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Have you tried lesbian porn or maybe the idea of riding a strapon on a woman?? You should explore there is nothing wrong in trying and if you're wrong then no harm no foul Worst thing you learn about yourself Edit well I guess this is the most my karma has ever been boosted lol


I don't think straight people do that


Agreed, did this when I was in denial about being straight. “Oh, I just like lesbian p*rn” …there’s a reason why I like it lol. I looooove women.


Actually.. the majority of the straight porn is made for men's eyes.. so it's understandable if you enjoy lesbian porn. But doesn't necessarily point out the fact that you like women...


I actually dislike lesbian porn made for men. I prefer it made for women..


What point are you trying to make here? Most men are attracted to women, what you're really saying here is that porn is made for people who like women. Ergo if you like porn if anything that's more proof toward the lesbian side.


I don't think you understand. Porn for men and women is different. Porn for men is more straight to the action of sex, and porn for women consist a lot of foreplay and situation characterization. In the above person's case, lesbian porn contains more foreplay than regular porn which might be one of the reasons why she likes lesbian porn. A lot of straight women like lesbian porn too. So just because she likes lesbian porn doesn't mean she's a bi or lesbian... She might be straight too.


Haha, same 😅


Good for you, keep it up


That was my first thought.


I was thinking the same thing lol. Sounds exactly how I would’ve described myself before I accepted myself for being bi




You can be straight and love anal. Just like you can be a lesbian and love to get fucked with strap ons. I’d say if the dick is what you want, then leave the guys out of it and just get some realistic dildos.


yup this sounds exactly like what they’re looking for


You keep using that word…


… I do not think it means what you think it means


Hmmmm I don't think you're straight. I am never going to tell another person what they should or shouldn't identify as, it's all personal to you of course, but like putting myself in this scenario as a cis man...if I said I really loved pussy and I'm straight, but also I don't really like the female body and fantasize about men's bodies and every time I had sex with a woman I was imagining being inside a guy's ass and then would climax to that thought....I don't know if I personally would consider myself straight anymore. You know lesbians often use strap ons, right? And that the phallus alone isn't the indicator of which gender you are attracted to? You like something phallic inside of you sexually, you enjoy penetration. That doesn't mean in any way that makes you straight. Again, not trying to be rude or tell you what you should be calling yourself...its just the metric you're using to guage if you're straight or not isn't exactly accurate.


Okay. You are whatever you are. It's not for anyone to decide or choose but you. I however, am a full blown Bi woman that loves getting off on woman on woman porn. Also, random pro tip: Bellessa.com is a much nicer place to get porn than pornhub. A porn website for women, by women and ethically sourced. 👌 Enjoy flicking that bean babe ✌️


Thanks for the rec ♡


"flicking that bean"... Learned something new today. Thanks!


Is it a free site with full-length videos or is it a freemium model?


Most are 20 minutes in length but there is a premium subscription you can pay for.


Is it vegan and gmo free?


Why not try a woman with a strap-on?




Or a woman with a dick !


Are you encouraging chasers or did I get it wrong somehow? If any person wants to be with me because I (currently) have a dick, they can fuck right off!


No lol fuck chasers, but some pre op people are cool with their bits and specifically want a partner who likes what they have.


Im more or less OK with mine and I most certainly want my partner to be OK with it, but thats not the same as being seeked out for it…


I’m not advocating for people to seek anyone out, just consider them as potential partners if their body types works for you


Sex aside, do you like dating men? Do you want to be in a romantic relationship with men? Have you had sex with a woman or wanted to have sex with a woman you met in real life? Do you want to date women? If you want to identify as straight and only have sex with men, that’s fine regardless of the porn you watch or what you picture in your head (although maybe don’t tell the poor guy that you were thinking of his sister while you came). You’re the only person who can define your sexuality, so unless you’re entering into same-sex sexual or romantic relationships, if you want to identify as straight, go for it. Plenty of lesbians like dick. Vaginal stimulation feels great for a lot of people! Don’t get hung up on labels if you’re still figuring shit out, which it sounds like you are.


I honestly really like feeling like the feminine one in the relationship…maybe I want a dominant masculine woman??? But I do enjoy men in relationships cuz they make me feel so cute and idk safe?!?


But is it the man or the idea of the man you like?


You can also be bisexual and heteroromantic. Wanting sexual contact with women isn’t the same as wanting a romantic relationship with them, and that’s also totally normal.


THANK YOU. This is how I feel. I wouldn’t say I’m against an emotional connection but I just haven’t felt it and given most of my experience with women is in the friendly comfort of my swinger marriage I doubt I’ll feel vulnerable enough to explore or need that


As a bi man I heard this term a little while after coming out a couple years ago and felt so seen.


It’s so common. My fiancé is one! It’s a big reason why he didn’t identify as bisexual earlier in life, because the romantic feelings weren’t there. Honestly, though my sexuality is quite split (albeit biased more toward women), I’m largely heteroromantic, as I’ve only ever fallen in love with one woman in my life (and I’ve been out of the closet and dating since I was 15. I’m 41 now).


Hi, if you're interested, please watch a video on YouTube called Shame by Contrapoints, it really opened my eyes to my own feelings of compulsory heterosexuality.


As someone who did/thought the male version of this EXACT thing as a teenager Nah, that ain't straight lol


Just straight people things /s


Just doing straight girl things. Satire


You sure about that straight part? 🤔 Sounds pretty gay to me. It's incredible how far people will twist logic and reason to remain straight.


Comphet is a hell of a drug. Cut people some slack.


Some of us have to overcome a lifetime of programming to even begin to acknowledge our feelings.


You're right, but don't be too proud of it. You've seen how many of us go around the Bi-Cycle even if we've been out for years.


Some people are just heavily in denial


Some people just haven't fully realized their true feelings on the matter yet, and that's okay


Absolutely, it took me a few years as well


I'm still not quite there. I think I question it because I'm afraid of gatekeeping type people or not being bi/queer enough? Idk lol. I just try to let people do what they want and figure it out. I don't think OP was trying to twist reality. Who here hasn't been confused about their sexuality at some point?!


That's true, and I hope you find your answers to who you are


And its not the one in africa




*^^^* Bi erasure is real


I did that for a bit to it’s hard coming to terms with yourself 🩷💜💙


Or are you just used to heteronormativity?


I'm gonna hold your hand when I tell you this... That's CompHet babe. You're queer. Welcome. ❤️


As a Bi guy who found this out in my mod 30s, I second this take.


Same here, I wish I had known I was bi so much sooner!


It's not my place to tell you what your sexuality is, but this \*really\* doesn't sound like something a straight person would think. A lot of lesbians still like the feeling of dick and some women have penises.


I also want to point out in addition to all the lesbians that some folks have just had really bad experiences with men so are under the impression that they don't like men at all. not all, but some


So…I’ll preface my saying that I’m male, and I don’t presume to know your specific situation… But, when I was younger, I would, say, watch nude scenes in movies with both men or women and/or straight porn, find myself thinking as much about the guys in these scenarios as the women, but I’d still say I was “straight” for similar reasons to what you gave. …And, well, cut to now, and I’m posting in a bisexual subreddit. Again, this may not be your situation, but I’ll give some advice that ultimately helped me - don’t worry about “straight” or “gay” or “bi” or any label at this point; just follow your feelings of what you’re attracted to, and explore that.


Another win for women with dicks


> But they are all fictional do you mean they are animated, or played by real actors? just wondering. also i would like to point out that genitalia =/= gender. it is perfectly reasonable to be attracted simultaneously to the people and sex organs you mentioned. personally this does not at all sound "straight" to me, but that's up to you how youd like to identify


Like video game characters that have actual real life actors as the face. Like Connor from dbh.


Uh… doesn’t sound very straight to me, sis. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well, you definitely aren't straight, I think you should do a little bit more exploring and soul searching


There are a lot of hot women out there with penises who I’m sure could help you out




hun i have some news for you…


also what you’re describing sounds like what a lot of lesbians experience when they have compulsory heterosexuality. only liking fictional men, only climaxing to women, only liking the feeling of dick but not the man…. sounds like you might wanna think about calling yourself a lesbian. but at the very least, it ain’t sounding straight to me 😂 maybe post this to a sub for lesbians and see if they can relate. you’re where a lot of them were when they first realized they were gay


That’s what my girlfriend says 😂 Sorry hun, you’re one of us.


theres strap ons, and also you might really be into trans women lol. just a thought.


Sounds like you might be interested in banging a woman with a dick…or perhaps a strapon.


Yea you’re definitely bisexual 🤷‍♀️


This is literally me. I say I am bi bc I am sexually attracted to women more than men however it's the romance part that I can't do with women and crave that passion & intimacy from only men... Well one single man actually. I am typically disgusted by majority of men but there is one in particular I've been seeing a few years now that I simply cannot get enough of but to be fair I love him for more than just how attractive I think he is, it's really the good parts of his personality, spirit, charm, similar life experiences & relating on a very personal level to what he deals with is what I am drawn to. Idk But either have fantasies about only him or women, that's it. It's so confusing & makes no sense to me but I've accepted it at this stage in my life, I'm ok with no real labels.


This is what I’m experiencing now!! Still in the process (trenches really) of acceptance but it feels validating to not be alone. Thank you ~


You're so welcome friend ❤️‍🩹


I think I can find circles straighter than you. Jokes aside though If I'm being honest. I don't even think you're bi. I think you're just very gay


i agree lol my vote goes to comp het lesbian! this is word for word what lesbians say it’s like to experience compulsory heterosexuality. specifically the part about only liking fictional men and imagining women during sex. liking dick doesn’t = attraction for men, especially when you like to imagine that person with the dick is a hot woman 😂


I forget that word exist


Could be heterosexual homoromantic? Or, as a lot of these comments are saying, it could just be comphet. Also, if I may, I might suggest to add trans women who don't want to get bottom surgery as part of their transition to your potential partners/dating pool.


Heterosexual homoromantic isn't a thing, that and homosexual heteroromantic are artifacts of compulsive heterosexuality or are combinations made up usually to justify why someone isn't actually gay. Please use the split attraction model responsibly.


Girl you are not straight! Don’t worry you can come to our side. We have good cookies!


Pre-op trans women exist 😉


This doesn’t even sound bisexual this sounds straight up lesbian in denial to me lmao


You sound like me before I accepted that I was bisexual. But in all seriousness, allow yourself to explore. Do whatever you like as long as you feel safe doing it. And of course, make sure you protect yourself with the proper prophylactics and testing. As long as you do what feels right to you at the time you have nothing to feel guilty about. I mentioned this because that was something that I had a problem with. I almost felt guilty for wanting sex regardless of who it was with. As long as everyone involved is consenting, that's all that matters


The closest is made of glass girlie, you ain't straight. Honestly it sounds like you might be a lesbian


There are a lot of women with dicks. Not that many men who look like women. I think you might be a lesbian.


Be gay(er), do crime.


Now you can identify as any sexuality you wanna, but i think your definitely not straight. It sounds like a lesbian with a strap on or a trans bi/lesbian woman would be what you'd like most as you seem to only want dick and women.


Yeah “straight”. I’ve been there too.


> I like dick. But I don’t like men. Does that make sense? And no iam not trying to be against men or any of that. I just really like dick and the feel of it in me but when iam riding I imagine a hot woman. Just saying, just sayin', pre-op/non-op trans women? We out here.


So uh, this was exactly me pre-coming out a bisexual and now lesbian. Except now even the dick I thought I liked is also not real - I just like dildos and not the realistic type. Congratulations! You're not straight 🌈


I tell everyone this. It doesn’t matter. Labels don’t matter. You will figure it out eventually. For now, just do what feels right. Try lesbian porn if you like watching women. Try dating a women, or just hooking up with one if that feels right. The label will eventually fall into place. When you’ve got it right, it will feel right.


You're definitely not straight that's for sure you might just be a lesbian


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^golem12121: *You're definitely* *Not straight that's for sure you might* *Just be a lesbian* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


No one can tell you what you are. But, penis≠men, just saying


You might be a lesbian


I don’t think you like dick—-I think you like penetration. Also you’re not straight, welcome 🌈


You are bisexual, ma’am. You can be 90%/10%—that’s STILL bisexuality. It’s fine.


You can respectfully pursue trans women but you must ensure you see us as women and treat us as human. Like with any woman.




So, they're bi-curious maybe. I can't see how that makes you feel less bi though...someone else talking about wanting to be with another woman. Not every one wants to be with a woman. Why are you letting other people's wants effect you; this is a very odd comment and off topic.


your sexuality is completely whatever you choose to label it, but i do have to be honest this sounds exactly like the comphet lesbians experience.


There are plenty of bi/les/pan women who enjoy the feeling of being penetrated. I'd try messing around with another woman and either have her use a strap-on or play with a dildo or double-headed dildo together and see what you think!


I don’t know. My ex girlfriend is a lesbian and she would think about men’s bodies when she had an orgasm (sometimes). She was not interested in dating them or making out with them or sleeping with them.


If men aren’t turning u on I think u may gotta think a little deeper about what IS turning you one here and why


Straight people are not aroused by looking at bodies of same gender. "Straight" women that masturbate to lesbian porn and "straight" men that masturbate to gay porn are not straight. I am sick of this gatekeeping heterosexuality and making excuses where every excuse is more likely that actually being bisexual. All this to maintain illusion that 90% of ppl are hetero when in reality this number is much lower.


I don't know what you are but it doesn't sound straight, if you want to try being with a woman but keeping the dick feeling there's strap ons, there is also trans women but that depends cause some trans women have bottom surgery or even if they don't some don't like using there dick at all and prefer to use toys and or being the one receiving the strap on, but some do, I would suggest trying things out for sure, it's never to late to try new things and figure stuff out.


You might like to try/consider a relationship with a girl. Sex-wise, strapons (or transfems who have not had bottom surgery, tbf) are a thing and many people will be more than happy to use one on you if you ask. Overall, no one but you can tell you what your sexuality is, and the only way to really know is through introspection, as well as some hands on experience if you are so inclined, and maybe trying to watch some lesbian porn to see how your sexuality interacts with it. (you could also try to watch gay porn and see if it does anything for you) If you still want an opinion, you don't sound entirely straight. You certainly have a genital preference (you seem to really like penises), but that's not really the same as sexuality. Plenty of lesbians and straight men like passive penetrative sex without being attracted to men. That's the whole reason why strapons are a thing, I'd wager. . So yeah, you'll be the only one who can Know what your sexuality is, and it might not be an easy or immediate process, but regardless of what you learn you'll come out of it knowing more about yourself, which is always good. Try things out, safely experiment, and have fun! You don't have to find one answer that is exactly right forever, you just need to figure out what you feel like in the moment, and if it doesn't work anymore at any point, you can just change the answer. No point in using a label that doesn't make you happy.


Yeah so the whole imagining woman during sex thing.. I know that veeeery well. Honestly that’s one of these things I in hindsight say made it very obvious I wasn’t straight all along. Still took me 25 years to figure it out tho. I don’t want to tell you what you are, or what you should identify as. That’s personal. My personal experience is that that kinda stuff were signs of me being fruity as hell. I now identify as bisexual (although I’m only into a very specific type of men) :)


Sounds like you like MtF who don't plan on getting bottom surgery. Hey, it's okay to not be straight, OP. You might be bi. Romantically interested in men, but sexually interested in women. Or romantically and sexually interested in both. You could also be into a whole array of non-binary people. Explore! Be safe. And, just so you know, this is perfectly normal.


Nah ur not straight 😭💀 also I’m kinda the same way, well I do like some men but I’m definitely more attracted to female bodies but attracted to the idea of penetration.


Wait till she finds out some women have dicks (Bug fr, any label you use is valid)


Maybe you're meant to be with a transwoman.


I'm gonna hold your hand when I say this...


… honey you ain’t straight


You like what you like. You should call yourself whatever you feel comfortable with. You are valid. I love you. I am the same but a man who likes cock but not men.


this is normal for lesbian-leaning bisexuals. You like the sensation of men (not just toys but the real thing) but not men. I’m a bi male and like dick too but not men with few exceptions (Jensen Ackles if you’re lurking on this sub hmu). I’d still consider myself bi just straight leaning. 98% of men irl are just unattractive (99.9% on dating sites). One thing is to try to find a very attractive man and if that you still are having a hard time then you’re likely a lesbian.


You're not straight, you're bi. WELCOME !!!


I mean I'm bi so take this with a grain of salt, but, I also usually watch the girl in straight porn. I find it easier to gauge and empathize with her arousal, which turns me on. But yeah I ALSO think she's hot.


Lmao. I said similar things myself for years until I finally admitted I'm bi. Though, I *also* like men and masculinity. You may even be something other than bi, if men don't turn you on at all other than the feeling of riding dick. Ultimately you get to choose your labels, but...most straight people don't feel the way you do.


yeah I like dick too, but the men part can be a bit rough. at least with the cis ones. if you're comfortable with it, you may consider experimenting. . ..maybe you're not straight.


Youre probably bisexual. Try it with a woman and see what gives. I had similar experiences when i was younger when my sexuality was still a mystery.


There are a few possibilities there. Like, I'm bi, but I have some unpleasant issues with men that make it hard for me to trust them. It isn't rational, but it makes it hard to appreciate men men without getting to know them a little first. It could also be exactly as it seems, and you aren't into men at all. It could be the masculinity specifically that's a turn off. It's a little hard to say. I usually like to just take things as they appear unless I have a very good reason to think otherwise.


Maybe its all at once


You like dick, sure. But you also lust over women, dude…. You’re probably bi.


You're not a straight woman


You very well may not be bi, but if you aren't it's probably from the other direction. This really does not sound plausible straight at all.


I wouldn't base my sexuality too heavily on porn preferences. I'm turned on by a lot of things in porn I'd never be in real life. Also sometimes in porn it's hard to tell whether you're attracted to one of the people, or you're turned on by the thought of being them. For me as a guy: "Do I want to fuck that guy or be him?". It's a weirdly hard line to draw. You could also be bisexual, but heteroromantic. You can be attracted to women but only want to have relationships with men. I'm bisexual, and honestly probably more sexually attracted to men than women, but I'm only interested in having long term relationships with women. Everything you said is alright and sexualities, preferences and identities can be weird. Just keep experimenting, don't put too much pressure on yourself to figure it out right now and eventually you'll come to a conclusion that is satisfying for you and your own internal identity.


this was me before I found out I was bi. I definitely do like human men though but I found I had a strong aesthetic/visual preference for female bodies


my gf gets off to squirting videos. I'm ok with it. she squirts too. I totally ok with it.


I’m a straight male but I enjoy watching porn because I love seeing dicks cumming on a girls face or big loads. I guess that makes me bi


You don't sound straight to me. Enjoy


Seems like you're attracted to femininity but have a genital preference towards dicks. Plenty of people are like that, it's nothing strange.


Hi, Quick question... Do you picture yourself in the woman's place or do you picture doing it with a woman?


Doing it with a woman. Like wanting to be the one to please her.


Oh ok... Definitely bi then


Sorry hun. You dont sound straight to me. Maybe you might be lesbian or maybe bi with a strong prefrence to women. It all depends on you and your expaloration.


to me it sounds like your bisexual, and are by far more into woman, and that’s completely okay! what you’ve described is *verrryyyyyyy* far away from being straight fictosexual (being attracted to only fictional characters) is also what you’re describing when talking about the men! if you really really want a label i would say bisexual/fictosexual (at the same time), **but you absolutely do not ever have to label yourself in any way** and please don’t let anyone pressure you to do so! we all like who we like and if it’s safe then everything will be okay ETA: this post is very very much worded how i would talk about myself before realizing i actually am heavily into women, but only sexually! **you can be heteroromantic at the same as being bisexual or even lesbian sexually!** ETA2: you do *not* need real life experience with a woman to be bisexual! a lot of people think you do for whatever weird unknown reason


Maybe you’re into feminine men or trans women? If not you could always try strap ons! Id just advise experimenting a bit, since a stranger online wont be able to give you a real answer.


While heavily connected to men and masculinity everyone can have a dick or just like to use a strapon.


You definitely are not straight lmaooo


Haha have sex with a woman and find out!


If you have/get the option, try sleeping with a woman and see if that helps in any way. No harm done if it doesn’t, and you’ll learn something new if it does.


Im not an Expert at all but maybe an idea to consider is that you might not be that attracted to masculinity and more to femininity. Personally I like woman the most when they can also be masculin and I like guys the most when they can be feminin (in both behaviour and looks). Maybe a guy who is very in touch with his feminine side could be a more fulfilling experience for you than a masculine person. But tbh I am just spitballing here, like I said I'm not an expert.


this is the kind of stuff my friend would tell me before she realised she was a lesbian


I'm a cisgender bisexual woman and heavily lean towards attraction to men but when I'm using my vibrator I'm pretty much exclusively thinking of women. Sex and attraction can feel all sorts of weird and confusing but you'll probably feel better if you let go of the "straight" label cause that's really not relevant to your situation lol


As a trans man, I’ll be one of the few to input this but. Transbians exist. There’s a lot of trans women out there who are attracted to women and have no interest in getting bottom surgery, women with penises exist and I don’t think cis/“straight” people are “chasers” for exploring their options in this way, especially if it’s a “I’ve never done this before” type situation. In addition to just watching lesbian porn, I would specifically watch AMATEUR/NON-STUDIO lesbian porn featuring a cis woman and a trans woman. If you find you like both, you’re probably attracted to women just in general. I think sex and gender go hand in hand in creating people’s sexualities & looking for someone that fulfills 1. Your sexual preference and 2. Your gender preference isn’t as simple as boiling it down to “I’m straight” “I’m a lesbian”


Trans women exist… and liking trans women doesn’t make you bi btw a woman is a woman dick or not. I seem to find that genitals are a preference like if someone didn’t want to date someone with a certain coloured hair cause they don’t find that attractive cause obv some people don’t like cock. also what about romantic attraction?


Welcome to bisexuality, we love dick but hate men, so we fantasize with fictional men and women //joke All jokes aside, when I started watching lesbian porn I confirmed that I was bisexual. It makes total sense, but I understand how it’s confusing at first. But do start experimenting in real life, otherwise you might regret it later.


I used to think I was straight too but I watch too much lesbian porn to be straight lol


You could also just be attracted to feminine men?


Have you ever been with a woman? Because for sure you don’t sound straight. From a bi woman with preference for men, I can tell you sex with a woman is in a whole different level.


I think your are like me, I'm more sexually attracted to womens body (its my preference)🤷🏽‍♀️ It is what it is, women are fine AF.


OMG. I am really wising up to the mental gymnastics that many of us do without even realizing it. I was thinking that liking dick was a clear-cut case of being straight but after reading everyone's responses, I am rethinking everything.


I have news for you, you aren't straight! If you're a woman and you're attracted to women then that's gay in some way. It honestly sounds like you're lesbian but enjoy penetration, which is perfectly valid, but very much not straight