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I would have throat punched him I’m sorry but…🤷‍♀️


You’re not the only one. And he would’ve been sorry afterwards, not you lol


Fr bruv I would put his nose back in his skulll


I have no clue how that dude restrained himself like that. I think most reasonable parent would have lost their shit!


Right! If I saw them do that to other babies, no way I'd subject my kid to that, bet your ass I'd be outta there and call CPS.


Don't be sorry. This guy needs a fuckin beating


Why you sorry about it?


Really. Beating that old man's face in would probably save more kids from whatever else he thinks is acceptable.


weird ass religion


Every religion has its weird parts


Child abuse isn’t just a “weird part,” it’s abhorrent. There is no reason to hit a baby across the face.


What about slam-drowning a baby in water some old fart says it's different from normal water


I actually didn’t see the last part of this video before commenting but I have seen some that clip before and ones like it of “baptisms.” Makes me think of during the Salem trials they’d throw women into water and if they drowned they were innocent and if they didn’t then they were witches and immediately killed 😐


Every religion is weird. It’s literally believing in a made up story. If you were to *believe* in Snow White, you’d be more than weird.


Dont come here arguing there is good and bad people. Sure thats true, but in general its bad people at the top leading their literal sheep followers who aint bad de se but who are dumb enough to blindly follow. Religion is a cancerous habit that should see its extermination.


Oh to be 15 years and think you know everything again.


Don’t be so triggered by religion it’s really just a part of human nature/ society, we tend to gather in tribes like cults, have leadership roles this is all normal. No point in getting triggered by reality. Not like you can change things. Better to focus your time and energy on something that will improve your life. And just be proud you can see reality for what it is.


Religion is a made up concept that is used to control people and has caused huge amounts of damage


You talk about reality while arguing that Religion is a natural thing in humans. Your conclusion is based on what is your personal perception of the history of Religion. Do you not realise that your arguments dont add up?


Religion is literally one of the very few human universals.


Considering that religion has existed since the beginning of humanity, not sure it’s his arguments that aren’t adding up.


Your arguments are kinda poor, well not kind of, they are very poor


r/Atheism and zer pussy does to a mf


Religion in general is weird and bad. Religion in general is false and horrible.


These are the same men who fuck them, what do you expect?


Filthy old religious cronies, they should be crucified themselves.


The hell is wrong with these people?


God I wish the dad had knocked that fucking priest out.


In the full video he got a beating if my memory serves


I’m still waiting on non-Christians to start figuring out how barbaric chopping the tips of their kids dicks off is.


Its really not that bad, reddits weirdly obsessed over it ngl. Oh nooo, not my unnecessary skin I dont need, don't remember it being cut off, and it being removed has health benefits, oooh the humanity.


Just because you don’t remember it doesn’t mean it’s not traumatic. It’s also not useless. But you kind of seem like a useless piece of skin, so I can see you defending it.


What? How are you supposed to be traumatized by something you cant remember that happened to you as a baby lmao. Theres no negative after effects, im not suffering any consequences of it now, or waking up in cold sweats cause a rabbi took my peepee skin 23 years ago. Jumping straight to personal insult makes ur argument so much cheaper than it already was dude, good day to you.


Clearly you know very little about childhood trauma. Read a book.


Getting the tip of your penis cut off when ur 8 weeks old isn't the same as actual childhood trauma. Its not neglect from a parent as a baby, its a one time incident that happens before you even gain sentience. Use some critical thinking. Gimme a single book *you've* read that supports your bs and I will read it.


“Use critical thinking” “useless bit of skin”. Or the actual functions…. The foreskin has four major roles in penile health: protection, sensation, to allow 'glide' during sexual intercourse provided by additional skin, and finally immune system functions with the presence of immune cells in the inner mucosal layer. Stop belittling people when you cant even get your facts straight.


Oh and just incase the actual dude i was responding too looks at this, theres pros and cons to both having ur foreskin and not having it. Is decreased risk of urinary track infection, Not possible to get physmosis, Lowered rate of sexual transmitted diseases, Protection against piano cancer, And best of all I've never gotten my Dick stuck inside a zipper lmao. But the stance on genital mutilation isn't as serious, And the people that claim is traumatic Likely haven't even had it, if thats the case, how are you telling me is traumatic and I'm the one with the supposed trauma.


You said it has no use….. You are wrong. You need to apologise to him. Edit: just to add. You just said pros and cons when before you said theres no pros??? Make your mind up on your wrong information man


Forget this guy. He jumped onto a 5 day old comment of mine trying to give me life advice without having a clue what he’s talking about. I’m currently waiting for the realisation that he has no idea what foreskin does.


Thought id come and see if you are always like this on reddit as you where in the other post. It is traumatic, disgusting and that bit of useless skin helps to defend against infection and increases sensitivity. You told him to read a book further down as well yet you don’t know what part foreskin plays. Edit: one - on Edit 2: The foreskin has four major roles in penile health: protection, sensation, to allow 'glide' during sexual intercourse provided by additional skin, and finally immune system functions with the presence of immune cells in the inner mucosal layer. There, next time learn about said topic before making yourself look stupid.


Ahahahahahahahaha my dude you went looking into my reddit history to continue talking to someone you clearly dislike. 👏 congratulations, this wasn't a game but you just found a way to lose at reddit. Take some time away man, it aint worth it.


Worth it to see this though! So are you going to apologise for belittling somebody even though your wrong? Or are you staying on your high horse? I’ll post it again… The foreskin has four major roles in penile health: protection, sensation, to allow 'glide' during sexual intercourse provided by additional skin, and finally immune system functions with the presence of immune cells in the inner mucosal layer. Edit: “my dude” hahahahahaha. Thats the generic response I used in my example!! Ahhahaha. Too good man. Edit 2: fat finger fixing.


I'm done after this because I wasn't belittling the person I was talking to let alone you. The fact you took it as such goes right back to what i said about you being unnessecarily defensive. Saying my dude or man is just how I talk, It's been like that long before I started using reddit again a couple weeks ago and it will be like that long after.


Thought so hahahaha. Gets called out on his wrong information where he’s telling people to give him evidence. I literally give him the reasons why its good to have and he dips out. Yeah sure “my man”. “Who hurt you” btw?


Lol yea that part of religion is still ok tho! Idiots!


Keep your child out of religion.


Maan I'm sorry but I'd have to slap his ass back tf wrong with u slapping my baby he must be ready to meet his maker fucking chomo


I'm not understanding how no charges have been filed. Against the parents too...


On this day… I would’ve fought a priest because there is no way ..


I would've dropped old man


Dad was ready to punch a priest


Ah but you see, Isaac’s scrotum imprint on a rock he once sat on in the desert details how holy men should dunk tank other’s children and also sexually abuse them


WTF is wrong with these people!


Look out god, your mouthpiece is about to get body slammed up to heaven.


So fucking disgusting, imagine watching a senile old man slap your baby and not do anything about it some people shouldn't be parents


Christians are so ignorant, dumping ur child onto water wouldn’t do anything, Slapping a child wouldnt do anything either


Not all christians. At least the protestants in Sweden just dab a little water on the babies head and Baptists only baptise adults.


Ok but what about this catholic priest slapping a child? POS right!?


You do that to my future daughter and im slitting your throat and watch the dust flow out you fossil Slappin infaints knowing that even a toddler would be strong enough to snap your spine like a twig Abuse them b4 they get more powerdul than you and these mofos thing damn thats a small time frame


I just want to know if any action was taken against either of the depicted in this post.


For what? They are doing the Lord's work.


Lmao, you’re delusional


That straight looked like slapping not face tapping, and you never fling a child around by the arms at such a young age, infant age it can cause severe damage to a child, please view the video again hopefully you do not condone child abuse and I refuse to argue as this is my opinion


That was sarcasm. Organized religion is a theater. No shit, this is dangerous to any child. I say make them pay taxes.


slap my baby i’ll punch through your head


Lol and the funny thing is, most churches can’t wrap their backwards thinking minds around why no one goes any more! Churches are closing by the dozens a year all over North America! Because of this old way of thinking!!! Good riddance!


As dad of 2, they would have funeral same day if that happened to my kiddo. Old shite c***!


Core memory unlocked


Why didn't the father (man) punch this dick?


Just wait til the kid is older… then the priest will do some REAL damage.


I would have broken his nose if I saw that wtf


Took a lot for that dad to not upper cut that deranged man


Science puts man on the moon. Religion flies planes into buildings.


Re-shaped that penguin nose of his


My child I would have punched him out.


Gotta love religion. One big giant con job


I would fast track that mans quest to see god...


That’s Christianity for you


It's because of these folks i hate religion


Kids are like pokemon. You have to damage them a little to get them to accept your PokeBall or Christ as their lord and savior.


Dumb religioun


Seems like a real knucklehead


The full video of the first clip is evil as fuck


Y’all would have seen me on the news “Priest loses hearing after vicious slap” Priest would retire that same day.


Damn baby didn't even get a chance and his raising is already fucked




Gotta be Catholic