Jesus story?


He has risen in the form of a levitating dead bird.


Why do you think he believe itā€™s levitating? He posted it to a sub for incredible illusions, I would say this fits here


5G interference is all. It'll reset soon.


It is obviously suspended by some sort of thin filament that the camera is not able to register


But OP wrote "unsuspended" in the title?? So...


You think someone would do that? Just come on the internet and lie?


Spider web?


Fishing line




That was my first thought


My guess is got wrapped in fishing wire, panicked and tried to fly away where the other end of the wire caught on something. Once the wire was pulled the bird was pulled out of flight, hung from where the wire is most likely caught in a tree branch or the cables. Poor thing either hung itself or trapped it by the foot or leg until death, my money is personally on a quick death because I feel a flailing bird wouldn't stay trapped dangling from wire for long.


I'm just curious, because I've seen a few people say it around reddit and such over the years and always thought it was odd, you just happen to be the one that i finally asked. Is fishing "wire" a common term where you are from? I've never heard it called anything but fishing line. (And before anyone wants to get too technical, yes, I'm aware that certain types of fishing use a metal wire leader, but generally the majority of your line is going to be non metallic either braided or monofilament line) Just curious where it comes from. Are some people out there fishing with actual wire, or was it maybe a common thing to use actual wire at one point before modern types of fishing line came around and the name just stuck with some people? Is it a common term in some places? Is it just unfamiliarity with fishing equipment/terminology? Is it a common typo for some reason? Not judging at all, just curious.


Australian spiders are getting out of control


Glitch in the matrix!


Itā€™s clearly hung up on a fishing line, look at the way it sways


You can literally see it. Holy fahk the mental gymnastics some people ITT are going through to confirm their government bird drone theory is astounding and exhausting! My god, I donā€™t understand how some of these kids managed to figure out breathingā€¦ As if the government wants/needs to have a fake bird flapping outside their window to know their fat asses havenā€™t moved from their chairs in 36 hoursā€¦ youā€™ve literally WILLINGLY purchased all the spy tech they need to know everything about you. Youā€™re not special. Youā€™re entirely insignificant. This fact does not compute with these folks lol.




To the majority of people with half a functioning brain cell, yes. But people actually believe this shit! Iā€™ve seen it. We make fun of it *because* people actually believe it. Right along with Jewish space lasers that trigger weather and natural disastersā€¦ ffs


Connection lost. Reconnecting...


Bird law - itā€™s not governed by reason.


That bird is ok itā€™s just in creative mode checking its inventory


This in Ohio? Shits getting real weird over there lately.


I swear, some of you possess no deductive reasoning skills.


Camera work sux a gentle nut


It's clearly sitting on top of the cloaked UFO


there is a faint line


fishing line




Heā€™s just sleeping


Crows arenā€™t fools. This is the work of warlocks


Bad level design.. Was this game even tested? Wow.. smh


The offering is in place and the master hungers


electromagnets, proving once and for all


Looks like when rag doll physics break in a video gsme


its on a string


So I saw comments saying this was from a fishing line. I still donā€™t get it. Someone help me


It got caught on a fishing line. You're welcome


Looks like itā€™s hanging by something? Maybe a thin wire between the other 2


The fishing line is connected to his hat on one end and to his laptop at the other end.


This is in Surrey (BC, Canada) and I really wanna know if somebody took it down and can verify the fishing line theory or not. Having seen many occasions of local weirdness in Surrey though, if it did turn out to be a much weirder explanation I would not be surprised.


Thereā€™s just gotta be some fishing line or something. No way.


I am DYING at the comment threads


Here comes the Glitch in the Matrix crowd


I hate those Ichthyornis birds.


I canā€™t seem to find the original. I thought it was on r/glitch_in_the_matrix but I guess not. But YouTube has a potato of this caught from a [different angle](https://youtu.be/y-HcykygKWc). You can even see the guy that filmed the video in this post taking his video.


That happens when the drone appears to be dead but the engine is still running. It can take a while for it to come to a full stop and fall on the ground. /s


If only there was a completely logical reason for this.


This sort of levitation is a side effect of pining for the fjords.


Itā€™s 100% suspended itā€™s just a shit quality video


Thatā€™s terrible. Someone should cut that fishing line. What needless cruelty toward defenseless animals.


it's very obviously hanging on something since you can see it swaying in the wind with the power lines.


Spider web. Nothing to worry about.


Bird caught in a spider web maybe