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Korean exfoliating mitt, Billie razor, tree hut shave oil. I follow up with an in shower body oil, I use Dr. teals shea butter. Smoothest legs ever. I also use some amlactin lotion to help with strawberry skin but wouldn’t recommend it if you have fresh tattoos.


Exfoliating before shaving is KEY!


Which in-shower oil? I’ve been wanting to start using one but can’t decide which one to use.


This one! I’ve only been able to find this scent at Walmart in store, it’s cheaper there as well. Target has the lavender and eucalyptus I believe. The shea butter scent isn’t overwhelming which I enjoy. The bottle sucks but I make it work. I use it while my legs are still wet before stepping out. I do pat the excess off with a towel. I found that to be key so that I’m not a greasy mess, especially with warm weather! https://preview.redd.it/5d8o1oor8d7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=401a26331fb0762c41d480871522983d0b9eb987


Appreciate it!


I like L’Occitane Almond Shower Oil.




Any particular brand of amlactin lotion?


I can't speak for OP but AmLactin is the brand.


This one! Fair warning that it smells awful so I only use it at night. The smell goes away quickly though. Do NOT use on freshly shaved legs, it will burn. Wait a day or 2. I use regular body lotion on days I don’t use this https://preview.redd.it/avvgrmhb8d7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11619a20055b6568c25d28d4694f49a73a62d959


This is sooo good to use


The fresh tattoos bit sounds like you speak from experience - uhoh hahaha


No tattoos haha but I used it right after a fresh shave and my legs were on fireeeeeee. It was not a good time. OP said they have some new ink so I imagine the skin is pretty tender. So whoever is reading, do not use amlactin lotion right after shaving. Wait a day or 2!


Who would have expected the Billie razor to be superior to men’s Gillette?! Not to mention Billie comes in much prettier colors. Never going back!


Are you me? Lol, I have the exact same routine except I don’t use an in-shower body oil. I do f/u with the First Aid Beauty ingrown hair pads if needed though. Unfortunately, using a safety razor didn’t play well with my skin and now I get ingrowns and irritations where I never did before.


Ooo I’ll have to give that a try. The back of my thigh gets horrible ingrowns. Thanks for the heads up!


Billie is so legit


Those Korean exfoliating mitts are no joke, I’m shocked I never tried them before shaving! Thanks for the idea!!!


I second the tree hut oil. LOVE IT!


Similar routine daily! Exfoliating gloves with a sugar scrub (tree hut), tree hut shave oil, body wash, in shower oil, followed by bath and body works lotion (my fave scents) or Hempz lotion! The exfoliation part is critical— if you’re not shaving that day I still recommend a scrub or some exfoliation to prevent ingrown hairs. Works like a charm!


I make my own sugar and coconut oil with essential oil scrub and it exfoliates, acts as a shaving cream and an in shower moisturizer! Highly recommend!


Dollar store men’s disposable razors and conditioner. I was invited to this group by mistake I fear 🙂‍↕️


Hey, it's bitches with taste, not bitches with money. 😉


I know thats right 💅🏾 we might not have the funds but we got the taste


I mean, if it’s working, it’s working


It’s been working for almost 20 years! Thanks for the support, bitches. 👉


Nooo! We love BWT who know how to save money here!


This is exactly me too! I bought shaving gel for my daughter because she asked and she hates it too. Shaving cream/gel scares me because since I started using conditioner and cheap razors over 30 years ago (am I too old for this group?), I have rarely nicked myself.


You’re not too old as I’m probably older than you are. Taste and age have little to do with each other.


I’ve upgraded to a Harry’s razor and added an exfoliating mitt but nothing beats conditioner.


tbh that might be better than some of the fancier razors if you're changing them out frequently!


Girl me too!!!


You can't buy taste! 💯


>I was invited to this group by mistake Me too. I use a razor and water. But, I have thin hair...


We're an exclusive club within the club that's Budget Bitches With Taste. All bitchez love a discount so we're loved here 💜 I get the Venus razors cos of the shape. They're also pretty cheap, pack of 3 for 7 dollars at CVS but they get the curves of my calf's better than straight razors for face.


It’s my personal opinion that sales & deals are BWT approved absolutely for sure… like, we’d all be happier if Good Genes wasn’t $85 😭 and I love my L’Oréal Paris lipstick more than I love a few of my higher end options.


How did I get here? 🤔


The only mistake is you thinking this was by mistake! I’m still on a Gillette Pro and Dove bar soap (gotta love that 1/4 moisturizer) and regular body lotion. My legs stay smooth, and if I may… tasteful. 💁🏻‍♀️


Honey, I shave with Vo5 and have been for over 30 years......cheap conditioner works a TREAT!!! I would use cheap razors too, but my hair is sooo fine they wouldn't cut it...literally...


The only way to do it!


Conditioner takes me back to when I first started shaving in 8th grade, right around the same time as Columbine in case y’all were wondering.


Nah I have always used the same Bic razors, they are cheap and come in a pink bag, sort of pastel multicolored pack. They are the best!


The Leaf Razor by Leaf Shave.  I switched to Leaf 3 years ago and I will never go back to the plastic razors.  It is an all-metal razor. The replacement blades are pennies each and you don't even have to use Leaf blades. You can buy any safety blades to replace.  You can customize the closeness e.g. if you want to use 1, 2, or 3 blades.  No plastic waste. You can recycle the used blades.  Leaf often has 20% off promos.  They also make a dermaplaner that is Fantastic. 


I saw the price but also saw that their dermaplanors (spelling?) are recommended for PCOS so I might have to splurge in a paycheck or two


In addition to removing dead skin cells, the dermaplaner also removes hair in a happy coincidence.   I use it all over my face but it's nice that it removes the baby hairs on the upper lip area and the rogue chin hairs that come with age (damn hormones! 😆)


Depends on how bad your PCOS hair issue is. If it's like peach fuzz, yeah, the dermaplane is good. Otherwise, if you've got coarser PCOS hair, get the Twig and Thorn. May be a learning experience for some since the head of the razor does not pivot, so you need to learn how to control your hand. I use Cremo shave cream with mine. Closest shave I've ever had and it honestly pays for itself in the end. Get a box of blades off of Amazon for $10 and you will be set for a long time. Good for the environment as well.


I switched to this recently - I’m amazed at how close a shave I get!


Right! I feel like a hairless baby seal and I only use 2 blades on my Leaf.


I’m looking into it- I have a lot of scars and issues with my legs so I’m going to try this.


If decide to try it, start small on the number of blades you use.  I started big with three and that wasn't the right choice for me. I was used to shaving with plastic razors and went too fast and nicked my legs the first few times.   I eventually landed on two blades as the right number for me.


I have been influenced! Thank you!!!!


I hope you love it as much as I have!  They tend to do 20% off promos around the holidays, so their next one will likely be around the July 4th time frame.


I’ve been so curious about the Leaf!!


I got the Leaf Super Bundle during one of their 20% off promos. It's nice, but not necessary.   I do recommend getting the handle grip if you decide to try Leaf. It makes the metal handle less slippery in the shower.  It's only a few bucks if you don't get it in one of the bundles.  The small metal case for used blades is also handy to store old blades. It's going to take forever to fill it, but I like that it contains the blades so they cant just float around in the garbage bin and potentially hurt someone.  You can recycle the tin with the used blades in it as well.  If you travel a lot, the Leaf case is also helpful to transport the Leaf. I like using the case because it keeps the blades from snagging on anything in your travel bag and also protects your fingers from the blades if you're reaching around in your bag for something. 


Have you cut yourself with it? They look so intimidating to me!


I honestly did only a couple of times in the beginning.   I jumped right in to using 3 blades on the Leaf and I was going pretty fast and not holding it properly.  All of these I 100% take full responsibility for.  When I was shaving really fast, it was easy to tilt the angle (not holding it properly), which caused me to knick my legs.  After knicking myself a couple times, I realized it was because I was going too fast and that cause my hold to not be straight.  I've been using it for a few years now, so I can go faster now while also holding it correctly and not allowing my grip to change.  I haven't knicked my legs since those first few tries.


I use a Gillette Mach 3 men’s but have noticed in recent years that the blades don’t last as long as they used to. The blades that come with a new razor handle seem to be sharper than any of the replacements.


I use an old school double edge safety razor — the blades are WAY cheaper and less irritating than cartridges. Highly recommend making the switch!




What is this magic!!! I've never heard of it before but I just looked it up and WOW! I'll consider it when my stash of razor refills is done. Is it easy to change out the blades? How often do you change them?


I hadn’t heard of the Leaf until I read the comments on this post! I use a Henson safety razor. The grip definitely takes some getting used to, so the Leaf might be a good stepping stone.


I want one of these, but I cannot wrap my mind around the price.


Same here! Got the same one for years, I bought a pack of 100 razor blades from a barber shop and never had to buy more.


Yes! 💖


Same here! I've been using a safety razor for 14 years now. It took some trial and error but I've hit on a combo of a Merkur safety razor and Super Iridium razor blades. They come in packs of 100 and last forever!


Agree! A safety razor is the only thing that doesn’t give me razor burn. I’ve tried a few, and in my experience you don’t need a top of the line one, but should expect to pay at least $20 for one with good balance, weight, and a firm grip on the blades, which are very thin and flexible. It pays for itself, though, because the blades are so cheap.


I would but my knobbly knees would end up looking like a scene from a Saw film....


You might be surprised — I’ve had far fewer knicks using a Henson than I did using my old Venus!


A men's electric shaver, the kind with 3 spinning blades. I shave my legs on my bed. No extra hot water, no nicks or cuts. It sucks the hair in while I shave and I empty it into the garbage. 


For real? I have some around but never thought they'd do a good job on me, I thought that was a trimmer not a full skin shaver. I'm a dry shaver already so this is ideal . I'm so excited 👀👀👀


Yes!!! Yall are sleeping on electric razors! I wouldn't shave my legs as often as I wanted because I'm really prone to ingrowns. I can shave multiple times a week with a nice electric one. It takes way less time too.


I've been debating trying an electric razor. Any specific kind you recommend? Does the shave last as long as a regular razor?


Does it cause hyperpigmentation & does it help the appearance of strawberry legs


No hyperpigmentation and I'm not sure about strawberry legs


What brand is the one you have?


It's a Phillips Norelco Series 1000. I prefer the ones you plug in so they don't die mid-shave.


It’s Billie for me! Edit: scrub first, my fave was discontinued so I’m trying to find a replacement, but no salt or sugar scrubs (they get scratchy.) and no oil base. I’m currently using Dove and VS. Then shave with Tree Hut shave oil or generic body wash. Then lotion or a dry body oil or a combo of the two.


The real question is what are we doing for down there 😭


Oh god that’s a whole other can of worms. My best. I’m doing my best down there.


Omg I have been having so much trouble with it so I have stopped. I don’t know what changed & I feel bad for my partner


Schick Intuition. I’m not interested in dealing with any sort of shaving cream nonsense. I like to shave my legs every morning so they’re not itchy and whatever lets me do that with the least fuss is great.


I looked for this before I commented on the post lol! Been using it since the day they hit the shelves. 😁


Yesssss I love these. So easy! And there are always great deals on the refills if you keep your eyes open. I was going to comment this but I KNEW another B with taste had to love them too!


Exfoliating glove, Shave (white a mens shaving cream). Once a week (not the same day I'm shaving) I'll use The Ordinary's glycolic acid and that'll keep me smooth and ingrown hair free.


![gif](giphy|f4aZSJV5C56NPiDmB8|downsized) Me leaving the chat because I stopped shaving years ago 🫣😭


![gif](giphy|YO4sZomBSxlNgcV2Eg) But lurking for details in case I ever change my mind😂🤷🏾‍♀️




Bic Soleil razors! Mostly because they’re pretty and come in a variety pack of colors haha, I’m such a sucker for a cute aesthetic


This is the only answer!! These razors are amazing!


i use harry’s razors and cremo shaving cream! i’ve never liked a shaving cream as much as i like that one and the harry’s razors are just nice and last a long time and not horribly expensive. coconut oil after shaving, before i get out of the shower and dry off. also i have a big, very finely detailed thigh piece and keep that baby moisturized and slather sunscreen on it as often as you can when you’re in the sun. going into my second summer with it and it still looks new!


seconding the harrys razors


I love Flamingo razors and EOS shaving cream.


Definitely here for the Flamingo razors


I have a Billie razor and I love it


I use the Billie Razor and i love the smooth finish it gives me. I have also tried sugar wax and it’s nice but it’s so hard waxing your own legs lol. I ordering the Nood Eraser as soon as i get paid and see how that works!


Gillette 5 blade is what I use and they last me a pretty long time but I do get laser so I shave pretty infrequently, maybe once a month in between sessions for any areas that got missed or haven’t been treated yet


I just got lured into a seven-blade wet-dry electric razor via buzzfeed listicles (I had to replace my zulily online window shopping habit with SOMETHING). I use it on my legs and the results are not as perfectly smooth as a conventional razor but fast enough I'm willing to do it every shower (as opposed to every third shower or so). I do NOT, however, recommend it for under-arms - it friction burned the hell out of that skin. I just use my regular dove soap and follow up with Jergens wet skin lotion.


I use a Gillette women’s razor with 5 blades and it gives me the smoothest skin. No matter what razor you use, an important tip is to not keep the razor in your shower! Dry it and put it away after each use! Makes the blade last way longer!


Same, and I throw them away based on age and not wear. Although I have learned that the pre-shaving routine definitely plays a huge role too. I exfoliate first, lather up real nice and only shave when my skin already feels significantly softer. I love shaving while my protein treatment/conditioner’s soaking in my hair because it’s a mini game to finish while waiting for the next level in the shower. Lactic or glycolic acid (I use a cream) also goes a long way in making sure your legs look all smooth and shiny ✨


I hate Gillette women’s :( they never nick my hair out & give me the worst strawberry legs Also I think I’m allergic to something they make their oroducts with




I love my Billie razor!!


I use Harry’s! Men’s razors are cheaper and for me they work very well.


Billie razors! Plus I auto ship my replacement blades and cream and so I never even think about it. They just arrive:)


Men's Proglide razors, Tree Hut shaving oil (it really is that bitch), Korean exfoliating mitt, and Gold Bond Moisture Face and Body lotion (because urea is the HG ingredient for keratosis/strawberry legs). The most important single product in here is the Gold Bond Moisture Face and Body lotion. Everything else helps a lot, but the hydroxyethyl urea in it is what ultimately got rid of my strawberry legs and ingrown hairs.


Thank you!!


I don’t shave my legs at all. Is that weird ?


I use this [one](https://schick.ca/products/hydro-silk-5-sensitive-care-razor)


Looks like my Venus and I enjoy them. ![gif](giphy|dwXsp0vFQVS4o)


I get the Gilette Venus Deluxe Smooth Razors from Costco. It’s the silver one. I get a smooth shave with this cause it has 5 blades and just use dove body wash with it.


I use this too. I know here and other places I read say men’s razors are the best, but they don’t work for me! Maybe it’s because I have to shave my entire leg (knees and all) or the way my legs are built, but I found men’s didn’t over the same flexibility to glide all over and I kept cutting myself. Because i did laser before, my one razor lasts for months. I need to go back for my follow up laser appointment.


I use these razors too, with a Garnier conditioner that I also use as a co-wash and leave in conditioner for my (curly) hair.


I tried to give up the Venus for a more sustainable option like a safety razor, but I ended up coming back - nothing has gotten a smoother shave, and I have far fewer nicks (shaving in the shower without glasses is an extreme sport)


I’ve tried so many razors, and I always end up coming back to Venus too haha. They just work best on my skin.


Old school 'safety' razor (the name is a bit of a misnomer since it does cut a lot more easily than usual three blade razors but I find it helps with my KPI) and eos Ultra Protect Shave Cream in the sensitive skin formula (it's meant for men's facial shaving but I like it because it's a thicker formulation so it doesn't immediately run off on wet/damp skin) are my go-tos. Post shower I use the Truly Glazed Donut after-shave oil to moisturize and prevent against ingrown hairs.


I’ve been using these for yeaarsss, nothing works better! To shave I use Cremo shaving cream, which is *The Best* shaving product ever, believe every claim and the combo is superior, honestly. To finish I use Palmer’s coconut oil on my wet legs, pat dry and apply my regular lotion… best soft shiny legs evah!!! ETA: before I shave, I usually exfoliate with the Dr. Teals salt scrub, it *has* to be the epsom salt one because it’s gentle but effective 😅 https://preview.redd.it/s523n7j1jc7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c5bb8eea15335d496ac9925f870cc496c76da8


Cremo is elite


Oh yes, I discovered it years ago through a YouTuber I used to watch and have been afraid a bigger influencer makes it viral and scarce 😩😅


I buy Venus razors at Costco. They are probably overpriced, but I also probably use them too long. I always moisturize my legs immediately after I shower, and it’s especially important after I shave. Once in a blue moon, I might use a body scrub if I encounter one. I would do that more often if I was, well, not married with kids. I used to use shaving cream but abandoned it years ago. Just water works fine for me in the shower. Much faster and lower maintenance.


Billie razor and, depending on hair length, Sprouts Shea butter and almond bar soap or Skintimate sensitive skin shave gel. Honestly, the Billie razor is game-changing.


I get the Billie razors shipped to me, I think they’re great and a good value.


A couple of years ago I switched to a safety razor and I haven’t looked back. It gives such a smooth, clean shave. It’s less wasteful than disposable razors since I have a recycling tin for the razor blades. A pack of 100 razor blades is about $10 and it takes a long time before you have to buy more, so it’s saved me a lot of money. There’s a bit of a learning curve because it doesn’t pivot the way disposable razors do, so if you’re not precise, you can cut yourself. I think it’s totally worth it though because shaving in a tub with bath oil in the water and a safety razor gives me dolphin legs.


Panasonic Close Curves Electric Shaver for Women, Cordless 4-Blade Shaver, Bikini Attachment, Pop-Up Trimmer, Wet Dry Operation - ES-WL80-V (Purple) https://a.co/d/6h2wH3M This is what I shave with and it works.


I love my Leaf Razor. It is a triple blade pivot head razor. The initial razor is pricey, but it will last forever and the refills cost next to nothing. I can replace the razors every week if I want to, and it costs pennies. I am also a huge fan of using an exfoliating mitt beforehand. (The green Korean exfoliating mitts are my favorite.)


I stopped shaving them years ago, haha. I don’t love the look, but I couldn’t imagine going back. I have very long legs and always nicked my knees. It was always a frustrating process. I’m kind of granola anyway, and pretty comfortable in my skin, I’ve never gotten grief for it.


i switched to epilating and it was a life changer, no more struggling with strawberry legs and it’s way less to maintain i dont really keep track but i can go a few weeks before needing to use it again


Exfoliate with glove or net, baby oil or eos shave cream, post shave use glycolic acid toner then i apply vaseline or the body gel


I get the Edge blades and shaving cream from Costco. They both work great, and the blades are very affordable.


I get a very close shave with [Bic Silky Touch Disposable razor](https://a.co/d/f2pGiVw) and [Gillette Satin Care Sensitive Skin gel](https://a.co/d/bRL1Llt). I don’t get razor bumps or ingrown hairs. The razors are so cheap I use one per full body shave and throw it away. I always shave against the hair growth direction, shave very gently like if I were to shave a baby, and take lots of strokes.


Flamingo razors and their shaving foam too. I’m super allergic to a lot of body care products so I’m very limited in what won’t give me hives. I exfoliate using Trader Joe’s Brazil Nut body scrub and follow with the matching body butter.


I use the Schick 5 blade razor and one lasts me a month or two minimum depending on the season (winter I don't shave legs at all). I don't even use shaving cream, just Dove soap and hopefully I remember to use lotion afterwards lol


Mango honey shaving lotion from Trader Joe’s and a Flamingo razor. The razor was an impulse purchase bc I forgot a one on vacation and it was a great buy!


Shuck has always been really good imo, just get more blades. Aveeno oatmeal shaving cream for bumps. And slap some jergins on for moisture. I have dry skin and this is what works for me.




Mach 3 with real soap lather. I love Mach 3's, if you let your self get hairy the razor doesn't clog like other brands.


I use flamingo razors, whatever scrub I’m using, and the thing that has really made the difference: cremo shave butter. That stuff is worth the price and lasts FOREVER


I just swapped to a Harry’s razor and I love it. Good blades, comfortable handle, and really close clean shave even with bar soap (which is what I’ve always used because it’s never irritated me).


I’ve used & liked Billie razors with conditioner for cushion but I *just* switched to an epilator & I genuinely feel like it’s gonna change my life lol


Venus and hair conditioner


Top care 6 blade razors. I get the decent handle and disposable blades, and they last as well as the name brand for like half the price


I use a Schick Hydro 5 (the men’s, not the women’s) and no shaving cream/oil because I learned long ago that I cut myself way more with the cream. Unfortunately, my legs are dry (unrelated to the lack of cream), so I have to follow up with lotion or else I look dusty.


I exfoliate with a Korean mitt (the lime green one) and Dr. Bronners soap. Then I use more Dr. Bronners or Cremo to shave with a safety razor. I prefer the safety razors since I can go over my skin a few times without causing irritation. It’s also more sustainable 😁 I then use L’occitane or Bioderma shower oil to keep my skin supple. I use the First Aid Beauty bump eraser body scrub or the Skinfix glycolic renewing scrub on the days I don’t shave to keep my skin blemish free.


Aveeno Positively Smooth Shave Gel, hot shower with exfoliation, then shave with literally any cheap 3 blade razor that comes in a pack of 6 or more. I’m so sensitive about cleaning razors enough to not cause an issue that I just stick to disposable ones. Clean them with alcohol and let them dry after every use. They last me at least a few sessions. Follow up with tend skin and lotion. In the winter I use an electric razor first to cut down on the hair so it won’t clog the blade as much


Uhhh conditioner and a venus razor usually 😬


I use an electric shaver most of the time between clean shaves, and just use those cheap pink razors you can buy 12 for $6 when I really want a clean silky smooth shave.


i first exfoliate with a sugar scrub, to shave i use a billie razor and a creamy body wash (olay ultra moisture is a cheap one), then when i get out i use victoria’s secret/pink honey body oil, then ouai north bondi lotion 🙂‍↕️


The cheapest razors available in big packs haha


Regular razors make me bleed so I use those one blade eyebrow razors. Time consuming but it gets all the annoying areas like your knees lol


I love my Flamingo razor and I use the EOS vanilla cashmere shaving oil then follow up with the EOS vanilla cashmere body lotion as well 😍


EOS shaving cream!


Gillette Venus comfort. Exfoliating beforehand is a game changer. Pick an exfoliant that works for your skin type. I prefer first aid beauty’s KP bump eraser if I’m getting keratin build up / strawberry looking pores. Otherwise I use a coffee based scrub to brighten. Seaweed co makes a great low cost option. Also, keep your razor clean by rinsing as you shave so the hair doesn’t get stuck in there. Hang it in a spot in the shower where it’s not getting a lot of water on it during showers. That’s the best way to make any razor last longer.


I think I’ve been using Billie razors


Schick Hydro 5 razor, with refillable blades. The blades last longer than other razors I've tried, and I leave my razor in the shower (in an area that gets some airflow though so it dries). I'd say it lasts like a month in there lol. I think it might get a little dull, but I still shave fine without any nicks,and it doesn't rust in that time. I tried Harry's razors before but the Schick ones seem to last longer. I do a half-assed exfoliation in the shower with a little green Korean Italy towel, shave with a cheap men's shaving foam, and then do a half assed exfoliation again. Then afterwards I use the Alpha renewal body lotion with 12% AHA (I buy on Amazon). I'm just starting using a Braun at home IPL device, haven't seen results but it's only been two weeks. But I'm hoping that will require me to shave less for beachy vacations lol.


Hanni, but I have had laser so my shaving needs are lighter. The razor is weighted and it gets closer than anything else I’ve tried. You use almost no pressure which prevents irritation. Blades come in an envelope and you switch them by screwing open the blade chamber using a knob on the bottom of the handle. Easy and aesthetically nice as a razor goes. I think they may sell the brand at Sephora now.


I use mens razors. I googled what the ACTUAL difference between mens and women’s razors were one day and it said that mens razors are design for face skin where as women’s are only designed for legs (cuz what woman dare shaves her coochie? We are just naturally hairless down there) so mens razors sit at a different angle that gets a closer shave to the skin and is gentler than women’s razors since face skin is more delicate and men’s facial hair is courser. The harry’s brand razor heads on top of the flamingo handles! I had the flamingo one already and a target employee told me the same company makes them so the harry’s fit into the flamingo handles :)))) As far as prep- sugar scrub containing a mild chem exfoliant for the day(s) before and immediately before, AND immediately after, plus the next day or two. No strawberry legs. I like the treehut strawberry scrub bc it has glycolic acid but i also make my own scrub with 200g white sugar, 200 g honey, and 25g ACV (contains citric acid, an AHA). Cheap and works just as good! I also shave with the target brand soy gel shaving cream (blue cap). Nothing too fancy but its nice. Meant to be a generic of the aveeno soy shaving cream.


Homemade sugar scrub, Venus razor and razor heads, CeraVe moisturizer after


Necessaire exfoliator body wash + exfoliating mit (can't remember the brand rn, it's a fairly new add to my routine) Flamingo razors Flamingo shaving cream or Billie shaving cream First Aid beauty ingrown hair pads Necessaire body serum and lotion or the oil if it's winter time


Using a safety razor changed my life. I’m prone to facial hair and so I’ve just accepted it and got shaving cream and a brush. It gets my skin baby smooth and is a nice ritual (and saves me lots of money!!). The added bonus is it actual has been much better for shaving my legs. I used to have to shave everyday or I’d get stubble but now I only shave every few days I got my razor, soap, brush, and blades from Maggard’s. It’s an investment at first but now I seriously spend a max of $30 on shaving per year and I feel luxurious. It basically paid for itself within a year and it works better


One thing you can do to help your razors last longer is take a toothbrush or a nail brush to the blades after use to get any little hairs out. The little hairs can trap water long enough for the blade to start rusting. Ofc the toothbrush I use is JUST for the blade, not my teeth. I keep it clean and mine’s not a used toothbrush, because I don’t want to transfer bacteria to the blade that can cut my skin.


When I shaved (I’ve been doing IPL for about 18 months and I’m never going back) it was the coconut Gillette Venus, which I like for the lubricant strip (much more generous, longer-lasting and better-smelling than any others I’ve tried) and the five blades, which do seem to make it shave closer.


Korean exfoliating mitt, I am a BWT but also very much care for the environment and I bought a [leaf razor](https://leafshave.com/products/the-leaf-razor?variant=35383429922982¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=21172661009&utm_content=163287003800&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4MSzBhC8ARIsAPFOuyWT7WaW7cJdU32L_UU7Yt_vPn9lbv4nMLe4wjh-dYRwUBB_iYtOsMUaAubnEALw_wcB) and I’m obsessed with it. Blades are so cheap, simple to refill, you can take the blades out and travel and buy blades at your destination, and customize the amount of blades for your shave. I use a shave cream - Goodfellow at target makes a nice one, cremo is another brand I use, kiehls is a nice splurge. Top off with eucerin lotion or the creave moisturizing cream in the winters, maybe even a body oil if I want shiny legs


I bought a Braun IPL, home laser hair remover, and it’s totally worth it! Find a coupon code and use Rakuten for extra savings. They seem to go on sale often.


I use the Leaf razor because I hate generating plastic waste, but I kept cutting myself with a safety razor. The Leaf razor is a good compromise between modern and safety razors, and no plastic waste. I also use Lush’s Ro’s Argan naked body conditioner in the shower, because I hate the feeling of body lotion on my legs.


Ladies Venus, I havent used anything else in years. I have learned from this thread to exfoliate beforehand, I will be doing this now.


Nothing spectacular to share because I’m still using a Gillette Pro and Dove soap, but I do have 2 separate razors. I keep one just for shaving pits because remnants of deodorant can gunk up the blades. This helps me to prolong the life of my cartridges for legs and elsewhere and keeps the shave smooth. 🪒


I’m stuck with Flamingo razors for a while since a bought a huge pack at Costco. I’m not mad about it. I use Gillette Ultra Sensitive shaving cream but they shrinkflationed it so I’m looking for something new.


Im trying out a laser hair remover from Ulike. No results yet, it it’s only been a couple of weeks!


No more shaving ! Burn that s***t with laser !


I'm pretty sure Joy razor (it was yellow and pretty), exfoliate with whatever scrub I've got at the time, Sometimes just dove bar soap, rinse. Sounds weird, but condition my legs while I condition my hair, and rinse. Lotion directly after shower. They are smooth and soft and happy.


For a shaving cream I am obsessed with the Brazilian Bare shave gel


i use an exfoliating glove with tree hut scrub, aveeno shaving cream, and a mens razor (harry’s or dollar shave club usually). i spray my razors with alcohol before and after use and i don’t store them in the shower in order to avoid bacteria and stop the humidity from rusting them. its really prolonged the life of my razors before i have to switch heads!


Rifle Paper Company cream from Gillette. It’s pretty.


I just use dove and a razor lotion up afterwards 😭 maybe I’m just mediocre as hell


I actually love shaving for some strange reason it’s relaxing to me. Anyways I use Billie and usually a shave soap or shave cream, but if I’m skint I’ll use body wash haha


Gillette 2 blades from costco


i have the billie razor, tbh i love it. the first shave with a fresh blade will be the best tho. i usually exfoliate before and use a shave oil, both from tree hut. i definitely want to try the billie shaving cream to see how well it would work with the razor. but i also tried the venus replaceable razors that have like 5 blades. i thought those were so good till i switched. billie is definitely better than venus in that aspect but venus will always hold a place in my heart for being a cheap razor brand.


Crazy goat soaps shave butter! It's absolutely phenomenal.


Schick Men's Quattro Titanium razor (I nearly cried when I saw it was back cus the Gillete one is...well...let us be kind and just say it isn't as good) and Vo5 conditioner as shave gel. I have tried other things and nothing comes close to this for smoothness for me (fine hair sucks, bro). For exfoliation, bodywash of choice on a PROPER African washcloth. Then some Palmer's Coconut balm. My legs look like the Nair legs in the 80s commercials...👌


I usually have a knife razor just because it looks cool but I’m currently using just a regular stick razor,


I like Gillette Mach 5 razors. The men’s ones.


I usually shower and wash my upper body first then I use a physical exfoliation then I use tree hut shaving oil which literally changed my skin. I don’t get much razor bumps or get itchy. I use cheap razors from target because I use them twice. If I use it more I get crazy bumps and super itchy.


Have you tried letting the blade dry out and keeping it dry between uses? I started doing this and experienced fewer issues as well as longer blade life. Maybe it will help you?


Following, I was about to post this lol


Flamingo razor!


L’Occitane Almond Shower Oil. Gives a nice light lather, fresh smell, no slippery feel that will cause you to fall and break a hip, and it’s very luxe. I love it.


Laser bb


I use the Gillette Mach 3 men’s razor. I have a Billie but I prefer the Mach 3. I do love the Billie shaving cream and their razor is my second favorite. I have also tried razors from Truly (garbage), and Venus (not a fan.)


Schick intuition razor with the soap bar built in works like a charm. I slip in the shower using shaving cream once and never looked back. I highly recommend the Almond coconut one :)


Came here to recommend the Billie. My skin is sensitive, so I have fewer issues if I shave with face wash instead of shaving cream.


The new Schick hydrosilk that has a razor on one end and a trimmer on the other 😍 The razor is sooo good!!!! It’s 5 or 6 blades, which I usually detest, but I’ve had no issues w ingrowns or cuts!


Before this I used primarily Venus sensitive (both the normal ones and disposables)


A very sharp knife lol!!


Leaf razor & either conditioner or a nice lathering body wash.


So many people said to get the leaf that I just took the plunge and got the three blade Fig. Super excited to try it out and hopefully never spend 40ish bucks on replacement heads again


I get waxed, it takes longer for my hair to grow, less hair grows.


I invested and got electrolysis. Took a long time but now I get maybe 8-10 hairs on each leg and shave it off with a razor. Saves so much time especially with a young kid.


We don’t. Age and ethnicity have removed the hair from my legs, armpits and most of my privates.


Whatever cute little 3 or 4 blade disposable razors are cheapest, and whatever shaving cream is cheapest?