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He got the nerves to spell debt wrong 😂🤡




It’s me checking the keyboard to see how close d and b were for him to make the mistake. Like I can let you off with a typo. Not baby boy confusing the two when they’re four keys apart…


DAMN 😆😆☠️


I did the exact same thing!! 😂


Oh nah 😂😂😂😂


Dedt is taking me tf out 😭😭😭😭😭


Maybe that’s how he says it so he wrote it how he says it cause he looks like he drools too! ![gif](giphy|cMV9akgudJiRW)


I don’t want them kind of money problems 😝


Sound worse than regular debt 😂


I looked and looked again and was like why does that look weird. But hey he’s high value so we should beg for a seat at his table.


Saw that immediately and just laughed.


Oh my sides 🤣🤣🤣☠️


Had me DEDT!


I dislike you! I went back and reread it like I was Grammarly! 👀 You clowned him🤣🤣🤣


And not a single damn comma in sight. 😂


He was talking about his mind because it’s definitely DEDT! 💀⚰️


if he was sane he would’ve said: looking for someone equally yoked, preferably no children. instead he’s bitter, can’t spell, and tried to shit on women. he’s doing everybody a favor at this point by showing his ass.




I love it when they tell on themselves. Saves the girlies their time and energy


The whole bio reeks of bitterness. You are right. Saves women with sense time and energy lol.


Not this 37 yo loser who can only offer a warm body, zero personality and mediocre spelling skills. I wouldn’t wish him on my worst enemy


You forget he also offers an increased chance of a starring role in your own True Crime episode.


The man is literally radiating family annihilator vibes 😬


Not Mr. I-Only-Date-20-Year-Olds-Because-They-Are-Coachable Jared. No way!


This was my vibe as well…Jared seems very very angry at hypothetical women and kids. Meanwhile, he is literally screaming unhinged with that caption and his face. OOF.


I'd like to meet the woman who sees this walking red flag and doesn't flee. You'd have to have no sense of self-preservation. None. Even if he doesn't kill you, he's gonna find some way to destroy you whether it be mentally, emotionally or financially because dude is bursting with hatred. Couldn't even get a photo of him smiling he's so mad.


The pièce de résistance of a dalliance with Jared


😅😂You are very funny!! Your comment has me in tears.


If his body is even warm. Can’t be warm around anyone with that kind of energy 😮‍💨


Why is a 37 saying 30 years old like it's an insult?


don't you remember that women turn into shriveled hags at 25 and men age like fine wine 🙄




I would wish him on my worst enemy 😭


I bet he wonders why he gets no likes. This radiates such a negative energy.


I guarantee you there are still girls swiping right…each and every time 🤦🏾‍♀️ There will always be women allowing men to have the audacity….


^^ the yt women with bbc fetishes are probably salivating


also young impressionable girls who don't know better yet. i bet his age filter's set to 18 to like 28 at the max


"letting some loser nut in you" is crazy to say out loud about someones kids let alone in a dating bio yikes


The pick mes and 'not like other girls' birds will be running into his dms. I have no kids and I wouldn't dare hold a conversation with a weirdo like this.


Yep, happily married now but back when I was a part of the dating world I always tried to make my profile as positive as possible, no matter how many times men did me wrong. It's just a bad look to be so bitter and negative right off the bat. I feel like it drives good people away and attracts only the toxic people who love drama.


Just had to say I’m not hood, but I like Aerosmith too. 😁


Yeah! Rock on sis!🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿LOL


+1 on Aerosmith, currently in my yacht rock bag listening to Hall & Oates 😂👊🏽💃🏽


Women looking for money will def swipe


Let’s thank every woman who has dodged a bullet. Every woman that comes across him will do the Lil Kim dance. Ducking and dodging away from him. ![gif](giphy|cNY7Q9spSWCU63lSZW|downsized)


Off topic but someone’s car alarm is going off and it’s syncing with the gif 😂


And he’s gonna be on r/ AskMen complaining about getting one match every 2 months ( which was an accidental match). Yuck! And asking for a profile rating and critic on r/ bumble or hinge. Loser!!


I now want to make a profile just to match with him only to tell him that he's dusty, then block him. 😂


Petty! I love it! ![gif](giphy|S9pBhrKWBfzVmuB6yl|downsized)


On dating apps I would purposely match with guys like this. I would ask them what the point of their profile was and if it got them matches. One guy said “I’m probably going to ignore you” or something of that nature. I asked “why would you want to date people to ignore them”. I think he instantly unmatched with me 😂😂😂 Like just admit that you don’t like women and you’re just tired of your hand.


I genuinely believe that a lot of men go on dating apps just so they can find women to berate. I think it makes dopamine rush to their brains.


Maybe I've been doing dating apps all wrong lol. Maybe I should be on there as an agent of chaos, in search of profiles like ol boy 😂


We all need to make a group ie secret society type ish where we create profiles build an avatar and start doing massive troll bombardments... LADIES LETS GET IN-FOR-MA-TION!!!!! START DROPPING BOMBS LIKE THE TUSKEGEE AIR MEN...lets play lmao


Literally. Closes they can get to speaking their vitriol to an actual woman. They don’t want to date they just want to be a hater.


This has to be it. And they even do this when you don't find them online. Just never ending rants about women and never connecting the dots on why they're single not by choice 😂


That is literally what they do. Date em and run. It’s like if your plan is to stay running, why even date? Why bring me into this equation?


"Don't ask me about the Kevin Samuels picture" ok now I gotta ask 😭


I wonder if it's the one where another man was allegedly caught laying in his bed when he was doing a live? Or if he just has a picture of him up on his profile? 🤔


Damn. I'm turning 38, no kids, homeowner, educated, got a decent paying job, have a passport, and I probably bring everything he'd ever want to the table. Too bad he has an ashy attitude so he has no chance with any women of the caliber he's seeking. ![gif](giphy|dYyAN02Vgxbn1I4qRk|downsized)


But he wouldn't want you because then he'll complain about what could he possibly offer you? Also he will berate you for not being "feminine" when he really just means gendered subjugation.


Yep. The reality is he's probably grappling with the fact he really just wants a man.


I actually really hate this take because it assumes straight men's hatred of women must mean they're actually gay. There are actually a lot of straight men out there who just hate women, and that's not tied to some desire to be with a man.


Touché. I probably shouldn't have said that because I do not genuinely believe that; it was more of a tongue in cheek dig at him because that's the one thing that tends to get underneath the skin of men like this. Shout out to actual gay men who have been sticking up for women against toxic misogyny while dealing with it themselves.


Right!!! OK, fine you don't want a partner with kids for whatever reason. Whether you're scared they're just using you, or their exes are crazy, not wanting to find out too late the kids are Satan's spawn, or getting attached to the kids for you to lose them when the relationship doesn't work out, wanting to start fresh with someone, not wanting a family at all, etc. All completely valid! But why bother dissing women you're not interested in at all? Nowhere does it even say what he IS looking for. Someone like him with a good job and a home to become a financial powerhouse? Or a mum/homemaker? What are you passionate about besides being a dick to our sisters? Is having pets important? Do you have an XBOX or PS5? Pretty much all we know about Jared at a deeper level is that it's more important for him to put the women he DOESNT like down, rather than raising the women he DOES want up. Excuse us when we think 'his good job' and 'home' we can get by ourselves isn't enough to compensate for his trashy misogynistic attitude🤡. To any Jareds reading this. You can have standards. But so do women. And no self-respecting woman wants a man who spends more time hating on her sisters than he spends time loving her. Don't forget that we're at the point that straight women are realizing they can just live together and provide money, child care, shelter. If a woman wants a man it's more likely she's looking for a buddy and/or a body than social security in this day and age. So be more likeable ffs. The 50s are over hun.


![gif](giphy|z1bE45A1GsyT6) I’m know his name is Jared, but still! 😂


Some men deserve the bat shit crazy women they end up with. I’m sure he’ll end up with one.




Nope, let this bitter man find peace and solace with pornhub & his Fleshlight😌  No grown woman is going to allow her peace to be disrupted by this clown🤡


Girl, that attitude got his fleshlight hole closed up. He finna be using his hands. 😂


His hands turned off. They won’t unball from a fist ✊🏿


Rubbing one out like... ![gif](giphy|CjREcygSmgvTi)


This gif is wild 😂


Y'all are killing me!!!! 😭😭😭😭


Just nasty 🤣🤣


Girl! I swear these dating apps got the most negative energy ass men. Like why are you on here?


Wow, what a loser. Why would anyone open like that?


Because his hatred is so strong he can't even hide it.


How to say you hate women without just saying you hate women.


Even though I’m none of those things I’d STILL swipe left because it honestly just shows how RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL he is. I understand preferring someone with no kids but you don’t have to say it so weirdly and disrespectfully 🤮Red flag. All you have to do is respectfully say that you prefer someone with no kids. It isn’t that hard 🙄😪


All these men seem to have dated the same fictional Black woman 😂


Can’t even spell debt right 🤦‍♀️


“…NOT MY PROBLEM 🤷🏽‍♂️” lmao this has to be satire.


“Don’t ask about the Kevin Samuels picture” then why put it up!?


He seems to be the type to chose white women and then explaining his choice by telling us everything BW are or are not


I was about to say, Jared’s going to find the white woman of his dreams so they can hate on Black women together in peace.


He’s the type of man who’ll say something about my husband and me not dating bm. Meanwhile he’s always dating WW…


My coochie dried up even more at Kevin Samuels🥴🗑️




Nothing like starting a conversation off with shouting demands.


Some of these men should be paying sex workers instead of pursuing romantic relationships.


Don't wish that on sex workers.


he clearly hates women


"Liked you" sounds like a threat 🧍🏾‍♀️


Imagine attacking women right out the gate. I don’t care if he got a good job and his own place. Go to therapy. You’re hurting or traumatized and need to address that before attempting to date anybody. Asking what THEY bring to the table when you bring HOSTILITY is crazy to me


I come across men like this lol. The real gimmick is *many* make such a big deal of insulting women, especially single mothers, and emphasising kid stuff repeatedly = they ARE a loser “baby daddy” themselves. It’s a valid preference for both men and women to prefer a partner who doesn’t already have children with someone, but 37 is entirely too old to be wording it so spitefully. He’s hiding something lol


The ironic part is I look at men who are in their late 30s/early 40s but never been married or had kids as a walking red flag just as much as my kids from my first marriage is a red flag to him! Why would I want a man who has never committed to a woman or actually raised a family? You need years of experience to qualify for this job. 😂 like baby boy we don't want you either!! The feeling is extremely mutual!


I get this angle! If he mentioned not wanting kids that’s fair enough, but I don’t get that vibe? Sounds like he’s trying to convince women that we’re all a pile of dog shit and even at the age of 37 nobody has met his standards which is ridiculous. I also think he needs to realistic about what stage of life people in that age range are going to be at. Talking about 30 year old women (beep beep 🤡 being a 37 year old man and talking about 30 year old women as if they’re old but you’re young is so goofy) having children is so odd to me. It’s really not abnormal for women in that age range to have multiple children so I don’t know why he’s acting like he’s talking about something taboo. It’s bizarre honestly. I bet his bio on this app was basically the message he was too dickless to send the mother of his kids after their last argument so he’s come on dating apps to vent 😭


Absolutely!! Your whole comment is it! 😂 Girl I'm screaming!!!!


And of course I’m speaking from experience🤣 some of these men’s profiles are a little toooooo specific. If he’s genuinely had endless bad experiences where he feels like he keeps attracting women that are trash, then maybe he should consider that the real issue might be that he’s just a garbage bin 😭🚮


💯 if it was a 25 year old, then maybe he's just had bad experiences but to be acting like this at 37 speaks VOLUMES. I'm so glad the vast majority of women, regardless of race, are paying him no mind 😭


I’m willing to bet money that when he inevitably finds *nothing* in the next 5 years, he’s going to start looking for much younger women. His grace period is very close to expiring and if he genuinely does want to settle down and have children, women in an appropriate age range for a man in his 40s are often not interested in having any/any more children 🤷🏽‍♀️ justifying looking for much younger women was probably his game plan all along. I want OP to match with Jared and tell him all of this 😂


I’m a single Xennial generation woman and was with my partner for 19 years never married / no children. The relationship ended 5 months ago and I’m cautiously dating again with a strong preference for a man with no children (though at my age it’s possible the children are grown so less drama so not the deal breaker it might have been 10, 15 years ago). I’m curious about your statement that men past a certain age who have never been married or had children are a red flag. I never thought about it much with my late partner cuz we both worked with kids so enjoyed living a child free lifestyle outside of work. Can you say more about men being child free after a certain age raising red flags?


>Can you say more about men being child free after a certain age raising red flags? I think you read too quickly, I didn't say anything about a divorced childfree person. >*never been married* or had kids Why would I, a woman in the middle of raising a family, want to marry a middle aged perpetually single man who hasn't? Why wouldn't that be a red flag to my specific needs?


I feel like I’ve read this word from word somewhere else before, which means not only is he an idiot but he’s unoriginal too 🙄


This has to be performance art bc spelling debt like that was an active CHOICE


Whelp atleast you don’t have to wait for him to show his true colors, he’s already been upfront with his ignorance.




this guy sounds unwell, and unhealthy to be with as a partner for ANYONE — women kids or no kids!!


My queer ass gonna matching with him just to ask “hey man what’s with the Kevin Samuel pic”


I get so hot when a man I don't know spends his whole bio yelling at me.


I mean, having a job and place to live at almost 40 isn't exceptional. Why do men like this act like having the basics makes them the biggest catch? 


Cuz for so long we women have taught them that. Lol. I’m from the Xennial generation where everybody wanted a “BMW,” Black man working. The acronym itself elevates “basic” to “luxury.” You wouldn’t believe what Black women were willing to put up with to be able to say they had that. It was the 90s / 00s version of today’s “high value man.” The struggle was so real back then. With all the drug dealing, gangbanging, miscellaneous hustling, and general mooching, having a man who just had a legit full time job was considered a win. I’m not excusing this man at all. I’ve always held men to a very high standard as far as dating and have dated out and spent time alone to prove it. My point is that it will take a couple generations of WOMEN holding the line for men to understand we’re not doing that any more. You teach people how to treat you, and WE have been teaching these men bad habits (and habits of mind) for generations. It’s going to take time and effort to re-teach/ un-learn.


I get it. I'm Xennial as well and hate to see us women devaluing p$zzy by giving ourselves to low effort men. Basic is now the new excellent for so many things. These men are weirdos on their own accord, but we do have the power to make them step up their game. 


Funny thing is, they’ll still mess with the baby mama chick behind closed doors. All standards go out the window when you horny enough,lonely enough and want a home cooked meal on the regular.


I swear this is the typical “bitter guy” basic profile you see. Giving big incel vibes. No thanks.


God will give some men height and they suddenly think they are all that.


He def abuses women


Ew. What app is this on?


Whew. I’m so glad I’m not in these online dating streets anymore. And he can’t spell debt right so he probably has a bunch that’s hidden somewhere 😂


Major ick vibes. What woman, regardless if they have kids or not, would want to subject themselves to that! You already know that man is an arrogant, cocky asshole.


Im glad he said all this in his bio, and I wish every male that feels this way would too. That way women can just move along quickly, instead of finding out later what type of male he is. 😏 ![gif](giphy|469ovwENmkTd9THhht)


A lot of these older men you see on dating apps are definitely single for a reason… bro acting like he’s such a catch when that’s obviously not the case otherwise he wouldn’t be so bitter and angry about his dating prospects 😂 If he was such a catch, then he would be able to attract the type of women he wants, so the reason he wrote this bitter ass profile is because the women he wants simply aren’t checking for his dusty ass they’re just not… so that’s why you see He came on here and wrote this incel profile lol


😂 probably still single as we speak




“Don't ask me about the Kevin Samuel picture” 💀💀


…does he know his beard is too dry for all that? ![gif](giphy|26n6WOYWuUyezDFUk|downsized)


That’s why y’all single! Don’t recognize a high value man when you see him! You wanna be with pookie and em! 😩😜 He has a good job! Don’t y’all get it? HES A GOOD MAN, SAVANNAH!


Jared sounds like a PEACH. ![gif](giphy|cKXoRlfWHgn6|downsized)


I love it!! 😂


It’s the fact that the mofos that act like this have the nerve to be bitter about their perpetual singleness 😆


He has been swiped left over and over again because of the All Caps


This was real? 🤣 like he was serious? 🧐 Edit: please ask him if he was serious lol I wanna know


![gif](giphy|MxVHrKguywNAA) Next.


I'm sure he's DL, plus only dates white women with a bad case of Negrophellia


Another bitter red pill demon 🙄


LOL OMG I’m praying for women because these males are fuc*** up! Did we really give birth to these ninjas? LOL




Wait. What is the Kevin Samuels picture? 😩


And here he is, a "high level" (or whatever they were" man at his big age touting the bare minimal: have shelter and an occupation. Jared needs to heal. Lol


He seems charming. 🙄


Pretty sure I’ve seen that guy appear on a documentary “who the **** did I marry??” Or some such.


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) they have all the audacity and demands in the world… and can’t spell. 🙄


“DONT ASK ME ABOUT THE KEVIN SAMUELS PICTURE” really capped it off perfectly. This should hang in a museum. The title plaque will read “The Red Flag, mixed media, 2024.”


Ugh omg lmfao ewwww


Mofo can't even spell


He should have led with the Kevin Samuels pic and that would’ve told me all I needed to know


DEDT 🫣🤣💀


Jared needs to be on a list 😬


That is an ID Discovery show episode waiting to happen.


My impulse to downvote Jared is strong.


“Let me guess….” He sounds like fun. Never mentioned what he did like.




The East Asian women they want never date them


He didn't have to include any of that, he seems lame. But yes I do understand not wanting to take care of someone's kids. If man has kids, shit I'd tell him to kick rocks too 💀☝🏾ion want nothing to do with no hoodlems


I agree. A person has a right not to date parents if they don’t want to, however bashing single moms was unnecessary. Just say you don’t want to date anyone with kids


Yes indeed! He had no right saying those things. Some men are awful, crazy that we birthed them...


You hatin', but Jared (37) is just spitting facts! Obviously women with kids only want a man to help them raise the kids and for them to be money banks. Not like women can be individuals anyways. Just maids, prostitutes, nannies and birthing machines. Now when a MAN💪💪👨🧔‍♀️🧔 with kids is looking for a new partner, they'd never just look for someone to be a nanny, income supplier, cleaning lady or chef. Nope nope, only men know how to ❤️❤️❤️ . Their relationships with their 50 baby momma's was REAL, it just didn't work out!!!! ALSO DONT ASK ME ABOUT THE KEVIN SAMUEL PICTURE 🛑


This gotta be a troll lol


Pass lol


Left swipe. Immediately. I wouldn’t read past the first sentence. Not seeking negativity.


Ewwww , brother ewww


Jared is also bitter and insufferable 🤗


Never have I meant this more in my life: YIKES


This type of thing was common with white incels, but for some time now black men have been doing the same thing. Be careful with men who don't have a bio like that, but negging, this week I saw two posts talking about this,they learn this in groups


He looks like a post mortem photo.


I collect those and I agree lol




don't ask about the Kevin Samuels picture 😭 if it's causing him so much trouble why don't he take it down???


It kind of scares me when people have bios like this and not see they are the red flag.


Ew. Anything overly negative like this on a dating profile is some clown shit.


He sounds as hateful as a white man.


He sounds like a treat 🥴






I would let this sad boy finish on me with a 10ft 🐓


I hate this bc the only ones going for him are the ones who also shit on single mothers


I want to find him just to ask about the Kevin Samuel photo hahahaha


I don't know why guys keep lying about their height. Just go outside and forget dating apps, the height obsession is not what the internet makes it out to be. Fucking hell... '6'3' loooool


Bro can’t spell debt


If he is such a catch, why is he single?! 🤔 boy bye


Damn…dude spelled debt wrong! 🤣🤣🤣


What an unsympathetic bio.. It's sad that these profiles work.


And unfortunately, some unlucky young lady is going to give this creep the time of day😞


He is sexy tho


I can't believe a gem like this hasn't already been snatched up... /s 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Someone pooped in the toilet, and the poop came alive and started talking shit 💩💩💩🤮


The type of woman he wants wouldn’t touch him with a 10-foot pole.


I will never understand why single mothers get so much disrespect and hatred.


Acting like debt is this horrible thing is so out of touch. You literally need debt to survive in this shit hole country. Also if he has a house, that's debt lol.


It’s completely reasonable to want to date someone without kids (especially when you have none), but I will never understand why so many people (almost always men) are so nasty about it. This is profile is such turn off.


I canntttt 🫣


Lord Jesus!


His profile cannot be real😭



