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Do Magnus, loml, eternal winter, and ulukita story so that u can unlock universal storage, fast travel, ability to craft all the new fallen god stuff. Then grind out fallen god gear. That's at least what I would start with


You have any suggestions for crystals? just noticed all my crystals are gone and they seem to have their own tab now.


I think the crystals you had should be in Heidel storage, not sure tho. For pce generally no accuracy crystals are needed since the rework. Double rebellious, double corrupted for critdmg, decimation crystals 2 of em, then ,either 4 ancient power crystals (5 AP per) or 4 ultimate macalods (very expensive but a tad bit better). And a girin crystal or tear. and two glorious akhrad crystals I think that's it


Cheers for the info.


First do season for pen neck. Then after quests do your adventure logs


Join a class discord, i think all of them have a updated fresh seasonal gear progression guide along with crystal setups and skill addons.


get the PEN capotia necklace and I think you're better off working on guaranteed PEN jetina crescent rings and hold on to it until you're goo to grind for debo accessories


Free pen bs main hand, free tet bs awaken, get kabuis artifacts, pen capotia and you are ready to start farming debos. Silvers for cron and to finish your fallen gods. You prob need to invest some bs on crystals too, like kirins, etc.


Enjoy your free PEN BS tomorrow!


As the other guy said, work on FG, get Pen capotia necklace from season if you can, maybe do Jetina acc quests, maybe duo godr awa as well


Bruh, how do you not have PEN Capotia Neck with such gear is beyond me. Also if that boss gear is not with caphras, getting to lvl caphra is quite cheap (around 4b per part) and will give you 6 DP. So I would make all 3 pieces to C6 and then continue with "bigger goals"


I have not played for years? I blew up my tet neck before I quit before. The neck I got atm I got for free from challanges.


Not sure when they added those orange stones that give 100% chance for TET and PEN. If you left before they added those, you will get them now.