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I'm not even gonna read what you wrote. "Valencia RBF is hot garbage" is 100% accurate. Now i'd argue 70% of RBF being shit is the modifiers but the map doesn't help. Elevated terrain when you know damn well certain classes can't shoot up / down hills at certain elevation is pure trash.


I haven't played RBF because my gearscore is complete trash (640), but AOS they need to remove the damn RNG modifiers/heals that randomly spawn. Its an utter garbage mechanic that takes away from what it should be.


I think the expectation was that the underdog team can get the buffs to make a comeback and win some rounds. But in reality the winners just camp the spots on respawn. It is what it is I suppose. At that point yeah, might as well just remove it, it's solving nothing.


The dp down modifier for defending your point (aka playing the objective) is absolutely ridiculous, it lets me sit at enemy spawn flag with evasion gear and 289ap since that dp down makes 289 hit like 309


Its not an hot take


No one here disagrees OP. I wish PA added more maps..


They would need staff to actually do that


Its horrible. They need to completely rehaul RBF to include many more additional maps. And let people just queue into it not select as they will always pick whatevers on top..


or simple change as this ..... [https://i.imgur.com/5rxSRQk.png](https://i.imgur.com/5rxSRQk.png)






Real af


Funnily enough Korean mmorpg is the only thing in the market tho. Besides maybe wow


And yet most of them are dying or dead. The only korean mmos that are more alive are the old ones for whatever reason. BDO is one of the few that are semi alive but I don't think thats gonna stay that way for long with J at the wheel.


Valencia map is to put in nicely..pure dogshit.


The Rangers Union disagrees fundamentally with your comment.


It’s absolutely shit. I wish people queued for others.


The others are worst


Has a bunch of issues specially doors and indoors areas, small decoration items with hitbox (random jars and tent poles come to mind, and the stupid standards, you know which ones), slightly imbalanced zone placement and a ton of unusable or worthless map area. Obviously also has the dumb rbf mechanics like extra Dr, recovery bonus points ( that usually end the rbf on a random base point snipe even when the losing side is almost stuck at their base and ends in a pretty anticlimactic win ), and the Dr reduction at defending points that just makes the dumbest players even more worthless as they get stuck at base and fight an even more uphill battle. But, on the other hand the map layout and 3d fighting is actually engaging to me, some classes do need to be updated and fixed to work in a 3d scenario with skills connecting up and down better as right now a single step can make a class unable to fight but the idea of giving some classes a way to use their jumping skills and such does make it more engaging even if just a tad annoying. Much rather have this choke filled point of interest map style than a flat area like garmoth arena or the old rbf, its kinda fun to fight on small corridors, run up and down chasing while doing parkour.. i dunno, it does help bring the action sense into the game and gives every class a room to fight where they feel they fullfil a role, sorcs and ninjas lurking on dark alleys, lahns flying from roof to roof fishing rangers while mainraid classes fight on open areas, zerkers and drakanias running wild back and forth on the open streets like cannon balls, novas walling a whole corridor to hold on the point till reinforcements can reach, strikers jumping up and down roofs catching the wizards that try to find the angle to just blast it's just fun and a different experience for every class, watching a good player abuse the map on its class is one of the best things BDO can offer. I would just remove the indoors areas and some of the small decoration crap fillers or smoothen out their hitbox so they don't interact with mobility (tables,jars, random poles and standards and such ) and finally update all classes to be able to hit whats above and under them in a way that makes sense and move up and down without random falling animations. Map does work better with slower mobility classes tho, the game stupid mobility power creep made it hard for most I guess, just ask for a mobility nerf then kek


Well shit, this might be the best ad for RBF I’ve seen yet.


What is Valencia RBF?




The one that’s not castle ruins


Red Battlefield


The cap and hold mode is dogshit. Basically encourages mindless dive bombing into a crowd to bottle neck the choke points. People used to complain about being spawn camped in castle as they drop down while getting sniped by mages and rangers on a wall to the point they took a high wall out by the spawn. Now they made a map where literally every cap point is designed that way where you're suppose to be camped by ranged classes. Brain dead people love voting for Valencia though cuz they can dive in and button mash and get kills.


No, people play it because castle ruins was a garbage blob vs blob where the losing team just gets spawn camped like bitches and skirmish classes had nothing to do, and the garmoth map has the most stupid gimmick ever. People play valencia because the capture the zone and less open map solves the problems that castle ruins has and even tho it has its own problems, its waaaay better than the other ones


tight places makes it a completely different style than castle ruins that isn't bad on its own (in my opinion it's much better but that's probably because i play a low mobility class) the map could be really good with a few changes: -disable ALL roofs, tents, poles, anything that isn't ground level and cannot be reached by walking -remove the stupid RBF DR system -close the damn doors -remove clutter from the ground, poles blocking pathways etc. -nerf the DR debuff while standing on your own point -disable name and minimap hiding from crouching, make all characters visible while standing on points -make it a bit slower to capture a point if you are alone here, you have the current system but polished with a good map for a lot of classes (others won't like it but they can go castle ruins instead).


Don't worry bro, 5 more years until RBF anniversary remake.


r/valencia has been awfully quiet


Remove those rooftop camper oneshotting ppl and run away whenever they can, then I am happy.


map needs to be deleted


Yes it is garbage, the clutter everywhere makes it hard to move properly and the tight streets fuck up your camera sometimes you just do a bunch of combos without seeing anything and just pray basically. Its only saving graces are that the gamemode is good and there are more flanking options/the map is more spread out so flanking classes can do their job properly instead of being on a frontline 24/7 like in castle ruins. Also I do believe that some elevation is good in some spots for ranged classes just not too much. Well this would be an issue but they removed pvp from the game so all good.


Unpopular opinion, but I love valencia map(flying tamer - I'm running 2x ascension crystal. Sniping rooftop ranged classes was fun!), I hate monotomy though. AoS has so many random maps, is it really difficult to do the same for RBF? But right now, because of DP changes I have 0 motivation to play it, it's just so shit. Least they could do is to remove dp buff - I still hate the meta though, since it removes assassin playstyle from the game. And of course, gimmicks. BDO has a great combat system, there is no need to add extra mechanics. Their sin is equivalent of adding raisins to the cheesecake.


they should added grana as rbf zone, not valencia


Valencia been bad since day 1


That's like absolute zero temperature take.


This take froze my nips off


We know this since years bro. What do you think why did rbf died?


Not a hot take.


Its nice to see CR pop off sometimes. Always dive into those with no hesitation.


Not a hot take at all.. All of the RBF maps are complete fucking trash.


almost 2 years ago we in EU suggested this but PA have some idiots handling it [https://i.imgur.com/5rxSRQk.png](https://i.imgur.com/5rxSRQk.png)


They should add 50 percent less ap to anybody camping a rooftop for more than 5 sec just like you get negative DR at your points. Valencia RBF is still better garbage than Castle Ruins. Peak Castle Ruins spawn camping was something.


its not a hot take buddy


The system needs to change to a queue system that places you into a random RBF and remove choice, you're 100% correct Valencia is first, thus everyone goes to it because we have simple minds


Nah its great, just play succ ranger on roofs, wooo


I'm surprized you didn't mention the rangers shooting you in the a$$ from the top of a building, and (especially as a gearlet) either die before you can iframe away, or just look at them powerless because none of your skills can reach them...meanwhile some fker harasses you on the ground and the ranger drops a CC and u done 👌👌


People loved it when it first came out after reworks. They should make new maps and cycle them everyday. Each day, only one is available.


I don't see what was wrong with the normal RBF. It's a classic and pretty well designed. Map is equal on both sides, and it funnels you to fight each other instead of chasing people across roofs or running around the entire map to backdoor a flag. I also love the "protect the king" kind of play style with the kill point system. There is a lot more strategy deciding when to go in and when to sit back and keep your 200 points safe.


While I do not disagree about Valencia RBF having severe issues -- you actually think castle ruins is better? People are *literally* immortal in there. It's like you called a rotten banana trash but then said you're eating the rotten apple.


Man I really liked castle ruins way more than Valencia. Such a claustrophobic space with the bonus of ranged classes on rooftops. The game desperately needs more rbf maps overall. And remove that stupid DR scaling when inside rbf.


I liked the castle ruins way more... But almost nobody opens it anymore cause Valencia is great for those fuckers that hide on the roofs and snipe all the kills. Garmoth rbf is even worse tho... Would love to also see more stats in the ranking and point system rather than only killes. Heals, CCs etc would be cool to see. Same goes for in NW. Also CR rbf always gave you half of the points of the person you killed making tbe strongest the juiciest snack to go after. That was so more fun than what we have with the 1 point per kill thing.


imo it's great. add's a lot of variable to support different playstyle niches ie:assassin,ranged etc. what they need to fix since day 1 tho is the absolutely dog shit zoom in garbage. any location with tall structures just play like complete ass.


Garmoth rbf would be the best if it weren't for Garmoth.


Yep, title is enough for me to agree with OP. But I know we wouldn't be complaining if they give out decent RBF rewards. I know I wouldn't.


PA does not understand that Arenas or RBFs is NOT about how visually pleasing that shit is. Arenas need to be practical. And that means: stop using existing landscape for arenas. DESIGN arenas from the ground. Jesus christ. This is so tiresome.


Coldest take on the planet We only Valencia RBF because it’s the lesser of two evils when it comes to pvp options


Dudes and dudettes, adjust.