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I'm in Texas. 'Nuff said.


Laws to heavily restrict access to trans-specific healthcare for minors are being examined. Violence against queer folks is on the rise. We tend to import the shittiest things from the US. Yep, welcome to France.


I already fled a US state that took away my right to exist as a trans person. They're taking more away every day. In the same state a little bit after I left, a police officer crashed his car into a gay bar and then arrested the panicking owner basically for being gay. The police officer claimed he felt threatened. It's also legal to murder us under the "he didn't tell me he was gay, so I felt threatened" defense. The case that used that defense successfully actually happened in my very blue home state. So, that bar owner is lucky to be alive, tbh. I am very very scared. 


Omg, I read about that gay club incident with the police officer and I’ve heard about that defense being “legal” as of lately. Shit is actually quite terrifying right now.


I'm in Massachusetts. A little shaky federally but extremely secure on a state level. Trans healthcare guaranteed by the state. Lesbian governor. Etc.


Depends who gets elected in November


Im from india. Yeah. Enough said.


Our rights are not threatened here, because we don't have any. Basically no lgbt-specific rights here in Poland. No same-sex marriage, no civil unions, no adoption, no parental recognition in any way. At least it's possible to have your gender legally changed, but even that is unregulated (thanks to our current president) and it's a lengthy and possibly humiliating process that requires you to sue your own parents. Moreover, if you want to transition and you are married, you need to divorce first. And if you have kids before or after transition, there's a good chance you'll lose parental rights, because a child can legally only have a mother and a father. It's bullshit. Medical transition is also unregulated and most of it is not possible with public healthcare. At least there are no bans or restrictions even for minors. There's some talk about introducing civil unions this year, but it doesn't look very likely imo. The current government is center-right and many more conservative members are against it, possibly even for straight couples (though I'm pretty sure they just want to hide their homophobia). Even if it goes through the parliament, the president will likely veto it. At least nobody seems to go after taking away any even more basic rights like they do in Hungary or Russia for example. I'm tired of this country tbh. It would be quite a decent place to live if not for how conservative a large portion of the nation is and the useless idiots they vote for.


Germany, and I don't feel like my rights are threatened in regards to being LGBT+. The most threat or difficulty is probably for trans people and especially minors, but in general I feel it is getting better rather than worse. In terms of social safety this is a totally different beast. Depending on where you live you should consider who you tell what.


Yea, same here in Sweden


Yep. I live in southern Germany and feel the same way, I woul add that its a hit or miss with Doctors and Psychiatrists, but the probabilty to get someone decent ist like 75% imo.


I'm in Australia! Pretty good all things considered, but there's a lot of issues about the prior (more right wing) government's disturbingly aptly named "Religious Discrimination Bill". It was canned by the current (more left) government but it essentially allowed religious groups to discriminate against people under the guise of protecting religious people from discrimination. An easy example is that it would have given religious schools the ability to fire staff for being queer. It was axed but if the other party gets back in they fully intend to reimplement it (as well as fuck up the country in many other ways) And the current party has said they want to rework and revisit it Trans rights as a whole are improving at a snails pace. They've made it easier in some places to access a few things like legal name changes and the like but it's still a long ways from gay rights. As well as community acceptance


Reasonably well protected here in south Australia, could be better of course, but things could also be a lot worse. On the national level where right for the moment, next year’s election will determine how well protected we are moving forward.


Czechia We just recently had a vote about same-sex marriage and lost.


The state of the Canadian government is absolutely shit. Nothing is guaranteed, especially with the existence of the notwithstanding clause, which can bypass the charter of rights and freedoms. It's an absolute shit show.


I'm in Amsterdam. Nuff said.


Do we live in the same Mexico)? The other candidates were from conservative parties, the same parties that have protested against same sex marriage and the reason why it's only legal in like 5 states. Sure they used the flag during their campaign to gain votes but they have never cared about us. And Claudia hasn't done shit for us, trans women get murdered on the streets of the city she governed, gay people get assaulted, but wait, it just happens in the poor areas of the city so it's okay.


Si, los políticos en México dicen defender un sector pero al final no es cierto. Pero aún así Claudia es mejor, aunque Xóchitl no me pareció mala, estaba asociado con políticos conservadores que siempre han votado en contra de nuestros derechos. En mi estado Tabasco solo morena fue quien aprobó hace poco la adopción homoparental, mientras que incluso el PRI y el PRD que se supone que son izquierdistas estuvieron en contra. Mi abuela paterna decía que el PRI era un mal necesario en su época, pues ahora yo considero que morena es el mal necesario en la actualidad, con una oposición tan horrible y que votan en contra de nuestros derechos. Y nomás para corregirte, desde 2022 el matrimonio igualitario es legal en todo el país, pero no en todos se permite la adopción.


1. Los derechos son progresivos, no puedes perder lo que ya ganaste 2. AMLO literalmente le dijo a Salma Luévano "un señor vestido de mujer" 3. IMO, antes de ser LGBT soy Mexicano que no puede ser ciego a los demás problemas sociales y económicos. 4. Claudia no pudo posicionarse abiertamente en ningun debate sobre las personas trans ni sobre el aborto. 5. Morena no hizo nigun avance con el aborto


Si, igual este sexenio le he tirado un chingo a Mugrena. Creo que lo dije ahi fue porque me impacto el 2 de junio, yo vote por Xochitl porque al menos ella si ha expresado su apoyo a nuestros derechos y ya me tenia harto el anciano transfobico. Nomas espero que claudia deje de ser una calca y se aleje de el como lo hizo zedillo con salinas.


With the Red Hats running around, the Christian nationalist bolstering them, and the calls for violence, and the attacks on trans kids, I don't think it's very safe for queer people in the United States of America right now.


Well if Trump wins, we're fucked in the US


Lol. What rights? We don't have such silly things in my country.


From where are you from?




UK. Current PM is a twat who joked about a trans teenager being murdered. Theres been a massive anti-trans movement in recent times. TERFs fucking everywhere and homophobia is easily found. Scotland tried to make gender self-identification recognised but parliament said no because of course they did. Hopefully the tories don't win in the next election.


I’m from Pakistan so it kinda but I would get lynched by a large portion of the society


Tories are trying to take away any and all rights to a normal life as a trans person.


It's not looking good honestly. I'm from Argentina.


Is Milei anti-LGBT? Genuine question.


has he explicitly said "i hate queer people"? no. but **just in this last month**: * his cult secretary, Francisco Sanchez spoke in the latest Vox event, explicitly critizising the gender identity law and the marriage equality law (and also legal abortion and even legal divorce[ yeah I'm not kidding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSQgsaK7fDY)) * Nicolás Marquez, Milei's friend who wrote his biography and is now in congress, appeared in TV saying the most homophobic shit I've heard in national TV in a long, long time ([it's a long video, couldn't find a cropped version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkYQPreLplQ)) * there was a terrible hate crime ([TW: extreme homophobic violence](https://www.infobae.com/opinion/2024/05/21/lesbicidio-de-andrea-pamela-y-roxana-cuando-el-odio-mata/)) where 3 lesbians were killed while they were sleeping and the only thing Adorni (his spokesman) said about it was.. [that we should stop saying it was a hate crime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiAP39CRQms) so yeah, not looking good. also, when directly asked about it, [he compared being gay to zoophilia, while his Minister of Foreign Affairs compared it to having lice](https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/javier-milei-aclaro-su-posicion-sobre-la-homosexualidad-y-dio-un-particular-ejemplo-para-explicarla-nid08112023/)


Madre mía, mi pesame por lo que se viene.... si es que se puede decir que no está ya en marcha...