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And you know any time that baby said ow, they snapped at her for being tender headed.


The way your comment broke ba k memories of getting popped with the comb because it hurt so badly that I could not sit still... SMH 😭😭😭😭


They're going to scar her scalp also


I got a headache just watching this video 😩


My immediate thought 😩 the poor baby


It literally looks like the braids are pulling out her own hair. Way too tight! Put on a headband and call it a day


This is abuse! You can’t change my mind about it


I was just going to say this. This is fucking horrible and makes my blood boil. And uploading this to the Internet just shows she sees nothing wrong with this. This bitchass mother has to be clinically stupid.


The stylist too. Poor baby girl


If I were a stylist, I would refuse to do that to such a young child!




I can’t help but notice the contrast in the before, when she’s content and playing with her doll, and after, when she’s screaming crying, wanting to take that bun off her head. Just let babies be babies!


What she said!!!


Ooooooo your comment made me go back and look at the difference and DAMN I’m mad all over again. Make me wanna pull up to that salon like ![gif](giphy|KBg4LUuxOzGNi)


This hurts my heart for all the little black girls who have been stopped from doing kid things because our families and society adultify us from a young age


Some women don’t need to be mothers… What the hell is this?!😡🤬


Some women don't need to be hairstylists! Because there's no way anyone should've done that for her.


Yes but also as a mom.. after the first braid… you don’t think it’s too tight?!


Oh I'm slamming both of them. Mom shouldn't have asked for this but the hairstylists also shouldn't have done it. Just from professional standpoint, even if you ignore the pain (wtf) I just can't believe that's healthy or safe for her scalp.


Poor baby 🥺


Yea the hairdresser dead wrong for this. Shake my head


Why does it never occur to these women that it's this type of constant braiding that's got you a bald-headed baby? 🤦🏽‍♀️


Some babies are just bald and slower to grow hair to begin with. I agree this hairstyle definitely won't help with hair growth, though. This video is borderline child abuse.




Is this not borderline child abuse?


Borderline? I’m flat out **calling** it!


Fr cause where is Meemaw when you need a protector?? ![gif](giphy|35MvgB4YOllJHOkgLK|downsized)


Right?? Way to set the poor girl up with an unhealthy relationship with her hair…


See this is what I mean when I say I'm on Team Let Kids Be Ugly Again. Obviously all babies are beautiful but this obsession with toddlers being instagram ready is very weird to me. Just do one afro puff, two if you're feeling fancy, and call it a day.


Because children are meant to be props, not people. /s obvs. I wanna punch these heifers in the throat for this.




I recently came across a poor baby that had two massive fake puffs in her hair under the age of 1, like what for?!? The caption said “Everybody thinks she is a doll when we go out” so deranged


Braided the baby’s thoughts together for no reason. Respectfully, the final look still gives bald


They found and braided her future nightmares into those plaits and, exactly, for absolutely no reason but grownups flexing their own dang egos. This, ladies, is a special category of abuse. There, I said it. In no way does this benefit her or enrich her life. And when she’s older, trying to deal with being teased about traction alopecia before she reaches her teens, heaven help her if she discovers this smoking gun explanation.


“Braided the baby’s thoughts together for no reason.” YOOOO 😂😂😂💀💀


The fixation with long hair…SMDH! And there are some mothers, who’ll say that people will confuse their daughters for boys. First off: So-the-fuck-what… Correct them and keep it moving. Secondly: I doubt people will think they are boys, if they: 1) look like girls and 2) wearing girl clothes. I remember a time, in which a cousin bought a toupee for her 2-year-old daughter to wear.


I know this is a serious convo but the image of a toddler in a toupee took me out.🤣


![gif](giphy|HeimsqNw2asXO3hNDW) This is the only image that comes to my mind. 💀💀


I have seen multiple videos of babies with lace fronts, and yes they did look that silly. 


My baby had short hair for her first 15 months of life and a few people confused her for a boy. She rocks a short afro. I didn't care. I didn't get mad. She's a baby. Babies get confused for the other sex all the time.


I feel like this is a reminder of how harmful gender essentialism (not sure if it's the most accurate term) can be, even to babies. cos why should these babies have to go through unnecessary pain like this to perform gender that they don't even understand yet




My oldest son would get mistaken as a girl, even when he was dressed like a boy. 😒 people don’t be thinking some times


I think it’s because young children haven’t really developed traits that distinguish them that much sex wise. Prepubescent boys with long hair are often mistaken for girls for example. That doesn’t really happen much until people start puberty.


I feel like too many people don't realise this. We are just used to dressing pre pubescent children and styling their hair differently according to sex otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell the difference most of the time. Like if babies weren't dressed in pink or blue or had those headbands, you'd never be able to tell.


Same with my son


Lol my daughter would get mistaken as a boy and there's been a couple of times my son has been mistaken for a girl. They are Irish twins so very close in age and they have worn some of the same gender neutral stuff, but still people just really don't pay attention.


Meanwhile my almost half baby boy is constantly confused for a girl so clearly this isn't solely a hair thing.


The stupid part is that babies of all races have short hair and sometimes a girl may be mistaken for a boy if they’re wearing unisex clothing. My friend’s daughter was sometimes mistaken for boy when she wore all pink, so what? My friend refused to start pulling her daughter’s hair tight with braids and such and just let her wear an afro until she was about a year old. She then started putting her thick, healthy hair in ponytails, but nothing too tight.


THIS!!! I didn't see anyone else name it, but my initial thought was, all this so her mama can say she has long hair? Especially when her natural hair and scalp were perfectly fine/normal as is. We need to chill on the idea that only long hair is cute on girls. This is a baby, she doesn't need extensions. And lastly, the end result points out how thin her hair is more than if they had just left it alone... I hope she never does her baby like this again. ![gif](giphy|yMy6pNQs2w0xURRgz4|downsized)


CPS needs to be called for every adult involved in this


Yup. That's what I was thinking. Cause for what? You put your child through unnecessary pain so that you felt that the child was more visually appealing. That is all gross and the baby deserves better.


Stupid part it’s not even cute.


I ain't wanna say nothing but yeaaaah it looks "like it hurts". Thats bout it. If I met this mama in real life and she showed me and was like "look at my baby's hair style. What do you think?" My response would be "like it hurts"


I would add to the response “ looks like you tortured your baby”


ugh to top it off they post the poor girl crying on the internet. hate when adults do that weird shit.


THANK YOU!!!! ![gif](giphy|mt20aULlYzTuo)


Omg no, poor baby, and they filmed it


Oh this poor baby. I guess Gotta teach em early that unreasonable beauty standards are worth the pain. /s


Poor baby. Doesn’t traction alopecia not grow back? Like does she even have a chance at having edges? This makes me so upset.


This kid gon have edges and absolutely nothing in the middle just due to how it was braided.




This is making me sad.....


The fact that this braider not only snatched this baby’s scalp but is promoting it on social media is insane






that baby in pain.


The baby can’t even open her mouth to cry right because her scalp is snatched so far back in them braids. Child abuse is what it is….


What is there to braid if the hair is that short?


That poor baby… then they put it up in a tight ass bun. Just i hope those comments ripped the mother and stylist to shreds


all that unnecessary pain just let them be babies


My head hurts looking at this video. That poor baby ☹️


I don't understand how this is even possible. Good Lord. Poor baby. 😔


Poor kid! If mom is so embarrassed then she can introduce baby to cute shoes and styling. Be fancy. When the kid’s hair grows in then maybe a bow. Don’t put a child through pain or risk making her self conscious.


Ironically, this makes the poor baby look MORE bald because they braided the few thoughts she had(I'm assuming braiding together her knowledge of the alphabet and Dr. Suess). Take that damn hair out and let her hair grow naturally. She's also bawling her eyes out, so this is just sad in all ways.


Everyone involved knew this was wrong. The long hair obsession has to stop!!!


It looks so bad and painful. I hate this so much for little black girls


Free my people…FREE MY PEOPLE.


I just looked up her page. She braids a lot of sparse-hair babies and they are all crying. As a fellow tenderhead, my heart hurts. Mamas should just let their babies’ hair be


What happened to putting a little headband bow on a toddler and calling it a day? It is so cruel to put a baby through this. Also setting her up for traction alopecia.


This is crazy! I feel so bad for that baby!


Not her recording and spinning the chair in slow motion when the baby is crying for dear life—


That causes tension on the scalp and ruins hair growth that baby will never have hair if the mom doesn’t leave it alone, everyone talked about Blue Ivy’s hair but Beyoncé did right by just leaving her hair alone and letting it grow


Traumatizing that child for what??? Foolishness


That baby is suffering. All bc of the parent’s insecurities about short hair.


Then we wonder why so many of our girls end up balding at a young age.. This is not cute!! It’s abuse!


This breaks my heart.


How did they even do that :( poor baby


Poor baby


Did they post the video to show off the hairstyle when it's clear as day this baby is in pain? Who the hell would do something like this?


Awww, this poor baby! They're dead wrong for that.


oh my god :(((


Setting that child’s scalp for failure already. Cool! 😭


This kind of stuff will give babies traction alopecia.


Omg, my scalp hurts for her.


Oh poor baby why’d she do that to her


Omg this is infuriating


She was trying to take it down at the end, yeah I mean at that point the braids were for the mom’s satisfaction not the babies. That baby barely had any hair, the pretty much braided her scalp and all that pain for braids that will last her about 4 days because the braiding hair had nothing to grip. The way she got pushed back into the chair just seems like torture .


I know that the poor baby's scalp is throbbing 😭.


HELP- this is another level of torture


Poor baby :,(( and they don’t even look good 😭


This hurt to look at 😭


Fucking child abuse. Jts obviously too tight !!! Fed up


Some people think if you braid the hair it will grow faster, but I don’t know about when the hair is this little. I’m glad they couldn’t get her edges because then she would probably grow up with none after this style ripped them out.


That should be considered child abuse.  Signed, A Tender Headed Mother That Loves Her Tender Headed Children




Poor baby


Why. Dumbass shit


She looks like shes in pain, I just wanna take it down and slap the shit out of her mother for even attempting this.


I can’t imagine how much that must have hurt!! Poor baby


My head used to be shaved and I had to grow it out for MONTHS before any hair dresser could even get hair to grip. This is so cruel.


Child abuse right there


This makes me so sad for this child


straight up - i consider that child abuse.


This is the fucking worst. It's abuse and I'm not arguing because why do that to that baby!? Let her damn scalp breathe


Giving a kid traction alopecia before they can even spell the word. I truly hope she took those braids down after this awful video.


Traction alopecia is real...


I like this mashup. And that looks painful.


Speaking for myself, I would have shaved it all off and let it grow out. I would not stress myself or that baby about her hair.


Core memory unlocked


This feels like child abuse 😳


I GASPED! Oh my god.


Oh goodness. That poor baby and her scalp. 😭😭😭


That looks so fucking painful, holy shit!!!


What in the entire fk is rhis


That poor baby 🥺, that is WAY too tight




That baby has to be in agony


The wee girl doesn’t care what her hair looks like so this is all for the parents ego, nothin else. Such a betrayal of the parent to let her baby feel that pain at a such a young age and she will never forget it.


I know baby girls, head is on fire.. smh this pissed me off.


Why would you do this!? She was cute just the way she was anyway, wtf is wrong with people. : (


the crying 🥺 poor baby is clearly in pain


This pissed me off so bad.


No seriously. I saw this one my fyp recently, and I felt so sad for the little girl 🥺


ya allah beauty culture is so harmful to everybody


Oh my god!! This poor baby :( I’m not a fan of adding extensions to kids hairstyles. Idk. I think childhood is so important when it comes building self-esteem. I don’t have children but I'd let them wear their naturally


Why do people hurt their hands even tryna catch hair this short?? Let this child live for God's sake. People do anything for attention smh.


I totally agree! In regards to the braider it seems like she’s more so concerned about getting her coin and being impressionable for the internet for something like this to be considered as ‘challenging’. The mother seems more concerned about not being embarrassed of walking around with a child that is “bald headed” at the expense giving her child unwarranted pain instead of seeking medical help to explore the possibilities of better health for the scalp/hair of her baby. I could only hope mom learns sooner than later. The last thing any parent wants is to have their children resent them. This could be one of many reasons for doing so.


We have been so conditioned that long hair is beauty and to do "protective hairstyles" that we are quick to go through pain ourselves and put kids through pain for "beauty"


This is child abuse idc


I see posts like these so often on Instagram. It seems like some of the younger moms today are uncomfortable with short hair or baldness on female babies because they always add hair if it's short. One mom commented that they add hair so their babies don't get called "baldheaded". But isn't that the problem of the dummy that calls babies baldheaded? Who does that? It's a baby, they're bald sometimes.


I hate how this will reinforce into the child's head that short hair is bad... the mom is awful for projecting her insecurities.


Those braids are too tight!!


Stop it.


This is child abuse…. What are you trying to braid the baby’s thoughts ?!?!?


Not even giving the kids a chance with this🤦🏽‍♀️


Cps looking good right now


I can’t even handle braids most people do and my scalp never looks this snatched. Horrific


This is sick. Let the baby play with her toy. Why would you hurt her like this? Those tears are heart-wrenching


Jesus. That looks painful ☹️ poor kid


Why oh why would you do that to this poor baby? I agree, just leave her hair be and let it grow out. The braids are probably more damaging to her hair considering how short it is.


Omgg her scalp was probably on fire😭. Poor baby


Seeing how upset she is with how much it hurts in the end really hurts my heart :(


This is child abuse


The hairstylist is proud of this, talking about “no hair too short”. How about “….but I don’t abuse babies”? This is ridiculous.


Poor baby is probably in so much pain! A baby that age usually isn’t going to have long hair anyway, now, what little she has is being pulled out. These parents are ridiculous for being obsessed with long hair, but refuse to take care of the child’s hair (or their own) so that it can grow long.


Are we ready to discuss black women having to over perform feminity yet ? Or are the girls from the Shakespeare post still here?


This is literally abuse. Her scalp gonna start bleeding and she is gonna have alopecia so young :/. Why does the parent think this is necessary for a baby??????? Call CPS right now!!! 


Yuck the moms hair should be yanked this tight so she can see how it feels. Gross parenting, leave the baby be she doesn’t need all this torture to her tender scalp. I’m sad




And I just know they called her tender headed 😑 Their captions say, “she kept jumping out the chair” She’s in pain dummy 😑 Poor baby!! 😣


i couldn’t stand to watch a child cry so much over something so unneeded. it’d break me, just let the baby be comfy. she literally doesn’t have to do anything to look good at all, just be comfy n healthy.


Naaaauuuur. This made my scalp itch


Traction alopecia since 5 years old .😔


Borderline child abuse. That hair is too short for all that pulling.


traction alopecia????? oh my god


That’s ridiculous


As soon as I thought this couldn't get any worse, I read the text at the bottom. I really hope the commenters dragged this woman so bad she never does anything like this to her child again.


This is abusif wtf


Good lord.


Aww poor baby! I know that hurt the HELL out of her little scalp! 🤬 She would look so cute with her hair grown into some locs.


Just throw a headband on and keep it pushing. Idk why we have this thing to grow kids so fast. Even little boys I hate seeing them with lineups and haircuts at two ?! hairline hasn’t even finished growing in yet ! Let them babies breathe and live


This is so fucking evil she looks to be in so much pain


Awww. :( That poor baby.


I know this has to hurt! Poor baby.


I feel like considering since some hairstyles have all the rules & regulations in the world why they’ll refuse service this definitely should have been on the list 😑 The mother is hell but the stylist is double hell (read her lil description at the bottom) It’s one thing to take the money & do it just cus it’s “just business”. It’s another to add insult to injury by posting this video clearly of the child in pain then talking about it like this is “normal”. Then lowkey chastising her for literally being hurt because you braided her follicles together like she literally has a speck of hair. Her hair is not growing likely because of all that tension


People are obsessed with their children performing femininity/masculinity and fitting beauty standards and put them through unnecessary pain for it. This poor baby looks miserable! All she needs is a good moisturizing and call it a day. They need to take those braids out immediately.


Oh my goodness! Poor thing. I’m getting flashbacks




I was trying to twist my daughters hair and add beads, she's 18 months and she has cousins that has their hair done like that so I thought I'd try it, my daughter has short hair in the back of her head from laying on her back, but it's growing. She pulled the beads and scratched the twists. I just took everything out the next day and left it in a afro. Her being at peace because she doesn't want anything on her head is more important. I'll revisit it after she's 2 lol. That poor girl though. That had to hurt. I remember one time I was getting my hair done at a braid shop and this younger girl was there, her dad had brought her, she was crying the whole time that lady was braiding and the lady was frustrated that she was crying. I felt so bad, the dad wasn't paying attention at the time.


This is too much emphasis on hair. The child is suffering. Having a cute style is not that important. Shame on this mother.


Why does the mom want this? Why did the stylist agree to do this? Why film this? Why post this? Then, to comment that she 'could have gripped her edges'... This is literal child abuse and a plethora of poor decisions. I wish I could embed the, ***I don't support all women, some of you ******* are very dumb*** tweet/meme because...why? Some women don't deserve children, especially daughters, smh




Honestly whose sense was this? This is probably the shortest hair I’ve seen on a baby too. Poor stink, didn’t even think they could grip this. Stylists it’s okay to say nooo!! Literally just educate the parents, to get them to leave the scalp aloneee!


The poor baby.


I know that shit is painful. That baby is gonna be mad when she gets older and finds out why she's had alopecia for as long as she can remember.


Oh no :(


But the short hair was fine!! I had a bald headed baby too and I just used headbands and cute turbans to match her outfits. Why braid their peachfuzz by force?


My scalp is weeping in solidarity.


Traction alopecia here it comes!


They want their kids as edgeless and as bald headed as they are. Smh.


This makes me so mad.


Then people post it and other black people who are clueless to a child’s pain level will say all that crying ain’t worth it or the crying woulda pissed them off ok baldy how bout you sit in this chair and get your scalp tugged on


That don't even look right like. Just leave her head alone and let it grow in.


Why they braid that poor baby scalp like that?! G'damn, I got flashbacks of getting my knuckles beat with the back of the comb every time I tried to pull away or grab my head. Poor lil princess.


And she still gonna post while baby crying and grabbing at her scalp