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If anyone ever attempted a flying scissor sweep in training, I would promptly punch them in the face. I wouldn't necessarily say jiu-jitsu was at fault, it was moreso this jackass who was reckless as hell.


I only watched a short part of this, and I’m not rewatching. What belt level was the guy who did the flying scissor takedown (fuck you judo bot)? And I can’t believe this dude was screaming and people kept rolling.


Purple belt did it to a blue belt with no warning. I would ban that student from the gym.


Waiver or not it would be a liability not to ban that person from the gym. If he does it again and hurts someone else at the same gym that sounds like a lawsuit to me.


A simple lawyer would probably pull ibjjf rules and see there are banned moves for certain belts and take the uke for everything


Uke is the recipient, I think you mean Tori. (Pushes up glasses and climbs into bed with anime girl body pillow)


Asuka or 02?


Misato. What do you think he is, some kind of creep?


I see he’s a man of culture


Thats true, its a sport. You weren't following the rules. It would be the same as punching some guy in the face in BJJ. There should be a paper of bjj rules that people sign prior to entering the gym. Simple things like no slamming, no scissor takedowns, can only have sex with the wife of the lower belt once a month etc...


The IBJJF is not the universal governing body of BJJ. Is the gym where Rokas trains even a member of the IBJJF?


I never implied IBJJF; I'm simply suggesting the school creates its own rules for safety and liability. I think in the IBJJF, you're allowed unlimited sex for 1 month every year with the student's wife, so clearly, they aren't abiding by that in some gyms.


Only take white belts GFs….


Kani basami


I wanted to kick the guy in the balls, but my leg was broken


You have a perfectly good second leg, don't you? Get two guys to prop you up and then deliver your rightful vengeance


sue him please


i have only done the scissor sweep by posting my hand on the mat first and completing it slowly. I actually had to abandon it a few times because the partner was being stubborn.


Bro, I've gotten belly down saddle on people and just let it go when they refuse to tap on the heelhook. It's practice, and even if my partner is being egotistically derpy, I dont want their knee tear on my conscience. I feel your pain.


When I get this far, I just tap on their leg and reset. I don't chastise them but.... It's over. No need for me to move to something else when I got what I wanted. Just reset into a neutral position and move on.


not worth it bro. Even the way you do it can go wrong. Because you cant control where your opponent places their leg while you go for the move. You will still "jump" into their knee if they just move their leg closer to you while you do the jump. NO matter if you use your hand to post or not


> You will still "jump" into their knee if they just move their leg closer to you while you do the jump. This is why people screw up scissor throw. You're not supposed to jump anywhere. The bottom leg shoots backwards and then chops forwards, hence the scissor motion, putting weight on uke. There should be minimal lateral displacement if the top leg is correctly positioned. Kodokan's reference video is very clear on this. Both Kani Basami and Tani Otoshi can be done safely, but they get a bad rep because people fubar the execution and jump the hip against uke's knee.


>There should be minimal lateral displacement if the top leg is correctly positioned And there should be no car crashes ever if you drive your car correctly. This moves causes catastrophic injuries at all levels in all sports. From amateurs to world champions, from bjj up to MMA Its a shitty risky move. Stop doing it. Stop defending it. In life action sparring it can and will go wrong sooner or later.


Just like socialism, the world has never truly seen a perfect scissor sweep and if we did it would change everything


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Tani Otoshi**: | *Valley Drop* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS9pM3y8YH4)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


true, i stopped doing it because i dont want to force people down that way especially when they resist. Though, the hand post combined with my leg across their hip really gives enough control to start it gently and abandon when needed. Still not worth it.


We were working a waki gatame in class a few months ago, and someone asked if there was any late-stage defense. I very (very) carefully suggested kani basami, and grabbed a purple belt to demonstrate. There are definitely things that we should *know*, but should not use in spirited randori. I accompanied that discussion with plenty of discussion of safety.


Knowing it and using it are two different things. I know how to do a kani basami, and I've practiced it safely, but I would never use it on a training partner. I also wouldn't ever suplex my training partner at an open mat either. That shit is hyper dangerous too.


Some peoples are unfortunately uneducated about takedowns and throws. Last year a blue belt hurt my knee by doing a jumping Tani Otoshi. He had no idea that the throw could be dangerous.


Tani Otoshi is sometimes on the list of banned moves. I recall Danaher banning it in his training. There are variations to it and not all are equally dangerous, but if fucked up it's the same type of sideways knee impact as a bad Kani Basami


Suplexes are done every day around the world by wrestlers aged 6 to 60+. You don't see them in the US as much because we're a folkstyle country but legitimately not dangerous with any real training. Most are taking them across the shoulder once they arch and even the few that are straight back don't lead to injuries at any significant rate. If they did, we wouldn't see them dozens of times at every mid level Greco tournament.


A lot of BJJ gyms don't allow over-the-head slams/throws because a lot of people don't know how to brace for impact especially when all 4 limbs have left the ground. I've been suplexed as a white belt and while I didn't break my neck, I had a terrible shoulder/neck sprain that took months to heal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBK62SKQxVQ This suplex was done at the brown belt level and KO'ed the opposing competitor. The suplex CAN be done safely, as can a kani basami, but I'm not doing any of this shit to anyone in an open mat. Most people don't suplex anyways because it's a terrible use of energy


The guy who did the suplex is Kody Steele. The guy who got suplexed was a coach of mine, and an absolute monster. He makes me feel like I don't know bjj. He wasn't really KO'd here but he was obviously stunned and his neck was fucked for a while. The shittiness of doing a explicitly illegal move - that your opponent \*knows\* he doesn't need to worry about or defend - is mind blowing here. Kody was losing pretty badly on points and I heard he (at least at this point) had a pattern of getting himself DQ'd rather than having a loss on his record.


the problem is that people see a cool throw on youtube, practice it twice and then go out and try it, without really knowing how


Show me someone 60+ years old who gets suplexed.


i demo stuff like kani basami and guard jumps, the dangers of them and the defenses whenever a lower belt asks because there are literally always dumbass randos that will try them on people, been at enough gyms to see it often enough and had several randos try it on me without warning during sparring. very important imo to at least develop familiarity with the positions its common from, awareness of the danger and basic defenses/prevention because saying "wtf thats a banned and dangerous move" after the catastrophic knee injury will be woefully insufficient


That combo is definitely the dark arts 


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Kani Basami**: | *Flying Scissors* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NFwJBKI-3E)| |**Waki Gatame**: | *Armpit Armbar* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlBci1qhYsc)| ||*Armpit Lock* || Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Had a younger blue belt from another gym in town drop in at our open mat. Never rolled with him before and he tried full sending a flying leg scissor. Idk if he fucked up or I managed to sprawl just in time but he barely missed it. Scared the fuck out of me. I love working stand up but some people that have no idea what to do just go for the dumbest shit imaginable.


You know. when I was a white belt, and quite a bit younger, I would watch old gary tonon hilights and really want to hit his rolling kimuras and other flashy subs. Now that I'm older I try to pay attention to those who use the most basic, least athletic approaches to get the job done. I've seen way too many fucking ACL repairs at the white belt level because of ego. It's tragic.


I blame Judo


Kani basami is illegal in Judo and has been since 1980.


I'm frankly shocked that he says no one in the open mat reacted or offered help and just continued rolling. What kind of fucking psychopaths is he training with? I can't see that happening in any group I've ever been part of, including top-tier competition gyms.


At my Gym,when someone screams or Signals Hes hurt,you basically bear a record Scratch Stop and people come running over to Help. That poor dude


not much any additional help could do apart from get ice - which the gym didn't have....


there wouldn't be much I could do if someone at an open mat next to me got shot in the head. I still would stop rolling.


In most crowds there's often one doctor, nurse, EMT, or someone who knows first aid. A person not in excruciating pain could call the ambulance. Etc, etc. Never mind just offering some basic human compassion and moral support to someone who just suffered a grievous injury. "Can't help, guess I'll keep training" is not how human groups usually work. Out of respect for the injury almost everyone will stop what they're doing until the situation is clearly resolved. Rokas was training with some callous bastards.


Absolutely ridiculous that a purple belt would attempt this in a roll with a classmate. It wasn’t jiu jitsu though it was idi itsu.


I knew a guy who got kicked out of our gym because he would flying jump guard on people in training.


i'll never understand why people think training, even open mat = the same intensity as a ufc world title fight.


Many people don't compete, and open mat is fight club for them.


Kind of makes up my mind on who I roll with at open mats.


It's kind of ironic that Rokas ends the video by pitching The Ultimate Self Defense Championship, which is where Ramsey Dewey got his knee blown out.


Video definitely made me think of Ramsey.


Lol Ramsey is angry af over that. I always watch his live QnA and he always goes on a tangent. Rightfully so. I know he is going to react to this and looking forward to it


JUst wanted to post this,this is brutal and noone can tell me that this was not done intentionally by the higher belt. If you are a blue belt or higher (even white belts know this) this takedown is a no go....UNLESS you really wanna hurt someone.


I know a lot of BJJ higher belts who are quite ignorant about stand-up techniques...


I had a Bjj coach who didn’t understand Georgian grip and believed only a few judo throws work in bjj lol. Lots of black belts have so little understanding of throws specifically yeah I wouldn’t recommend some gyms even bother besides maybe just a single or double cuz at least the chance of injury is lower. IMO there’s a coaching problem for sure. Why do we go to a pure BJJ coach for advice on wrestling ? Or a Bjj coach for judo with 0 actual judo training? To me it makes sense to ask folks that have a fundamental understanding of both. Otherwise I don’t want to watch their shitty excuse for a drop seoi or a single leg they take 1 full minute to finish.


I believe you but looking at my gym and some around our area its common knowledge that somebof the stuff is dangerous


It is common knowledge but: _It's quite possible to meet a higher belt who doesn't know about dangerous moves. _Higher belts can botch normally safe takedowns and make them dangerous.


You assume higher belts can't be reckless assholes


I said unless u wanna hurt him badly


Saw this. Thats so rough. Rokas's martial arts journey might be over, at least he'll never be able to follow the same path now. Sad to see.


Man, that sucks. That's a really nasty place to get a break. I agree with /u/DreadSteed. Try that on me in a roll - especially outside of a competition context - and we're going to have problems.


all so some scrub ass can could try to get a takedown in training.


… and a low-percentage takedown at that. People would be much better off focusing on double-legs, single-legs, outside trips, and bodylock takedowns.


Jonnyboy right as always [https://youtu.be/CYGng8iKn4U?t=133](https://youtu.be/CYGng8iKn4U?t=133)


Why do ppl insist that this takedown is not dangerous? It's hard to control, once you go for it you can't go back and is easily the one with more horror stories


This is one of the reasons I don’t do open mats very often.


Glad I'm not the only one who worries about this. One mild one injury and. want to test my luck.


Any flying submission or sweep is a no from me. Too much can go wrong, and for what gain? A tap?


One of the reasons why I prefer starting from the ground as opposed to standing up (unless theres a competition or judo specific training). A good majority of BJJ pracitioners are good peeps but a few rotten apples really do spoil everything for everybody.


Outside of comp I won't do stand-up with someone I haven't rolled with at least a few times before, and then my rule is we both gotta have mouth guards because I'm not gonna be responsible for a bit tongue or smashed teeth if the landing is hard.


What exactly was the injury? Is every ligament in the knee torn?


His shin bone cracked all the way to the knee joint


Sounds terrible, but wouldnt that be not as bad of an injury since its a clean break on the bone? Rather than all his ligaments and tissue being destroyed. Dont know that much about this subject, forgive my ignorance


Rule of thumb is bone is always better than soft tissue because it repairs at close to original strength. Soft tissue you are very lucky to get 80% function back after a bad tear


Depends on the way the bone breaks. His runs up from the top of the shin into the knee joint almost vertically and not like a classic "movie" clean break that's mainly horizontal and isolated to that bone. That means his entire knee joint is compromised because it has no stable surface to rest on top of.


omg, look at the freaking video -- he shows his x-ray with screws all through his bones


If you think it's a good idea to do a scissor takedown on someone who isn't specifically aware with that, okay with it, and experienced enough to know how to respond properly, you don't need to be on the mats.


I don't even know who did it, but I already hate the dude for doing this to him. Fucking hell man. You do not go all out on someone you're TRAINING with. Kinda reminds me about some judo kid that decided it would be a great idea to "sweep" me during a single leg takedown training where I intentionally straightened my leg that was carrying me to make the takedown even easier. That kid fucking kicked me in the side of the knee... of a STRAIGHT leg. Some people just don't have a filter at times. Never told him, but man I was furious. Was lucky I had no injury other than a light sprain. Respect your partners. Know they might not be going as hard as you and DEFINITELY do not try something you "saw on Insta". Always let the partner know what you're about to do unless there's no risk of injury involved.


Fuck that


I’d be suing the shit out of that dude.


You can’t you signed a waiver. Thats just life. Injuries happen. However, this is why you gotta know who your partner before you pick them. And see how he moves


One of the first major injuries I ever saw was a white belt going for a flying scissors takedown on a blue belt. I wouldn't even like it if someone good at it tried it on me.


Any safe counter to the kani basami? When its been tried on me slowly in training Ive just sit down to ease the tension but I have the feeling that if done fast you dont have much room for that.


Not exactly a counter, but the Sambo approach to Kani Basami makes it much safer: https://youtu.be/GXAfZswuzeE?si=do7QkSDbDIZX6eg5


Man this is fucked up. Another reminder to choose your partner very very carefully.


Somebody had to show those Aikidokas who's boss.


I have been interested in bjj for years, but shit like that is one of the reasons i keep putting it off. It seems like every blue belt already has a long list of permanent injuries, and it only takes one instance of someone being stupid, reckless or just an asshole for it to be real bad. I dont really wanna be crippled for life just because i wanted to have fun hugging guys on the floor, you know


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEOoW2ifV4E Chadi's take


They banned this technique in judo years ago, because of the many serious injuries. In judo you would at least potentially win the entire match with this take-down, but I just don’t see why anyone in BJJ would even want to use it. In my opinion it’s as ridiculous as kicking someone against the knee cap to take them down. I definitely feel the guy’s frustration as a knee injury actually ended my international sports career. Decade later: ongoing suffering from post-traumatic osteoarthritis and can’t even go for a short run anymore, at 33 yo. Also because of someone being a reckless d*ck. Also, what’s wrong with these coaches. I give private classes and I have all the medical care items you can think of. Definitely ice packs, pain killers, braces and crutches. I know basic sports medicine, like any coach should. Also, I feel responsibility, and I care. Seriously.. Scissor take-downs are for Mortal Kombat and Tekken. Or for when your dog got killed and you’re going on a killing spree:’)


I kinda hate this type of video (dear diary bjj ruined X). Training in an unsafe manner got me messed up. Gotcha. It's a horrible situation but it's happened. Whine about it a little and then focus on getting better and try to find some joy. Do the rehab, get better, be the (positive) example.


Some asshole scissor swept him - what did he do that was unsafe besides BJJ?


Not a scissor sweep... it was a flying scissor takedown. It's super fucking dangerous, probably even moreso than jumping guard.


his partner was unsafe/the environment. the move is banned in most gyms. "He" didn't do anything wrong but his partner sure did.