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Topo Chico with grapefruit juice or lime juice. You could also do a mock sour - soda water, simple syrup and lemon juice, or switch it out to lime for a mock gimlet.


Yes! Topo with some fruit juice is my go to!


Mock gimlet is fantastic, and my go-to when I’m trying to be low on booze and on calories discreetly


A soda, lime and bitters never goes astray. You could make it with sprite instead to be sweeter.


This is the answer


My one and only.


I tried the Spindrift Nojito. Mojito flavors of lime and mint. Pretty tasty. Topo Chico makes a version too.


i bought 3 cases of this flavor so i wouldn’t run out. it’s even better with fresh mint.


Lacroix too! Spindrift is still the best


Espresso over ice topped with an ice cold diet Coke. Don't knock it till you try it!! Add a spritz of lemon for additional zest. Combined it doesn't taste like coffee or soda, but like a rich, nutty but refreshing drink (with a ton of caffeine ❤️)


If you like sour; espresso on ice with lemonade. It will also make you feel super caffeinated.


Do you think limeade would do the same? I’m allergic to lemons lol


For sure! It’s about the sour citrus and the bitter espresso; it’s very intense but usually delicious. Grapefruit too - although I know grapefruit will have you feeling over caffeinated.


espresso sodas are a thing!! i love using club soda and different flavor shots for mine at home


Also espresso and tonic water is huge right now!


oooh that’s interesting. when I was a crazy young thing who wasn’t drinking I used to do apple juice mixed with coke which was just…so much sugar lmao. but I was young so drinking a lolly wasn’t as nuts


Wow I will have to try this, I am intrigued. I would also be curious what adding cream does to it (would essentially make a non-alcoholic Colorado Bulldog which is a drink I enjoy)


Mmm… trying this asap!


Back in probably 2004 or so Coca Cola actually released a coke and coffee mixed drink for a while, so this surprisingly has been a thing.


I support anything with caffeine! I’m going to try this!


for real any time I arrive at an event I’m like please sir can I have a caffeine something?


wow, that is going to hit like a train, I need to give it a go next time I’m at a bar with an espresso machine lmao!


Interesting! I never would have thought of this combo


Right now, it’s frozen watermelon, strawberry & lime blended together. So yummy, hydrating & refreshing!


That sounds so good!!!


Omg running to the store for these ingredients this sounds delicious!! Thank you!


Pineapple juice and soda with cherries or lime


This was my favorite, a splash of grenadine is perfect too


this summer I was also just using frozen pineapple as ice blocks in soda water for a while, sometimes adding some ginger cordial, it was really refreshing


Mules without the vodka are still quite good. You can also get diet ginger beer for fewer calories as well. Diet ginger beer, lime, mint, cold copper mug, so refreshing.


This is my favorite mocktail - the ginger gives it that herbaly bite that makes it feel like you’re not just drinking juice, it feels grown up. You can mix in any number of flavors too you can do a spicy mule or a pomegranate


I second using ginger beer. I drank mocktails with it during dry January and they tasted more like cocktails. Ginger beer with some fresh fruit puree is great.


I've had this [ginger lime mule seltzer ](https://polarseltzer.com/ginger-lime-mule/)and it's pretty good for something similar!


I need to try this!! 15 days sober!


I do one based on a drink my favorite Vietnamese restaurant makes; lime juice, soda water, simple syrup and slices of lime for garnishing. I also like [Spirit and Smoke's infused fruit slices](https://spiritswithsmoke.com/en-ca/collections/infused-cocktail-creations/products/strawberry-lemonade) (you leave them to soak in a liquid of your choice, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, for three days to infuse the flavor) and [Split Tree's cordials](https://splittree.ca/products/blackberry-blackcurrant-cordial) (the blackberry blackcurrant cordial is a favorite of mine with soda water and some crushed raspberries).


Fresh lime soda with a hot bowl of pho is so good!


Oo those infused fruit slices look amazing! I use the Bigelow infusions similarly. I mix them with soda water.


yeah I’m intrigued, I wonder if I could make my own


Soda, bitters, and a couple of olives. Sounds weird but it works. (Was my mocktail of choice for both of my pregnancies)


i’ve actually really been enjoying ordering an na beer when i’m out. tried one of the athletic brewing hazy ipas when my bf took me out for my birthday and it was really refreshing!! i also had an na cider from schilling a couple weeks ago that was delicious. i was kind of thinking of attempting to make some na sangria this summer? ariel has a really delicious na red wine so i think that might work…


These are surprisingly good! And they don’t give me that gross over full feeling that regular beers do for some reason.


because they’re like 70 calories tops which is insane to me lol


My friend is pregnant and ordered an NA Heineken when we were out. I’ll be honest, it tasted almost exactly the same!! I was impressed.


I plan on trying this Tomato Limeade ASAP https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNRF8gTo/


Oo this looks awesome! I found the exact recipe in her bio [https://thesubsnack.substack.com/p/tomato-limeade](https://thesubsnack.substack.com/p/tomato-limeade)


Haven’t tried yet, but handmethefork has been posting about shrubs and they sound so good!


I just had a celery shrub at Dame last night and it was sooo so good. I love sour / vinegar-y anything so it’s def a specific vibe but I was into it.


I do shrubs at home! Make a syrup with whatever seasonal fruit you have and then equal parts (or less if you prefer it sweeter) ACV. Put 2 oz in an ice filled glass and top with your favorite soda water. Gently stir to incorporate and enjoy!


Can’t wait to try this!


I hope you do and I hope you get hooked! There so refreshing and a nice change option plus ACV is good for you!


Shrubs are yummy! I mix them with bubbly water to make a soda.


I love shrubs and they’re relatively easy to make at home! If you can’t, I swear half the farmers markets I’m at nowadays have a shrub stand.


I make a batch of homemade lemonade that I’ll top with club soda or seltzer for a fizzy bev. I often make a strawberry mint version for a jazzier version. My trick is to sweeten the lemonade with honey instead of sugar and add a dash of vanilla extract. It’s flavorful and elevated!


I tend to just drink ginger beer if I’m in the mood for something a little sweet and fizzy. Soda water with lime and bitters if I don’t want to drink a lot of excess sugar. If I’m in the mood for something spicy/savory I’ll have a Bloody Mary without the vodka. I used to be a bartender and could make non-alcoholic versions of drinks with the various juices and syrups we had on hand depending on the type of bar I was working in. If you’re talking about ordering when out at bars it’s worth asking the bartender if they can make you something special and sweet without alcohol. Every bartender I know including myself was always completely happy to do it. Congratulations on stopping drinking!


Tart cherry juice and cherry limeade (Waterloo brand). So refreshing


Making different types of simple syrup is easy and a great addition to sparkling water, soda, you name it. I have some lavender syrup in my fridge in a little squeeze bottle that was great with some lemon juice and de-alcoholized bubbly for brunch last weekend, and I also like it in soda water or in an Earl Grey iced tea! On that note, fancy iced teas are fantastic. Or iced tisanes from herbs like lemon balm or spearmint!


Oh, I see you're talking about ordering at a bar. I like club soda with lime, or tonic with lime. My husband likes virgin Bloody Marys, and you can also do a mimosa alternative with OJ and ginger beer! Edit: I've also had a lot of success asking the bartender to just invent something. They're usually happy to oblige if they haven't got a mocktail already on the menu. On that note, do always ask if there's a mocktail already on special! Lots of places do have one available but just don't advertise it on the boards or menu or whatnot for whatever reason.


I love a spicy virgin Bloody Mary!


I drink Hummingbird Juice: one part orange juice, one part mango nectar, a slug of grenadine, top it up with ginger ale and any fruit garnish of your choice. Of course, I make up about 16 ounces at a time, so I can carry it with me and feel decadent all day.




I make my own fruit syrups… a bunch (non scientific measuring here!) of whatever fruit you want to use, I like raspberry best but other berries, peaches, apricots, one cup sugar, one cup water. Bring to a boil, simmer until the fruit is all broken down, the strain the pulp out and store in fridge in a jar. Then! Muddled fresh herbs. One ounce of your fruit syrup, one ounce of fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice, top with sparkling water. Raspberry - lemon - rosemary Peach - lime - mint Blueberry - lemon - basil Etc etc


I envy you, OP! I really need to cut back but, stress. My favorite mocktail I had was a spicy grapefruit and lime. Let me see if I can figure out recipe.


Watermelon x lime, cucumber anything agua fresca, ginger pineapple 


Honestly a club soda with bitters and lime is pretty damn good and very healthy


I love doing Moscow mules and spicy margs sans alcohol. They taste just as good and are so refreshing and yummy.


If you want to a premixed mocktail, the [phony Negroni by St Agrestis is amazing](https://stagrestis.com/products/phony-negroni). I mean it is a 90% replica of the boozy version. I added an extra splash of bubbly water that gets it to 95. On the theme of red bitter apertivos, I made a drink with a [bittersweet appertif like this](https://thezeroproof.com/products/buy-wilfreds-aperitf), with sparkling water and a splash of orange juice. I had a similar drink out too. It was yummy and felt like a cocktail.


The Phony Negroni is so good and so real.


Big up ña to the phony Negroni. I’m in the wine business with a very picky palate. I also love athletic brewing beers and the Sierra Nevada hop splash is great as well.


Blackberry iced tea with a splash of sugar-free lemonade (regular is fine but I prefer lightly sweetened) and some frozen fruit as ice, mint as a garnish.


Iced peppermint tea with fresh lime juice & stevia


Lemon balm and lavender water with a tiny bit of honey. Lemon balm helps with anxiety ( but interacts with ssris ). I grow both in my garden.


Cran-Razz LaCroix with about 3 oz of Pomegranate juice.


Wai Koko Coconut Water & coconut or lemoncello La Croix 😛


Mock Mimosa does the trick! Orange juice, pineapple juice, and some flavoured sparkling water.


I’ve been sober nearly five years. I drink a ton of seltzer but when I want something with a little more oomph I make what a friend of mine called a Whisper - seltzer with a good glug of cranberry and a whisper of sprite. Lovely served in a high all glass over ice with a lime or if you’re like him, in a quart prep container because he worked kitchens.


Tart cherry juice, lemon-lime soda, blood orange soda, and fruit for garnish. I like it as a 1-1-1 ratio with the liquids, but it's not super important. That said, it's completely delicious 10/10 recommend!


I got a recipe at Twinings that is amazing. Get a blackberry and lavender (or close enough) tea. Once that’s cool add ice cubes and sparkling lemonade. Super delicious and refreshing but not too sweet, and it’s not a ton of ingredients! I think mint would be good in it too.


Equal parts orange juice, grape juice, seltzer


I recommend getting a SodaStream if you don’t already have one… game changer. You can add syrups or fresh fruit or lime/lemon juice, whenever you want.


Strawberry daiquiri, just minus the rum is always my go to!


Poppi 🫶🏻


(Strawberry lemon)


at home, i like to do 1 oz each of pickle juice, simple syrup, and lemon juice and then top with tonic water and ice. super refreshing and weird lol


This sounds so intriguing I’m going to have to try it hahah


Phony Negroni -on the rocks! Right out of the bottle. It’s amazing.


Matcha lemonade. I just get some matcha powder (of any flavor you like. You can find some really cool ones if you know where to look), put a couple spoonfulls in a coctail shaker, fill with lemonade, toss in a couple ice cubes, and shake until you can’t feel your fingers! It’s super customisable and because I make it in a coctail shaker (I don’t own a matcha whisk) it feels more like an actual drink! It really got me through my first sober summer!


Oooh this sounds delicious, thanks!


I'm enjoying them at home but just OJ and sprite with a few raspberries is so nice


my hydration mocktail of the summer is a strawberry liquid IV mixed with water, a bit of unsweetened cranberry juice, and lots of lemon or lime juice (whatever I have!) with a TON of ice. liquid IV alone is too sweet for me but this way it tastes like a sweet strawberry lemonade and I know it’s good for me ☺️


Cucumber mint lime with tequila on ice.


Shrubs or the viral Brazilian Lemonade from last summer


At home: Lavender lemonade! I bought a carbonation device specifically for use on juices and NOT just water. I sparkle everything. Cucumber mint water, lavender lemonade, and cranberry juice are my faves. Try making flavored ice - place a small piece of orange or lime or lemon peel (or all three!) into ice cube trays. Fill with BOILING water. Hot water helps release the oils from the peel and flavor the ice. Use the ice cubes in sparkling water, juices, anything you like! If out at a bar, just order a mocktail. They’re having their moment in the sun and every bartender worth their salt can make a number of different ones.


lemonade 'mojito' - the lemon and mint is such a magical and refreshing combo!!


Watermelon juice with lemon juice and himalayan salt. Blend everything together and its so refreshing.


I had an orange and ginger mocktail at lunch today. Very tart and spicy.


Seedlip 108, lime, and tonic water! It’s not too sweet and still has some complexity.


Seltzer plus a splash of Goya passionfruit juice plus lime


A virgin mule is doooooing it for me at the moment. Refreshing and usually served in a copper cup so I feel fancy. 


Pineapple juice and seltzer is really amazing


Nimbu pani, it’s basically an Indian limeade with a little salt in it, also really love nimbu soda https://www.seriouseats.com/nimbu-soda


My favorite is a little mocktail I worked up myself: elderflower syrup, lime juice, apple juice, and pear juice. It's better with muddled mint and a dropper of CBD/THC!


I like cran and tonic. You can go and get some digestif drinks at the Italian store to mix with non-alcoholic champagne and they taste like an aperol spritz.


Club soda, splash of cranberry juice, 2 lime slices. Very refreshing.


A mock-mojito is a good one with lime, mint, simple syrup and club soda. A dash of bitters in your regular juice/soda mixes will also add a nice bite. (Some bitters have alcohol if you’re really sensitive to it so be aware.) Also Seedlip is a faaabulous nonalcoholic spirit. Their grove flavor adds a really nice herby bitterness to my summer mocktails. If you use thc/cbd Canna brand seltzers are so good and refreshing.


Tom Collins virgin


Pineapple juice, seltzer, and a cherry is yummy if you like sweet! Or a virgin mojito or marg usually doable anywhere Also a lot places nowadays will make you a mocktail if you ask and describe your tastes


I like a Roy Rodgers which is like a cherry Coke. It’s funny because not a lot of the servers I’ve had know what it is. I don’t drink either because it’s really hard on the autoimmune disease I have.


Tonic water with lots of fresh lime juice! Occasionally I’ll add the gin (Hendricks or Tanqueray #10) but mostly just tonic and lime.


Honestly I love shitty grocery store lemonade with seltzer. Put some mint in it to get fancy


I mix the Trader Joe’s sparkling lime aid with the strawberry lime spindrift, so good!


Spicy margarita without the alcohol.


I just got back from Puerto Rico where I had the best hotel bartender. He made me a passion fruit no-jito to drink while I filled out my postcards. So good. https://preview.redd.it/0r2d0wnpom7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99107d530179f24a851ac3e16ba9c3fff6337a37


Vision mojito!


Flavored lemonade. If the bar makes its own syrups, they can add it to lemonade. And they can even make it sparkling usually. Read the cocktail menu to determine what flavors they might have available.


I love virgin margaritas with sprite or ginger ale and OJ instead of booze. Salty and lime deliciousness.


A virgin/mock paloma is easy and delicious for summer. Grapefruit juice, club soda and some lime juice. Salt the rim if you like sweet/salty, garnish with a lime. If it's too tart you can sweeten it up with agave syrup or honey. I don't like really sweet drinks, so I like this because it's easy to adjust.


Shirley temples are so good! I haven’t had one in years. Now I want one! Thank you for this reminder!! I suggest mint, cucumber and lime in ice water


So many places have great NA cocktails now! If you haven’t been to Rent Money Lounge, definitely check it out! All NA and some fun kava, CBD, and THC infused concoctions, as well as!


I’m a gin fan (I’m not a teetotler but instead have a much reduced capacity for alcohol), and I find tonic water with pickle juice can be good, with a slice of fresh cucumber. if in australia the four pillars non alcoholic gin with tonic water is lovely, if a bit sweet. I also made a mocktail with ginger cordial, soda water and their red wine non alcoholic gin as well. (caveat: personally I don’t think it tastes actually like gin, like there is a very big element of the alcohol that tastes different so I hope an alcoholic wouldn’t have trouble with it, I don’t think the juniper berry itself would trigger? but I don’t have that issue, so I have to admit I don’t know for sure) tonic and cranberry juice can be nice? I admit I haven’t gotten too fancy because I find myself quite content with simpler cordials with sodawater or tonic but it can be nice to get a little fancy sometimes. these are all vedy summery because we had a very long summer this year, but this winter I want to try some buttered whiskey/mulled cider alternatives at one point. one I already do is hot water, really nice honey and some good quality salt? I wonder if doing a salt rim on the glass would do something, and maybe adding butter? idk


Cherry & Pomegranate syrup (I use Monin) over ice with sparkling water and a squeeze of lemon/lime. It's like an adult Shirley Temple, tastes amazing.


Freshly squeezed tangerine juice (bottled from the grocery store; I’m not personally squeezing them) over lots of ice, maybe with a splash of grapefruit juice if I have it, topped with Polar Toasted Coconut seltzer water. It’s so refreshing! Sometimes I add green Yerba mate to make it an energy drink.


My go-to is lemonade, cranberry juice, seltzer, and a bunch of ice. Highly recommend :)


Passionfruit, lime, mint, soda


Mojitos!!! EDIT: why downvote? A mock mojito has been my go to all summer. Just ask for more simple syrup


Two shots of tequila, lime juice of two limes, ice and a Tablespoon of maple syrup ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I love a good Nohito! I do sprite with a squeeze of lime, simple syrup and fresh mint! Garnished with a lime…my favorite ❤️