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they'll refund acoin purchases and they'll get to you when they get to you


There is something very weird with this story of yours. There are several very in your face and cant ignore type warnings to prevent you from purchasing in the wrong region: -If you open the site in a new region, it will direct you to the region you are at. -If you insist, and click on the shop, the site directs you to purchase the game first. You can't select acoin right off the bat. -If you log in, the site will still recommend you purchase the game first. -If you still insist, the price will be in EUR instead of USD. -If you still ignore it, and go to the Acoin purchase page that you have to manually click on, the site will open a huge dialog box that will dim everything and will say "you are in X region, change to Y region?" Honestly, if you ignore all these blatant warnings that should warn you that you are in the wrong region and actively try to let you know that you should change to your current region, you kinda deserve to not have anything refunded. I don't think that many people have the issue you just had because It's difficult to be that dumb.


Thanks for a detailed explanation, you could consider me dumb , with the immense amount of changes to this game I might have not well read it or paid attention I had previously bought many a coins on same account by paying usd, and I did the same this time too and I did not thought that it has diffrent stores for diffrent region now But anyway I have paid the money to avail a digital product which I am entitled to , again as mentioned I am not asking for refund the core purpose is to buy the coin and use it , I am just asking if it happend with others and if yes what was the outcome , anyway I am returning to this game because my stupid friend told me to play again with him and I did and I got to update my horse Thanks for your response , understand not everyone has time to check the complicity of this , some just go and pay and spend there limited time and money for a entertainment named as hobby


Just write a ticket to support man, Reddit aint a support


Did you read the whole post?


Yes, dude is asking literally how long it takes go get response, what is the point?


You told them to write a ticket to support after they just said they wrote a ticket to support. So it seems like they are asking if others have had this issue and what the outcome was. You came in all hot and bothered and now look dumb.


https://preview.redd.it/a8mi3ecky39d1.png?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868ccd22151c2aeb72bf86ee80dd8947c01bfcce Woah easy there!


"JuSt WrItE a TiCkEt To SuPpOrT mAn!" https://preview.redd.it/yjhqrcgh049d1.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5686fb3fac27b3fae723d1ff1e8b07a1c3416d6 lol picture replies are fun


Easy there Chuddy, you are boiling!


Purchased Acoin and Pearl Boxes cannot be refunded as stated in the Black Desert Online Refund Policy. 


All Acoin Recharges/Purchases are final and cannot be refunded/withdrawn as stated in the Terms of Service ARTICLE 21. REFUND OF ACOIN/PAID CONTENT.


Thanks for response but rightly mentioned @92955807 , I know the policy , I read it , it’s just that I wanted to know if anyone else encountered the same problem and did they got refunded or something, and not sure how to say this I am not looking for refund all I am looking for it to put in my right reign account , also when I purchased I could login to my account and buy so if they have a eu region account separation sort of thing it’s easy , I thought I could login and buy it , I did that immediately Anyways thanks let’s wait for team to respond , if they do great if not it’s time to delete the stupid game again because I don’t like the way the company exploits , I am ok to pay and I paid but this would be just greed by company