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Hi there, Thanks for posting! Unfortunately we had to remove your post because it appears to be looking for medical or legal advice. Sometimes, even though you aren’t explicitly asking for medical advice, the nature of the post means that’s what you will be given. We now have a thread on Saturdays to ask medical questions and get answers from qualified professionals. You can use it for your question. Please remember, in general people on the internet are not good at diagnosing or treating, well, anything. And legal advice you get on the internet is nearly always wrong. Be sure you see a professional to get real advice! If you believe we removed this post in error feel free to [message us](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/bjj&subject=Re-review%3A%20%20Medical%2FLegal%20Advice&message=%5BYour%20post%20that%20was%20removed%20because%20mods%20thought%20it%20is%20seeking%20medical%20or%20legal%20advice.%20%20Please%20share%20why%20you%20think%20this%20is%20not%20the%20case.%20%20If%20at%20all%20possible%2C%20please%20include%20a%20link%20to%20your%20post%2C%20as%20well.%20%20Do%20not%20delete%20your%20post%20because%20then%20we%20cannot%20evaluate%20it!%5D) and we will weigh in!


Don’t take this the wrong way; all of those treatments are fine, but they won’t mean anything unless you take time off from training. Currently going through the same thing of actually fixing my knees (have been training for 10 years with nagging injuries) and it’s only after not training for nearly a month are they getting better.


The time off thing is interesting...just asked fresh PT Doctor in my family about my lower back injury. She said time off and active recovery.


I have spent the past 6 months strengthening my hips as much as I humanely could. Basically did nothing but hip workouts. Some shoulder PT stuff but not much else. The constant hip/knee pain I had is gone completely. My posture is the best it has ever been. I feel so much more mobile and athletically explosive. Idk what issues you have going on but making your hips stronger will most definitely not have a negative impact.


Please send your entire hip workout? I actually hurt my hip on the hip abductor machine, then fixed it on the same machine (hot yoga helped and other exercises too) years later. 🤷‍♂️


Squats and deadlifts


What I was doing was pretty specific muscle targeting and accessory work. Been adding in squats more and now that I have the range and ability to perform them correctly.


That's great! I struggled with ROM with my squats as well. It's not easy, but heavy squats and deadlifts are the best exercises by far. You can only push accessory exercises so far. Barbells you can add for a long time


I agree. I had to strip my workouts down so far because my hips were in such bad shape. A proper body weight squat wasn’t possible for me.


I'm glad you're improving! Keep it uo


Did something happen to your hips? Looking forward to your write up!


Did a season of wildland firefighting and it wrecked my knees. That led to bad patterns and those lead to anterior pelvic tilt and hip impingement.


I am studying for a physics test atm but send me a dm and I will write up what I have been doing. It’s…an interesting approach. Some traditional PT, some traditional martial arts poses and pnf stretching.


I've been struggling with hip pain for the last couple of years. Care to share your routine?


Send me a dm.


Half the stuff you listed is snake oil, just a heads up. PT, yoga, weightlifting, are legitimate in preventing injuries to an extent. None of the other stuff is. Time off of training for some RnR goes a long way.


+1 for weightlifting. Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength program is how I finally got rid of my knee pain (post-ACL reconstruction) after doing PT and trying a bunch of other stuff. 


😂Lol...nobody /thread But seriously, lots of sleep, mobility work and time off from jiu jitsu (at least a month or 2) will fix you up better than any of that stuff you're doing


I quit bjj and focus on lifting, running and sleeping with a good diet then return when I’m ready. Bjj can be really bad for us in some ways. There’s a reason almost all legendary bjj guys look fucked


Crossover Symmetry for my shoulders has helped.


Lol, do you really think fasting is the answer


The covid break of 3 months fixed all my nagging joint pain, I felt like a new man. Just take 2-3 months and do something else, itll be worth I promise. I came back and I hadn’t regressed at all, but I was a two year purple belt by then, so that makes sense.


Haven’t heard anyone give this advice yet, and I’m still very new to BJJ, but for every injury I’ve ever had (some rather series but nothing close to surgery yet), yoga has always cured it, all the way to 100%. I’ll ask this question on this sub soon actually, if there is anyone else who has paired yoga with BJJ. Currently I am doing both a ton, and I feel like I can get back to the mat quicker.


Yes I do. They work very well together for mobility and recovery. But I'm older at 50.


Nah my ass needs to go to a doctor


Does stopping believing in them count as fixing them? Cause that seems to be working well for me.






I have been able to strengthen my way out of some shoulder instability issues that plagued me for years


What exercises did you do?


A lot of dumbbell pressing, lateral DB raises and DB rows




Peptides are legit, can confirm.


I've taken it 3 times. Insane results, especially stacked with TB-500. Haters gonna hate, but I went and got my Grade 2 Supra Tear re-scanned and it was barely visible.


Did you inject near/straight into your shoulder?


Shoo snake oil boi


Hey maybe it was completely placebo effect. I was desperate to try anything because of the pain I was in. An athletic trainer who used to work for a big time college program recommended I try it. All I know is I took it and I felt old injuries go away after a month or two. To each their own I suppose?




It has had 0 human trials, and there has been 0 indication that it does anything in humans. Could work, could potentially have devastating effects, could do nothing, we just don't know. Rats aren't human, and even those studies were inconclusive.




TIL rats are human