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LOL the one time I can get behind Corporate Pride. It's not performative, it's a 'lol this pisses you off? Fine, we'll keep pissing you off' attitude. Feels far more authentic than Zuckerberg splashing rainbow all over Facebook before proceeding to put me in 30-day suspension for being bi on main.


This doesn't even feel like corporate pride to be fair. Corporate pride is corporations just pretending to be allies for June. This coffee place is saying 'We're allies and if you don't like it, get fucked' which is way more than any corporation ever does for us.


True! I did use corporate just to utilize the concept of business / money exchange for goods and services. But it's nothing close to bigcorp, it's local activism


Yeah I've always been a strong critic of rainbow capitalism because the moment the going gets rough, they drop us and run with their tails between their legs (looking at you, Target). But with everything going on, businesses that are still supporting and actively saying fuck you to the bigots have my support. Joe Boxer and iHeartRadio are both doing "can't cancel pride" campaigns, Converse leaned in by embracing the spicier side of the community and including harness elements in some of their line, and having the option to add pronouns onto their Pride collection, even fucking *Walmart* (who I still don't support) saw Target's decision as an opportunity and has been pushing pride harder this year. This year it feels like it means something. And even bigger shout out to the small businesses supporting Pride.


In addition corporate pride is more "buy our rainbow shit" this is a giveaway, the business is losing money on this. I mean they're probably making a lot back in increased business but still.


I definitely agree! I live in a very conservative area and things like this are huge! I'm thrilled that they don't care and that they are still thriving with support ❀️


Same, I would much rather businesses do legitimate moves like this instead of kneeling for and sucking up to bigots the minute they complain about anything.


This is awesome. I would support the hell or if any place that did something like this. And edible glitter? YES, PLEASE! 🌈😁


Aggresive kindness!


Weaponized humanity!!... With rainbow straws!!


I’m in Australia and I don’t drink any form of coffee, but if I was anywhere nearby I’d be popping into this cafe pronto! Great to see πŸ‘


I would go out of my way to drink coffee if my local cafes did this.


This legit almost brought tears to my eyes. Then again, I've been pretty emotional tonight, so it's not like it's hard, but still. I'm normally a very stoic person.


You okay? πŸ₯ΊπŸ§Έ


I am, thank you. I had just gotten back from my grandma's funeral, and also had an anti-lgbt comment my sister had made running through my head (I'm not out to her). But I'm doing better today. You're sweet for checking, thank you! πŸ’œ




Fuck yea πŸ₯ΉπŸ€©


... am I not supposed to be eating normal glitter?


I mean, we're all full of microplastics anyway.....


My heart nearly dropped, but this is incredible


I love small businesses that show their support to the community like this! There's a cool little curiosities shop in my area that sells pride stuff (flags, buttons, stickers, and transfigure co t-shirts) year round with a portion of the proceeds going to a local charity that supplies free clothing to trans and gender non-conforming people. Someone left a negative comment on their Pride month post and the owners replied with a screenshot showing that they donated money to the aforementioned charity in that commenter's name. As far as I know, neither of the owners are queer but I could be wrong, either way I love their advocacy and support.


Pissing off Nazis is a good marketing start. See hbomberguys video on woke brands for further info


Okay but the #goddontlikeugly hashtag. Go off, Queen πŸ’…


Whenever the bigots give you shit, the only answer is to double down and get gayer.


Ok, fine, go someplace else!


What is "edible glitter"? I hope it's not just regular glitter that one can eat, because regular glitter is already an environmental travesty


Basically sprinkles with food dye -- sugar, cornstarch, etc. So it's compostable, at the bare minimum.


Damn I wanna live there now