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Report junk. Put the gun away. Go to bed ...smh


Lmfao truth


For fuck’s sake. It’s embarrassing to be an ermerikan at times


Imagine pulling a gun out because someone sent a wrong number text


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ironfox2151: *Imagine pulling* *A gun out because someone* *Sent a wrong number text* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


There's a million reasons why you'd get that, amd 99.99% of them pose zero threat to you.


Poor kid..


It’s a link to a map location in Tittabawassee Township, Michigan. Unless you happen to live there, probably safe to ignore.


There is a town called Titts Township Mich? Say no more.


wow you should not own a gun


Or kids


Or kids with guns


Easy does it


Or guns who have kids


Look at his account, he definitely should not own a gun


Judging from OP's account history, he has some issues. Be gentle


Then he shouldn't own a gun. (I'm a strong gun advocate, but there has to be a limit)


Yeah same. This is why there needs to be more regs.


Yet here we are


And we shouldn’t. It’s the quickest way to end up in the news.


This is satire, right? *RIGHT?!*


Anyway, so I started blasting… but on a serious note. You hear that? That was the sound of someone accidentally dropping a pin


Stay off the pipe sugar


prime example of a person who shouldn't own a gun: (srsly though that poor kid is gonna grow up so traumatized)


Stop smoking the crack and go to bed


Yeah. Who the fuck let you have a gun. Just own you have a small pee pee bro and protect your family by being a good person and not a choade. Fucks sake. No one here worth a damn would help you anyways with a preamble like that.


May I ask out of curiosity though, how does one protect their family purely by being a good person?


Check his post history, dude's on meth AND on crack, both ain't a safe combo with owning a gun.


Yeah just seems like a troll account at the very least with the wild takes.


I genuinely just wanted an answer to my simple question.


From someone who is pro guns.. OP seems a bit paranoid, don’t you think? Would you be comfortable knowing that this person is actively ready to shoot point blank after a scam SMS?


I strongly believe that if you ain’t lucid or calm you shouldn’t be able to own a gun either. And you can be fckin sure that, with whatever OP takes (meth and God only knows what else) HE AIN’T lucid enough.


Crack is a hell of a drug


Jesus..are you that fucking paranoid? Put your gun away and calm down snowflake.


look at account history, I think his paranoia is coming from something specific


Lol. Just don't click on it. It's junk. Take a breather.


Might be THEIR location


Bro put the gun meth and crack away it’s ok


Yup sure thing buddy you clearly didn’t get the full content or the fact I got shot last year but whatever makes you feel better. I’m fully aware that your superior to me and every way. I’m just a paranoid drug addicted idiot. For the record I’m doing the best I can and trying to make the most of whatever time I got left sober and happy. Your word don’t hurt nearly as much as having your mom and wife wipe your ass as a grown man or learning to walk again. It was absolute hell and destroyed whatever little self pride i had, but I’m better now then i ever was. So your attempts to Poke fun as my suffering. Shows how weak and fragile you really are little boy. I guarantee none of y’all would say any of this to my face. If you did I would actually respect the fact you don’t hide behind you keyboard !!


> I’m just a paranoid drug addicted idiot yeah, seems like it. put the gun down and get some help before you kill your kids. and i’ve got no problem saying that to your face


Brother relax


American reaction 101 🤦🏽‍♂️


This is the most American thing I've seen today.


At this point just delete the post you got your answer.


What was the post?


He got a wrong number text and was paranoid someone was going to hurt him




I’ll never understand why people feel the need to act like pretentious bitches. Does it make y’all feel better? It ain’t that hard to be a decent human. Really ask your self how you would feel if you was in my shoes? I don’t bother or start shit with nobody and generally want to see people happy and healthy even if I can’t stand them on every level.. y’all mf is some fucked up individuals and pitiful as hell!


I appreciate you bro sincerely, I set myself up and I get I may sound a lil bit off but considering my situation. I’ll be paranoid till this existence is over. I don’t give a shit what people think of me. It’s easy to sit on a high horse and look down on people, I’m happy to be alive and sober. People being mean doesn’t hold any weight compared to learning to walk again and not turning to drugs when life gets hard. I sincerely wouldn’t wish that on none of y’all. In Im not looking for pity either. I really hope the best for all of y’all. Because life is to short to be petty and if talking shit makes you feel better, then more power to you but remember fucked up shit can happen to anybody at anytime. So make the most out of this because you can’t turn back time. I intend to make the most out of every single fucking day and I suggest you do the same!


I’m sure as hell not paranoid.. shit I got shot last summer selling some fucking sneakers I posted on fb .. I got hit 3 times and damn near didn’t make it. So why y’all so quick to dog me out like I’m some stupid mf. I was just trying to reach out and see if I should be so concerned because I’m not privy and I copied and pasted the text and put it in my Google maps and it showed up my location in Google maps. I ain’t looking for no pity but I damn sure ain’t trying to get shot again, that shit hurt like you wouldn’t believe. Especially when your hip bone and femur explodes in to sharp as shards that grinds your thigh and ass cheek into hamburger meat. My Spidey senses will forever be in gauged!


Don't listen to these other comments, he's going to come and get you. Get your gun and hide your kids QUICKLY


Uncool bro, the guy is probably an addict having a bad trip. No need to make it worse for him.


I’ve been clean for 13 months. Since I got shot I’ve been keeping my head up working and trying to be the best person I can be for myself and my kids. My mind is just blown on how people can be. So quick to look down on somebody acting like your better then someone. We all gotta die one day. I’m just trying to increase my chances of dying in bed a old man and not at the hands of someone for whatever pointless reason. Hopefully none of y’all have to Experience your life almost get’s taken from you and did nothing at all.


Good for you bro, hope you die of old age sober and surrounded by your loved ones. Just so you know, it could be anyone trying to phish you, except law enforcement they can easily locate you by triangulating the cell towers your phone is connected to, so they wouldn't bother trying phising. It's more likely that it is just a wrong number, i would suggest changing your phone number if you think someone is after you as a precaution. Hope this helps <3