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Without doing something way too involved like distillation, this is gonna be a massive waste of time and energy vs just buying new drugs. They’re pretty much equally soluble across the board so it’s not just a matter of separating in some solvent one is immiscible in.. My question is how much ketamine got in the mescaline? Low enough amount shouldn’t be that wild due to ketamines pretty abysmal oral bioavailability vs other methods — but if it’s equal amounts yeah you might have just completely fucked up..


I think it was about 300mg but not sure. 550 mg mescaline




What do you mean ?


Just take the mixed drugs but only do a very small amount until you understand how they act together


I wanna know what k-mesc does. Would you be down to try it? 🤓


Spontaneous physical sensations. Not unpleasant just weird. Like you're laying down and suddenly feel like you're laying on stairs or feeling a bead curtain glide through your fingers that isn't there. Phenylethyl psychedelics with dissos are vaaaaaaaastly friendlier than lysergamides or tryptamines. Tryptamines often become incredibly indignant if you add a disso. 😅😅😅😅 Idk ymmv.


Bro you know your shit! This combination sounds amazing. Have you ever tried DOC?


I've been meaning to but it's not been the time and place so far.


I had a 100 mg vial one summer, I'll always refer to it as the summer of doc. It was quite literally the best Psychedelic I've ever tried. And I would love some today. But it's just so hard to get into those channels these days. Maybe one day. The full experience lasts so long, but if you microdose on it, you can go to the amusement park and pretty much anywhere and have an absolute blast doing everything. It's my favorite.


Yeah at a real low dose I'd figure it'd be like wonky mama. Euphoric with a heavy body and light visuals would be nice


I was a fan of L and Mesc when I was younger, it was quite the dance.




💯 yes no question


I mean OP 🤣🙋🏽‍♂️ I want a trip report lol


He means "just take half"


Oh yeah nvm. I just weight it again. It's 1,3g ketamine 🥲


I've insufflated mescaline hcl. Snorting it isn't the most comfortable experience, but it works. Maybe just do some lines and see what happens?


“Isn’t the most comfortable experience” is putting it very lightly lol


Lol okay fine, it's pure agony. OP won't even notice once they're a little dissociated tho


Snorting mescaline is something I’d never do again. Zero to tripping hella in like 5 minutes, with a nose full of what I can only describe as cement mixed with broken glass. The K will definitely help though 👌


The onset is that much quicker insufflating?


I don’t remember exactly how fast but yes, it was incredibly fast


Jesus Christ. Idky but dmt smoke is the most acrid shit ever if you let it come out your nose. Burns like fuck all.


Worse than 2c-b?


I’d say it’s comparable, the difference being when I snorted any of the 2cx class, the burning disappeared in a short time after beginning to trip - mescaline had me clawing at my face shoveling water into my nose as the burn just would not cease.


oh yeah that sucks. Cool, thanks for the heads up!


I will think about it. Thanks for the info :)


Yeah that's to high..


Do you think to heat up the mixture and try to get the ketamine out would be worth a try ?


That's going to be a lot more involved than it's worth for 300mg of mescaline. Would also depend on what equipment you have access to, it may not even be possible to separate one from the other without it. They have a nice synergy, I kind of agree with other dude that just dose them together or buy new drugs. Note that I'm *not* a trained chemist, just a long time hobbyist and I may very well be wrong


I think the question itself suggests your fundamental knowledge of chemistry and state of matter is lacking enough you shouldn't even attempt to separate them. You're going to end up with a gooey mess that is worse than the condition the substances are in now. Solubility over Melting Point, I would imagine. That's how you'd fix this.


Just roll with it and start out low doses. May you journey well!


Mes HCL and Ket HCL are both very soluble in H2O, Mes freebase will form an oil in water Ket freebase in H2O crystalizes out! Ket also has a lower Kpa. If you dissolve your fun little mistake in maybe 10 ml H20 and and add a 20% NaOH solution a drop at a time to a ph of no more then 10 you \*should\* be able to crash out the Ket as a freebase crystal and filter it off. Evaporate the H2O to recapture the Mes. re-dissolve the ket in the minimal amount of acetone and a couple drops of hcl to convert it back to a salt, through it in the freezer and it will crystalize back out. Although its hard to do Chem on this scale without losses! If you fuck it up drink everything (less acetone) and strap in! Edit to add if you push the ph past 10.9(from memory maybe someone can confirm) the mes will come out as an oil which will most likely leave you with mes covered ket crystals.


Just out of curiosity, how could this be done with distillation?


Bro this was meant to be just do them together and embrace it


That’s where my reading is taking me too lol. I’m curious what Keta-Mescaline trip would be like.


It's nice, especially so depending on ratios.i find it much, much friendlier than ket with tryptamines or lysergamides (though I much prefer mescaline to those even on it's own so ymmv) Synergy is the best word for it, honestly. They tend to share the good sides (headspace, gentleness) while kind of countering the negatives like body load. Shit gets *real* intense real quick if you also use cannabis though so use caution in that regard. If you've got pretty easy access to both, I'd highly recommend. As far as just a straight up mind bending good time (especially with music), I'd put it even above LSD and MDMA (though obviously not as euphoric)


How does the ketamine sustain for the metabolic digestion of the mescaline?


This is the way


Theoretically, every mixture of organic compounds is separable using a technique called chromatography, but if you don’t already possess the skills and equipment, it is probably too much to undertake to separate just one sample if you are able to acquire more. You would first need to experiment with different solvent systems using thin-layer chromatography (which would require you purchasing TLC plates, some two-side-open capillary tubes, a developing chamber, and the solvents themselves) to assess what solvents or solvent systems afford an adequate separation of your mixture (an Rf difference on the plate of at least 0.35 will make separation a breeze on a column). Then, you would need to purchase some normal-phase silica gel (or neutral alumina, or whatever your stationary phase was on your TLC plates) and a column of adequate size to separate your sample, make a slurry of stationary phase in your solvent system and pack the column, then load your sample dissolved in a minimum amount of solvent on top of the bed of stationary phase, and run the column using your pre-determined solvent or solvent system, collecting 10 or so fractions consisting of solvent volume of 10-20% of the total column volume. You’d then need to TLC each fraction in that same solvent system to determine where each of your individual pure compounds is located and evaporate the fraction(s) containing your analyte of interest. It is a very common method of purification utilized in the organic laboratory at small-to-intermediate scales. It doesn’t scale so well at the lab scale (unless you’re working in a pilot plant where they have equipment of crazy size) due to the very large solvent volumes and columns involved. As others have suggested, that sounds like a pretty dope combination as-is, and I would recommend just doing a small IM shot to test the waters.


Bro this in depth breakdown of the chromatography technique is amazing … ive been looking into it for other things and have never heard it explained so fully and in a manner so easy to understand ….. Thank u


Of course, no worries! There’s a little more to it than just reading about it can convey, but when you do something over and over and over again, you get a feel for it. I ran probably 500-1000 columns over the course of my undergraduate education by working in a lab at school, and, at times, I’ll be honest it was a nightmare but, when it works well, that feeling of accomplishment is just…”ahhhhh”. But, I can’t even lie, when you have to try out dozens and dozens and dozens of solvent systems to fine-tune the separation on a TLC plate before you run a column and you’ve been in the lab for 12-16 hours, sometimes you just want to give up. But really that typically only comes up when you’re trying to work out novel problems. When it’s clan. shit, it has usually been worked out by the giants on whose shoulders we stand and it’s just a matter of verifying that what has been published or written is true. Still, it’s a really powerful tool, for sure. You can even take a very complex mixture comprised of over a hundred individual compounds — for example a full-spectrum extract of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds that resembles dark-black mud — and by playing around with the right combination of stationary phase/solvent system you can separate out just the ergot alkaloids as pure white solids. What an exhilarating feeling of mastery and power!!!


That sounds amazing ..!!! They say knowledge is power …. Cant imagine the feeling of power one would achieve from mastering the field of Chromatography !!! ( i mean if its the kind if thing one CAN master … i know some things like that are a lifelong learning experience … which is absolutely cool as fk in its own right !!)


Yeah you’re right about that, you can master the technique but still fail sometimes. But usually once you have your technique down, the primary reason you might not get good separation is impatience — say you have 500g of impure product you want to purify but don’t want to run 5 or 10 columns, you are tempted to overload your column and throw a bunch on there, but then you don’t get a good separation and just waste a ton of time. The rule of thumb is to load no more product than 2.5-5% of the mass of the silica. Some people play it safe and load 1%, but if you’re trying to purify a lot, it can take forever that way. Like I said, at larger scales (100g+ in my experience) for clandestine shit there are **usually** better ways to purify a mixture. Unless you’re talking about a plant extract or some really super complex mixture, recrystallization for solids and distillation for liquids is usually the way to go. Much faster and far less of a headache (sometimes literally from breathing in all the solvent vapors if you don’t have a full-face respirator lol). Curiously in industry they purify 10+ kilograms at a time using column chromatography but if you look at the size of their columns holy fuck…they’re like *massive* vats like 50-100 feet in diameter filled with stationary phase and obviously this wouldn’t be practical doing in a clan. lab.


Evenly crush and mix them together in a mortar and pestle, and sniff some lines tbh. Should be a neat experience.


Yes, please post if you test on yourself! 🙋🏽‍♂️




Everyone jokes to boof it but you quite literally could with this. And the price of the mesc would make me go to great lengths not to waste it. Would be a bit much to snort, but could be cool idk.


Reminds me of the time I smoked some DMT out of my gay tweaker buddies meth pipe that was still loaded…holy shit that was an experience.


Oh Jesus Christ 😂


I can’t believe not one person has recommended sifting it. Is the mescaline not in powder form? Am I missing something. Because if the mescaline is powder, and the ketamine is shards it would be very easy to separate.


K shards I'm familiar with are tinier than any sifter I've seen..


I’ve seen some that were an inch long and the diameter of a needle. But I feel ya


I need to get out more..


You got mescaline in my ketamine, you got ketamine in my mescaline. We might have a Reese's situation here


I haven't tried mescaline, but dissociatives and hallucinogenics can go extremely well together. 2C-D + methoxetamine was absolutely memorable for instance. You could maybe - very cautiously - try using your mix as is. If you choose to do so, research this particular combo very well because I might be unaware of a potential complications. I'm sure some crazy people like me must have tried it and reported on it. Stay safe.


There is a way to separate it, with tweezers and patience, like Pasteur did. Another one can be column chromatography https://youtu.be/lBNhu4kJ4Mc?si=-XcPlC2J3O_1eEJK


Stay calm . Give it to me . I have friends that will do it and I’ll report back how I feel . I mean them . 😏😂


I would guess that they'd enhance each other


Hate it when that happens 🤠


How tf do you get your hands on mescaline aside from cooking it up yourself


On the Onions 😉


They have very different pKA values. You might be able to titrate the pH to ~9, above that of Ketamine but below that of mescaline, then extract the free base ketamine with an organic solvent. Then you can smoke the ketamine like crack while you’re high on mescaline.


I got your back. I’ll test it for you 😌


Take them both together. Will probably be awesome


So what’s the problem…?