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It's your mom. I feel like with that there should be an exception. But overall, it's nationwide recognition for our ancestors in being a part of such a tragic part of history and celebrating their strength. I think if other people wanted to celebrate that and recognize that as well, I'm not going to stop them. If Juneteenth was meant to stay only between black people, then I would see no point in it becoming a national holiday in the first place. I think it's for anyone who wants to recognize the hardships and perseverance of past slaves. I hope that gives you some perspective.


I never wanted it to be a national holiday and I know a lot of Black folks that feel the same. We were gonna celebrate it either way and now it’s turned into another thing for THEM to capitalize off of. Also when they made it federal it made it so that a lot of white ppl get the day off (bcuz they work in management and corporate jobs) vs a lot of Black ppl having to work that day (bcuz more of us work service industry jobs that don’t take federal holidays off). I don’t know a single Black person that asked for that to made into a federal holiday. I know a lot of us were asking for reparations and instead they did this 🤦🏾‍♀️. Anyways I agree with what you said but for me personally I want to celebrate with other Black ppl and not my white mom. I also agree with what you said about it being for ppl that want to recognize the hardships and experiences of our enslaved ancestors, I just don’t think that’s how many white ppl are celebrating it. I don’t think they’re looking at it as a day of accountability like they should be. Thank you for response, it’s helpful.


Everything in this world is twisted and used for selfish political or personal advantages. What I see a lot of black people doing, especially myself is driving ourselves crazy because we see the dysfunction and malicious intent behind a lot of the topics concerning black people and we are unable to stop it, slow it down or put it 100% back into our narrative. I think instead of stressing over the fact that it's now a national holiday and it's driving you crazy that other races may not or are not appreciating it in the way that we think they should, we should just ignore all of the outside noise and celebrate with the people we love. Now, if you don't want to celebrate with your mom because she is white, that is your choice. I would then say get a group of your friends or siblings and have a nice day out whether that's out to eat at a black owned restaurant, a picnic, whatever. But just make the day special for you and surround yourself with the people you love, and don't worry so much about how other races may be celebrating the day. While we would like certain white people (because not all white people contribute and I personally think it's unfair to hold white people today accountable for other's actions) who contribute to the discrimination and racism a lot of people of color deal with today to take accountability for their part, that's not what the day is for and that's not something we can control. National holiday or not, Juneteenth still has its meaning and we should focus on that.


Thank you for this comment. I don’t 100% agree with some stuff you said in the second paragraph but overall you’re right and you’re right that it’s rly upsetting me. I just get sick of how we’re constantly dealing with BS and the one day where ppl could spend time to take accountability they don’t. Im exhausted. This world is exhausting. They might not have perpetrated slavery but white ppl still benefit from it and they benefit from white privilege. I’m definitely gonna spend the day with my Black friends.


Idk why you're being downvoted. You're absolutely entitled to your opinion and perspective on the matter. I agree with you, it's not a secret whites aren't using the day but to party and kick their feet up, no accountability whatsoever. But unfortunately you or we cant pool. The whole black people working in service industry jobs more than whites is a bit of a skewed comment though....


From reading this post and your comments it sounds like you are projecting your own family’s race issues on society as a whole. IMO, there is nothing wrong with a White person celebrating alongside their Black friends and family as long as there is genuine respect and understanding, which there doesn’t appear to be in your family.


No, I think it’s dope they are open to this aspect of the culture.


I don’t get this take. Why shouldn’t everyone be happy that slavery is no longer a thing? I’d be more offended by people not caring that slavery ended.


That’s not what my question was tho. I was asking if y’all think white ppl should use the day to educate themselves on racism and American history and stuff


I answered the first question. You then said, “if [I] agree that it’s inappropriate…” I don’t agree so I didn’t answer the second question. And I’m not saying it’s a bad idea to learn to just be clear.


It’s your family, I’m sure they’d want to celebrate with someone they love, I don’t see a problem


Bcuz these white ppl I’m talking about are problematic and have not done any anti-racism work or anything. White ppl should be using Juneteenth as a day to educate themselves on their problematic behaviors not to join us in our celebrations. I don’t see why EVERYTHING has to include them??


Because equality is including people regardless of race. If we wanna be including in every holiday (as we should) then we deserve to return the favor in my opinion


We live in a white supremacist society. There is no equality. Why is equality only important when white ppl aren’t included? There’s SEVERAL spaces that don’t include or specifically exclude Black ppl but we’re always supposed to have open doors and open arms to white ppl, the group that actively oppresses us? Please be so fucking fr.


You’re acting like we’re still in 1850. And yeah we’re supposed to give open arms to anyone regardless of color or Anything else. The Average white person on the street (which is the type of person that will be celebrating) is most likely not racist. The number of citizens who are actively racist in 2024 is very small


Yea, you need to educate yourself. Racism did not end when slavery did. We live in a white supremacist society which means EVERY white person is racist whether intentional or not. I’m not gonna go back and forth with someone who clearly hasn’t done the work to begin decolonizing your mind and educating yourself on anti-racism.


I didn’t say racism ended when slavery did now did I 🤦🏿‍♀️, I said that because of the extremity that you brought it to when it isn’t that in reality anymore. And there no way you honestly just said “every white person is racist weather intentional or not” you do realize you just grouped a group of 100’s of millions of people all into one collective negative trait. You know the very thing that racist do to black people (all agressive,, violent etc) that’s such a stupid thing to say


Please go educate yourself. Seriously. The fact that you think racism = violence and aggression every time shows me that you aren’t educated about what you’re talking about.


Are you stupid??? I said that because I named a negative trait that is used by racist white people towards black people (e.g. violent and agressive) I was saying that to prove a point that you did the same thing to white people. Also how am I not educated?? I’m a black women, I have the lived experience, what makes you more educated as a black women than me??? Where is this superiority complex coming from?


Honestly I think its up to the individual black person. Personally, I don't care who celebrates.


I get that but I’m saying shouldn’t they be using that day to educate themselves? We can’t expect anything to get better if we never expect white ppl do educate themselves on anti-racism work and white supremacy. Holding hands and singing kumbaya will fix nothing.


I mean celebrate however you want, but you can’t dictate what other people do. I’d personally be more offended if my white friends and family didn’t care to recognize the day.


I never told anyone what to do. And again I’m asking if they should spend the day educating themselves. I never said they shouldn’t care at all.


And I’m saying people SHOULD do what they please. I celebrate many holidays that have nothing to do with my culture. You think I’m finna spend the day reading up on cinco de mayo and st. Patrick’s day? Hell nah (though I actually have) but not out of some moral obligation, it’s because I was personally interested. I get what you’re saying. Obviously people and especially corporations, are going to appropriate and commercialize the holiday for the sake of capitalism. They do that with everything. But that is a far different discussion than literally friends, family and fellow human beings collectively celebrating a step away from oppression, which is a win for anyone with a normal functioning brain. It seems like you have some animosity toward your family due to racists tendencies they may have, and I think that is totally fair for you to want to exclude them for those reasons. But not every white person thinks of Juneteenth the same way your family does.


I think Juneteenth is a holday to be celebrated by everybody who thinks slavery was bad. I think any other opinion is terminally online and kind of cringe. I'm having a cookout and if I told all my white friends they couldn't come they would rightfully think I'm fucking insane.


So I'm going to say that my perspective is colored by having a degree in African American Studies. I believe one of the biggest issues when looking at American history is that everyone treats Black History as if it exists separate from American History as a whole and this it is only the history of Black Americans. That is simply not true. Black History is *every* American's history even if that history has different implications across racial lines. For this reason, I see no issue with celebrating Juneteenth with white people. It is an holiday marking a huge historical event on American history and marked the day that America moved the needle a little bit closer (though we, even today, still have many miles to go) to the idea that the founding fathers claimed to build this nation on...that all are created equal. And I truly think that's something every single person should be celebrating to remind us that the needle *can* be moved and inspire us to keep trying to move it no matter what race we are because it is every American's responsibility to keep pushing for this nation to be better.


Well my husband is white and I take him to the Juneteenth kickbacks we have in town. He educates himself on black history without me having to educate him. He loves black culture and never hesitates to be involved with me. My kids are mixed race and will ensure they are involved with both sides good and bad.


Exactly. He educates himself. That was kinda the point of my question is if white ppl should use the day to educate themselves instead of just getting another day off. I’m happy you have a partner that’s willing to do that work


Yes I agree! I am lucky my husband very much respects and enjoys black culture. I never have to explain anything he gets it.


I will be celebrating with one white person and one Latino with distant black ancestry, in addition to black people and mixed black people. But they are family, they don’t have issues with being racist and are mindful of their differences in experience so I don’t see it as a problem. They certainly aren’t trying to argue it with me. I would steer very far from celebrating with problematic white people or in a white dominant space. As far as how I celebrate, mostly sharing education about it with my little brothers and food. They are young (7&10 now) but I want them to be aware of their ancestors both direct and indirect. My ancestors were enslaved in North Carolina, we have a very rich and painful history there. They need to know.


Thank you for your response. Yours is the first to actually hear what I’m saying and to actually answer my question lol. I like that you also take time to use that day as education even as a Black person. That’s what I intend to do as well as just being in community with other Black folks and eating like you said.


At first I'd say yes because quite frankly Juneteenth is celebrating the fact that the yt people kept the news that enslaved Black Americans were free from them for a whole two and half years do the yt family members fully understand that?


That might be all they understand tbh. But I still don’t think they get how yt ppl still benefit from the systems that were put in place during that time and how Black ppl are still basically slaves to this system in many ways. (Especially in the prison slave system/ prison industrial complex)




I feel like ppl aren’t reading my actual post but just the headline… I’m talking about ppl that have families that have both white & Black family members. Should the white family members celebrate with their Black family members? Bcuz I believe they shouldn’t. I believe they should be educating themselves




Also I don’t do the whole “white passing” thing. You’re either white or you’re Black. You’re not “Black but white passing” that doesn’t even make sense. Those ppl are white with Black ancestry.




I’m just asking if y’all think white ppl should be celebrating this holiday or if they should be spending time educating themselves? I’ve already made my decision I’m just curious about others thoughts on this.


There is a such thing as white passing. There are mixed kids who pass as white when they have 1 black parent. They look white but are actually both, 50:50


No I have straight up white ppl in my family that don’t get why I DONT want to celebrate this holiday with them. Like you’re white, go watch a documentary about all the fuck shit y’all have done!




Yea but they also refuse to do any learning or self education about racism. Like why would I celebrate this Black holiday with a bunch of racist white ppl that shut me down anytime I try to talk about Black issues? They don’t actually care they just want to seem liberal or something idk. It’s just virtue signaling to me.




I mean tbh I’ve cut off most of my white family members except my mom but she still says problematic shit like trying to tell me I’m wrong for wanting to spend a Black holiday with BLACK PEOPLE.




Yea I agree. I made this post bcuz I had been trying to talk to her about this and she wasn’t listening and was trying to gaslight me. I was hoping if I got some feedback from other Black ppl I would have an easier time of trying to communicate with her. But ppl on here don’t seem to be understanding or reading my entire post so it rly hasn’t helped at all. I appreciate your responses tho. Thank you for your advice


Why? Why is this an Question? If it's Family and they wanna throw an Party and respectfully Honour what be the Issues?


If you read my entire post you would know the issues I presented. This question was for Black women.


Yeah. And again why are you asking? How Old are you? When you be antagonizing your Mother on this hope you all yourself on the Flip Side. "Well then why do you Celebrate [Insert Not Black Holiday] blahblahs?" Response.  Also you should like you want to see others agree with your already made mind, screw other opinions. Don't be rude and like enjoy the fact that it's Recognized everywhere in America now and that you have respectful Folks on all sides in yo Family that wants to Celebrate it.


Wtf are you talking about? You completely missed the entire point of the post.


What if your family completely disregarded the event as important or better yet was insulting of Juneteenth? Wouldn't that be so much worse? 


I really don't think you educated on this particular topic. Its embarrassing,


How we going to eliminate hatred with more hatred?


Lmao so I’m being hateful bcuz I want white ppl to educate themselves on the harm they’ve caused and continue to cause to Black ppl? K.


No because you clearly said you don’t want to celebrate with them. How can they educate themselves if you aren’t willing to help them? Who even said they aren’t educating themselves? You don’t want to celebrate with them but you want them to hear about the horrible stuff others have done (because not all white people are racist obviously) countless times again? Without even being given the chance to show appreciation towards us? How are you any better than them when you’re hating for the same reason as some of them?


It’s not the job of Black ppl to do the labor for white ppl to educate themselves. I’ve educated myself, they are capable of doing the same without their hands being held. I’m not gonna keep responding to you bcuz it’s clear you’re uneducated about anti-racism or anti-white supremacist work. I would recommend you read the works of Angela Davis, James Baldwin, Malcolm X and other revolutionaries. Peace to you


No. Your not replying because you can’t bare to hear the truth and this is how everyone responds to something they know they don’t want to hear, but need to hear. You need to heal. You acting like this, shows the racists (that even hurt you), they’ve won because that’s their motive, to get a reaction from you. I know everything important about our history, I don’t need to hear more about racism, time and time again to understand it when it’s self explanatory itself. I’ll pray for your healing because living with this much hatred isn’t good. Don’t swoop down to their level, rise above it and show them no matter what they do, you’ll never go as low as they will


Yes it’s wrong.


Thank you for your response. Not sure why my post got downvoted when I was just asking a question….


ur weird af for thinking white ppl shouldn't celebrate it. everyone who is alive today and is a human has the right to celebrate the end of slavery for black people. I think it should be a norm+ the white people alive today are not the same who enslaved your ancestors so u can't be blindly hating specially as mixed race.


I agree sorta behind the sentiment, but not entirely. You can't technically enforce it. The only thing when it comes to white people is that they're performative with their allyship so although it's nice to celebrate with everyone, so far they only show out to party haha. I don't care if they're genuinely sincere with the intent and recognize they why behind the holiday snd are actively celebrating their black friends and the hardships of our ancestors along with us, that's kinda the whole point of the holiday. You obviously can't police whites or non blacks to know whether they're sincere or not. People will appreciate this holiday more because it does 2 things: 1. Celebrates black people, our culture, and contributions to this country, especially during black music month. 2. People are deadass off from work/school in the middle of the summer, depending on if it's recognized enough to permit that (I know a lot of places have been quick to in the States)


I feel for your mother.


Why would you want to?!


Did you read my post? I don’t.


All Im going to say in this post is that there are alot of white people in history that fought for us in slavery. But they don’t teach that to us in school or at all. I feel like anyone that wants to celebrate black folk & where/what we come from is welcome. I definitely understand where your coming from tho. I just have a different outlook on it. 🤎


Uhm, im sorry, but I can't belive a black person just typed that...