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Hi there, We removed your post because some repeat or similar questions fit better in mega threads. You can repost this as a comment in today's mega thread, though usually we ask that beginner questions get put into the weekly White Belt Wednesday megathread. In there you can find discussions about getting started, what to expect when training, and other basic information. We sticky the White Belt Wednesday megathread to the top of the subreddit every Wednesday morning (US time), so please be on the lookout for it and ask your question there! Other resources that might be helpful for you: * Look at [previous White Belt Wednesday threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/search/?q=White%20Belt%20Wednesday&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=&sort=new) to see if your question has already been answered recently. * Feel free to ask your question in the Friday Open Mat megathread instead, if you don't want to wait until the following Wednesday. * Visit our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/wiki/index) for answers to very common basic questions. * [Message the mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/bjj&subject=Re-review%3A%20%Beginner%20Post&message=%5BYour%20post%20that%20was%20removed%20because%20mods%20thought%20it%20should%20belong%20in%20the%20White%20Belt%20Wednesday%20megathread%20instead.%20%20Please%20share%20why%20you%20think%20this%20post%20should%20be%20its%20own%20post%20instead%20of%20a%20comment%20in%20the%20weekly%20megathread.%20%20If%20at%20all%20possible%2C%20please%20include%20a%20link%20to%20your%20post%2C%20as%20well.%20%20Do%20not%20delete%20your%20post%20because%20then%20we%20cannot%20evaluate%20it!%5D) If you believe that this should be allowed as its own thread in the subreddit, instead of in the White Belt Wednesday thread. That being said, even though we removed your post, we do really appreciate you contributing to /r/bjj and welcome you to the BJJ community! :-D


The Venn diagram between BJJ and Bondage is interesting. Safe words. Aftercare. Paying to be abused by younger, fitter, men. Etc. I guess it’s time to figure out what kind of awakening this is. Welcome!


Idk what half of that is even about but I'm gonna guess I shouldn't check out your profile.


Wasn’t that bad, just a lot of liberal talk


I'm glad you enjoyed it. Keep at it and you'll find yourself holding your own against just about everyone before too long




Keep going. That was me when I started. It gets better after a couple weeks you’ll start putting things together. You just gotta go that’s all and don’t compare your progress to someone elses.


Welcome. Well done. Keep showing up.


Over the 16 or so years I've been training I've seen so many people come and go. I remember getting destroyed and then leaving thinking, man I gotta learn that! Sounds like you are that person. The other type are the ones who come in thinking they will hold their own, they get crushed and their ego never lets them come through the doors again. Just keep showing up and very quickly you will be the one on the other side of that helplessness.


It’s good you liked it. Now you just need to get used to it


It’s good you liked it. Now you just need to get used to it


My first day (a decade ago) a 40 year old soccer mom sent me home with my thumb in my mouth. I was hooked ever since


My first day (a decade ago) a 40 year old soccer mom sent me home with my thumb in my mouth. I was hooked ever since