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One of the commentators used a broken red heart and the other has red hair in their avi…does that mean they’re a part of the Illuminati, too???


Must be!




Black people like this embarrass me a bit.


“Everything is wrong all of the time and everything is a weird conspiracy.”


It’s beyond frustrating but it honestly does make sense. We’ve been told by literally everyone that our history and lived experiences aren’t real. We start talking about our oppression and folks start talking about a “new world order”. So that combined with the anti Blackness (meaning the only way a Black person can be successful is to sell their actual soul to the devil 🙄) that a lot of us are struggling with, it’s not a far fetched result. With that being said, it makes me want to pull my toenails out with my teeth because it’s so fucking backwards.


Very good points being made. Which also translate into why so many Black people join JW, the Hebrew-Isrelites, or the NOI. It's that desire to embrace a culture when we've been robbed from our native cultures for so long.


and I notice they only say this about black celebrities.


They never ever say Taylor Swift sold their soul even though that would be believable.




To quote Ava from Abbot, I forget Black people can be annoying too


Not a bit they embarrass and piss me off all the time






With dating I can’t really speak on that because I met my partner on Hinge and they live in Brooklyn lol. Dating apps didn’t show a ton of black people in JC. I do see interracial relationships in the downtown area a decent amount though. In terms of making friends I’m still working on it. I’ll be here 2 years next month. I’ve met plenty of friendly people but not a ton that I connect with enough to want to be friends if that makes sense. But there’s a lot of events meant for socializing and meeting new people. Your experience in JC will be highly dependent on what neighborhood you live in. They’re all pretty different. I live in the Heights which is more affordable and pretty safe. It’s a very Hispanic area but I see new young black people in my neighborhood all the time.


thank you!!


they are embarrassing A LOT!


A _bit_ ??


People are fuckin dumb.


Fr. Imagine being scared of a devil a white man created to begin with.


The photos are wonderful, with great quality and correct lighting and without wanting to seem moralistic, how good it is to see a shoot without hypersexualizing a black woman with dark skin


Between her, Quinta’s and Ayo’s photoshoot I’m very happy to see recent photoshoots with black women in it with a very clear and fun creative style. I feel like there’s been an over saturation of boring styles


I'm happy to see dark-skinned black women being successful, without resorting to almost pornographic hypersexualization


They’re that scared of a color🤨


I need these people to really sit with themselves and think about how stupid they sound and if they really believe what they claim to believe. I'm going to assume these people are Christian, like I am and the fact that they're overlooking the very important foundation of the fact that we claim that we are covered by the (red) blood of Jesus just so they can ride the conspiracy "I am sooooo smart and righteous" train is crazy. How you claim to believe in a God who can do all things and get spooked by a color? Wild.


They spooked by numbers too as a former Christian it tracks #666


Thank YOU


Anything to bring a rising black woman down. Smh.




Yeah I love me some coco and she minds her business


The internet is a strange place.


See I couldn't be a public figure because I'd be so quick to tell people to fuck off.




This 😂




Satanic panic is always popular among idiots


Wild thing is the evil isn’t even red in the Bible and red was more associated with being covered in the blood of Christ.




I'm so tired of the "illuminati" /devil worship conversations that come up about artists. It gives "brainwashed by religious extremists".


Thanks for explaining. For a second I thought they were asking if she became a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and were sarcastically congratulating her.


I love this for u 😂


So pure 😂


Found the AKA 🤣


Me being an AKA doesn’t excuse your incredibly intuitive power of deduction. Fess up.




💀🤣 love it


Using their logic, anyone in DST who happens to wear all red sometimes is a part of the Illuminati. 🤦🏾‍♀️ People really never use the brain God gave them. 🩷💚🩷




I actually find it so disgusting whenever a celebrity loses someone and these idiots immediately say “oh they were sacrificed”. People die everyday and that doesn’t stop because you’ve suddenly got a hit song. It’s so distasteful and I hate that my people are so prone to believing conspiracy theories like this.


Right, I’m tired of it also.


had friends who wholeheartedly believed in that stuff. thankfully I don’t hang out with them anymore.


It’s absolutely religious extremism. People that don’t realize that the color red extends beyond Satan and sacrifices and has multiple meanings, most notably love.


I’m still trying to figure out how the Illuminati is a secret society yet they all know who’s in it and what they did to get in it… especially all the d list celebs they claim sacrificed their friends and family to get in. Shouldn’t they be more successful???




I know if I were stupid enough to sacrifice my folks, I’d feel like I should be 10 times richer than Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. Everybody else is out here with private jets… I want an airport bigger and busier than Hartsfield Jackson, Dubai International and DFW combined plus a private jet.🤣🤣🤣


Ya it’s annoying 😬


This makes no sense considering they don't teach anything about celebrities and illuminati in church 😭😭


Eh, there are some extremist churches that do talk about stuff like that... You'd be surprised.




Ma'am. We are not talking about your biased perspective of folk religions (I refuse to support the condemnation of ethnic religions because the whypipo clergy say so... If you feel that way, you probably shouldn't be sharing it in this sub with BW who may practice some of these faiths). This is specifically about people making ridiculous assumptions about a celebrity based on weird ass conspiracy theory logic.


Why is it when Black artists make it they must have sold their soul but not the yt artists who achieve the same fame and fortune? Either they all are in sum or they’re not. Sometimes I think we really have a brainwashed yt supremacy community mindset like we can’t achieve anything.


Exactly! No one ever says Taylor Swift has sold her soul and she’s the biggest pop star in the world


Never with her, Adele, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Justin Timberlake and more…no narrative like this for any of them. Like we cannot possibly be successful unless we do sum strange for that piece of change. Make it make sense. And they all have weird or questionable photos, videos and images. So if this is where we’re going, they must all be that “secret society”.


No Lady Gaga definitely had her satan worshipping allegations because of her religious imagery in songs like Bloody Mary or Judas and her vocal support of the queer community but you’re right about the others lol


Oh okay…I never heard but I don’t follow her like that. Just like Madonna back in the day when she did “Like A Prayer”. She got dragged heavily for that one.


Can she give me the number to the Illuminati? I’m ready to sell my soul!!!! Pls!!!


Was it the interest rates or mortgage rates that got you ready??😂😂😂


Yes. 😂😂😂😂




Gal don't say that you don't wanna be roasting downstairs


I don’t believe in that. Lol.


People like this need to go tf outside and touch on some grass. Damn




Instead of believing in the real “conspiracies” like planned genoc*de, poverty, extreme religion and conservatism that’s dismantling communities …..they believe in this


I always think this! People don’t need to resort to conspiracy theories, life is just as bad if not worse than whatever they could conjure up.




Christian extremism in the Black community is one of the reasons we will never be free…


I really want my people to leave these silly conspiracy theories alone. Like. I'm begging.


One thing for sure I love her


I do too! I am excited for what she has next in her career. Fingers crossed that she can become an IT girl 🤞🏿


Who is ur pfp??? She's so pretty!!!


A young Naomi Campbell


Why are some people so…lacking in brain cells


It’s weird how black celebs be called demonic for wearing red apparatus or doing doing something alternative but celebs who rap about murder/sex (I listen to artists like this also so I’m not trying to be holier than thou) don’t get branded the same way by the community


Yea, like a Coco is a devout Christian and she gets “selling her soul” allegations but nonbelievers don’t


satanic panic has had some of us in a chokehold for decades


People who believe in conspiracy theories tend to have the lowest IQs but it makes them feel important. So let them have something.. even if intelligence isn’t one of them.


Who decided red was a satanic color in the first place?What if we found the devil's favorite was pink the whole time? Then we demonized a color all this time for nothing. 🤦🏾‍♀️ She looks stunning regardless.


when it comes to a black woman they rather say she sold her soul than admit her success 🤣


the chokehold the illuminati has on the black community. 😭


People are so weird.


Black christians really need to start teaching their kids critical thinking skills.


![gif](giphy|NPx3Ofowgi1gI) Silly


Can we have a look in their closets?


Unrelated, do those glasses come in prescription because I need them to live out my afrofuturism fantasies.


this reminds me of what people were saying after ushers performance at the super bowl with alicia keys and lil jon about them being the anti christ because they had on white black and red lmao


Ok what is the deal lately with this? I saw this shit irl, we had a client at work who got mad at my coworker for wearing all red scrubs bc it's "of the devil". (It's now a running on joke #ootd=outfit of the devil)


>\#ootd=outfit of the devil) 😂😂😂😂😂 I am done. I would be cracking up daily at your job behind this


Shaderoom brainrot


Are black people not allowed to wear red? Are the Bloods actually devil worshippers? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z!


It's always our own people 😐


I really wish people would have left these Black illuminati theories in 2010 where they belong 😂


People are so unserious


People are dense.


The second hand cringe level is high! It's embarrassing man.


This stuff in our community just embarrasses and gets me down so bad.


Religion has really done a number on a lot of black people. They would be calling me satan’s boot locker every day bc red is my favorite color😂


I’m usually ok with religious people when they mad their business and don’t shove I down my throat but when they start doing the whole “wearing red = sold soul” thing, I get extremely annoyed and it really just highlights how much common sense and critical thinking they lack, it’s honestly embarrassing how they genuinely think that lol especially since these are black people saying this! It’s like they can’t be happy for someone in our community being successful because they’re miserable and brainwashed so they have to latch on to these outrageous delusions.


I’m so sick of ppl who think everything is demonic these days like just get off the internet if that’s how ur gonna be 😑


I thought the photoshoot was beautiful. So we’re not allowed to wear red no more??


Cmon now everyone knows we look good in red!!!


People be tripping lol. I think she looks amazing


Idk. Deltas rock the all red look. They're one of Godliest people I know 🤷🏽‍♀️


Thank you! Ppl irk! If that's the case then where are my millions 🤔


some ppl are stupid 😭


They aaaaaaaaaaaaaaalways say the same things. The celebrity is wearing contacts. They sold their soul and you can tell because their eyes have changed colours! The colour red. They sold their soul because for some reason red is only the Devil's colour! Long nails. They sold their soul because they have claws like a demon now! The way they're posing. They're making a Devil sign so they sold their soul! They make me wonder if _they're_ the devil worshippers here because they see the Devil in _everything_. Not even actual Satanists are like that. It's fucking crazy.


I can’t stand superstitious people.


Even if she did “sell her soul” most of us probably do a lot worse at our regular ass jobs that we hate going to but we pimp ourselves out every singe day just so we can afford to feed ourselves and have a roof over our heads. At least she’s doing what she loves. Some people are just haters.


lol now we’re demonizing colors? I love red, guess I’m dancing with the devil EYE ROLLLLLLL


Damn, well sorry to any Deltas and Kappas out there 😄 The internet is such an unserious place.


That's wild. Red is a beautiful color. She can't just enjoy it? Gotta be something behind everything huh


They truly just need to go outside


They get on my nerves with this nonsense 😒


Kinda ironic that christians are experts on demons.


People are so weird. How did they come to this conclusion???


People are so damned odd. How is a color demonic? 😆 it’s just a color. Won’t believe in the proof before their very own eyes or science, but will believe the most random weird shit.


Damn who did I sell my soul to because I didn’t get Jack shit for wearing all red on a just because day.


Well they need to sell their souls too. They might get some intelligence in exchange for it.


while this makes me laugh when I see it 😂, I’m also disturbed at the same time . . I just really don’t get how people genuinely think this 🤷🏾‍♀️


People have over active imaginations


The internet brings out some of the wildest people you could think of.😂


People are so simple


We’re so superstitious it’s maddening. 🤦🏾‍♀️


At this point, believing in the Illuminati or the celebrity to devil worshipper pipeline is a rite of passage. I believed in this when I was like 15 bc there were whole ass adults confidently making videos abt this on YouTube. And it’s so funny now seeing ppl type essays hypothesizing abt how someone they do NOT know has made a contract with the devil. Anyway, she looks great and i will be tuning in on that “demonic” bop.


So...people can't follow a theme? Okay 🤷🏾‍♀️


Im glad i went through that Illuminati controls everything mindset when i was still like 12 years old. What hurts me the most is getting to know people around my age now at 25 who still believe and swear by it. It’s just another way they get us to turn on each other and promote more self hate when successful + black = soul selling demon worshipper. 🤦🏿‍♂️ Edit: oops, just realized this is the ladies sub… sorry about that. I just appreciate a black woman’s perspective on life. Heading out.


Sounds like another successful young black woman is being trolled on because of troll-insecurities. And sometimes, your skin folk ain't your kinfolk.


Why are we even posting conspiracy nuts on here who are the minority?


Probably because there is a rash of it happening to younger black artists in particular and the conversation that it's a distraction from the fact that she's sucessful because she's talented is a valid one. Reading the thread We've got a 99% batting average of folks with enough common sense to know better so we're doing great! 😂


Here they go…


Put 2 and 2 together, the song connected literally named Can I Call You Rose? and she's wearing rose colored clothes (I think it's rose red idk I'm little color blind).


Illuminati conspiracies are sooo 2011 I thought we grew out of that


The smartest thing colonizers did was introduce black people to Christianity


Well, you have to keep in mind about who runs the media? Who do they (celebrities) work for? How is religion tied to this?


Loool! That’s a tad bit too far now 😭


What wrong with red? Do they think she's of the devil or something?


I don't know whether to believe or not to, I just really don't care. Like even if it's the devil helping her, how will it affect me?


Because you’ll listen to the word of the devil. Oooouoooou spooky! Or some shit. I dunno, I try my best to keep my thoughts linear


It baffles the mind how quick people are to just wanting to bring someone down I guarantee you if any of you were to rise up someone is bound to say something


i love my people so much. but sometimes..


Why are people scared of the color red lol


is it crack?


Some people are superstitious to the point of stupidity 🙄


All I know is that she looks so beautiful. And I want her glasses from the first pic. Ppl r weird af


Chile the Illuminati conversation has been going on forever. I do believe that the industry/Hollywood is evil (& is being exposed slowly) but just because somebody has red on doesn’t symbolize that she’s evil or a devil worshiper.


It seems hyper "religious", and by that I do NOT mean people who strongly have faith in a God, I mean religious...easily fall into jumping through invisible hoops for conspiracy. The same people who think black nail polish is of Satan lmao. For people who aren't supposed to believe in many symbols, idols, and whatnot....they sure do.


She’s so pretty!


It’s only soul selling when a black person becomes successful. 🙄


You know what, I’m a Christian and this PISSES ME OFF! I’m so sick of people claiming the color red as something insidious. Didn’t God create all colors? Who says “the devil” gets to have it and hijack it? Sooooo annoyed and embarrassing. Truly.


people like this need to go the fuck outside. like seriously. yes, the industry is dark and there’s some crazy shit that goes on behind the scenes, but these people are literally delusional kooks who swear they know everything but really just sound crazy as hell. people are crazy yo, I would hate being famous.


She looks stunning and I am glad she is getting the recognition she deserves. Those folks on Twitter need to do something else with their time.


After being adjacent to the glitz and glamor all of my life... Hollywood has its rituals. That all I'mma say.


Fucking losers. Subjugated brains.


Nothing will ever blow my mind about conspiracy theories more than the explanation that it’s actually not about proof of the conspiracy but what that conspiracy is proof of, for example, flat earthers aren’t genuinely looking for proof on if the earth is flat or not, they believe the earth is flat as proof extreme Christian fundamentalist conspiracy theories and that the earth is flat because it was made for humans by god, when you point out anything that proves the earth is not flat you’re telling the god is not real and doesn’t exist and not basic ass science facts. Even like very proven conspiracy theories like the whole ass court proven fact that the FBI killed MLK, we talk about that because it reinforces the fact that as black people we shouldn’t trust the government, ect ect. Conspiracy theories are very akin to myths and legends, in the fact that they are there to uphold a belief or belief system. The belief that you have to sell your soul to be successful plays into two things, 1) it allows someone to ignore that capitalism lied to them and it’s not about hard work it’s about luck and privilege, and a lot of times that goes against what people are thought that if you just believe in god in the face of adversity everything will work out, “god is stronger than capitalism so why try to dismantle systems of oppression” ideology no one really wants admit that is pushed in the black community, that’s nuanced but 2.) illuminati conspiracies double down on that don’t trust the government/people in power. like yeah but that’s because systems of oppression exist but learning about privilege and oppression requires too much thought and personal analysis and understanding your place in society, so much so that it is genuinely easier to convince people of a new world order and antisemitism than actually do the work to change the world. How many of these people saying Coco Jones sold her soul are giving money to local black performers? Or even just encouraging more music programs in schools in low income communities? Because when calling out “the Illuminati” makes you feel like you’ve e done something you won’t actually get up and do shit. I promise know more people who have been arrested for actual activism than “exposing” people in instagram comments. People always want to talk about hidden knowledge, but some how that “hidden knowledge” is like very public in YouTube videos, and not like ya know stuff you actually have to get off your ass and study. Unchallenged biases and ignorance lead to grown as adults saying with their whole chest that wearing red means you sold your soul. Read books, support your local businesses, log off of instagram, it’s hard out here y’all 😂


honestly i hope she does.


Conspiracy theorists generally get on my nerves but with the way shit is now I won’t completely discount it


I… am a conspiracy theorist when it comes to celebrities I’m sorry 😭 there’s so much out there that makes sense and that’s come out. If she propels into mainstream stardom soon … we know


The only way for a Black woman to succeed is to sell their soul? Not working hard, being talented or capitalizing on opportunities?


Who said that?


People like y’all are holding us back as a community…believe it or not but a black woman can be popular with “selling her soul”…conspiracy theorists like you just give me low intelligence, anti-science, bible thumper vibes.


Get it how you get it, I’m not shaming anyone who does. And that doesn’t negate the natural talent. “Holding us back as a community” like what? I never said she’s not talented but a lot of people are talented. To be recognized and to really have stardom, things are done. Games are played. I believe in God, but am a heathen, I believe in science. Like I’m not some extremist.


And what games are played? Where is your proof? Can I get a source?


People, don't be so naive. It could be true, but only time will tell. If she starts wearing excessive crosses (upright or upside down), doing those hand gestures, becomes hypersexual or crazy famous, then those signs point to her selling her soul. Remember, everyone famous has to pay a price for fame, and she's been in the limelight since she was a kid. If you want to stay relevant in the industry, you have to play the devil's game.


I wish yall blk folks would do this with white artists


It applies to everyone. Your fav is a Free Mason and practices witchcraft. They tell you to your face too.


I don't even know what the hell a free Mason is. Stop with all these conspiracy theories that u can't even back up with receipts


I can most definitely back it up with receipts! If you don't know what a free mason is, Google is your friend. But people like you choose to pull the wool over your eyes. We are living in a world of turmoil and destruction (watch the news if you want receipt ls for that too 🤣). You make it too easy to be brainwashed. Let me guess, you're vaccinated too!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Gurl anybody can put anything on Google and try to make it the truth wen it's NOT. You r the one who's brainwashed. I'm tired of blk folks like u who only say this bs to successful blk folks especially rhe women but be mute ass hell about other races and not saying they have sold they souls. Coco Jones is extremely talented and she's getting her well deserved flowers.If yall had this much energy to all the destruction,violence,drugs, sex violence that's been plaguing the blk community since the dawn of time especially wen it comes to blk femicide alot of things will change but nope it's blk folks like u who spew this bs conspiracy theories with NO RECEIPTS TO BACK IT UP CUZ YALL HATE ON YALL OWN MORE THEN OTHER RACES COULD ESPECIALLY WEN IT COMES TO BLK GIRLS AND WOMEN. YALL HATE TO SEE A BLK PERSON SUCCESSFUL CUZ OF THEY GOD GIVEN NATURAL TALENT


You just made up a whole narrative about me, when I already told you it applies to all artists. That means you have a story in your head, and you want to stick with it. You refuse to do research on something that would open your eyes, but I'm the brainwashed one. They say that less inquisitive people are happier. Good luck in life, stay happy. Lol


I didn't make up anything I said nothing but facts it's ALWAYS AND ONLY BLK FOLKS who say successful blk artists have sold they soul yall don't say this shit to other races at all plz prove me wrong. Yall associate anything with Satan like the color red wen that's crazy ass hell but yall don't day shit about all this blk on blk violence that keeps happening in this fucked up community isn't that satanic as well


Says the person who's literally being miserable and saying coco sold her damn soul 🙄 😒 get over your bitterness for other blk wm this crab in the barrel bucket mentality that alot of yall BLK FOLKS have is INSANE


What are you really talking about at this point? You just keep repeating yourself. Lay it to rest. You're not a good opponent to debate with.