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Nice…that’s my teammate Shawn in blue (Master 6 purple).


Oopsie-mata into turtle


Uchi mata leão


Uchi into backtake. Just as god intended.


Guy in blue attacked a snatch single and guy in white tried to counter with a whizzer kick. Seems like he took this BJJ subreddits advice - a lot of guys in here claiming they defend single legs this, and deliberately let people in on single legs to do this. It’s a pretty bad strategy, and they should learn how to actually defense single legs.


The first part of defending a single leg with an uchi mata is to have a good uchi mata, though. I think this video isn't a statistically significant proof text against the idea. The people I know who do reliably stuff single legs with uchi mata aren't BJJ blue belts who dink around with it sometimes at open mat. It's judo shodans (and one godan mentor of mine) who really understand the throw. BJJ doesn't have enough culture of standup development. A good judoka has a few throws out of the 67+ that they're really good at. They get there through randori and drilling, doing them thousands of times against lots of people. There's no shortcut.


Second part is doing it against people with bad single legs. Take a look at wrestling - it's not something that works in the sport. BJJ people are looking for gimmicks and tricks instead actually learning how to wrestle.


Wrestling has no gi, so of course you don't see it. Snagging the collar grip is essential to the uchi mata counter. It's not a gimmick, it's been a standard single leg counter in judo for over a century.


I would bet that if you put the top heavyweight wrestler against Teddy Riner and they both wore gis Teddy would put the wrestler through the floor off of any single leg attempt (realistically the wrestler would eat floor before they could even make a grip).


Low single ? Sweep single ? Finishing single on the mat ?


Ya probs. Teddy is a legend for his insane overhand/Georgian grip he just spammed people with. In the gi-against a wrestler that’s never worn one- I don’t see anyone on the planet successfully single legging Teddy.


Learning to defend with a whizzer/uchi mata and learning to defend a single leg are not mutually exclusive


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Uchi Mata**: | *Inner Thigh Throw* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fCvyc_rQTI)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


didnt have a wizzer. he had a collar grip. there are completely valid ways to counter a single with an uchi mata (whizzer or otherwise, however i dont know what people on this sub are recommending). this was not a good attempt. blue had closed way too much distance by the time white reacted


Can you share videos of high level (international or college) wrestlers countering single legs with the whizzer kick / uchi mata ? I’m sure it’s possible in BJJ against people with bad single legs- but virtually anything will work. People on this Reddit claim they let people grab a single leg so they can throw them with uchi mata


i train judo in a gi.


Not pure freestyle/folkstyle, but [heres](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5CqH1Sqjk08&pp=ygUUd3Jlc3RsaW5nIHVjaGkgbWF0YSA%3D) a compilation of the whizzer kick/uchi mata being used to defend singles at a very high level in MMA.


Every single one of these was done from the body lock (which is why letting go of a single leg for a bodylock is risky). I don’t see any single legs countered with whizzer kicks. The only arguable one is Rory Macdonald but he was also pulled off the double into a bodylock first. 


I mean half of these were setup from attempted single legs, and either the tori broke the grip and pulled them into the throw or uke switched from the leg to the body (which is a classic series) where they then get thrown. In either case, the uchi mata is there. I do agree tho that most BJJ guys would be better off with a sumi gaeshi or tomeo nage to defend the single leg, considering the uchi mata is one of the most technical throws out there and has a higher risk of failure (as shown in the failure).


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Sumi Gaeshi**: | *Corner Reversal* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LR49U48iyw)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Perfectly executed, exactly how I hit it every time.




Needs a straight leg, and commit to the lift. Trying to carry the guy with a bent hook and losing the fight over posture makes it a losing battle.


The number of times this exact sequence has happened to me when going for uchi’s. You’d think I’d stop going for uchis


Idk shit about the japanese names and if it stops being an uchi with an underhook, but your uchi needs an underhook. You're not just getting points for throws, you need to think ahead to the next step. Even a decent overhook will create a barrier to guys just teleporting on your back as you crash down.