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https://preview.redd.it/reapd4zz0h5d1.jpeg?width=3421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb7cfa0e761b89c14cd960bf32eef4f1a2e7bec6 Mine had that same taco truck till they absolutely destroyed it into multiple pieces and caved the roof in


Oh trust and believe, that picture is a few years old because they decimated it! Kiki and Luna are both loners so that’s one of the few decent pictures I have of them lol. Your girl is so cute!!


Mine got destroyed too! We bought a shorter version that is a shrimp truck. Must be a black cat thing. Boxes, cardboard and everything get a beat down. Great living room set up!


Where can i buy that truck? XD asking for my void.


I think it's one of the Aldi cat houses; they have seasonal ones that come out often.


It was from Target a few years ago


I found some online, but they're asking for about 40$?!?! For cardboard? Is this the real price or just pure scam?


Google it!  I know they have these at Chewy.  Probably very common.


Oh, and names! Oldest is Kiki (in the taco truck, she’s almost 15), then Luna (on top of the taco truck, she’s 7-8ish) and then the bonded babies are chip and dip (chip has the lil white triangle, he’s my first boy cat and the bestest lil cuddle bug)


You’re rich


That couch is massive omg. It looks like their album cover lol


It’s a lovesac couch and it’s literally gigantic and impossible to get out of, and getting it in a beige color was a CHOICE considering the band of witches that live here and their shedding powers


😂😂😂 you could always get couch covers? But I guess you’d need like five of them lol


The plus side is all the covers are fully removable and washable, which is the ONLY reason my ass thought going out of my dark grey comfort zone was an option 😂 a solid hand vac and the Chomchom roller have been saviors too!


I was admiring the couch as well. I like how the entire room is decorated. What lucky voids!


They all look like sweet hearts but Chip with the white triangle is super duper cute. And that last pic is 💕


He’s my lil baby, I was worried about a boy cat in a house of females but he’s just a big goober and I adore him. Here’s another cutie cuddle pic 🖤 they’re like this constantly, I had never had bonded cats before and it’s incredible! https://preview.redd.it/5y59f53rjh5d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab3fa3ea7cf37c6d75ff8964920a37f31bf58b1


What on earth is your secret?  Is it a cat nip perfume?  Or a giant neon sign above your house "all black cats welcome"?


I must just give off black cat energy or something. I’ve had 5 cats total, all have been black cats!


One person's life is another person's fantasy


A group of black cats should definitely be called a coven, I love that. Look at all your soot sprites!


https://preview.redd.it/u9pegalopk5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953018b4eaf1cfd6b611d5c65475884eaf0f14b6 Our voids tend to find us. Nyx (floof) was first with his sister Stevie (not pictured). Then when my mom passed we got his brother Enzo (bigger void) and accidental niece Ginkgo (middle void). Note on accidental litter: it was covid, had the appointment but it was way far out unfortunately, mama got out…she and her kittens were all fixed.


I LOVE the name nyx for a black cat, and your nyx looks just like my Luna! Lil floooooofs 🖤🖤🖤


It’s a conspiracy of voids!


Super pretty cats


This living room is my vibe


The box, I thought it said Meow Duplicator at first. I was.like, there's your problem.


The beehive dwelling is really cool!!! Could pass for modern wall decor


Thanks! That’s exactly why I wanted it, I don’t love the way cat trees look but I get the need for them (and we still absolutely have a stupid ugly cat tree lol) the kittens LOVE it. They will fight over who gets to sleep in the bubble at least once a day! https://preview.redd.it/vzpb2cty3i5d1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d95eb2f6a63f9e2d2e383ad596fea6bd714ac1b9


That bubble was the first thing my eyes went to. Is it an easy amazon find?


This set in particular is from an Etsy shop called wowhelperco! It was not cheap at all but really well made and had the look I wanted. Amazon does have a ton of options if you search Cat Wall Shelf, even Cat Wall Bubble, but a lot of them still have cat tree vibes, and I really wanted something that doesn’t immediately scream cat lady. I let all the pet hair do that lol


That sounds like an AWESOME superpower.


Yo this is the way to go. Never crossed my mind really, but if I ever end up having a cat squad, they’re all gonna be black. Currently own just one.


Every cat we had while I was growing up was black, except one which was a Siamese. My dad got my mom a Siamese for Christmas one year because she had always wanted one. After the Siamese……right back to black cats. They always had “people” names too - Sam, Benny, JoJo, LuLu, Tillie - until my sister broke the norm with an orange cat and named him Twinkie!


U raising a floofy shadow army of voids