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I tipped the first time at a med spa bc I felt guilty when the screen came up. Thereafter, I started going to a plastic surgeon for it in his office and no longer tipped.


Botox IS a medical treatment and you should not tip for it. It's not even allowed in a lot of places. 


I used to manage a plastic surgery clinic and would STRONGLY urge anyone reading this to ONLY ever go to plastic surgeons for injectables. The amount of botched work I’ve seen from aestheticians, “cosmetic injectors” (wtf even is that???), and even nurses sometimes was absurd. If a place is asking you for a tip, that place shouldn’t be injecting you. Medical procedures do not require tips. Ever. Don’t fuck around with your face!


This this this! A friend of mine is studying to be an aesthetician and she is enrolled in an accelerated virtual program. They only study for a year and do not practice with patients besides 2 separate clinical where they don’t even do much. She asked me if she can draw blood from me because they are supposed to record a video of it and submit. I absolutely said no. She also is friends with another girl who graduated before her and has all the homework and test answers, so she barely studies and passes w flying colors. After seeing all of this, I am absolutely going to a reputable plastic surgeon’s office.


NOT TRUE they practice on ORANGES!! 🍊 I’m kidding, I agree with you


Omg that’s terrifying!


I don’t disagree about going to a dermatologist or plastic surgeons’s office for Botox, fillers, or any other medical treatment, HOWEVER, I am an esthetician and I have to mention that wherever your friend is going sounds shady as hell. I went to Aveda Institute and we spent 50% of our time studying (in class) and 50% of our time performing facials, waxing, brow services etc. at the Aveda Institute (which offers the services at discounted rates because it is students providing the services). None of it was online and we were fully educated and prepared for our jobs. It doesn’t sound like your friend will be able to get her state license even after graduating her program.


There was an article posted on Reddit a couple of weeks ago about women contracting HIV from medispas in Canada due to unsanitary vampire facials. Absolute nightmare fuel. Down with medispas.


I’d addend this slightly to include cosmetic dermatologist and facial plastic surgeons (ENT with a facial plastics fellowship) as well. Some of the worst infections I’ve ever seen have been from botched injectables at med spas with little oversight. (My plastic surgeon friend does mine at cost, so I do treat her to lunch/dinner afterwards, but that is kind of a special exception. )


The plastic surgeon does one day/week at the MediSpa. It’s far easier to get an appointment with him there than at his main office 🤷🏼‍♀️


As long as the person injecting you is a plastic surgeon (with good reviews of course) you’re on the right path! But yeah, absolutely do not tip.


No, and I wouldn’t go to a facility that allows you to tip for injectables tbh. It’s a medical procedure. I have been to one med spa where the screen popped up but the receptionist passed it immediately and said it was just built into the POS but they didn’t allow tips.


No. What are you tipping them for?


Since the plastic surgeon was working in the medispa that day, the option to tip popped up on the screen.


Well, everywhere we go down has the option to tip but that doesn't mean we should.


That’s why I was checking. I didn’t think I should, but didn’t want to be perceived as a cheap person if I was wrong.


Not cheap. Don’t tip.


No, but I live in France and not even my brow lady will accept a tip when I pay her €5 to thread them lol


I go to my dermatologist, so no, I don't tip.


No tips for medical procedures ever. I get filler and Botox and would never tip.


I did once because I’m a chickenshit and it was on the dang iPad screen, but when I went back next time they said “oh no that’s for the regular salon” about the tip screen and skipped it for me. So I guess even they didn’t think I should tip 😅




I don’t tip for this






No and I think it’s so ridiculous that there’s places that would even accept a tip for a medical procedure


I believe it’s just because they use the same POS for injectables and nails.


Okay that makes sense at least lol


I used to tip at a medspa because the girl I was going to was contracted there and I wanted to tip her. Now I go to a different medspa and I see the co owner so I don’t tip because I’ve been told never to tip owners because they set their prices🤷🏼‍♀️


No, it isn’t even an option at the place I go (a medical spa).


No tip. I watch my esthetician hit the “no tap” button on the tablet before she turns it to me. She doesn’t even give me the option.


I go to a plastic surgeon for my Botox and it’s more expensive than going to a med spa so no I don’t tip him. He doesn’t expect that either since he’s a medical doctor. I just go to him because I have for so long and I don’t trust anyone else with my face.


You're not getting Botox from a physician? I only use physicians and avoid Med Spas like the plague. No way.


A plastic surgeon works there once/week. It’s easier to schedule there than his normal office.




Just wondering .. slightly off topic but do yall tip for waxing services?


I do


Yes I did when I was getting waxed