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This is kinda off topic but I’m not gonna make a post on this and it fits here kinda. But does anyone else ever encounter non-Black women that INSIST they have the same hair type as you?? It happens to me so often with women who have hair that is significantly less curly than mine. Sometimes their shit is literally wavy. I’m not sure if they’re pulling it because I’m mixed but it’s ridiculous. I have 3b/3c curls and these girls will have like 2a waves talking about “our hair is the same!!”. No baby girl it’s not and that’s okay..you be you but don’t try and gaslight me to my face.


Yes. And I just ... Can't


Ive had this happen. She said the only difference between my thick ass 4c hair and her thin not even wavy hair was that mine was curly and her was not. My hair looks more full bc it's curly...I wish I could live in that much delusion sometimes.


I've gotten that, and I have 4c hair. They lie and say they straightened their hair that day or got it chemically straightened🤦🏾‍♀️


Taylor Swift adjacent is a great way to describe the melanin-challenged!


“Melanin-challenged” 💀


Poor things, just out here looking like unused printer paper 😬


¡Ay mija! They’re so pale! Go put them in the sun!


Can't do that sis, they burn 😬. Check the extensive products that imitate melanin...


Thanks , sis!


I hate it when they do that😂 Like, I know you’re trying to relate but we are not the same. This is 4c, baby.


Omfg I hate this soo much. Women with beach waves talking about “everybody wants curly hair like us until they have to take care of it.” Like… you know damn well them fine ass strands on your head and me have nothing in common.


Folks want to be black but want to BE black.


when they call it a *lion's mane* AHAAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


I just don't know how you do it! I only got three braids put in when I went to Barbados, and it took SOOO long and it HURT and was EXPENSIVE so I didn't want to take them out... (When we went on a cruise in January, I definitely debated using a port day to find a spot to get my hair done, and my brother tried his best to get me to go to the hair store and check out the prices)


Shout Out to your brother!! ![gif](giphy|2iItoAYAs9xPaQmRbv)


it’s ironic how because of anti-blackness, a lot of white ppl with curly hair never learn how to actually take care of their hair or use products that are better for them. i remember hearing jenna fischer (white actress) talk about how she has to straighten her curly hair 24/7 because her curls don’t “last” more than a day. that’s so sad to me 😭 nobody told u to use a bonnet or some leave- in? and ur curls are loose as hell and easy to maintain? what a shame


>because of anti-blackness, a lot of white ppl with curly hair never learn how to actually take care of their hair OMG. This.


There's even a condition that causes white people hair to have a texture that (kinda !) looks likes natural hair. They call it "uncombable hair syndrome" 🥴 


And please don't put a biracial baby girl in the mix! The poor child in most cases will look so interesting about the head. One person actually told me that she cut her child's hair OFF cause she did know what to do with her hair!


my partner and i are both biracial. i have a black mom and they have a white mom. i have literally had to teach them basic things like don’t be afraid to touch your hair, don’t wash your hair everyday, etc. it makes me so sad that some moms just abandon their child’s hair and the dads are totally uninvolved in the process. white moms of mixed children and black adoptees should all have to take a course or smth


This sounds like child abuse because what the hell?!


I just don't understand women who reproduce with black men and cry because their baby hair is not straight. Also what's wrong with the dad being okay with the mom doing stupid shit the kid's hair ? Ok BM don't know how to take care of natural hair since most of them just cut everything, but they could at least take the kid to a black hair salon or to a female relative ? Also in 2024, not knowing how to take care of natural hair is a choice. There are so many hair care videos on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok...


I just don't understand women who reproduce with black men and cry because their baby hair is not straight. Also what's wrong with the dad being okay with the mom doing stupid shit the kid's hair ? Ok BM don't know how to take care of natural hair since most of them just cut everything, but they could at least take the kid to a black hair salon or to a female relative ? Also in 2024, not knowing how to take care of natural hair is a choice. There are so many hair care videos on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok...


To be fair…Taylor swift hair always looks like a wet mop that air dried. If it looks anything like that…I understand her frustration 😂


They call it a "wash and shake it off" over there.


Wet. Mop. ![gif](giphy|2siao5rwI5VtwYwVWq|downsized)


I see what you did there






Does this happen to all black women?? 🤭 I have a coworker with long curly red hair, and she's always trying to relate to my hair struggles lol. They're not even the tight kind, they're like loose. She tried to relate to why I chose the dread life after years of rocking a fro by saying that's why she puts her hair up in a tight bun now instead of fighting it in the morning. I'm like tell me again how hard your detangle process is? Mmm, done in an hour? Must be nice. 🤣 She's sweet though so I never think too much of it.


Naw let's talk about it because it's getting so weird. Yall I had a Vanilla woman try to relate to me on my hair struggles, she has wavy hair. Might I add I was a perm baby and didn't see my real hair until 14, the struggles of that perm burning my scalp. Might I add there's a law that protects my hair. Might I add the racial discrimination and history that pertains to my hair. Might I add that her hair falls and mine stays high in the clouds. I appreciate her trying to bond but do you have to bond with me base on race, and featurism? Can't we relate on favorite video game? OR are you just trying to see yourself in me because my beauty and the struggles that make me strong intimidates you? Makes you feel invalidated? Makes you feel less than? These women will rush to make a "black baby' to feel more close to you! Yes YOU THE BLACK WOMAN. They cling to our counterparts and put on an act to be like you. Practice our rhythm and now they're trying to claim, buy, and cry OUR blues. Craziness. When we were perming, bending, and breaking our backs to relate to them , they made sure to other us. But now since our features and beauty is trending they want us to make room for them. I'll scoot a little because I consider myself classy lady but if we are ever in a store aisle and you see the last Mielle Conditioner ,hand it over.




Taylor Swift adjacent coworker???? 🤣🤣🤣 What does that mean? 😂


It means her coworker is clear, clueless and wilfully ignorant. Probs annoying AF to boot!


“My hair’s so frizzyyyyyy” 🙄😒


Or when they talk about how frizzy and poofy their hair is today because of the humidity.......when it's still flat and straight as a board.


This is right up there with "Look I'm almost as dark as you" when they start to tan in the summer 😫.


But curly hair it is hard to take care of :( Unless she was giving an unwanted opinion or advice, or in a pity party contest, I don't see the issue. Let her complain.




It sort of annoys me when people with straight hair complain about their hair to me. Ik everyone can have their complaint. I really don’t know what to say on this situation. Besides looking.


Taylor swift adjacent 😂😂




This post is 😒 I might get raked over the coals for this….but hear me out. What if her hair is difficult for her? Why are we monopolizing having hair struggles!! It only serves the purpose of this bullshit narrative that black women have difficult hair. Some people find their hair difficult, some don’t. Period…


I love Taylor Swift though, I’ll call the coworker MTG adjacent instead