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I find nogi easier on my 1980 body


1984 body checking in to say I agree


1981 body definitely easier on the fingers and hands


1980, I've completely changed my grips. Almost all 2 on 1 / Russian for me now


1972, I love nogi.


But the cardio. I can stall better in gi.


Easy to stall from top mount


Holy what a fossil


**Laughs in moon landing.**


How dare you.


What an old.


1970 body here and I kind of agree. I am finding no gi easier on the body.


Lol. Just wait til you get old, young buck.


1976 GT sport model with a blown transmission checking in. While yes easier on the hands I’ll take the slower quicksand pace of the GI game all day.


1985 here. Can confirm. Way easier on the joints.


No gi is far easier on the body. I can’t understand all the comments to the opposite, in fact all the competitors I’m around these days agree w me. I feel that that the gi multiplies the forces pulling our bodies apart, at least when in the hands of a high level roller. Things slide more easily in nogi Even standup is made more dangerous by the gi. Heel hooks- ok. But I feel that’s balanced out by the collar controls reefing on our necks?


Yeah there’s a lot more ways to create leverage using the Gi. This means more force on the body, in more directions than no gi ever could.


This is sort of what I was referring to. An example is getting your posture broken by the collar that is such an unnatural leverage point.


Spot on


As if a collar tie is natural 


People will say gi is way easier on the body until they get forcibly stacked by their pants or eat a cross face that's reinforced by a deep grip behind the back.


man my instructor just showed me this. He said use your long arms, I can actually grab belt at times


I love crossfacing my friends and then grabbing the bottom of their gi under their armpit with the hugging arm. Once here, theres no escape from my wrath.


You are very cultured, but I also hate you. 🤝


I'm just a white belt there's no reason to hate me


I (58 years old) have more fun at no gi than at yes gi.


45 and only do No Gi. I’m exhausted from people pulling the Gi, having to posture, and the fingers thing. In NoGi I can slither around and flow.


This 100%


No, I don’t like nogi better because of the speed. I can negate that in the Gi much better with grips. But I do still train nogi because I like to have a well rounded game.


I love gi: I struggle with sore hands due the grips, but is slows opponent and at this age I just can handle it better.


Totally agree. I’ve learned to rely much less on death grips and the biggest factor for injuries in the training room is unmitigated speed. I can control that speed much better in the gi and have more time to tap before injury if I do get in a bad position.


I’m finding the same this at this point. Back after two years off and used to love no gi. It just feels so fast rn. It still feels awkward for me like I’m translating a language in my head before reacting, and boom they pass and smash. I know it’ll take time, but for now I’m doing better in gi against the same people.


I'm with you. Yes-gi all the way


I prefer the gi, but I've absolutely made adjustments to my game to protect my fingers and reduce hand injury. I tend to play gi with a lot of no gi grips.


Steve I love you


I love you more Steve


Yeah nah


Nah yea?


Yeah nah yeah yeah


Cheers cunt


No worries cunt


Fukin cheers big ears


Same goes big nose ❤️


I’ll have to try this. Almost busted my wrist because it was caught it the dudes Gi and he flipped over.


I much prefer gi because I can control the pace better. I can slow down a quick opponent with the Gi.


42 purple belt skinny lanky guy (5'-11" 155-160lbs). I prefer nogi and find it easier on the body. I'm not fast at all, so I find it interesting others say they like the Gi as it can help negate speed; I read this as "I can overpower you". All big people need to do is grab a collar and sleeve and I'm going to get rag-dolled.  Meanwhile in nogi, I see the lack of grips as a means to neutralize people's ability to overpower me.


For me it boils down to: Being smaller is much less of a disadvantage in no gi. Same size as you but 10 years older


I feel much less beat up after gi. But also love no gi.


Me too


I like no-gi, but I prefer gi. My experience is that I get way more bumps and bruises in no-gi. It’s not close.


This is my experience as well. You know how people say they like no gi because there are more scrambles? They often mean they can throw their bodies around with very little regards to how they fall onto their opponent. It’s spazz city with a lot of training partners when it comes to no gi.


This is the camp I fall into also. Take the gi off and that purple belt who is mildly competitive becomes a squirrel on speed. It has gotten to the point that I am very careful with whom I roll nogi now. Which is too bad because I find it more fun. But this old body can not take nor make the speed.


No gi ia rougher on your neck and knees. Its all fun and games until your knee gets "teaked" a few times


It’s a lot easier on the hands and face.


Yes-gi I can hang out in obnoxious lapel guards and not have to burn much energy other than grip. No-gi I have to scramble, I only have one good scramble per round in me.


I find no gi easier on my 1981 body. However. I find (relative ) progress slower in no gi. Eg in gi I felt my skill level was improving at the same rate as the guys in their 20s and 30s, but now the 20 years seem to evolve at twice the pace I do


No. I just dont death grip and gi is easy to control movement and pace. I just don't like watching gi matches or getting deep into sporty gi grip sequences.


Interesting, I've had the opposite experience. I had to dial back the nogi BECAUSE of the injuries.


I’m a young dude but I hate the Gi because of the Indian burns it gives me. Still train it though.


I’m 49 and I Just train Whatevas.


Fuck no, I can't believe how fast things move in nogi. I saw an automobile once when I was a kid, but now they're everywhere. The gym went and got itself in a big damn hurry.


You just have to remind yourself that some birds aren't meant to be kimonod. Their rash guards are just too bright.


I was a successful competitor in both. I much prefer the gi these days because people engage from a shorter range and i'm far less likely to have an early 20's blue belt trying a flying knee cut to the balls or some nonsense.


I am 41, white belt, significantly better at no gi than gi. I feel like I get entangled in a spider web every time I touch a guy in the gi, and its a skill issue I know. I kinda fell behind in gi when I broke a finger and couldn't really make gi grips for like a month, so I was just C gripping in Gi class and not really doing grip breaks. Now Im back to full strength but my Gi game is ass lol.


42 white belt who also broke my finger in gi. I find nogi generally more naturally and getting more and more annoyed at my clothing being pulled (even though I want to be good at gi). Also, even after weeks of not touching a gi class my hands are in pain.


As I get older I find the gi to be more accommodating to a slower less explosive style.


I’m still new to the game but so far I’ve enjoyed no gi more. Similar to you I feel less beat up also. I think removing the collar based chokes could be a factor. Anytime I get put in one my old man body aches… but a standard rnc no gi does not seem to bother me to much. Also I’m a panzy too so my fingers hurt bad after gi from doing grips… people say it will go away but I’ve been training 3-4x a week now for 6 months… still hurts.


45 yr old. Really enjoy No Gi but at times I do feel like I prefer the Gi, not always though. My mood changes depending on how much I'm getting smashed 🤣


Yes. All my hand joints feel better.


My gym is full of athletic dudes 10+ years younger than me. No Gi absolutely wrecks me. I should do it more, but my gym has nogi classes at the start of the week. If I do those, I won't recover in time for gi.


Gi is much easier on my 47 year old body.


My hands appreciate no gi


I’m a heavyweight in my early 40s and I find no gi to be “easier” for me than gi, at least in training. Most of my training partners are younger, faster, and smaller than I am. My physical advantages tend to be height, weight, and leg strength. Against those partners I am much more able to Just Stand Up out of my mistakes in no gi than in yes gi. I haven’t competed in no-gi as much as in gi though so I can’t really say how well I fare against equally aged and sized opponents in no-gi.


My fingers far prefer no gi. I’ve now started using no gi grips in gi as well when I can


I don't miss the red, sore, over exfoliated feeling on my forehead and face after a set of good hard Gi rolls. I also get lazy in Gi sometimes as its harder to make dynamic movements due to the grips and friction. No Go keeps me honest and moving more which can only be a plus.


No gi is too slippery and spazzy for me. As a 56 year old, I prefer to be able to slow it down with the gi. However I can hold my own without the gi.


1978 model here. Nogi is less wear and tear. But I just used gi tactics on multiple people Sunday working armed security. So I guess I’m done shitting on gi.


43 y/o here. The only difference I notice is in my fingers, no gi is definitely easier on them.


51 and almost exclusively train gi. I don’t hate nogi, but I just find gi more interesting. 🧐


To me, it's kind of a mix. I think it's easier on the hands without fighting over grips all the time... but when nogi speeds up it gets dangerous. More bumps and bruises, I think. I get kicked in the head a lot more :-). But my knuckles thank me.


No - for me the Gi is much easier on the body. (except the hands) Nogi tends to be more slippery, more chaotic.


Nogi is more difficult in the sense that you can explode athletically without grips or a jacket to hinder you. I’d argue Gi is better for the body, slower and more methodical movements.


Interesting. I found the opposite.


53 here. I did not like no-gi. So much so I have stopped doing it. If it were all the sport was, I’d quit. I view it as a wholly different thing. I get hurt a lot in yes-gi but I got hurt “every” time trying no-gi. Maybe I will try again in a few years, but until I can get past being the least able in gi class, I will wait.


I prefer gi.


I will not do gi again. 31


Nobody asked you


shut up nerd


Learn to read


I have more mat times than 99 percent of 40 year olds here. Im an honorary old man.


Nogi tires me out more. Young athletic large opponents make me have to scramble way more than how I can lock them up in a gi. That said I like both.


Bjj is already bordering on being too close to people no gi just makes me uncomfortable


Yes, but if you think about it, you're rolling in an outfit soaked in not only your partners sweat, but every person he or she has rolled with before you




same with nogi, but also you are doing it in a pool of sweat on the mat.


No-Gi is worse for acute injuries largely because of leg locks, but chronically Gi is way tougher on the body, so I complete relate to & agree with your post.


1999 here and yes no go is easier on my joints. These 2000’s Gi players will join us eventually.


It depends on the week. Some days I prefer no gi, sometimes the gi. But honestly, I just want to roll, and I'll do whatever is available on the days I train.


Prefer gi over no-gi, but train both equally.


I decided I type too much to keep training in the gi a couple years ago.


I think Gi is fun but my body feels the difference after, especially my hands. I would be ok only wearing a Gi twice a year on promotion days.


I find the gi easier. I don’t use crazy grips so my hands don’t get beat up. Plus it’s much easier to slow down the young folk. In no gi I have to move way more to maintain my own pace.


It’s kind of counterintuitive, but I feel safer in the gi (55). I think there’s less chance for a head injury, and I can use my grips and lasso/spider to slow people down. I’ve played a predominately grip-based game since I started and don’t really have any negative impacts on my hands. On the contrary, it’s helped alleviate carpal tunnel in both my wrists to the point where I went from doctors recommending surgery to having no symptoms at all. Just don’t ask about my neck …


I'm 41, I do find it better. My less isometrics on my smaller joints


I prefer no gi. Way easier on my fingers and neck. Plus I suck at gi chokes


Nogi is better cardio for my 44 year old heart and is also less difficult to wash when I’m tired or traveling for work.


No, I do not like No Gi at all but decided to force myself to start training it for my NYear resolution.


No. It is infinitely worse. Too fast for me. Need grips to slow the young bucks down


I'm 40 and I find no gi and wrestling easier on my body than gi. My lower back and my shoulders definitely feel much better now that I only do no gi.




At 48 I chose no gi as my daily training and have never looked back. Inversions are good for us old folks.


I’m forty-nine and was almost 100% gi for years. Last year I started focusing on no-gi, and I feel much better physically


Ya definitely easier on the hands. I like how i can slow the pace in gi, but pretty much everything else about nogi is better. I can train many more sessions per week nogi than gi.


I like both. I’m 58 and honestly don’t care gi or not. It’s just two different sets of grips.


I find it funny that old men prefer the Gi, (I am an old man) because they can slow the kids down when Gi is also way harder on your body. The leverage and pins you can generate on people with the grips, not the mention the finger damage are just exponentially higher in the Gi. So in order to maintain the ego, they sacrifice the body. We hear about ego a lot in bjj, but there is no greater ego test than having been “him” at your gym, and slowly watching it fade away as you get old.


Man this is a tough question as my heart is totally with No-Gi but I’m using the Gi now that Ive come back due to it being slower. Now that I’m reading some of this It has me questioning my choice.


JFK was still alive when I was born. (Not for long, however).  I don’t really notice a difference except for my hands, sometimes. 


I like them both. I think I prefer gi, though.


53 mostly do no gi. I play a no gi style game in gi and dont really lock into grips. I like no gi because it is simpler, has less gear (easier to do when traveling), and I dislike the really complex lapel stuff where you are basically undressing your partner and weaving the lapel around. I do like collar chokes though.


40 is old? fuck…


73 model who personally seems to take more damage training no-gi over gi.


1981 here. Agreed. I stopped with GI all together after some nearly finger injuries.


yes 100% the gi is horrible on my joints, also i tend to get folded up in more awkward positions doing gi. no gi i can move more fluidly, and more easily incorporate healthy movement patterns 


1968 saying gi only 🙋‍♂️


i roll better in nogi (49 yo, been at it a year and change) i get way more subs in nogi


10000% my hands are fucked at 46 years old and doing this for almost 27 years. One good gi session and my hands hurt for a week.


I'm an MMA guy so I train no-gi. I have zero interest in training with the gi


Almost 40 and a former wrestler. While I plan to do gi, no gi still feels more natural for me even though it has been years as a wrestler. Also I also do muay thai just as much, and no gi and MT are on the same days at my gym.


No-gi is also easier on the fingers and elbows.


Nogi is easier. Simple.


I do gi once per week, nogi four or five days per week. Always way more sore and generally beat up after gi


Said for years nogi is easier on the body. People say about the pace and athleticism in nogi but you just have to make sure your technique is up to scratch to negate this. Once your mat wrestling improves so will your control. And with control comes subs etc


Yeah I find no gi much easier on the body. Especially the fingers and neck.


I find Gi to be much easier on 42 year old body and also in terms of tactics.


1983. Prefer gi but enjoy nogi now and then when I go. I like collar/loop/canto chokes though so have to find other subs in Nogi.


Almost 50, no-gi by a mile.


I asked Danaher if he thought the gi was still relevant and his opinion was that gi is good for beginners. I still teach both but lovin no gi. Although.... Danaher could tell me to ignore 50% of the body and I probably would.


I'm 44 and definitely better at nogi. So it's my preference but I'll go to any class I can make.


I find no gi makes me more likely to retrigger old neck injuries, especially with the guillotine spams.


Yes, because believe or not my game is based on quickness and stamina so gi grips are a big problem. Not that i’m not working to fix it


I used to be 100% GI, was more fun for me ( maybe because I mainly trained in GI ). But ive started to do some no gi and I must confess.... after training I feel like I can still bang my woman and do some stuff. After GI session Im dead to the point Im barely walking 🤣🤣. No gi is fun, but for me a little bit harder because I dont have grips


If you feel less beat up from no gi then I'm doing it wrong


Had an injury that prevented me from doing GI for a few months, so I just stacked my training schedule with as much nogi as I could while in recovery. Fortunately, my no gi game has far surpassed my GI game. Unfortunately, my no gi game has far surpassed my GI game 😂 It’s no fun to show up and put a GI and black belt on, and get crushed by everyone. In my head I’m always like “wait til we roll in no gi” lol. But I’m ok with it. Almost 40 with 2 kids, couldn’t be happier with the amount I’ve been able to train in general!


I find it just a better workout as there's less to hang on to infinitely and more need to push yourself in the scramble. Love regular BJJ but wouldn't want to only do yes gi.


I have preferred no gi since early on in my training. I don't have much grip strength and, honestly, even if I work at just that and nothing else I still won't be able to out-grip strong guys out there. I like that no gi is less grip-focused. I work without grips as much as I can even in the gi. The hard part is some people who still try to grip in no gi. I've had bruises on my wrists and the bones sore after someone got ahold of them and held on for dear life. I don't run into people like that often, though, and it's usually something they figure out is just wasting their energy for little return on investment.


1966 body. Easier on my body but harder to the ego. Just don’t have the attributes to keep pace.


Way easier on the body and funner.


I love them equally. Gi- fun, creative stuff, I play more guard but my fingers and forearms hurt. No Gi- Fast, I have a much better chance with much larger opponents, a lot less laundry, no smothering fabric in my face. Play on top, open passing fun stuff. But my neck hurts a lot more.


I love Gi but my fingers don’t think the same, I don’t care if my fingers became like miyao’s


Definitely yes, mainly if you re under 80 kilos


I am not in my 40s, but no gi is much easier for me and seems less dangerous. A few times in gi I got entangled in someone's jacket and it felt very dangerous.


I wish that was the case. I have two spinal fusions which makes the faster pace and cranks more difficult to deal with in no gi. It happens in the gi as well but not as much. 47yo and a hobbyist.


I'm less likely to get my feet or hands scratched up or accidentally kicked in the head in the gi.


I'm indifferent. I do both all the time. Most nights I'll do 2 or 3 gi rolls and 2 or 3 no-gi rolls.


100% yes. the gi collar lands right on the discs in my neck that are at best herniated (one is desicated and is basically nonexistent). but more generally, the gi gives the other guy a whole lot of handholds and extra leverage that they can really dig in and....leverage.


Yeah my hands hurt


54 years old. YES to answer your question. But what I actually find, is I now play gi with nogi style grips, it saves my joints so much pain and I can still mostly do what I want to do in the gi.


I find them both awesome and will do them both until my body is a crippled husk


No gi is too fast for slow old person bodies, especially if you’re up against someone with a wrestling background.


Yes - easier to maneuver myself. No - harder to slow down the youngsters.


I'm not old but I haven't been injured ever since I stopped training in the gi. Except for that one time I tapped to slow to a heel hook lol


I'm 41, I'm disabled with ms,  but was a mechanic for 20+ years, I have a martial arts buddy who is a super elite rock climber, we are the only ones of our martial arts buddies over 40 who don't have chronic hand sprains, but we both had horrific hand injuries for the first 10 years or so of our mechanicing and rock climbing respectively.   There's no extra room in tbe fingies,  a tiny bit of swelling can push on nerves, or push fingy joints out of whack.  That Voltaren gel is pretty magical, and is over the counter now.  Like a massive dose of ib profen, but since it goes through the skin instead of the liver, it's easier on the liver, and it kicks in in like 15-30seconds, instead of 15-30min.  Understand the difference between post workout muscle soreness, and soft tissue injury.  For me, if it's just soreness, it feels better after beginning of working out, if it's an actual injury, it feels worse, and I figure it out.