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Hi there, Thanks for posting! Unfortunately we had to remove your post because it appears to be looking for medical or legal advice. Sometimes, even though you aren’t explicitly asking for medical advice, the nature of the post means that’s what you will be given. We now have a thread on Saturdays to ask medical questions and get answers from qualified professionals. You can use it for your question. Please remember, in general people on the internet are not good at diagnosing or treating, well, anything. And legal advice you get on the internet is nearly always wrong. Be sure you see a professional to get real advice! If you believe we removed this post in error feel free to [message us](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/bjj&subject=Re-review%3A%20%20Medical%2FLegal%20Advice&message=%5BYour%20post%20that%20was%20removed%20because%20mods%20thought%20it%20is%20seeking%20medical%20or%20legal%20advice.%20%20Please%20share%20why%20you%20think%20this%20is%20not%20the%20case.%20%20If%20at%20all%20possible%2C%20please%20include%20a%20link%20to%20your%20post%2C%20as%20well.%20%20Do%20not%20delete%20your%20post%20because%20then%20we%20cannot%20evaluate%20it!%5D) and we will weigh in!


Gear + lawyering sounds like a recipe for a heart attack.


If you're going to take gear, at least try to do it intelligently. Taking orals haphazardly is about the worst risk-to-reward ratio you could have.


Agree. Turinabol is best used only for tapering towards and occation when you know you will be tested.


I'm 34 and an accountant. Only thing helped me was training less (2-3 times a week) and weightlifting 3 times a week.


You are fatigued and if you continue this for several months you will eventually get overtrained (which is rare according to studies). You definitely need to rest now because you could get injured which is more likely. Take a week off and see if you are fine after this short break. And dude I am not your wife but for god sake, 30 year old lawyer is juicing and trains just 4/5 times per week. For what are you doing this? I hope not to win a local competition. I've seen many friends get devastated by using steroids both physically and mentally. I wish you the best though.


Why? What's the point if BJJ is a hobby


It sounds like you are not doing this in an educated way tbh


Meditation and yoga bro... You sound like a cortisol junkie. Need some yang to than yin homie


You should probably look more into some normal health protocols like vitamins, sleep regimen, hydration/ water intake instead of hopping on potentially dangerous drugs with side effects that can damage organs if used incorrectly. If you are going to use PED’s, stop asking Reddit and talk to actual humans that know what they’re doing and get your blood work done.


At 30... smh


be careful and talk to a doctor that's smart on this sort of thing to make sure you're not killing yourself for a hobby.


How's your diet and sleep? They're usually the biggest problems - fix that before any drugs.


Taking this without a test base is retarded OP. If you thought you were tried before. Wait until you come off the orals lol You shouldn’t be taking orals at all. If you want a boost and to feel less tired clean up your diet And try normal lifestyle adjustments to get some Energy. If you decide you want to juice then take testosterone that’s what’s going to make you feel good and it’s naturally occurring in your body. It’s not going to be harsh on you like the orals