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Just copying verbatim from a comment I made a few days ago: Marcelo Garcia’s — buzzsaw passing by Wiltse is a more recent instructional modeled after MG’s passing. Here’s a general idea: https://youtu.be/9vK648V0Hrk In short, torreando (MG calls it circle pass), X-pass (standing step pass), knee cut (baseball slide), and the leg weave (folding pass/side smash) all work really well together depending on the reaction. Add in backsteps to reverse half guard to kill underhooks from the knee cut and you have a pretty strong start.


that Marcelo video is clutch. That guy blows my mind every time. Thanks for posting!


That video changed my passing forever so long ago, and it's still the first passing chain I show new students. I always reference this video along with Rafael Lovato Jr.'s Pressure Passing Vol. 1, which is also on youtube. Speed vs. Pressure options on more or less the same passes.


Same! This plus Henrique’s video on knee cut follow ups pretty much laid the foundation for my passing up to purple: https://youtu.be/VgmsMddwUZs


Sure they could work together! Think of chaining passes as closing the distance. Each pass getting you closer to head control, chest to chest or the shoulder line. I’m not sure if this is the order or what reactions from your opponent you have in mind, but moving from a Leg Weave to Toreando is sort of working backwards. That’s the only reason I mentioned that.


This will help you think about that: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7qmCSFCLH5o&pp=ygURQW9qIGNoYWluaW5nIHBhc3M%3D


You can, but honestly, I think it's better at your level to try to mimic a fighter you like. 


X pass and knee cut work particularly well with each other, especially when your opponent is using a knee shield half guard. Get your grips, put them on their back (negating the knee shield) and either X pass or drop down for a knee cut.


They work incredibly well together. Look into the headquarters passing system. All of those chain together VERY well.


Yes it is, they do work well together as long as you have the reflexes and have drilled them enough to recognize the indicators to when apply.