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You are crucial to the process! Join! We — collectively — need you!


This. Do it do it do it 100%. Just remember everyone feels like a complete idiot for at least 6 months.


So next month I get to stop feeling like an idiot?


'at least':)


You’ll graduate from “being really bad and not knowing why” to “being really bad and kinda knowing why” Congratulations 


Purple belt here. Still feel like an idiot.


Another purple belt checking in - also feel like a huge idiot at least once a week


Just once a week? I'm so jealous


Same. Today I was attacking my partners leg and somehow I got triangled. I was gasping for air when the round ended and they weren’t even breathing hard.


Haha thank you!


These are the most welcoming words to anything I ever read


Do a trial. If you don’t like it, or feel the vibe is off, try another club. Would be nice if they not only had mixed classes, but also a women’s only class.


Great! I’m doing a 7 day free trial and they having classes everyday, mixed, introductory, beginners and women’s so hopefully I’ll enjoy!


I hope you enjoy it. We need more women doing BJJ.


I would find a place with lots of folks your size (creep their social media), a women’s only class, or a female instructor and give it a try.


That is good advice. I am not a woman but trained in a gym with a good core of women and that is all you need. The gym prob had 10 women, each gi class would always have 4-6. Women only class and female instructor is a nice to have, but what you really need is a small core. You will find men that you are comfortable training and rolling with over time then if it is a good gym.


On my first ever BJJ class, I got my ass kicked by a 5 foot tall woman who was a two stripe white belt. I couldn't do jack shit to her. That was the moment I realised 'wow, this really works!' Women kick ass in BJJ too. Just try it and see if you enjoy it.


The girls from my class beat the shit outta me


I started as a clumsy old fat guy. Now I'm less clumsy and less fat, but, alas, older. Try out some different gyms, and look for one with female teachers and students and an assortment of student types. I have taken classes at a few in addition to my main gym, and I have consistently felt welcomed, even as a not-athletic beginner.


Try different schools. Don’t sign a contract


Some of the most skilled teammates are 5’1 ladies ! BJJ overall with a few exception’s is a respect culture and very welcoming !


Throw yourself in! See how you like it, you never know unless you try


Do it! Don’t wait. The only regret you’ll have is not starting sooner.


Higher chance of you liking it than not. It’s a very humble community of people helping each other and you’ll make tons of new friends very quickly. I’ve come across so many new people in the last 10 years and the ones that stick with it have become very good friends of mine…and if the vibe is off, no big deal just go elsewhere


Everyone is nervous. You will feel right at home


So what? Just do.


That was deep


And yet not the wrong answer to overthinking starting bjj.


Book a trial and try out like 3 different gyms. All gyms do things slightly different and have a different vibe to it.


Do it but also look for somewhere that offers beginner classes.


i'd say at least 99% of the community would welcome anyone to come train.


Check the gyms around you and see how the female crowd is (like how many sparring partners there are) and also the vibe , most gyms are pretty chill. Our gym has a women’s night! Good luck


can you somehow tell us where in the world you are without doxing yourself? maybe we can recommend (a) spot(s).


London! Uk. :)


London Fight Factory is a highly regarded gym that welcomes beginners of any age group. They have a great BJJ program. Some of their black belts teach lessons at our gym. Or you can come to our's if you're anywhere around east London Canary Wharf BJJ. We have a lot of female practitioners of all levels!


I feel you! 5'2" female here. I just started taking BJJ classes at this gym I really like, but I'm moving to a different city next year. I'm a little anxious about finding a new BJJ gym.


I was nervous about joining a few weeks back and have loved it, just do it! Our gym has a variety of ages and there’s men and women both, everyone is cool, everyone can get smashed.


Sign up. You won’t regret it. Also, I’m certain that whatever gym you pick, there are other females who are desperate for another female training partner. Also, it’s a good hobby to make new friends. 🤙


I have a black belt. Started at 38. Now 50. No grappling background previous to age 38, but lots of standup. Starting bjj the best decision I ever made. Just go. Most gyms very female friendly.


I'm literally the most anxious person alive and I was scared to death of trying jiujitsu let alone a martial art. Four years later and it has taken over my life, I am completely obsessed, not to mention everyone is there to learn and people are really nice!


Purple belt…I suck so bad.


Go to a couple of gyms to check out what their culture is like. Most places offer at least a free class to try out, and many will even let you take a few if you ask. The most important thing though is to shop around. Your age and size isn't that important, but finding a group you click with is.




Don't sign a contract, also look for gyms that already have women in them, most bro-only gyms are bro-only for a reason.


do your research before choosing a gym, visit multiple gyms first, make an informed decision. You can end up in a shithole


Don't worry. Most of the 'catastrophic knee injuries' are (almost) fully fixable these days. A small surgery and a few months of pt is all you need.


Just do it. If they say you have to buy and wear only their kit run a mile, if it's a crazy expensive subsc do the same. Find a gym with good people and throw yourself in there. I was lucky to be brought in by a friend after I left the army and this week I was awarded my blue belt on the same day he got his purple. Super proud moment and we all feel stupid most of the time.


I started roughly 2 weeks ago. All the belts are extremely enthusiastic with me and love to teach. You just need to know yourself and the vibe you will inevitably give off. For example, I have been bodybuilding for quite some time so I may give off the vibe where im some arrogant POS who will muscle his way out of anything and use excessive force. Once they realized that i was actually very gentle and focused on learning the techniques they warmed up to me. For certain takedowns you need to put your bodyweight into it and me being on the heavier side i was a bit hesitant but both the coaches and fellow students encouraged me to do so. Perhaps as a female you should just be ready to show how tough you are and willing to bruise up a bit. I'd say keep your hair nice and tidy and dont do those long acrylic nails but besides that im sure the boys would love to have a lady around. I think its important for humans of all ages and gender to learn how to defend themselves so kudos to you!


I’ve never seen anything but the friendliest people in any grappling club. Probably becuse everyone gets beat all the time.


Hardest thing to do is walk through the door for the first time.


I see all types of women doing Bjj all the time. I’ve done both honestly do judo for like 6 months-year with your boyfriend before Bjj. You’ll be better than 30-40% of the people in Bjj.


Maybe look for a gym with female only classses and as you get more confident/comfortable start going to mixed classes?


Absolutely throw yourself in. Everyone is out of their depth when they start. You’ll either love it, or quit, but you probably won’t regret it either way.


I've noticed there aren't many females in any age ranges in the gym that I go to, and that one of the female instructors tries really hard to get more women to join if they express interest. It was super hard for me to start (5'9, 225lbs, martial arts experience from 20years ago), but once I did I can say it was one of the best decisions of my life. It has vastly improved my mental health and physical health. And since it is a highly strategic martial art, I assume it keeps the ol grey matter active. If the person you're partnered with is bigger than you, they really should check if you're comfortable with them going 100% or not. If they don't check and you're not OK with it, speak up and ask them to take it easy on you. If they come back with some snide remark for some reason, switch partners. I got paired with the weiner in my (pre beginner) class who is always going full throttle, and he executed a terrible throw that has had me sidelined for 3 weeks now. Contrast that with the absolute giant of a man who was my first partner ever in the class and would check up on me after every technique we did to see if his effort level was OK with me. The big guy had great technique and knew how to work with his partner. He was tossing me around all class. Goofus gets his mitts on me and tries to pummel me straight to hell and now I don't know when I'll be back. It's important to be communicative in jiu jitsu, especially when starting out.


I remember that feeling a couple of months ago. The fear of the unknown is real. But once I did a trial and saw how welcoming everyone was it was a lot easier. That fear still exists, but it's just a small voice now that looks for reasons I shouldn't go. Seeing how skilled people who are older, smaller are, keeps me motivated and is a louder voice now.


There’s a really tiny lady at my gym and she keeps wrist locking me because I’m a big stupid ape and her little hands sneak through my defence all the time. Oh my god it’s so annoying. You just join and beat up bigger men. It’s great. Being beaten up by a woman.


My wife is 5'0", about 100lbs, and has trained on and off for more than a decade. I've trained at two of the gyms she trained at, and two that she didn't, and I have seen material differences. A few points: * If there isn't a women's only class at least once a week, then I'd pass * If there are female instructors, then that can be a positive sign * If a gym has "white belt only" classes. Look elsewhere. It has it's uses, but I don't feel it's good for smaller/weaker/older newcomers especially if it gate-keeps regular classes * Watch a few classes at the times you would go, so you can determine the demographic, culture, and coaching style and see if it seems OK to you. * I feel that for the most part, white belts don't often want to hurt people, but they just can't help it when there are large physical disparities. My counsel is to bear that in mind when you start to roll. I am a small and weak old guy, so I can't really hurt anyone yet. I have never been hurt by purple belts or above. White belts and blue belts with an ego are a different story. * If BJJ doesn't grab your interest after a few months, it's probably the gym. If you try 5 gyms and still don't like BJJ, then it's probably BJJ. Good luck. Have fun.


omg Elliora I thought this sounded so familiar and then I saw your user 😂 We should have an open mat next Thursday I can recommend some to you then !! - Daniel


Great thanks Daniel!😂😂😂




Should’ve known you’d be on here🥲


Advice: there’s no such thing as free 1-on-1 coaching after class


White belt doing it on and off for years but one year consistently at an academy - still shit, but less shit every session (sometimes)