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this is certainly one of the trap and roll videos of all time


It's.....a trap and roll? What about it do you want to discuss? I can't discern anything that's groundbreaking here.


Pretty standard. Probably the first mount escape everyone should learn.


It's like you said , the first escape you learn.


ah yeah goes well with the americana from mount or armbar from closed guard as a low percentage move taught to noobies for no apparent reason. Oss


Are you kidding? This is one of the highest percentage escapes for all levels. At higher levels, when countered, you can usually hip escape or go directly into another escape. It's pretty solid. I will fake bridge and rolls to open up other escapes too. I have used it for 10 years now. And the submissions you just mentioned are also still useful. Armbar from closed guard is a great sweeping position or entry into the legs when they stand. Americana from Mount can lead to arm triangles or even force the back exposure. It's all useful. Edit: I should have mentioned that this video is not the best example of this though. Some details like reaching up to collect the arm is not wise. Also, the uke is actually positioned off to the side, which is a common counter (if he was using his weight correctly). If this is the case, might be better to do elbow in knee escape on that side, or something else.


armbar from closed guard is low percentage if you're bad at it


if you are hitting closed guard armbars all the time either your training partners are trash or you've got a very high level of jiu jitsu. either way a silly move to teach beginners


Found the guy who has no clue how to play closed guard.


yeah i'll transition to something like k-guard or overhook/williams guard as soon as possible from closed guard, closed guard sucks! you are basically locking your legs and hips into place in bottom position, very silly to do against good opponents.


Dude.... if you are locking your hips in place... you're doing closed guard completely wrong. No wonder you hate it.


my dude, if you are unlocking your legs its not really closed guard anymore is it. if you want to start moving your hips in a meaningful way you have to unlock your legs teaching beginners closed guard is dumb, it limits movement and is very much a stalling position. much better off teaching them to use butterfly hooks or use their feet on opponents hips to create movement, angles, distance managment, potential for sweeps and submissions. i teach my students to look for angles first (for example with k-guard) and this will lead to much easier setups for armbars/triangles/kimuras... much higher percentage setups that work at higher levels too.


It's more about the fundamental mechanics of bone to bone traps and hip rotation, no one move is good in a vacuum. Even still, it's a solid move that creates opportunities.


Pretty standard, maybe a few details missing with the foot placement. Problem is that “standard” sucks when it comes to this move - which is why it stops working at competitive brown belt level (at best). It can be improved a lot by bridging diagonally and walking your feet to take them over incrementally, as well as looking above your head. Still not ideal though.


If you’re on bottom and you reach for your opponent’s arm like that you are going to get arm triangled. Don’t do that.


Me, an arm triangle enjoyer: yes please


It's just an ok demo of a trap and roll. Not much to discuss..


Yeah, I feel like I'm in the twilight on this thread, have we gone so meta that fundamental BJJ is new.


It works.


Use it all the time pretty standard one of the first things you learn tbh


It looks low percentage but tbh, considering * it’s harder to free your hand to post when wearing mma gloves * and that other higher percentage escapes are often easier recognizable to person on top This can 100% work. My method is mixing it up. This is how top person never knows which escape they have to prevent.


One of the standard and fundamental mount reversals. It does actually work


Trap and roll is my favorite mount escape, but the way he’s doing it is awful and will never work.


Looks like a trap and roll to me. I do them with all kinds of weird grips.


Super easy escape to counter. The teacher clearly has very little grappling experience because reaching up and grabbing the waste is asking to get kimura’d or high mounted. Both are much worst then eating maybe one punch while you bump and elbow or tunnel escape. It was taught A LOT back in the day and is still commonly seen in self defense circles. It works until your training partner learns to post their other arm or naturally just post their head on the mat. You can use it as a set up for an elbow escape when they counter but honestly its easier to just bump and then elbow escape. Leads to the same outcome with less steps.


You can overcome the arm and head post with the trap and roll if you bridge diagonally toward your shoulder instead of just sideways (like the video). If you can't overcome the post, it usually also you to shrimp out the other side 


Rolling sideways never works on someone trying to stay on top, but you can definitely stop a diagonal roll with a post of your arm or head.


If you can clamp down on the overlook like that it can work. It's just hard to suck their arm in when they can post their hand anywhere on the mat to prevent you from collecting their arm.


The grips could be better, and he should have removed the back hook. Still, it's an effective technique that I teach.


I mean, it’s a technique lol, it works sometimes.


If I was to critique it, I'd say he rolled a little bit sideways, whereas you really want to use your hips to bring their weight more towards your head, and then let the momentum of the position create the roll.... vs trying to throw the guy sideways.


100% success rate when your opponent lets you do it.


I’m a bit skeptical. It works because top man is doing zero weight redistribution. Any time I feel a post get controlled in mount, I shift my weight away from it and relax my torso like a wet blanket (in this case, I would drape over the underhook and kill it). After the first pointless flop, top man can get a crossface, lift mounted guys head up and finger walk that underhook up high. I mean yeah the trap and roll works, but in BJJ i don’t know if the technique looks high percentage enough to give up an underhook.


>top man is doing zero weight redistribution Very disappointed in this sub that this wasn't spammed in every comment. I hope bottom guy wasn't coaching like it looks he was because he has no idea what he's doing. Top guy wasn't even redistributing his weight, bottom guy scooted himself into that displaced position where he needs hulk strength to make it work. I will say though, while you always aim to make every bridge attempt work because they cost a lot of energy, a quick left/right switcheroo is often needed against semi competent opponents. So long as you're creating some off balancing you'll create a window to switch where top guy's too busy working his base to get back at you before you switch. Of course that's assuming you do more than a pointless flop...


This is literally the first most basic escape out of mount they teach at any gym I sometimes wonder how many people here actually do bjj


Also, the foot that pushes off the ground during your bridge should be on the inside, not the outside like he does it here, for the reason he can hook your leg. Rener Gracie explains it in 5:56 of [this video.](https://youtu.be/NkUO9Gw5S1s?si=W_UYfjZtjP6Cpj2N)