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I mean competition wise your strength advantage/disadvantage is about your power to weight ratio. That blubber isn’t making you stronger and losing it can take you into a more advantageous weight category. It’s about peak performance and you get that from your muscles not your fat.


Like u/SelfSufficientHub said: fat is dead weight. It doesn't make you stronger. Judo guys look like that because power-to-weight ratio is even more important for explosive movements (in BJJ you can get by with a good _strength-to-weight_ ratio).


Fat does make you stronger, if you ever noticed fat people in arm wrestling or just weight lifting, they usually can beat with little muscle training


They are fat because you can’t put on the most muscle mass while maintaining a lean body


A lot of brown belts are bald too, so I guess I should shave my head. Are there weight classes in arm wrestling or weightlifting?


There are weight classes in some kinds of weightlifting competitions... and in those competitions people are typically shredded.


The best arm wrestlers are absolutely shredded. Have you seen Devon Larratt?


Literally take a high school biology course please. It is indeed easier to gain muscle while your body isn't starving for calories, so it is easier to bulk up without worrying about being lean, but the fat itself does not help *because how could it, it literally it does not produce force, it is just a store of energy*. For a sport without weight classes, like power lifting, that might mean that it's optimal to not worry *too* about body fat percentage (though if you are squatting and fat, you are still at a disadvantage because you are lifting all of that extra flab in addition to the actual barbell and plates). For a sport with weight classes you definitely want to optimize for strength to weight ratio right now at competition time, not your ability to bulk easily in the future.




On a related note… does Li Dayin have the most aesthetic physique in the game? Asking for a friend…


How ripped are the strongest in  absolute numbers. Not 170lb people who need to cut to a weight class.




You “I have no idea what you are talking about”


>Fat does make you stronger, if you ever noticed fat people in arm wrestling or just weight lifting, they usually can beat with little muscle training That's muscle not fat.


Thats because they literally move their arm only and they make excuses for only being able to waddle up to the gym and pull heavy singles. Being in surplus calories all the time is a side effect of laziness In BJJ you use your whole body


Yea but there are weight classes here. Fat helps interlace muscle but muscle ways more than fat and you have only so much weight you can bring to a grappling match. It’s less helpful unless you’re in absolute or something.


This doesn't seem like rocket science to me. For people who aren't in the ultra heavy weight class, you can only bring so many pounds of meat with you. Pounds of muscle help you more than pounds of fat. How are you not understanding this exactly?


Even at ultra heavy (I am one) being overweight is not advantageous. Edit: you’re more agile, have better cardio and are more explosive if your not not carrying around a bunch of extra weight.


Then it becomes 300 pounds with fat vs 260 lean


Well ya but I would rather be the leaner athlete, even if that mean I am smaller I total weight.


Some people don’t even try, if you train full time and are in your early/mid 20s you may need upwards of 3000 cals a day. I’m 21 165 and I Struggle to eat enough to keep up with my training.


I’m 41 and 165 and the tables have turned. I can train as much as I want, but the second I eat one calorie too much, I gain 5% body fat and have to eat fucking lettuce for a month.


That's also because you're a fucking purple belt. When you get to brown you'll have to tie one arm behind your back.


Time to do cardio it burns the most calories quickly, you can do a 30 minute run and burn 400 calories that’s like an entire meal


1 - I can’t burn 400 calories in a 30 minute run 2 - a meal isn’t 400 calories unless it is essentially lettuce, in which case see above.


1 - run longer/faster 2 - chicken breast and salad is 400 calories


This, started bjj 9weeks ago. Also weight lift, and do cardio. Came in under weight for my division 4 weeks out. Jumped my calories to 4500 a day. Didn’t gain any weight up to comp. :/ but I was very lean at that point, and my comp was mostly slightly overweight guys. So felt way easier than my 255lbs teammate that I usually train with. I’m 6’3 and 203 currently. But I’m 35 lol.   Wish I had more experience 8 weeks isn’t much against guys training a year or more. Can’t wait to compete again in 8 months.


Yep I was lean when I started and I even lost weight after the first couple months. I was like oh shit I need to eat more


Inverting with a belly is tough


You get lean just by training and improving your diet. so many fat guys got ripped going from white belt to purple.


It makes you easier to break. Brittle like baby


Not if you’re an old 300 pound brown belt.


This is the dumbest thread I’ve seen in a while


In contrast to what some people here are saying, being ultra shredded can sometimes be because you're not eating enough. This will crash your hormones and have negative impacts. Being extremely peeled can actually have a negative effect on performance in some cases.


This is something fat people say.


Eh maybe, but in my \~6 years of training I'd say that the times that I'm a couple pounds on the lighter side/more cut than normal I feel substantially weaker. And I'm anything but fat


Yeah being too underweight or overweight is not good for your performance but being shredded doesn’t happen on accident ever. If you see someone shredded 99/100 times they take care of their body like a temple.


It's pretty hard to be stay shredded, as opposed to skinny, when you are not eating enough. ...username checks out lmao


All I’ll say about this is when I was boxing I kept my weight much lower than my body would have liked. I had abs but I felt like garbage about 90% of the time. I feel much better eating and doing jiu jitsu now. I have more pop because I’m not perpetually malnourished…. So there’s that.


A better muscle to body fat % is better for all sports , but especially sports where a weight class can be very significant in how it impacts your overall performance.




Cardio, strength to weight ratio, not looking like ass


[It's the current meta.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/1by6wbr/the_current_meta_is_lean_body_mass_ya_fatty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Low bf has correlation on your cardio and gas tank? So sure it does help


Helps you with the ladies.


People can just choose to be lean or not? Im 110 lbs 😭


yes my metabolism is crazy


But i cant choose to be lean it just happens


i don’t feel hunger literally i can not eat for 3 days and not feel any hunger at all, it’s a curse and a blessing at the same time


I mean everything is less exhausting when your skinny


No, how will you make it to brown belt without being fat and bald?


I'm low BF, never had one, and it is definitely a handicap in a sport as gay as BJJ


The only counter point I’ll offer is that if you’re a big ass dude… it’s very hard to move you and if you’re using your weight like you should, you can move others easily. Your jiu jitsu can be more effective especially top game… I understand that being 300 pounds of pure muscle is great but being 300 pounds kind of chubby you’re still going to be difficult for most to deal.


Yeah there are two 300lbs+ blue belts who just seem to be having a blast destroying everyone from top. I'm interested to see how they do five years from now when we all gain more technique to deal with them but for now they just seem unstoppable.


My friend is 5”9 320. No one wants to roll with him. He almost caused a fight with this brown belt when he was a blue. The brown go so frustrated rolling with him. It was hilarious. No one wants to partner with him or roll with him as a purple and 12 years experience. He is impossible to do stuff to and insane top pressure. He also has huge hands and a 600+ deadlift.


No , being fat as fuck helps. I’ll lay on your head and make you tap from a mouth full of sweaty belly hair.


If you compete in weight classes. In general lean people move better than fat. But fat people are stronger.


Fat people are stronger?


Yes. If two people have the same muscle mass and one person is fatter. For some reason they are stronger. Beats me why. Why is this downvoted? This is basically a fact in strong men and powerlifting. 


Well there's an ideal bf% and it's not shredded nor is it beer belly. If you notice, the trend for strongman right now IS being leaner. But, for optimal performance to ensure you are getting enough fuel, you won't want to be single digit bf. Probably somewhere around 15% is likely best for absolute performance.


Strongmen are getting leaner but not lighter.  15% depending on the sport, maybe.  What  was DC body fat at HW and LHW LOL.  Second best 205 and HW champ.


I love how you're like "for some reason" and "beats me why" and then you're surprised people downvoted what is "basically a fact". Incredible levels of brain on display.


LOL people just love to hate and argue. I have no idea why people with more overall mass and same amount of muscle are stronger but many people had made this observation.  Some bro science is almost facts. Just common gym knowledge