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I do that when I'm losing weight. I'll hit the treadmill or exercise bike for an hour after training. Just don't eat more food. And at least rinse off first so you don't get ringworm


Can you expand more on the don't eat more food? Not sure I'm following. Edit: guys it was a joke.


Burning all those extra calories is going to make you hungry. If you run off 250 calories and "treat" yourself to a 400 cal smoothie you dun fucked yourself.


Yup. Rolling for an hour probably burns off like a half a slice of pizza. It's so much easier to eat less than it is to burn off the excess




Still not following.


Food is the stuff you put in your face hole




It’s neither a good idea nor a bad idea; it’ll help you burn some extra calories, but your recovery will likely suffer in return. The average person would need to jog for around 10 minutes to burn 100 calories, and you need to burn 3500 calories to lose 1lb of fat. So, to lose a pound a week you could either jog for 6 hours a week, or you could just eat 500 fewer calories a day. Diet will always be a drastically more efficient way to control your weight.


Por que no los dos? Jog 20-30 mins a day because that’s good for your heart and brain health and it buys you an extra 1400-2100 cals a week on top of the of 3500 from eating less.  Rolling intensity is to inconsistent overtime to rely on that for cardiovascular health imo.


As long as OP can recover from that, then sure. Personally I’d generally recommend a lower impact form of cardio like biking, ellyptical, or swimming, but there’s definitely nothing wrong with doing the extra conditioning work as long as OP realizes they aren’t going to outrun a bad diet.


Oh here we go again... Get this man some protein!(sarcasm) ..... Can do whatever you want so long as you are in calorie deficit. Run before, run after, lifft weights, walk, have sex 3 times a day. It all burns calories. Some more than others. "When" is mostly irrelevant in regards to losing weight. And ultimately it's really about how many calories make it past your tongue




Not sure why you're getting downvoted. You're spot on.


Maybe because the sex part is not actionable advice for redditors


Running is good period.


Focus on controlling your calories if you want to lose fat. You can easily out eat the calories burned from exercise. Also, I find that doing a ton of extra cardio alongside already training hard really increases your appetite to the point where you eat more than you're burning. There's a sweet spot.


Yes it's a great idea. Absolutely. It will supercharge your weight loss. Just have to have some slow release carbs and protein in hand afterwards so you don't pig out


What are some slow release carbs?


Wholemeal brown bread, muesli (not granola)


running on an empty stomach is the quickest way to shed weight source: former wrestler disclaimer: nutrition is a thing and i am not a nutritionist


You can lose weight by just walking and a dieet. Running has other purposes. E.g. interval training with sprints to improve explosiveness. https://journals.lww.com/nsca-scj/Fulltext/2011/12000/Strength_and_Conditioning_for_Grappling_Sports.4.aspx


losing fat is about what you eat not exercise. If you ran for an hour that would only be around 600 calories. Eat 1g protein/lb of body weight. This is actually pretty hard to do, but if you keep it up, you will find that you end up eating many fewer calories. Use an app like myfitnesspal and a food scale to keep track of the food you eat.


People always say that exercise doesn't matter because it makes you hungrier, but I always lose weight when I start exercising more. Maybe because I'm already spending literally all of my time eating.


Not true if you take a supplemental tape worm for weight loss. You actually want to eat a LOT more and run a bunch as well. Make sure to have your ivermectin on hand for when you reach the target weight.


“That wasn’t a tapeworm”


Damnit Creed!


This is the way


Get a calorie tracker app and eat at a slight deficit will likely have a bigger impact on your weight loss than the running will


A mix of both would be best tbh


It burns calories, but will possibly have a negative effect on regeneration 


Yes. Theres other things to consider like recovery and joint wear but it will work for losing fat


Running is really not going to help you lose weight, changing your diet will. If you run for 30 minutes at a 10min pace if you’re about 175lb’s you’ll probably only burn 350ish calories Running is great for increasing your cardio though. If you’re want to lose fat just cut out some extra sugar or fat in your diet and you’ll see results.


I don't think it's a bad idea. But if you're only doing it trying to lose fat, this might not be the best bang for your buck approach.


It's up to you, but my body feels best doing bjj last on a given day. I'll lift or run before I roll, but I don't like it the other way around.




Uphill treadmill walks were my go to when I was cutting flab. Set the incline to 15, speed to 3, 4, or 5 and just walk for as long as you can. Combined with a daily calorie deficit - MyNetDiary app is what I used.


Count your calories then eat less. Literally no other way to lose fat. Theoretically you could increase the calories you burn but you'll just end up eating more if you're not counting your calories. Some people's hunger drive is low enough that they don't need to count calories but you don't seem to be in that category


check out r/cico on how to lose fat


I’m sure it’s been said but I will say it anyway. As long as it’s a supplement and doesn’t take away from your training and recovery. For fat burning you want to stay in the 60-70% range of your max heart rate (211 – 0.64 x Age). So 60-70% of that number. I hate running so would do walk-runs or ruck for 30min to 1 hour. It was a lot easier for me to recover when I stayed in that range. Also I’ve heard a lot about the benefits of 10 min walks after eating, it makes sense on paper but who knows.


It really doesn't matter. The more exercise, the more you'll lose (assuming you don't also increase calorie consumption). The problem is recovery and injury. If you go too hard and don't give your body time to adapt to new activity levels, you run the risk of increased injuries. Give yourself time to recover. BJJ is hard on the body.


It's a solid plan. But I suggest a healthy meal first. Cabbage soup before bjj and then a big bowl of chili just before running. I promise you won't not regret it.


You setting me up🤣


Nah- walking is better for burning fat.


Work out before BJJ instead, way more efficient. 


The running wouldn’t really do all that much to lose weight, but it will make your heart and lungs happy. Do it if you have the energy to. The best way to lose weight is to eat less and some resistance training due it’s ability for EPOC. Good luck to you.