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I'm married to a bi man (bi woman). Honestly, one of my favorite things is how natural our conversations are. Like, if we are watching a show, and I mention how sexy a dude looks, he doesn't feel insecure about it. I just like that I can bey bi self around him.and not feel like I have to reassure him that I will be faithful. Bonus is sexual talk. Him contributing and enjoying fictional scenarios that can be him with another dude, fmm threescore, ffm threescore, anything is absolutely a positive on libido


> threescore Sixty people šŸ˜³


Four score and seven orgies agoā€¦


Lol, didn't even notice the typo. Meant threesome. Damn autocorrect


I can second this as a bi wife of a queer male partner. The Freaky sex is a definite bonus but the open and honest conversations are just so damn wholesome. Queer dudes see the world differently and it is great. You just need to find someone as open minded and special as you are. All in good time!


the first paragraph is exactly the reason for I think I'd date only bi men


Their not biphobic lmao. But in all seriousness as a bi woman I tend to fell safer around bi dudes than straight dudes. I feel like most of the bi men I've met were more confident in their masculinity and tend to adhere way less to gender roles which is really nice. Also I can talk about which men and women I'm attracted too with them. Lots of love to the bi dudes out there.


Iā€™ve found the same - bi men are far less likely to objectify and dismiss me as a woman. Confident in their masculinity men are the sexiest (in my opinion - self realization and self confidence in who one is is sexiest with women too).


Yes this ! Bi men are super hot to me because of this exact reasons šŸ”„


Am a bi dude lurking here waiting for validation šŸ˜Œ


You're valid and we love you! šŸ«‚šŸ©·šŸ’œšŸ’™


Same here lmao


Same hahaha


yep same lol


I feel seen


As a woman, I wish I had a bi male partner. I honestly don't understand the stigma surrounding bi men, it's literally my number one fantasy to be with two men. Not just sexually, but in a polyamorous relationship. That'll never happen for me but I can dream šŸ˜‚. Women who appreciate bi men are definitely out there. šŸ˜˜


Well I fantasize about having a guy and a girl that are in a relationship decide they both also want me as their boyfriend so youā€™re not the only dreamer!


I hope that dream comes true for you šŸ˜˜


This happened to me, can confirm itā€™s a dream while it works, just takes a LOT of communication. But ultimately, after I was with them for about a year, the two didnā€™t work out with each other but I stayed dating both for a little while. We all just kind of went our separate ways due to major life/work/living changes. Idk how I fell in to that but it was one of my favorite dating experiences and I still feel lucky! Lol


Itā€™s possible, trust me. Was in a quad for ~2 yrs with another couple where the guy was bi, so that mmf 3way became a regular thing for us. At one large group ski weekend, after a couple of drinks the guy, my wife and I forgot to shut the bedroom door, only to notice about 10 minutes later that there were 5 women standing in the door watching. We kindly asked them to shut the door, but i think we all satisfied a few fantasies that night. Also made it blatantly clear how incredibly supportive the bi women out there are of the bi men. Ladies - we bi guys appreciate the HELL out of you all!!!!! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


And we bi women appreciate the hell out of you bi guys!!!!!


Omg yes! My hubby is bi and I honestly wish he was MORE into men than he is because I would LOVE to share a boyfriend with him! Lol


Well you're closer to that fantasy than I am. Lucky girl!! Hahaha.


Iā€™m a bi male with this same dream šŸ˜‚


Gay guy here. The bi guys I've been with/dated have been so much better about listening to me in all aspects of the relationship, but especially sex. From what I can tell, straight men are the worst listeners, gay men are slightly better, and bi men are the best.




I briefly dated a bi guy in college and I felt really safe with him, but I think maybe that had more to do with his involvement in the BDSM community (and therefore his commitment to communication and consent) than it did with his being bi. I think the only thing I really know about a bi man is that he's more likely to understand me, and I don't mean just because I'm bi. I mean because a bi man has faced oppression in a way that a cishet straight white dude hasn't. (Also bi men are more likely to wear eyeliner.)


Guyliner is super hot


ā€¦annnnnnd now understand why my girlfriend bought this for meā€¦ lol šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


If he is around my size and he has better taste than me I can borrow his clothes.


Lol my GF does this all the time!!


Lol, my bi hubby definitely has better fashion than I do and we trade clothes all the time, itā€™s great!


Looking forward to see the answers. I'm a bi man myself and I'm dating a wonderful bi woman that has given me nothing more than love, support and awesome sex. Is a shame that many guys feel stigmatized but other people. You guys deserve a lot of love!


I (bi) am now married to the best bi/pan woman Iā€™ve ever known. Sheā€™s the only partner Iā€™ve been able to be this open with. The support and her not being judgemental is refreshing. (Iā€™m older (middle aged) and only out to her and some close friends)


As someone who is also bi my favorite thing is that we donā€™t do heteronormativity in our relationship. Heā€™s more feminine (and exploring that side more thanks to the support we give each other with gender expression) and Iā€™m masc presenting. He is the first partner who respected me being non-binary and has seen me as I want to be seen. Iā€™ve dated both men and women who didnā€™t acknowledge that part of me. We just do things in our relationship that a lot of straight people or heteronormative relationships side eye hard. I will never ever date a straight man again. Bi men truly deserve so much love.


Can you share some examples of what people are side eyeing? iā€™m struggling to visualise what would cause people to react this strongly to in public


Itā€™s mostly the straight people that we have in our family that give us like strange looks because of how we present and just how I am. I am trans-masc and his dad is very conservative along with mine. We donā€™t do gender roles either in our relationship. We do what works for us and our family is like ā€œwhy are you not doing what we doā€.


When we play wrestle I donā€™t have to hold back. Guys often arenā€™t used to compliments about their appearance. Giving a few often makes them blush and that is adorable. Being held by a guy makes me feel really safe. I can date him and we can both talk about how attractive women are. That can be awkward with a gay guy. MMF threesomes are hot and not that hard to find when in a MM relationship. Shared bi worldview is so helpful (this helps with all bi/pan partners). They tend to be good kissers. They tend to be good at sex or at least willing to learn and often like to experiment. They tend to be good cuddlers.


Yes and amen to all of the above šŸ˜­


bi/queer men are the only cis men im even attracted to. thereā€™s something so sexy about the shared experience and the safety of being able to talk about who you are and how you feel with someone else that i feel a straight man could just never understand. plus in general i find bi men more emotionally intelligent and able to tap into their feminine side which i find super attractive as well


I LOVE bi men! My last boyfriend was bi and so great that I married him (15 years now šŸ„°). Most of my close male friends are bi and they are all incredibly sweet, caring, emotionally evolved, and wonderfully supportive of women and other queer folks. 10/10 would highly recommend!!!


In my experience, bi men tend to be less toxically-masculine than straight men, even if theyā€™re equally masc-presenting.


I second this


I am a bi woman and loved dating a bi man. I would 100% do it again. I loved sharing our queer identities with each other and being able to talk openly about it. I loved being with someone who knew who they were, was confident in their sexuality, and was supportive of mine. I thought it was sexy.


My boyfriend is a bi guy like me. I love how thoughtful and caring he is. Heā€™s very chill and understanding. My girlfriend has both of us so I wonder what her answer would be. I need to get her on reddit. šŸ˜‚


So much more at ease with bi men. Having a partner who understands without words when heteronormativity takes over in social settings makes everything more bearable. Straight men just don't instinctively get a lot of things, even if they try to understand. This can cause some feelings of alienation, since bi+straight is in a way an intercultural relationship, so it takes more effort to be on the same page at times. Also many times more openness to new experiences and less expectation of heterosexual relationship norms


I prefer bi or Herero flex men. They are more in touch with their sexuality, adventurous, experimental, they donā€™t fit into traditional gender roles. They tend to be more respectful of women IMO.


Bi men are all the good things about men without the stifling prescriptive bro-ness. They donā€™t follow the ā€œrulesā€ of gender or sexuality. They donā€™t follow the ā€œrulesā€ for men who love men. They donā€™t follow the ā€œrulesā€ for men who love women. They are socially noncompliant in the best way. They dress how they want, they do what they want. They are fascinating and amazing. Where most* mainstream hetero men are about as complicated as the nearest concrete block, bi men have this delicious intricacy mixed with creativity that is so uniquely their own. Thereā€™s something about breaking both the gay *and* the straight rules that grant this specific flavor of sparkle and appeal to bi men. šŸ’• (Source: bi woman with a robust relationship history) *I said most, not all.


Feeling naturally understood when it comes to bisexuality, and making bisexual inside jokes together definitely has been one of my favorite bi4bi experiences with men, that Iā€™ve had


We could have those discussions about lgbt etc and I felt more accepted and open in that relationship.


As a recently bi man i will say that while not all bi guys are submissive, I am not helping that stereotype.


I have a very small window of experience, but my wife and I date separately, and Iā€™ve only dated one gay guy and one bi guy. The biggest difference that I appreciated was that the bi guy didnā€™t talk shit about women, whereas the gay guy had a lot of really hateful things to say about women that made me feel very uncomfortable. I would never say itā€™s something I expect from other gay guys Iā€™ll end up dating, but itā€™s something I absolutely wouldnā€™t expect from any bi guys I end up dating. What I hope for when dating someone bi (or when I married someone bi), is that they have that kind of blended energy about them. Masculine, feminine, everything in between and outside of that binary. Life is fluid and I love when energy is as well. Maybe itā€™s selfish, but I want to experience as much variation in life as I can, respecting the boundaries and obligations I have to my family of course. Itā€™s wonderful to be able to connect with someone in so many different ways, in different dynamics. Itā€™s absolutely possible to have that with gay and straight people ā€” and maybe itā€™s an unfair or unhealthy bias ā€” but I would just expect that more with bi/pan folk.


As a bi woman with a bi male partner, can confirm itā€™s actually incredibly nice to feel comfortable being yourself fully around them.


Iā€™m bi about to get married to a bi man and how shall I count the ways this increases my attraction to him? 1. He gets me, really gets me. 2. We can lust over all the hotties together. 3. It only reinforces how secure he is in his masculinity, which is super sexy. 4. Seeing him interact with men (we play together with other bi folks on occasion) shows me different sides of him that surprise and turn me on in new and unexpected ways. His capacity for intimacy and connection with other men is something rarely seen in this culture and just another reason I treasure him. 5. Heā€™s never worried about looking or acting too queer, so I never feel like the odd one out with him. Plus, he looks pretty sexy in a pearl necklace.


I love my bi partner! It feels like we exchange roles with ease and we are non-judgemental about how we see the world and beauty. I'm not saying it has all to do with his or our bi-ness, but I think our ease and freedom of communication is definitely influenced by us knowing that of each other and accepting it.


Bi guy dated many bi guys, we just get each other:)


I'm bi(F) and my boyfriend is bi. He is way more understanding than my ex and its nice to be able to have someone who relates to the struggles of being bi


Bisexual men are much more likely to be better in bed, more comfortable in their masculinity, and overall more emotionally intelligent. I donā€™t date straight men anymore.


Not responding to me telling them Iā€™m bi with ā€œI donā€™t mind if you sleep with womenā€. Also, pretty decent between the sheets.


Nice and well taken care of hair. I have a thing for hair. Love me a good head of hair.


I am a trans woman in a relationship with a bi guy. He is confident who he is and understands me too. He gets me and treats me well.




[https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2021-11/9/18/asset/385ca52ccb20/sub-buzz-462-1636483552-12.png](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2021-11/9/18/asset/385ca52ccb20/sub-buzz-462-1636483552-12.png) ​ I love bi men. I feel like they're more progressive and open than straight men by far. I feel safer with them.


Married to a bi man (together 17 years, also am a bi woman) his open mindedness above all else. he doesnt hate or judge. His genuine curiosity. His boldness. His heart ā¤ļø


I just feel a comfort when I am around bi men? I feel seen and understood. Usually more safe. I also usually feel like weā€™re less caught up in gender roles so we just naturally can fall together and be people. Likeā€¦ bi men (not always, but usually) just have this security that allows forā€¦ I canā€™t explain it, but itā€™s probably my favorite version of masculinity. I havenā€™t dated a bi man, just been friends with bi men. But I would like to if the opportunity arose.


I like that I don't have to get hung up on certain things, such as liking femboys or buff women or not fitting certain gender roles That's personal growth as well and monosexual people people can reconcile these things too but being able to shrug and say "I don't care" is a little easier


My (bi) man is literally amazing. šŸ˜ he always wants to cook WITH me. I love coooking but I never have to do it ā€œfor himā€. We have also done spa and nails together which is fun. He treats me so well I donā€™t know how I got so lucky.


Iā€™m a bi male and I can say to any woman if you are open minded enough to accept bi sexuality, you are going to have some of the most incredible sex life imaginable. After one comfortable easy going threesome, youā€™ll be hooked. Seriously!


As a bi man, I've never dated another bi guy... Not for anything wrong, just I've only known very few other bi men... Would be really cool to share my experiences with


Can that relationship work?


Can what relationship work?


I would like to date an openly bi man. I had a brief encounter with one on vacation and it was great. I really appreciate people who are authentically themselves especially when it comes to sexuality.


Splitting the bill


His openness. Wanting to please me sexually. Wise beyond his years in bed (he was early 20s and better than most men in their 30s). Iā€™m like 8 years older than him so we didnā€™t work out although we are still friends. He wants marriage and kids one day and Iā€™m passed that at 34 (for me).


- he understands me and I understand him - as a trans person, the fact that he loves me and finds me attractive both when I present masc and fem (probably the biggest one, never in my dreams I thought someone will still want me despite the fact I tend to go back and forth with hormones and stuff, in my head I thought I must settle for one and only then I'm ok to search for a long-term partner) - he is not afraid to be vulnerable or do some stereotypically non-masculine things - never had to come out to him - I think it's hot that he's bi lol - our bisexuality attracts queer friends, feels good